Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

57.1 ♥ Cream and Sugar – part 1 (R-18)

I got the "Well-Known Author" title yesterday! Thanks everyone, you're awesome!

As a reward, I've scheduled 57.2 for release this afternoon, as a extra/bonus chapter for the week.  Chapter 58 will be released on Wednesday at the normal time. I guess it sort of works out, since 57 wasn't intended to be split apart.


“Can I help you, Bonny?” Colette asked as Bonny approached. The minotaur was churning butter as the other cow girls cleaned the milk pails and other tools.

“My friends said I should come over here to talk. Are you making butter? Do you make all the dairy products?”

“Yes, most of them. Milk, butter, cream, curds, whey, etc. They all sell to different merchants. Do you want to try some? Fresh butter is the best.”

“Better than ice cream?” Bonny grinned.

“Well, no." She conceded. "Should we work on that now?”

“We can.” Bonny listed the ingredients that she could remember: cream, sugar, milk, ice, and salt. “Oh, at some flavoring. Fruit, chocolate, or vanilla is good, but we can try for a basic version first.”

The girls gathered the ingredients, but there wasn’t much sugar. They setup several bowls inset in pails partially filled with magic cooled salt water, the salt reducing the freezing point. Each of them took a separate mixing set, with wooden spoon, and added slightly different amounts of cream, milk, and sugar. That way, they could see which was the best ratio.

Bonny directed the setup, but then discovered there wasn’t enough sugar left.

“Do you have any other sweeteners? Like honey or syrup?”

“No, but we can buy or trade for some, if you think we need it.” Colette’s mixture was starting to solidify already and looked pretty good.

“Well let’s see how all of yours turns out first.” Bonny smiled and looked around, catching Nellie’s eyes. Bonny flicked her gaze down to the well endowed girl’s chest for a moment, then back up. Nellie blushed crimson and kept stirring. Maybe her friends were right about the girl wanting to sleep with her.

Bonny flared her Lust aura on a very low intensity and felt a hot, heavy flame of desire rise in Nellie, who squeezed her legs tight and concentrated on mixing, not saying anything or looking up again.

Surprisingly, desire burned in Bess and Clara as well. Bonny glanced at them, to find they were avoiding her eyes as well.

Once the ice cream was ready, they passed around samples and decided that heaviest cream, from one of the brown cows, and the sweetest milk, from a black and white Holstein, worked best.

Bonny would have preferred the samples to be sweeter, but decided that America probably used too much sugar in everything, so her memory and taste buds were probably skewed, even after eating mostly grains for the last three weeks. She glanced over at the Holstein cows, then at Bess, Clara, and Nellie.

“Uh. Whey is used as an alternate to sugar where I come from. Do you have any of it handy?”

“Yes, we could try it. Can you run get a couple different jars, Nellie?” Colette answered.

Bonny eyed Bess and Clara again and they blushed when they realized Bonny kept glancing over at them. When Nellie got back, Bonny smiled up at her, then turned to Colette. “Uhm, forgive me if this is a sensitive subject, but do you have to get pregnant to lactate? Do you sell your own milk?” She cupped her breasts so there wouldn’t be any misunderstanding about which milk she meant.

Colette laughed when the three cow girls all blushed. “No, the girls are all virgins, they moved in with me and started working to avoid unwanted attention from men here in town. I’ve had a couple of lovers myself, but no calves. We have skills, uh, racial skills that allow milk production. I haven’t given milk since I was young and the girls can all decide what they want to do with their milk, since it’s their own product.”

Bonny turned to the three red faced cow girls. “What, uh, do you do?”

Nellie answered first, “I sell mine independently. I’m trying to save enough money to get a place of my own.”

Bess and Clara shook their heads and Colette answered for them. “They haven’t produced milk yet. They’re old enough that they could if they wanted, but our first milk is special and often saved for a husband.”

“Oh. Sorry if that was too personal.” Bonny smiled, “I’m still new here.”

Clara spoke up, finally. “It’s okay. We don’t like any of the boys our age and want to travel and see the world. If we started giving milk, we were afraid we would get trapped here.”

Bonny nodded. “I understand. I want to see the world too.”

Bess seemed to be the shyest, but spoke up in a squeaky voice. “We think you’re cute.”

It was Bonny’s turn to blush. “We?”

“Clara and me. And Nellie.”

Colette laughed as Bonny turned a darker shade.

