Bonded Summoner

Book 4. Chapter 5: Surge

Jake’s party of 10 entered the challenge, and the only thing different from the previous challenge was that there were several heavily armored undead knights at the front of the force of skeletons. These were clearly superior to the rest, and had vicious looking pole arms or two-handed swords.

Jake, Fhesiah and Ophelia cast their large lance of fiery creation at the large bone monstrosity in the rear, Jake trying to channel some rage into the attack, finding himself to be somewhat successful, the impact minimal.

Perhaps, he couldn’t really force it without something to ignite his anger. After this, Ophelia went to join the beastkin in fighting off the new threats.

This fight went similarly, but Ophelia found that the larger skeletal knights were death knights. They attempted to reduce their strength with abilities similar to what Blood had access to, having an aura that weakened them and even drained life into them.

The effect weakened everyone, but Jake’s aura of heavenly flames protected against this somewhat. Ophelia was nearly completely unaffected between that and divine reinforcement, along with her purifying flames.

Bree bulldozed one of the death knights after stomping through numerous skeletal warriors, breathing flame left and right all the while.

Tanda and Rikka aided Bree against the large death knights, while Vesuvius and Jarrix took on another. Ophelia used her superior speed and skill to quickly defeat a death knight, using a powerful [Spear of Hestia] infused into her spear, followed by [Consecration] to wipe out a large amount of skeletons.

They managed to clear the challenge without any major injuries, though Vesuvius and Jarrix had taken some blows to their bodies protected by their auril, the death knights being too strong and skilled for them to come out unscathed.

Ophelia was able to keep them healed with her Hearth of Hestia, focusing on taking them out with her flanking maneuvers.

Jake, Bloodberri and Fhesiah were easily able to take down the two Necromancers, no traps waiting for them. Bloodberri made quick work of their deathly shield, and Jake and Fhesiah lit the two casters aflame with empowered flames.

They rushed near the end, as the battlegroup was under attack outside by a swarm of pterodactyls.

Jake’s party arrived outside, and it was pandemonium. There were dozens of pterodactyls swarming around, swooping in with a scything green auril. The battlegroup had gathered around Darris, him creating a large barrier of water that rebuffed the creatures.

Like a snake made out of a river, it weaved and waved around knocking into the flying beasts. The beastkin sent waves of colored projectiles into them, eventually piercing through their protections or stunning them with raw impact of force.

They threw javelins, fired their bows, and speared the angry creatures, but he wasn’t going to be able to defend the battlegroup for much longer. Roxo sent red blades in waves out from his two swords, cutting down many of the creatures.

Many flying dinosaurs already lay dead on the ground, and Jake thought there might have been hundreds total. As Jake’s aura covered the battlegroup, the creatures started falling rapidly.

Their auril had been protecting them before, but now the explosions added to the ranged attacks helped knock them out of the sky.

Jake did his best to channel his [Wrath] at seeing some beastkin wounded outside, and was surprised to see that his anger did increase. His runes lit even more red than usual, and his spells were empowered in even more.

He actually found himself having a hard time calming down, his breaths heavy as he sent flaming spear after flaming spear after the creatures.

Ophelia and Tanda both sent calming reassurance to him, doing their best to calm him down. He eventually took a deep breath, releasing a sigh.

“Thanks, girls.”

Ophelia had a frown on her face. “I really don’t like the feel of that, it feels wrong.”

Tanda nodded. “Yeah, it doesn’t really feel like you at all. Even your heartbeat changed, it felt like you were somebody else.”

Jake looked over the battle, finding that the battle was nearly won. Berri once again felt worried when she heard Jake’s thoughts; his desire to capture a template from one of these creatures.

Jake began canceling the covenant for Wrath, Ophelia casting a barrier and absorbing the next round of mortar fire, the tower continuing its assault. Tanda, Ophelia and Fhesiah took to the air and started clearing out the creatures.

Once the covenant wore off, Jake started capturing what he saw was the largest one that he saw was wounded but alive. The creature deconstructed into motes of light, as Jake earned the ability to use this creature as one of his temporary summons.

“Berri, we talked about this. You know that I would rather have it but not need it, than to need it and not have it. We will still travel together and fight together, I promise.”

Berri looked as conflicted as she felt over their bond, but eventually, he felt calm acceptance. “I… Okay, Jake. I’m sorry… I really love our time together, and I was scared to lose it.”

