Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

44. ♥ Trick and Treat (R-18)

The next morning, they all untangled from the pile of bodies. Even the fairy and dryad, who often slept near, but not actually in the pile, were cuddled in. Adelina was wrapped in Bonny’s hair, while Willowbelle, was spooning with Miu, had her arms stretched across both Miu and Bonny.

Eloisss took command and had them all do a series of stretches, then body weight exercises. The lamia wasn’t familiar with leg muscles, so Bonny directed them through squats and walking lunges, while Eloisss did her own coil exercises.

Once they were all panting, laying on the ground, Bonny flared her regeneration aura, increasing healing to the group, and spoke up. “That was great. We should do this every morning to build physical control and strength. We’ll be doing plenty of walking for stamina. Eloisss, how much should this help us? Have you passed ‘mortal’ limits?”

Eloisss nodded. “Thiss won’t passs peak physsical limitss, but everyone sshould reach above average levelss or high by the time we leave the foresst.”

“That’s good enough. What will we need to get higher? What do you call it when you switch to new levels? I did that for magic stats after my fight with Matt.”

“We call it sspirit advancement and it requiress ssomething extra, beyond perssonal limitss. It iss different for each sspeciess, and individual. I fought a foresst troll ssolo, a year ago, to join my troop.” Eloisss bowed her head for a moment, in memory of her fallen companions, when she mentioned them.

“It’s different for each species and individual, really?”

Willowbelle spoke, “The system takes into account averages for each species. It wouldn’t make sense to compare a fairy to a troll, right? The fairy would never advance physically and the troll would never advance mentally.”

Adelina flew up in front of Bonny and flexed her arms. The omnipresent sun beams vanished for a moment as she paused, giving Bonny a clear view of her miniature, but curvy, body and tits.

Bonny laughed and mock-glared at the fairy. “Did you do that on purpose?”

Adelina blushed, “Do what?” She flew up and circled, wings blurring and sun glaring around her.

Bonny turned back to the rest of the group. “Can everyone share their stats? I’ve been told it’s kinda taboo, but it may be important for us all to improve. Classes or specialties might be important too. I’ll go first, since some of you may not know the specifics.

“I’m a medic, which is a type of healer from my world. Medics tend to be first on the scene of a accident or battle, to quickly stabilize injured people. I was studying to be a nurse in my world, which is someone who helps care for patients and gather symptoms and information, but doesn’t usually prescribe medicine or perform actual surgery." She wasn't sure they would understand what surgery was, but didn't explain.

“Because of Lust haunting me, I’m a weird demonic specialization that can transfer health and wounds between people and monsters. My physical stats are all average or above and my magic stats are all … spiritual novice?” Bonny looked at Eloisss who nodded.

Bonny turned to Miu, “You’re my first companion, do you want to go next?”

Miu smiled and Bonny, then said, “I was hunter and tracker for clan, nya. Physical stats above average and high. No magic.”

Eloisss spoke up next, picking up on Bonny’s preferred order. “I am a warrior. My physsical sstatss are all sspiritual journeyman. Magic sstatss are mortal above average.”

Kanae trotted off, so Bonny turned to Willowbelle and motioned for her to go.

The dryad hesitated, looking after the fox, then said, “I am an elemental mage, with earth and water, as I said last night. My physical stats are above average and my magic is spiritual novice.”

“Hey! Listen!” The fairy started laughing when Bonny mock glared at her again. She twirled into a mid air dance, the wind gusting around her and light reflecting in all directions like a disco ball. “I am average physically and high magically. I am a wind and light elemental mage.”

Kanae came trotting back into the circle holding two green leaves in her mouth. She dropped one and blew the other into the air, and slid her head under it, catching it between her ears. The leaf poofed into smoke, which drifted down to obscure her. When it dispersed, Bonny-two was sitting there.

Kanae looked at Bonny and pointed to her groin. “Need penis. Big one.”

“Uh, what?”

“Need penis. Big one.”

“I heard you the first time. But why?”

Kanae shook her head. “Just do. I am arcane trickster, like mage, but tricky. Old, strong, three tails.” She wagged, then flourished her tails, puffing them up and spreading them out.