Bonny had second thoughts about coming over here. Teaching three virgins sounded like a lot of work, especially after her day. She shook her head, deciding to decline. “I’m already in too many complicated relationships. I’m not trying to corrupt anyone else.”

“Miu and Eloisss told us about you while you were gone. They said we should ask you to sleep with us.” Clara spoke up.

“That's not exactly what they told me.” Bonny started to get up, but Nellie put a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

“Eloisss said they would give us some privacy to ask you. So, will you?” Nellie looked at Bonny with her large brown eyes. “Sleep with us tonight?”

“All three of you?” Bonny looked over at Colette. “Four?”

Colette shook her head. “Not me. Maybe some other day, if you’re as good as your friends say.” Her desire was a small ember, banked for preservation.

“Just so you know, I’m, uh, new to this as well. Miu was the first girl I’ve ever been with.” Bonny turned red again. The three girls burned against her aura, like hot coals ready for kindling.

“Well, how about we finish up testing the ice cream. Nellie, do you have the whey?” Colette changed the subject.

Nellie held out two small jars. “These are the sweetest, I think.”

Bonny thought back to the night before, to the taste of fresh milk, Nellie's milk, and decided to go ahead with the plan to sleep with them.

“Nellie, what about you? You tasted pretty sweet to me.” Bonny teased, as she took the whey, grinning as she felt the heat of Nellie’s desire spike as the cow girl blushed and dipped her head.

Bess and Clara glared at Nellie and spoke at the same time. “You didn’t tell us …” “Not fair that you got a head start.”

Colette laughed.

Nellie nodded and went to retrieve an empty container. When she came back, she pulled down her top and started filling the jar, less embarrassed by the act than the teasing.

Bonny setup the mixing bowls again, in three sets of two. The first two pairs used separate types of whey in different amounts. When Nellie was done, Bonny setup the third pair with two different amounts of the girl's sweet milk. She caught Nellie’s eyes and winked as she sipped the remaining milk straight from the jar.

Nellie blushed and ducked her head again as the other girls giggled at her.

They mixed the six new recipes and found the texture grew more grainy and crystallized as more whey was added. The two with Nellie’s fresh milk was harder to mix, due to the additional liquid, but they speculated it would be the best if they prepared ahead of time it by separating out the whey and concentrating the sugars.

“Well, tomorrow we should try some different flavoring. Some different sugars too. Sound good? We can make bigger batches and have the rest of my friends try it as well.”

“Yes.” Colette seemed happy to have discovered the basics. “That stuck up shop won’t know what hit them. I’ll go on to bed. You all have fun, but don’t stay up too late.”

After they moved the bowls and pails near the washing rack, Bonny followed the girls to a small room with two bunk beds. She looked around, “How do you want to do this?”

Nellie grabbed Bonny and pulled her to a bed. They had to duck slightly to avoid hitting their heads on the upper rail. “I want to taste you like you tasted me. Eloisss said you have an delicious magic dick.”

Bonny laughed and pulled her robe off. “Okay. You first, then …?” She turned to look at the other two.

“We can go together.” They were sitting on the other bottom bunk, watching.

“Aren’t you sisters? Is that a problem?”

“We are, but it’s okay. We do everything together. We decided that if, … when we find a partner, we’ll stay together with him.” Clara clarified.

"Or her." Bess added with a shy smile.

“That’s, uh, pretty rare where I come from. But I guess I’m okay with it, if you are.” Bonny smiled at the two, then turned to Nellie.

She summoned her smaller dick, the seven inch version, and stroked it a little before presenting it to Nellie. “Lick up and down the shaft and around the balls. When you feel ready, we can go further.”

Nellie started with long liquid strokes, her tongue was big and rough, like sandpaper, but she used it delicately, with soft feathery touches. She ran her tongue around Bonny’s scrotum, and further down, into her folds, then back up slowly, leaving a warm coating of thick saliva.

Bonny ran her fingers through Nellie’s hair as her head moved up and down with her slow caresses, licking across the head, then sliding down. When Nellie went down again, Bonny thrust forward and Nellie took the hint to suck one ball into her mouth. Wet warmth flooded through Bonny as the tongue reached out and pulled the other in.

“Gently, please. I'm very sensitive there.”

“Mmmmmm.” Nellie hummed around the balls as she licked out again, sliding her long graceful tongue down and under, where she touched Bonny’s folds again.