“And I love and enjoy it too, believe me when I say that. We’ll have so many opportunities to be together in the future, there is no way I would ever replace you in my life. We can always go for a trip as a date too, you know. Just me and you, and Blood, of course.”

Berri showed a beaming smile. “Oh! I’d love that!”

Jake reactivated his Aegis state, and they wrapped up killing the creatures. They began looting the creatures as a battlegroup, and Jake said goodbye to Bree once more.

There were many to clean up, and the beastkin were satisfied with helping the dismantling of the auril beasts. They did not want to leave the corpses to rot atop the unliving stone, wanting none of the creature’s life energy to be wasted.

The party was resting after completed the cleanup of the dead beasts, when Jake got a prompt, along with Ophelia. The two had both finally reached Level 20. Jake received his specialization choice, and his feelings were mixed.

[Choose Mythic Class Specialization Choice - Option will grant skill now, to be advanced when class advances.]

[Avatar Armament - Battlemaster will create Epic to Divine-grade equipment linked and aspected to Bonded, limited to 1 at a time before Tier Up for personal or Bonded’s usage. Does not consume party member slot, and equipment will be linked to Bonded. Bonded can aid Battlemaster in various ways from anywhere through Avatar Armament. Upgrade at Tier Up leads to more armaments, empowered by powerful Bonds.]

The first option sounded interesting. It appeared the girls and him could create Armaments that were linked to themselves, allowing them to aid him no matter where they were. The grade of the equipment likely had to do with the power of his Hearth Bonded, Jake guessed. The idea that his girls could produce Mythic or higher equipment for his usage sounded extremely powerful, and versatile.

[Fusion Ascension - Battlemaster and Hearth Bonded will fuse their spirits together, to create a powerful spell matching the combined’s classes or aspects. Requires high level of synchronization and Bond, along with Spirit Resonance. Evolves at Tier Up towards temporary Fusion of Body and Spirit with Hearth Bonded, Ascension into a powerful being.]

Jake’s eyebrows rose in surprise. The second ability’s evolution appeared to be quite powerful to Jake. It sounded like it had the most requirements, being the most challenging to use. It was also the only one specifically mentioning the Hearth Bond.

Fhesiah said, “I like the first one, husband. That way, you can get more wives, being able to help your cause from anywhere in the multiverse. We can’t always be with you now already, but with that, we always will, even if we are off fighting another battle.”

Ophelia frowned. “I like that I could be your shield permanently in yet another way, but the idea that it leads to more wives, I’m not so sure is for the best. Jake’s time with us is already pulled thin with us all wanting more, do you really want to compete with more girls?”

Fhesiah shrugged. “I think that’s a shortsighted way to look at things. We will be together for hundreds, even thousands of years. What is a few nights here and there, when it means we could accomplish so much more? Besides, you just have to double-up, and you’ll double your time, when are you going to give it a try? I’m willing to share my nights with you any time, you know.”

Ophelia blushed, but she frowned. “That’s neither here nor there. Still, the second option sounds like it might lead to more power overall within our party, once the skill evolves. It may not be all that powerful now, as it appears the spells might be some kind of summons since the spells are based off your class as well as ours.”

Jake shook his head. “You could say that about the Avatar Armament, too. I already have goddess-given equipment. It’s not linked to any of you, but if we are comparing effectiveness gained, the two ideas should be close.”

Tanda joined in, “I do like the idea of the Armament, because then I could continue to maintain the balance here, spending more time with my brethren. I’m a bit mixed, I think I will need more time to think on this.”

Jake said, “You’ve been awfully quiet, Blood and Berri. What do you two think?”

Berri frowned, her emotions turbulent. “I like the idea I can stay at home with our babies and still help, but I like the idea of becoming one with Jake! I still want to go on many adventures, so I’m more wanting Fusion!”

Blood sighed. “I’m mixed on the idea as well. The armament would give me yet another means for me to interact with the world, but not a body of my own once more. But once the skill evolved at Tier 3, perhaps such a thing might be possible? That makes me desire it somewhat, but I think this selfish. I thought I was good with sharing my body forever with Berri, but you don’t know how much you want something, until it is right in front of you. I also wonder about how either option would work for us, as we’re two beings. Do we get two armaments, two fusions?”

