Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

30. Fairy and Armor

“Hey! Listen!”

They were awakened the next morning by a mysterious, but annoying, voice.

Bonny looked up to see a tiny girl, about half a foot tall, with sparkling eyes and blurred iridescent wings. The fairy was naked, but the glare from the sun, low to one side, prevented anything sensitive from being seen.

“Hey! Listen!”

“Shut up!” Bonny tried to grab something and throw it at the small, flying girl, but realized her hands were trapped by heavy weights. She looked down to see twin cats laying on her arms and half across her body, one with three orange tails. Both were purring, soothing her with their comforting vibrations.

Bonny decided everything could wait and closed her eyes to drift off again, content.

“Hey! Listen!”

Bonny looked up again and sighed. “What?”

“Goblins are coming. They’re south of you, near the other battle site.” The fairy’s voice sounded like tiny bells tinkling in the wind. At least when she wasn’t shouting at them to listen.

“What? Goblins?” Bonny tried to struggle out from under the cats again, to no avail. She wiggled her fingers and realized both cats were laying with her hands near their groins. She slid her fingers into place, then pinched them both by the labia.

The two cats yowled and jerked awake. Both jumped to their feet, then tripped over Eloisss’ tail, and fell back, sitting down.

Bonny laughed and stuck her tongue out at them. “That’s payback for yesterday!”

Eloisss slithered up behind Bonny and pulled her into a hug, tucking the bunny’s head in between her large breasts and resting her chin between the bunny’s ears.

Bonny reached up and caressed the soft mounds spilling over her shoulders. “Good morning, Eloisss.”

“Good morning. It sseemss that you …”

“Hey! Listen!”

All four girls glared up at the little fairy. “What?”

“No time. Goblins are coming.”

“What can we do against an army of goblins? There are only four of us. And, who are you anyway?”

The little fairy swooped down to float in front of Bonny’s face. “Am friend. Adelina.” She was still naked, but the sun glare somehow continued to hide most of her body.

“Hi. I’m Bonny.” The bunny wiggled her head some more and pushed Eloisss’ boobs in with her hands, squishing her head in between them. Fortunately, it didn’t cut off her hearing, since her ears stuck up above the breasts.

Eloisss spoke up, “We need to warn my tribe, though they may already know.”

More musical tinkling, “Lead them back to Oakleigh. She can help.”

“A long run, nya. Could set trail, if we hurry in front of them.” Miu joined the conversation. “If Wrath leading, might follow Bonny.”

Bonny felt Eloisss nodding and agreed as well. “Ok. Let’s do it. We should hurry to pack, Eloisss can you go warn them and catch up to us?”

“Yess, there iss a trail ssouth. Miu can mark it if you leave. You sshould wear your new armor ass well.”

Eloisss released Bonny and started digging through her pack, pulling out some leather and metal armor pieces. Bonny started putting it on, as the other two rapidly packed up the camp.

The armor consisted of a garter belt and straps that hooked to thigh high leather leggings. There was also a sleeved tunic that covered her arms and back. It wrapped around into an underbust corset that tied across her stomach, not only leaving her chest uncovered, but supporting and projecting her breasts.

Bonny looked down at herself, then at Eloisss. “What the fuck? Are you fetishizing me?”

Eloisss and the other two stopped what they were doing to laugh. After a few seconds, she slithered over and hugged Bonny. The lamia was still naked and their soft breasts pressed into each other.

“We descided not to include a groin plate, becausse of your … equipment. It ssiszess differently with and without. Then, ssinsce we didn’t want to dissapoint the godss, we left … well, you know.” Eloisss pulled back and groped Bonny’s breasts, smirking. “Bessidess, we got a sshield for you, too.”

Eloisss motioned to a pile of metal pieces. There were two legs, arms, a couple other things, and the shield. “Let’ss ssee how it fitss.”

Miu and Eloisss both donned their practical armor while Bonny struggled with the greaves and vambraces. They covered the front of her legs and back of her arms, with ties to the leather underneath. It took a moment to figure out, especially the forearms, since they had to be tied on one handed. She needed help with the spaulders on her shoulders, but finally got situated.

Bonny looked down again, noting her shaped, pointed breasts and the gap between her thighs and waist. “Is this even helpful?”

Well, besides helpful to her experience, with the new aura. She hadn't told Eloisss about it, but this seemed a little too convenient. Could the gods, or demons, play pranks on people?

“Yess.” Eloisss handed Bonny the shield. “Remember, you refussed heavy, complicated armor.”