“Oh, that feels amazing.” Bonny arched her back and moaned, almost ready already. “Wait, stop.”

Nellie let Bonny slip out of her mouth. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just give me a moment.” Bonny reached around to untie Nellie’s top, revealing the cow girl’s enormous breasts. Milk leaked from her nipples.

Bonny leaned down to lick up the sweet milk, then squeezed Nellie’s nipples to release more. She stood and rubbed the tip of her dick through the droplets of milk, precum leaking out and mixing in. “Have you tasted your own milk?”

Nellie nodded. “It doesn’t taste special to me though.”

“What about Clara and Bess?”

All three nodded, before Clara answered, “She's selling it, so we’ve just had a few tastes. It’s good.”

“I won’t charge you, Bonny.” Nellie reassured her.

“Thank you.” Bonny laughed. “I’m not sure I could afford it, if you did.”

She pulled Nellie’s breasts together and thrust her cock between them. She leaned close, rocking her hips back and forth, then stopped. “I need more lubricant.”

She leaned forward to kiss Nellie, slipping her tongue in and wrestling for a moment, then pulled back and let their mixed saliva drip down, coating the tops of Nellie’s breasts and her dick.

She pulled back and thrust forward, again, leaning in and feeling Nellie’s nipples tickle against her stomach as her dick slid smoothly through Nellie’s soft, silken cleavage. The head of her dick just barely poked up out as she thrust forward.

Bonny eyed the tip for a moment, then summoned and swapped in the larger cock and started again. Sometimes, bigger was better.

Her glans now extended above Nellie’s cleavage and Nellie leaned down to take it into her mouth, sucking and caressing with her tongue on each thrust.

Bonny’s need built quickly and she moaned a warning, “I’m, almost, there!” She pulled back, her cock sliding down, then back up, through the slippery tunnel and into Nellie’s hot, liquid lips.

Bonny’s toes curled and she arched backward, grabbing onto Nellie’s horns and letting the girl's breasts fall away. Bonny pulled her head further down, impaling the cow girl. “Ohh, Fuck! That’s good. Are you sure you want to taste me?”

“Mmmm Hhhmmm.” Nellie ran her tongue along Bonny’s urethra under her dick, pulling additional precum out with each stroke. The vibration of her affirmative hum added a pleasant tingling to the process.

Bonny thrust forward, hard. She pulled on Nellie’s horns as she did, then drew back and thrust in, again. Bonny’s legs and pelvic muscles tightened up, held for a moment, then her dick and balls spasmed, pumping Nellie’s mouth full of cum.

Nellie swallowed, then again, and again, trying to stay ahead of Bonny, and failing. Each time she swallowed, her throat constricted around Bonny’s dick causing it to twitch again, spraying more. She tried to pull back, but Bonny held onto her horns, pulling her tight, pushing deep. Nellie started to struggle, yanking backward, and …

Bonny let go and pulled out, panting. “I’m sorry. I, just, I don’t, normally, do that, but today, has been … No. I’m sorry. I’m just making excuses.”

Bonny leaned in and kissed Nellie on the lips, triggering “Mending!” as she did. Just in case. “I’m sorry.” She pulled Nellie tight and licked across Nellie’s lips until they parted, then dived in, exploring the cow girl’s tongue and the smoky, salty taste of her own essence.

Nellie responded after they came up for air, “It’s okay, just surprising. You do taste wonderful.” She closed her eyes and used her flexible tongue to caress Bonny in return.

They held each other for a minute, lost in each other’s lips and depths.

“Ahem.” A voice interrupted and Bonny released Nellie to look up. Bess stood next to the bunk they were on, top already off and enormous breasts jutting out. Her areola were huge circles around nipples that seemed small in comparison. Bonny looked further up to see an expectant gaze.

“Don’t forget about us.” Bess’ voice was squeaky. Both her and her sister burned hot in Bonny's aura senses, especially after the show with Nellie.

As mentioned in the announcement at the top of the page, this scene ended up way too long (more than 8k words). I split chapter 56 off to address Bonny's trauma separately, then divided the rest of "Cream and Sugar" into three parts. The next chapter will continue events from here, then there's a gratuitous/bonus continuation on patreon.

I may have developed a lactation fetish while working on these (sorry, tmi, my bad).

The story title and description and description have been updated. Thoughts?

Thanks for reading,

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