Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

26. Snakes and Foxes

Shortly after Eloisss left, she returned.

Miu was still sleeping, not having slept the night before, and further exhausted by Bonny. She was curled up, ears and legs twitching, possibly chasing bunnies in her sleep.

Bonny sat with her back to the rocky cliff face, eyes closed, trying to concentrate on her aura. There must be a way to control it, after all.

“Can haz-SSS food? SSS?”

Bonny looked up and smiled.

Eloisss was naked and holding her large breasts. Hefting and squeezing them, as if unfamiliar with them. “Big-SSS!”

Bonny looked past Eloisss’ body to see the three orange and white tails wagging slightly from behind the lamia's hips.

Eloisss blushed and tried to hide the tails, sitting back and curling her coils around them.

“Yes, you can have some food. Would you like me to get some out?”

Eloisss nodded. “Yes-SSS.”

Bonny opened the remaining backpack and pulled out some wrapped grains and the remaining vegetables. “Is this fine or do you want some meat?”

“Is-SSS fine.” Eloisss slid forward to take it, then started to turn away.

“Wait. Please.”

Eloisss stopped and watched Bonny warily.

“You don’t have to pretend. You can join us. We all appreciate what you did yesterday.”

Eloisss curled up, clumsily. “Not used-SSS, to people. Been fox, long time.”

“You are very pretty as a fox. Do you have another form or can you only be a fox or one of us?”

“Fox-kin. Not used-SSS, long time.”

“Can I see it? I bet you’re very pretty as yourself.”

Fake-Eloisss shook her head, nibbling at the vegetables she was holding.

“Can you change into me?”

Fake-Eloisss examined Bonny closely, then nodded and looked around. She slithered over to a tree with large leaves, pulled off a leaf, and placed it on her head.

The leaf puffed into smoke, which cascaded down, covering the lamia form. It dispersed after a moment, leaving a white-spotted brown bunny. She had big floppy ears and shoulder length brown hair, with shaggy bangs. Her nipples were bare and Bonny could see the edge of bare skin between her legs with the hint of a slit. It really was mostly covered when standing.

“You are very pretty. I’m very pretty!” Bonny laughed. “Can you turn around?”

This was the best look at herself that Bonny had gotten since waking up here.

Fake-Bonny turned in a circle, her three orange and white tails twitching in embarrassment.

“Thank you. You are very talented. What is your name? I can’t keep thinking of you as 'the fox' or 'fake-me'.” Bonny smiled.

“Kanae.” It was pronounced in two syllables, with a short A, then a long A.

“You’re welcome to stay with us, Kanae.”

“Thank you.” She sat cross legged and started eating, unconcerned with modesty, giving Bonny a clear view of her pussy. It was very neat and clean, with just an edge of her inner labia poking out between the outer lips.

It was odd that being seen was embarrassing to the fox, but showing her unmentionables didn’t concern her. Not that Bonny had any room to criticize others.

Bonny stared at her fake-self, suddenly overcome with lust. Was Kanae projecting a lust aura as well or was Bonny just interested in fucking herself?

She shook herself mentally. No, bad bunny. Don’t frighten the new girl. Out loud, she said, “I’m going to try to work on controlling my aura. Do you have any advice?”

Kanae paused, thinking. “Think bubble. Suck air out. Will shrink.”

Bonny closed her eyes and tried to picture the edges of her aura. It seemed to extend between five and ten feet away from her in all directions. She envisioned sucking it in, breathing it in, pushing and pulling on it. All to no avail. She developed a headache and quit, wishing she had some aspirin.

“More practice.”

Bonny felt a presence bloom around the other Bunny, bigger and stronger than her own bubble. A sense of fading washed over her and she looked over to see that Miu and Kanae were both slightly transparent.

“Illusion, invisible. Help hide.”

“That’s amazing. You’re amazing.” Bonny felt that she was overdoing it on the compliments, but couldn’t stop herself. “How do you do it? It just gave me a headache.”

Fake-Bonny shrugged, the motion doing interesting things to her breasts. “Pull in, hide self.  Push out, hide others. Practice.” The weird sensation withdrew.

Bonny moved over to sit in front of her clone and held out her hands. “Can you guide me?”

The two bunnies sat cross legged, holding hands. After a moment, Bonny felt a force push in through one hand and out through the other. The mysterious force pulsed slowly at first, but soon sped up until it sang through her in a loop, circling through her chest and down to her lower abdomen, touching her heart then warming her core. The rhythmic pulsing circled in time with her heartbeat: touching, heating, tingling.

Bonny felt her aura start to resonate along with it, flexing and contracting.

Fake-Bonny spoke suddenly, “Pull in, then rest. Each cycle.”

Bonny tried. She pictured her aura as a bubble and tried to pull. The bubble trembled and shook, then rapidly became unstable and popped.

An indescribable pressure struck her, leaving her disoriented. She let go and fell back, taking deep, slow breaths, as her head started pounding.

The other bunny moved forward, crawling over Bonny until she was looking down into Bonny’s eyes. “Soon feel better. Aura down, until rest.”

“Thank you. Why didn’t the aura affect you?”

“Mine stronger. Ignore yours.” She grinned down. “Now gone. Might want play. Been long time.”

Bonny looked down, between their bodies, to see identical pairs of breasts almost touching. Fake-Bonny’s fur was a rich brown that Bonny wanted to run her hands through. If she only felt better.

"First, let me … Mending!” Bonny triggered the spell, then yelped as a spike of pain shot through her head.

“Oh, no. Don’t do.” Fake-Bonny bent down and petted Bonny, stroking her hair. “Not physical. Spell difficult, until recover.”

Bonny sighed, “ok.”

“Get willow. Will help.” The other bunny hopped up and scampered off.

Miu woke before Kanae returned. Bonny remembered she was supposed to have food ready, but groaned and waved at Miu to help herself.

Miu stretched languidly, then moved over and kissed her. “You ok, nya?”

Bonny shook her head, then held it, moaning, but not in a good way. “No.” She explained what had happened with the fox and aura training.

Miu dug through the remaining backpack and pulled out some of the herbs she had picked days before. She sat beside Bonny and fed her small pinches of the herbs until the other bunny came back.

Miu stared, looking back and forth between the two. “Is that?”

“Meet Kanae. I think she wants to join us.”

Miu still looked back and forth between the two. “Nya?”

“Oh, right. Kanae can appear as other people. She looked like you and got some food when Eloisss and I were cleaning up after the fight.”

Kanae nodded. “Not anybody. People I know.”

"She showed up as Eloisss right after she left. I asked her if she could copy me." Bonny smiled and took another pinch of herbs from Miu. "What is this anyway? I know we talked about it back at the waterfall."

"Demon Claw, nya. Fruit looks like claws. Leaves and roots are good medicine."

Kanae looked at the herbs and nodded. “That work. This keep, better.” She put some strips of bark down by the backpack.

Bonny wondered how long it had been since Kanae had talked this much. She had apparently stayed in her fox form for a long time.

"Play now?" Kanae moved over to sit beside Bonny, across from Miu, then reached out to rub her fingertips across Bonny's nipples.

Bonny took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. “Sorry, not now. I have a headache.”

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