The shield was about three quarters her height and as wide as she was, with a couple of small leather straps and a longer one fastened on the inside. It curved slightly to the sides, and was much lighter than expected. In fact, all the armor was lighter than expected. Bonny examined the shield and found small writing around diagrams carved on the inside. An enchantment? How expensive was this?

“I wass going to train you thiss morning, but it will have to wait. Usse the sshield to protect your body. Be careful of handss and feet, ssince we didn’t have time to finissh thosse. I will get a helmet. The sshield has a guige strap to travel with.”

Eloisss took the shield from Bonny and slipped the long strap over one shoulder and under the other arm, then pulled it around to rest, mostly upright behind the bunny. It extended over her head slightly and down to cover her tail.

Bonny sighed and looked down again, at her unnaturally protruding breasts. The leather corset flared out and up slightly to shape them. “How did you even … No, nevermind. I suppose it’s better than nothing.”

Eloisss had new knives for Miu, since the ones she'd used in the fight at the Clowder had been returned to the family. The cat smiled as she accepted them. “Thank you, nya.” The sheaths were added to her belt, then she slung her bow and quiver over her shoulders.

Finally ready, Eloisss picked up the heaviest pack and slung it around her hips, fastening it on like an oversized fanny pack. Miu took one and Bonny hesitated.

“I don’t think I can wear a backpack with the shield.” She looked at Kanae, who had mostly stayed in the background, watching her. The fake-cat was still naked. “Can you carry one?”

Kanae shook her head, then shifted. The cat kin body wavered and dispersed, drifting and fading away like smoke, leaving the orange fox sitting in its place. She yipped and ran in a small circle before sitting down again.

They quickly redistributed supplies from the remaining bag to the other two and half filled the one with redundant and less necessary goods. Eloisss took it, carrying it in one hand. “Will leave it with Lindisss.”

The preparations and armor took a little over an hour. At some point, Bonny stopped and thought about how no one seemed bothered by her Lust aura. Was it because she was distracted? Did it respond to her arousal or desire, projecting it onto others? No, that wasn't quite right, since she wasn't the least turned on during the feast at the Clowder. Could it be a length of time since sex? She would have to test, but later.

Once ready, they looked at the fairy, who fluttered around, then landed on Bonny’s head and grabbed onto her ears.

Bonny shrugged, the motion causing her breasts to jiggle more than usual. “I guess that’s our sign to go.”

Eloiss slithered off toward the Rhumba and the other two followed Miu, as she left the clearing and turned to the south.

“Will travel fast for now, nya. Slow and be careful later, when close.”

They moved into a slow jog, stopping every few minutes to walk and catch their breath. Bonny had run quite a bit, back at home, and had even completed a couple of 10ks, but always with a sports bra. She wished she had one now. The underbust corset gave some support, but her breasts bounced uncomfortably if she ran too hard. She concentrated on moving smoothly.

She also welcomed the walking iterations due to the unfamiliar armor and weight. It didn’t feel heavy at first, but the weight was concentrated at the ends of her legs and arms, causing fatigue to build quickly when moving. She had to hold the shield in place to keep it from shifting, as well.

Eloisss caught up shortly after noon and they continued on until mid afternoon. “We sshould be getting closse.”

Kanae ran ahead, while Miu led them into the brush, where they continue to work their way south. Before long, the fox returned and scratched some symbols in the dirt.

Miu translated for Bonny, “There are about ten, shortly ahead, nya. We should be able to kill them.” She looked to Eloisss.

The lamia nodded. “Ssoundss good.” She reached over and lifted Bonny’s shield, sliding it around so Bonny could hold on to the enarmes, the handholds inside, then handed her a leather helmet with a metal circlet on top.

“Thanks.” Bonny smiled and dislodged Adeline, who had been sitting on her head all day. She pulled on the helmet, which had two holes for her ears. There were three straps on the shield, so she slid one arm through two of them and held on to the third with her other hand.

Eloisss and Miu moved forward, silently, the lamia with falcatas in hand, the cat with her bow strung and an arrow nocked. They waited.
I have a shameful confession: I've never finished OoT (or MM). I haven't tried TotK yet, but BotW was amazing.

It looks like Fairy will be one of the companion poll winners, so Adelina will be traveling with the party as they leave the Great Forest. I'm a little worried everyone will go change their votes after reading this chapter though. :)

Thoughts on the armor? Better or worse than a chainmail bikini?

All chapters up through 39 have been finalized and scheduled, so at least you'll all get the end of the arc, even if I get lost in the woods looking for bunnies.

Thanks for reading,


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