Jake sighed. “It’s hard to know, I think the latter would be just speculation on how it could work. Both say Bonded, and so my money would be on it being just one for the both of you, as I only have one Bond with the two of you. It seems we will need to spend some time discussing this as a family as this choice has potential repercussions, so we will have to wait on mine. I doubt either option would really pull out the win for the upcoming fight if things were close, as each are kind of marginal in their impact until class evolution, it looks like?”

Jake received agreement from all his girls, including Tanda.

Ophelia laughed. “At least, I think mine is a bit easier.”

[Choose Specialization for Epic Class Alignment]

[Flames of Hestia, Runic Empowerment, Chosen Technique]

Looking over the choices, each would grant her a spell or ability now. The flames of Hestia would push her more towards being like a mage or healer valkyrie, as her [Hearth of Hestia] would be empowered, able to accomplish more things.

Jake did mostly like the choice, but he wondered about if she had managed to become a Champion of Athena already, if she’d have had a different option.

The runic empowerment would place tattoos on her body, empowering it. Jake’s eyes lit up at this option, as he thought it should be possible for him to accomplish this without the use of the Framework granting an ability or passive skill.

He already had her hearth to enchant later, once he felt he was truly ready and good enough to accomplish this. He wanted to be at Runic Enchanting and Runic Magic Level 4 at a minimum, ideally level 5 in both before he attempted what he thought would be irrevocable changes on their hearths, which were deeply connected to their souls.

Jake had only done this to Fhesiah because it felt like he didn’t have a choice, setting a baseline for her Hearth during formation. Perhaps, enchanting their bodies was a possibility using some method as well.

That left the final option, Chosen Technique.

[Chosen Technique]

[Empowers Valkyrie’s Technique with properties of Chosen’s. Ride of the Valkyries will be enhanced, then Enhanced by Chosen’s [Runebound States]. Because covenant will or can also provide drawbacks to valkyrie, strengths on both sides will be enhanced.]

Jake’s eyebrows rose in surprise as he read the prompt. In some ways, this was amazing. He felt his Runebound technique was effective at increasing his output in powerful ways.

Now, this would increase the number of drawbacks he could possibly take on, in order to receive even larger advantages. The changes could be even larger, influencing two beings. In theory, he could even make a State where the drawback was Ophelia’s power was sacrificed into himself, or vice versa.

At the same time, it required Jake to be a lot more tactical in his usage of his [Runebound States]. When he first came up with them, he relied on the idea that if he used Wrath or Juggernaut, Ophelia could take over shielding or healing others in his stead, or take on offense while he handed defense.

With this change, that would no longer be possible. This required Jake to be a lot more strategic about their usage, but it also meant that should he use Juggernaut, not only would he be strengthened further, but Ophelia would be, too.

The idea that his powerful winged knight could have Juggernaut was amazing, as Jake was able to fight toe to toe with the godly summon using it. What if Ophelia was boosted the same?

Ophelia looked at Jake, and their eyes met. She smiled at him brightly, Jake feeling the love she had for him over their bond.

“You devote yourself and your powers to us girls so much, at least one of us has to devote our powers to you. With this, there are more ways that I can become your shield, limited only by our imagination. I just know we’ll come up with something amazing, to make us empower each other even more.”

Jake nodded, and she made her selection. Because Jake already had Aegis State activated, it carried over to her. His blue runes lit up even further, and she was covered in them as well. Her spear’s runes dimmed, but her shield’s brightened even further. She tried floating it, and she smiled as it moved a lot further.

“It looks like I can almost use it as thought it has the hearth in it at all times. I bet if I drop the hearth into it, it will work even faster.”

Jake frowned. “Can you even cast the hearth now?”

She summoned it, and Jake sighed in relief. He was able to summon creatures in Aegis state, so he had some expectations of that working for her. She activated her [Ride of the Valkyries], and she swayed side to side, and moved around. Jake thought her movements were more fluid and less jerky, her having even more control over her momentum.

“It’s even better now! Even reduced by Aegis, I feel more powerful, and faster!”

When she added the Hearth to the shield, it became even more powerful and faster. Jake was a big fan of this formation, as now their defense was significant, and Bloodberri, Tanda, and Fhesiah could handle offense.

Once rested, they continued their assault. The path sloped downwards, the army heading down the hill as they circled inward toward their final destination.

They fought through skeletons on both the ground and on the buildings, their flyers able to fly as high as they wanted. They were able to easily assault the ballistas and catapults that stood on top of buildings, and taking out the mages.

