Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

39. Wrath’s Choices and Lust’s Desires

Grandma Oak pushed the slimy rat artifact into the trunk, then sealed it closed. “I will hold him here. When you need power, come back to me.”

She pointed to the pile of Wrath scales. “For now, let’s take care of Wrath.”

Bonny turned to Recovery, “You said you could help?”

The unicorn incarnation nodded. “You have our aura now. Focus it on them to intimidate them. It won’t work against a greater spirit, or even a medium one, but these are all individuals, even if there are a lot of them.”

Bonny picked up one. She remembered the back of Matt’s demon hand, where it was raw with missing scales. She had put some of these into her vagina. She shuddered in revulsion. Not quite as bad as the rat god, but close.

“Concentrate and offer it a choice. To rebind or be destroyed.”

Bonny concentrated, focusing her aura on the single scale in her hand. Her hand shown with light and the scale trembled.

Bonny suddenly remembered that she need a focus for it to bind to. The dildo had been repacked for the trip back, but she didn’t have the backpack with her. She focused on Lust, on the binding, and summoned the dildo, imagining it already attached. Her cock materialized, sensation flooding through it. It stood fully erect and proud, almost a foot long, stretching up to just under her breasts.

Lust, the demon succubus, appeared on the head of the dick. At three inches tall, she could almost lie down across the head like a bed. She did so anyway, lying on her stomach, her head hanging off one side and her feet the other. She inserted her own dick into the urethra of Bonny’s and humped into it. Bonny shook her head and ignored the demon and the light tickling, hoping the show wasn’t visible to anyone else.

She concentrated on the scale, on the spirit of Wrath within, and offered it power if it joined her, if it realigned itself with Lust. She felt it give in, capitulating, and absorbed it, feeling her dick grow slightly heavier, slightly bigger. She worked her way through the pile, moving from single scales to double, and more. At seven, they could resist her, so she dropped back to five and continued.

Not all were absorbed. Some were too angry and she left them in a second pile. Her dick grew harder and heavier as the afternoon advanced. By nightfall, she finished. Leaving about two dozen angry spirits still bound to demonic scales.

Bonny looked down at her rock hard cock that felt denser than her bones. It was a foot and a half long and so wide she couldn’t fit both hands around it and touch her fingers together. Her balls were the size of coconuts and felt just as hard. They were heavy, pulling her scrotum tight, making it uncomfortable to stand, much less walk.

Well, maybe not quite useless. If she could have hit Matt with this, he probably wouldn’t have been able to get up or teleport away.

“Lust, what the fuck is this?” She motioned at the whole thing. "How is this useful? Who could enjoy it or desire it?"

At a foot and a half, her dick was almost a third of her height and stuck up between her breasts. She squeezed them together, but her dick was too big for her C cup breasts to fit around. She couldn’t even give herself a proper tit job. It was also too big to fit into a vagina or mouth.

She reconsidered the last, Eloisss might be able to swallow it, since she could unhinge her jaw to eat prey bigger than herself. But no one else.

The tiny demon was still on top, but the opening was big enough for it to slide in. She was currently waist deep and her feet kicked against the sides of Bonny’s urethra, tickling.

Bonny pulled the demon out and pointed. “What good is this thing? Should I pull it off and throw it away?”

Lust shook her head. “I can shrink it, by pulling some spirits out and into myself.”

“How does that work, if you’re bound to it? Aren’t you trapped or something?”

“Some part is, yes. Extra spirits can be removed. Too many makes it too powerful.”

“Recovery, Courage, is she lying?”

“Not exactly, but she is using you to filter spirits and increase her strength. It should be fine as long as we are here. If she becomes too strong, we will need to take action.”

“Okay, Lust, how do we do this?”

“I’ll go down to the base and pull them out. You will need to allow it.”

Bonny let the demon go and it jumped back on top of her dick, then slid down the rock hard column like a parkour stuntwoman, arms and legs wrapped around far enough to get a grip. Once down, she moved around to stand on Bonny’s scrotum, then reached into the base of her penis and pulled.

Bonny felt a tug and mentally let go, releasing the spirits being pulled. The tugging grew tight, hard, painful, then something tore and agonizing pain shot up her dick, like it was being ripped in half. Maybe it was, literally. She screamed and fell back, almost blacking out. "Pain Management!"

She had never used that skill and there was a long moment as she imagined a dial with options around it. She mentally triggered Divine and spun the dial to zero.

“Holy fucking shIITTT. Why did that hurt so fucking much?” She lay on the ground, panting, eyes closed. At least most of the weight had disappeared, so it hopefully worked.

Bonny took a breath and asked, “Lust, is ther… bleharrrgsbleh.”

When she opened her mouth to talk. something warm and smooth was shoved in. She opened her eyes to see a large dick in her face. She reached up and removed it, then held it up to examine.