“Your tails are very pretty, Kanae, but what does it mean to have three? How many can you have?”

“Three is old. More means older, stronger. My mother, had five. Very old. Both physic and magic, spirit beginner. Long time, since I talk much.” She looked pointedly at Bonny again. “Need penis, magic practice.”

“Your mother had five tails?”

The fox-tailed Bonny nodded.

“Will you grow more tails?”

The bonny clone nodded again, then pointed at Bonny’s groin.

“Okay, fine.” Bonny concentrated and summoned her dildo, attached. It materialized in place and feeling flooded through it.

Kanae looked closely, then shook her head. “No, too small. Bigger.”

Bonny laughed. It was the seven inch dildo, the one she thought of as primary. “This is the size it is now. You saw it, uh, three nights ago.”

“Make bigger.”

Bonny sighed, then tried to summon the second one. It was about nine inches long and half an inch or so thicker, or would be when erect. It was the one Lust had poked into her mouth after splitting them. It materialized, swapping places with the other. “How’s that? Don’t push your luck any further, fox.”

Kanae nodded and smiled. “Better.”

The bunny clone picked up the other leaf and placed it on her head. It poofed into smoke, like the first had a few minutes earlier. The cloud of smoke shrouded her, then dispersed, leaving her exactly the same as she had been a moment earlier. Until the smoke drifted away from her groin, revealing the larger penis.

Bonny laughed again. “You sly fox. You just wanted a big dick?”

Kanae nodded again. “For later.”

“Oh, right. Tonight is your night, right?”

Kanae nodded again. “But first, train magic, and aura.”

“Right. But first,” Bonny turned to the dryad. “Willow, can I call you that? Can you make wooden items as a dryad? I’m not being species-ist, am I?”

The dryad laughed. “Yes, yes, and no. I don’t mind what you call me. I can grow small simple items from trees. I don’t specialize in wood spirits, but most dryads have an innate skill that allows tree shaping. What do you need?”

Bonny described a small egg, balanced on end, on a base. She continued, “If you can’t, that’s fine. It’s just a thought I had the other night.”

Willowbelle said, “It should be no problem. I will work on it this afternoon.”

“Thank you.”

Bonny sat down near Kanae, since the fox had never stood after changing. They held hands and began cycling mana, working on both magic and aura at the same time.

Miu and Eloisss headed out to hunt, then returned to cook and store some of the meat. Adelina seemed to take training seriously and flew out over the waterfall and started a wind and light storm.

Willowbelle moved to a tree and pulled two burls out of its trunk, before breaking them off and smoothing the wood underneath. She then then coaxed bark to cover and heal the wounds.

When Bonny and Kanae finished, it was already mid-afternoon. The two items were left on the ground next to her and Bonny picked them up, only to be stopped by her clone.

“Payment, please.” Kanae grinned at her, slyly.

“Oh, right. You wanted me to feed you right? Shouldn’t we wait till dinner?”

“No.” The disguised fox pointed at Bonny’s dick. “Feed me.”

Bonny looked down, then back and Kanae. “You want to suck my dick?”

Kanae nodded.

“Is that why you wanted me to …” She motioned at it.

Kanae wagged her tails and grinned.

“Aren’t you supposed to sleep with me tonight?”

Kanae nodded again, grinning even wider, tail wagging faster.

“And you want to suck my dick as payment for training?”

Another nod.

“Every day? Just suck my dick? I don’t need to do anything back?”

More nodding. “Yes.”

Bonny looked around and saw everyone else watching. Eloisss and Willowbelle were laughing. “Oh, this is funny is it? You’re all okay with her getting extra sexy time?”

“Sshe iss giving sspecial training. None of uss have aura sskills.” Eloisss explained.

“Okay, fine.” She stood and looked down at her clone, the three tails still wagging happily. She sighed. “You got me. I admit that I didn’t expect this.”

Kanae scooted closer and grabbed Bonny’s dick with one hand. She stroked it and leaned close to lick around the head. She held it up and licked from the base up to the head, then took it into her hot, wet mouth.