There were now death knights lining the paths, making it slower to move forward. Fighting downhill was a large advantage, but these creatures were more dangerous. Some of them would pull beastkin toward them, causing Ophelia to use [Intervene] and rescue them.

After a few times of this occurring, Tanda and Rookard began sniping the more-elite monsters.

They moved forward at the lumbering pace of Bill, moving toward the final building. The mortar tower had its cooldown lowered, firing nearly every ten seconds now.

Jake’s mana was now decreasing faster than he could regenerate, and so he had Ophelia take shielding every few mortars instead. With their [Aegis] state, her sacrificial barriers were empowered and quite impressive. Ophelia and Jake were the protectors of the battlegroup, making sure nobody fell.

They neared the fourth challenge, and Ira sent feelings of alarm just before the mountain began to rumble. Jake looked to Fhesiah, hoping she had an answer.

“It’s… It’s water? Water is surging up through the mountain!”

Jake frowned, looking up the hill, and down the path they were in. Buildings lined the sides of the path they were on, but there were in fact spaces between the buildings. They were able to leave the path now that they had been heading down the hill with the detection shield raised, it appeared.

But the water would flow down the hill beyond the buildings, and moving to the other side of them away from the tower would not help this.

Jake had so many concerns. He thought that he understood the best action for them to take, and deactivated his covenant for Aegis, to have more options.

Jake shouted with runes enhancing his voice, “Everybody, up onto the buildings. We’ll stay on the outer ring, and move toward the final challenge.”

Bloodberri quickly brought Jake on top of the building nearby, the rest of the reptile and wolf beastkin climbing up rapidly. The avian beastkin arrived just as Jake did. Jake was satisfied that the beastkin were such quick climbers, the buildings posing no challenge for them to climb up. He remembered the old battlegroup. They would not have been able to achieve this on their own.

Tanda said, “Just what is going on?”

“There’s water about to flood down on us. This is Tartarus changing the game once again, taking advantage somehow. We’ll have to adapt. I think we can use Darris here!”

A massive geyser of water erupted at the top of the road they were on, and the water started surging down towards them within just a few moments.

The reptile, wolf, and avian beastkin quickly arrived up on the buildings, and Ophelia and Fhesiah quickly sent a large wave of divine flames to clear the next buildings, allowing them to run rapidly toward their goal. Jake wasn’t sure if more water would come or shift further, and wanted them to be ahead of it.

The water flowed down the slope of the city rapidly, and it was like a several story tall tidal wave was coming down the hill at them. Darris had climbed up next to Jake, having come at his call. Rookard, Jarrix, Vesuvius and Roxo were all aiding the raid party moving forward, protecting them from magical mortars.

Jake knew they wouldn’t be able to hold on for long, but should be enough time to deal with the river.

Just as Jake thought that they were going to be ahead of it and be fine, it was like the river had a mind of its own, moving straight towards them. It flowed over the height of the two to three-story-tall buildings.

Jake decided he could use a little help, and decided to cast another guardian summon. The guardian beast of Amarr, the hound. When he summoned it, he brought the kobold acolyte to the top of their building using [Call Summon].

The hound was larger than a horse, and gave off waves of deathly ice. The plants growing on it were crystallized lilies. It had a proud demeanor, and once again, it was a female. She seemed to understand why she was called, and began building up a powerful frost attack, drawing the auril in the area from the many beastkin. Darris looked on at the creature in surprise.

Fhesiah sent in his mind, [There are…creatures inside. They look like… even more monstrous versions of Bloodberri!]

Jake quickly switched to [Wrath], and immediately began queuing up his spells in both his runic bubble and working together with Ophelia, now that she had returned with Fhesiah. She was enhanced by Wrath as well, her armor covered in blazing red runes, along with Jake.

Between the two, they created the largest nova of frost that they could possibly make, aiming for the front of the oncoming river. He aimed for the side to their right, hoping to divert the river to their left. As soon as they cast the spell together, the hound launched its own spear of deathly frost to the same location.

He released his lance of thunder he had prepared in his Hearth bubble, enhanced by his covenant, even though he didn’t think it would much damage the creatures inside overly much.

The magical lightning struck the water from Jake’s staff, and he saw the creatures inside were shocked, losing control over the river’s direction. Darris took control of as much water as he could to guide it away with a roar.

The river was diverted slightly as a wall of ice formed that merged with the top of the buildings, continuing to spread. The river splashed against one of the buildings, collapsing it and causing much of the river to spread out underneath the buildings.