It was a smaller version of hers, about nine inches long, slimming down on one end to fit onto a tiny, three inch tall succubus body. The demon grinned up at her.

Bonny stared at the succubus, then shrugged and put the tip of the dick back in her mouth. She flicked her tongue across the head and under, caressing the sensitive frenulum, waiting for the succubus’ eyes to close in pleasure. As soon as they did, she bit down, just behind the head.

Lust opened her eyes and screamed, a high pitched wail that sounded remarkably similar to the one Bonny released a minute ago.

Bonny let up and pulled it back out of her mouth, glaring at the succubus. “I assume we understand each other?”

Lust nodded and the giant dick receded, shrinking to a size proportional to her body. Not quite as long as before, though it may not matter to the incarnations.

Bonny looked down at herself, seeing her dick was also around nine inches long and a little over five inches around. Her balls were larger than golf balls, but not too heavy.

"Lust, can you make it a little smaller? Like seven inches long?" That should be small enough to not worry about hurting her companions, but big enough to still work for some of the positions she wanted to try. Maybe not today though, even with pain turned off, it still felt tender.

The demon nodded and flew back down to the base, where it tugged at her core again. She allowed it and winced at the tearing. It was still uncomfortable and she wasn't sure what she would have done without the pain skill.

Once done, she willed it to separate and appear back in the backpack. It vanished, taking the tender feeling with it, and she wondered what the range was. Was it worth investigating? Probably not, she had enough things to worry about.

She mentally triggered the skill again and watched as it pulled at her mana. So reducing pain wasn't free, but it didn't take much. Her mana regeneration almost covered the use. She dialed it up to normal and released the magic.

While she was dealing with those personal issues, Willowbelle had taken it upon herself to call Grandma Oak over and had given her the remaining scales.

“Thank you.” Bonny smiled at both of them. “What do we do now? Matt got away again.”

“He will continue to seek power. Wrath must know the locations of where other artifacts are sealed. I know of two others near the forest, in a lake town named Beaverton.”

Bonny laughed. “Beaver ton? Like a ton of beaver?” She pointed to her pussy.

Grandma Oak smiled and shook her head. “No, it is an artificial lake, dammed by beaver kin long ago. The town was built to manage trade routes and connects several nearby territories."

“Well that’s a lot less interesting.”

“Wrath will try to build up an army to capture the town and the artifacts. You should go to defend it and retrieve them yourself.”

“Are either of them nasty, like the plague rat?”

“No. But I believe one is held in the wizard’s tower, so you may need to be diplomatic.”

Bonny sighed. “I suppose those are the humans you mentioned?”

Grandma Oak nodded. “It is a week’s journey, but you may come back to visit when Wrath is defeated. These scales may have calmed by then. And I would like you to survive.”

“I’ll do my best.” Bonny jumped up and hugged Grandma Oak. A full body hug, with her arms and legs wrapped around the ancient dryad.

Grandma Oak laughed and hugged her back.

They washed up, cleaned their gear, and packed everything else except a blanket. Bonny didn’t ask for, or initiate, sex after dealing with Lust, so they cuddled together and slept peacefully after a filling dinner of vegetables and boar.


Miu cuddled close and purred, as usual. She dreamed of baby kittens and bunnies playing together, while Bonny and her watched over them and held hands.

When nightmares of her parents started to intrude, she held tighter to Bonny until they faded.


Eloisss curled around the bunny and cat, tighter than ever before. She reached across Bonny to hold onto Miu as well, unwilling to let either go. She was still sad and depressed when she thought of her lost team, but happy with her new family.

Almost losing Bonny terrified her and she swore to do better, to be Bonny’s shield and sword. She only wished Bonny could pronounce her sibilants correctly.


Kanae stayed in fox form and curled onto Bonny's stomach. It was her new favorite spot, even when there wasn't a delicious dick to hide under.

She wasn’t sure what to think of her new companions quite yet, but hoped they would keep her safe and fed. She would reward them with new tricks and help defend the helpless bunny.


Willowbelle pushed her heartwood staff into the ground and planted the sapling next to it. She stood beside them and sunk her feet into the ground, spreading roots around and under her new companions. She felt for the threads of fate and found them tied to Bonny tighter than anything she had seen or heard of before. The presence of the gods and demon didn’t help, of course.

She had asked Oakleigh more about Bonny, of course. She wasn’t as old or as powerful as the ancient dryad, but Oakleigh had asked her for help because of her ability to see possible futures. Now that she wasn’t bound by the artifact, she also wanted to see the world and see what a fatebound outworlder would do to it.

I hope you like the ending, including the brief glimpse into the companions hopes and concerns. Arc 3 starts tomorrow.

Thanks for reading,

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