Bonny reached out to grab the bunny clone’s ears and ran her fingers up and down them as she started rocking her hips, thrusting in and out, feeling Kanae’s tongue caressing her glans.

Kanae started humming, happily, and pulled Bonny closer, further in. Letting the vibrations stimulate Bonny’s dick even more as it hit the back of her throat.

Bonny tightened her grip on the ears and pulled harder, then stroked the fur in time with her thrusts. Despite sex the last two nights, she was rapidly building up to a climax. She pulled Kanae’s ears tight and pushed in, forcing her dick into the small throat.

Kanae gagged and Bonny pulled back, letting her get a breath. Bonny remembered her night with the goddesses, the bulge in Courage’s throat. When Kanae caught her breath, Bonny warned her, “Deep breath.”

Bonny shifted her hands to from the fox’s bunny ears to the sides of her head as Kanae took a deep breath, then the bunny pulled hard and thrust deep. The head of her dick squeezed tight, but stopped.

“Swallow!” Bonny commanded.

Kanae did and the bunny’s dick slid slowly into the tight throat, the muscles around it massaging and pulling.

Bonny pushed harder, further, a tight feeling growing in her heavy balls, her pelvic muscles tightening, causing her dick to twitch in Kanae’s throat.

Kanae swallowed again, and again.

Bonny’s legs tensed and a feeling of tight tension rushed through her, followed closely by euphoria. She sprayed the first pulse down the fox’s bunny throat, then pulled out slightly. The second pulse hit the back of the fox’s throat and cum sprayed out of her nose.

Bonny pulled back a little more, filling the Kanae’s bunny mouth with the third and fourth pulses.

Something warm sprayed her vagina and balls and Bonny yelped and pulled her hips back, looking down.

Kanae was stroking her own erect dick with her other hand. A second load sprayed out and up, covering Bonny’s torso and splashing her face.

Understanding dawned for Bonny as Kanae leaned forward, her mouth open to catch the third and final load. She reached out to pull the fox’s head back up afterwards and pushed her dick back into the full mouth.

“Swallow what you have, then clean me up.” Bonny looked down at the cum dripping off of both of their bodies. “You better get busy, you have a lot of cleaning to do.”

Kanae looked up and Bonny and smiled, nodding happily.

Bonny closed her eyes and shook her head. “'Feed me', she says. Who would have thought…”

Another tongue started licking around her cock and balls, supple and long, tickling as it worked. She opened her eyes as a third joined in, licking across her chest, rough. Eloisss and Miu were helping.

Adelina flew over, “Hey! Don’t forget me.” The tiny fairy landed on Bonny’s shoulder, then leaned in to lick and kiss at the droplets covering the bunny’s face.

“Ok, fine.” Bonny licked at her own face, tasting Kanae’s cum. It was salty and slightly sweet, with a slightly bitter aftertaste, the demonic smoky flavor missing. She licked some more, wondering if that was good or bad.

Willowbelle stayed back, doing some kind of meditation exercise on her own, which Bonny was thankful for.

Once they had gotten most of the cum, Bonny pulled them over to the waterfall pool and they all scrubbed each other until they were clean. Adelina mostly flitted about, hovering and watching.

After dinner, they ran through some more exercises. Bonny was sure that her healing aura would allow them to build muscle at twice the rate, at least. She refused to check her status, hoping that there would be a big jump at the end of the week, when they left the forest.

That night, she settled down, wondering if Kanae had gotten her fill or if she would want more. Considering that the fox had stayed in bunny form, she was sure there was more to come.

Sure enough, Kanae crawled into the blanket beside her. They kissed, then Bonny looked up to see all four other companions gathered around.

“Uh, this is Kanae’s night, remember?”

“Sshe invited all of uss.” Eloisss answered, a wide smile on her face. “I think sso sshe can join each of uss later. Sshe iss a greedy little fox.”

Kanae loves playing tricks. I keep meaning to write more in, but never seem to be able to fit them in like I want. Hopefully this one was enjoyable (for several reasons).

Chapters through 50 are available on patreon. The next set of three are still being written, but should be available this weekend.

Thanks for reading,

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