The building next to them was overcome with the river, more than a dozen of the creatures leaping out onto the building near them.

Jake urged the hound with the acolyte and Bloodberri forward to meet them, but she paused as the hound continued on. Darris grabbed some water from the river with his auril, forming a shield around himself.

“They… seem to be fighting against their will. Their will tainted,” Blood said.

Jake frowned as he took in the creatures. Most of them had four arms, and most of them were male. Their faces looked reptilian complete with a muzzled face, and their humanoid upper body and snake-like tails had fins on them, as if they were a part snake, a part human or elf, and a part fish.

He noticed they were various shades of blue and green, and held tridents. They wore armor that appeared to be made of coral, and it stuck to them, almost as if the armor was grown on them.

Jake guessed they were naga, and they appeared to be quite angry as they held tridents made out of some kind of blueish stone. There was a massive one in front that had six powerful arms, each grasping the single massive battleaxe, that competed in size with Bloodberri’s maul.

The creature was much bulkier than her, and despite having a much shorter tail than her, was larger.

The river continued flowing down the hill behind them, and before Jake could think on it further, they began to rush at Jake’s party.

Several of them leaped at the hound, the creature dodging and countering with vines covered in ice, powered by her auril. The creature fought defensively, keeping the opponents busy for Jake.

Their battlegroup continued to work towards the building with the challenge, and Jake sent Ophelia to guard them and against the tower. She sped off in a blaze of light with her enhanced technique. She couldn’t use barriers, but she should be able to counter the mortar shots with her Hearth and shield.

Jake, Bloodberri, Tanda, Darris, and Fhesiah attacked the Naga with his summoned creatures.

Jake was surprised at the Naga’s strength when viewing them with his [Arcane Eye], guessing them to be well above level twenty based on what he could tell.

While Fhesiah swept flames at them, water from the river surrounded them in a bubble, protecting them. Jake was still in his Wrath state, so he began casting a large cone of lightning as Bloodberri started bobbing and weaving around the approaching naga, which were filled with an angry blackish-purple auril.

She rebuffed several with her tail, but the largest naga managed to land a biting slash against her tail, releasing a shower of blood.

This cut went right through Jake’s divine reinforcement, her [Armor of Faith], as well as her powerful armor, and she hissed in pain in response. Blood then landed [Absorb Strength] on the creatures, increasing Bloodberri’s own power and reducing theirs. She began casting [Weakness], as Jake’s anger surged with his runes and released his powerful cone of lightning.

With a loud clap of thunder, Jake’s lightning blazed through the dozen creatures. Many of them convulsed inside their watery defenses, while a handful of others lost focus on their protection, causing the orbs of water to fall uselessly to the ground.

Darris kept several of them busy with his axe and shield, more than a match for one on his own, two being enough where he could not land a significant blow as he defended himself.

The hound had taken out one naga with lances of ice into its vitals while her vines kept them busy, but the acolyte got taken out in motes of light. Its shield was simply not good enough against the powerful creatures with weapons.

This showed Jake that their tridents were quite powerful, as the creature had no problems holding off various dinosaurs for much longer.

Fhesiah fanned a powerful wave of flames from her torch, her attack echoing the truths of her path; the flames of a dragon. She continued to fan the flames as they were engulfed in them, their damp bodies drying and quickly igniting.

They wailed in agony, and even those that still had protections had difficulty as their watery protections started to boil.

Tanda fired arrows with seeds empowered with her rampant growth ability, and icy vines grew out of the target she struck with her bow. She fired several of these, and even when the enemy blocked with their shield, the vines spread their frost, growing rapidly and piercing into them.

Jake watched as she fired an empowered arrow with her deathly auril, the arrow piercing the enemy’s throat and taking a huge chunk out of their neck despite their auril protections.

The powerful six-armed naga had only barely slowed down from Jake’s thunder, and Bloodberri charged her [Maul of Hestia-Echidna].

Holy light and dark flared, her body filled with runes. The large naga swung to meet her maul, and light and dark converged and exploded, completely demolishing the naga’s axe. The axehead separated from the pole, and Blood released weakness against all the remaining naga, reducing their strength further.

Bloodberri pushed her advantage, and Jake sent another lightning spell through his staff at the larger naga. It shocked him, the creature’s movement stuttering as it moved to block.

She swung downwards as the naga slowly moved to block, thanks to Jake’s shock, with what remained of his polearm and his auril.

But it was a feint, and she pulled back, causing the Naga to swing at the air ineffectually. She blurred forward with a swing to the side, slamming the spiked end of her maul into the creature’s skull. The creature fell to the ground, dead.

Between the [Maul of Hestia-Echidna] and her [Dark Siphon], her wound on her tail was now healed, and Blood had a vicious smile on her face.

She surged towards the remaining naga, only a few not completely roasted by Fhesiah, pierced by Tanda’s arrows, or the guardian hound’s icy vines. Jake opted for her to keep one alive, wrapped in her tail, to capture their template.

Jake had wanted to capture the larger naga, but Blood clearly wanted revenge on that creature for harming her tail. He had witnessed hundreds of fights with Bloodberri, and this one was one of the first to actually pierce her armor and wound her somewhat significantly, even if just on her armored tail.

Many other large creatures attacked her with a large amount of force to cause fractured bones and ribs and the like, but piercing her protections was just not something that happened often.

He wasn’t sure if he could have been successful in capturing the larger naga, the creature beyond his own strength in several ways. He even felt that auril had provided some level of defense over Jake’s presence being able to overwhelm them, so he thought it entirely likely he wouldn’t have been able to.

Jake felt he was only barely able to capture one of the remaining males, now being able to summon the creature. It was considered a humanoid, so he had some expectations for their effectiveness with his specialization.

He now had a viable replacement for the sharkgoblin, this creature superior in every way that he could identify, thanks to its auril. They quickly looted the remaining creatures, and moved to catch up with the battlegroup, that was nearing the next objective.

The water that had been streaming through the city like a river reduced to a small stream, whatever caused the eruption having subsided. If he hadn’t managed to get the people away from the attack, he could see how much of his battlegroup would have gotten mostly wiped out.

Many would have gotten carried away by the current, taking them out of the city entirely if not crushed into the buildings.

The naga in their natural environment of fighting underwater would have dominated many of the beastkin with ease, only Bloodberri really being able to stand up to them.

Of course, Jake’s party and the avian beastkin could have just flew above, but if he had been stuck with a battlegroup full of humans that couldn’t ascend onto the buildings, this would have looked very different.

Jake switched over to Aegis, and took over for Ophelia, shielding the battlegroup. They both had to spend some time recovering, with Jake even consuming a mana potion, and Fhesiah started absorbing some heavenly energy crystals as they neared the last building objective.

Jake had made the battlegroup go back down to the ground when they were sure the water was no longer coming, and summoned the acolyte once again.

Tanda said, “Those Naga were tainted, like the tamed raptors and others we saw up North by Harmony Peaks. This isn’t good.”

“You’d never seen them having this taint?”

She shook her head and said, “Their minds are much more simple, even more like beasts than us. A normal beast doesn’t have something like greed, or hatred. They had been largely unaffected by the curse, until now.”

Blood added, “I could feel it. Something was forcing them to do this attack, controlling them.”

Jake responded, “I mean, that sounds like Tartarus and how it controls beasts when it owns the area, you hadn’t felt anything like that up to now?”

Blood shook her head, “No, I think it is different. I could feel it in their essence.”

Fhesiah said, “They certainly did seem different under my divine sense compared to the auril beasts. A clouding of their hearts, their spirit. Still, is there anything we can do about it for now?”

Jake nodded, they were about to capture this Alliance HQ. The Naga did seem powerful on average, and he wondered if there were many more creatures much like the massive one they faced.

They had lucked out that the creature only had a crude weapon, shattering under the might of the blow created by the two goddesses. Also, that Bloodberri had superior skill with her weapon thanks to having technique.

Jake asked Tanda, “Is there some known locations where naga gather or roam? We may be able to check them out, especially if a rift has spawned near. We would want to take it out anyway.”

“I’ll mark a few locations where we know them to have been spotted, and add them to my list of areas to have my flock scout them.”

“Thanks, Tanda.”

They reached the final challenge, and Jake was surprised by the prompt, glyphs outside the building matching.

[Boss Challenge Balanced on party of 5. While party engages challenge, battlegroup must engage tower. Both groups must be successful to achieve victory.]

They would have to split their party, to ensure they had no weaknesses to exploit.

[Boss Challenge - Ophelia, Fhesiah, Vesuvius, Rookard, Darris]

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