Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

64. Fates and Demons

After Bonny finished milking and making out with Bess, she cleaned up the splashed milk and spent some time brushing out Bess’ hair and coat. She moved on to Nellie, who also wanted to make out with Bonny while getting milked.

Once done with her new chore, she gave each of the girls another hug and kiss. She looked down at the pails of milk, “This is too much for me. Do you mind if I share it with my companions?”

There were two full pails, about a gallon each, from Bess and Clara’s udder. Then three pails, one from each, each about a third full of breast milk.

Bess nodded. “Yes. It’s yours. Our gift to you.”

“I’m supposed to split some with Nellie, right?” Bonny looked over to see Nellie blushing and nodding. “How much do you want?”

She took a few minutes to decide, but finally just took four cups, one from each of the four pails of milk from Bess and Clara.

“Oh, I don’t think you got a chance to really meet Violet, our new companion. Can you help me carry these over? Along with some cups or bottles?”

They did, each of the cow girls carried the partially full pail of their own milk, while Bonny carried the two full pails. Colette followed with Bonny’s gear and some cups for the companions.

There wasn’t much light at that end of the warehouse, so Bonny mentally poked at Violet, ‘please create a light, we’re coming over.’

[yes, bonny, [Arcane Light!]]

The double tonation was weird, but a bright light lit up the corner of the warehouse that the team was sitting in.

They made their way over to the group, where Bonny introduced the slime girl. The cultist was still unconscious, so Bonny checked her quickly and found everything normal.

Each of the companions took a cup of milk, except for Adelina, who sipped a few drops from Bonny’s cup. The overall preference was for the Bess and Clara’s udder milk, which was richer and creamy.

Once they were done visiting, their hosts left with the remaining milk, planning to store it for later. Bonny turned to Willowbelle. “Willow, tonight is your night. How would you like to spend it?”

“I WOOD like to cuddle and talk. Just us.”

Bonny giggled at Willow’s pun, the emphasis making it clear. Willowbelle started giggling too, so Bonny hopped into the dryad’s arms and kissed her. They rubbed noses as Willowbelle carried Bonny to a stall across the aisle, where their gear was stored. They pulled out a blanket to pillow their heads on and settled down facing each other, with their arms wrapped loosely around each other.

“Bonny, I need to tell you why Grandma Oak wanted me to come with you.”

“Wait,” Bonny tried to think back to aftermath of their fight with Matt. It had only been about two weeks or so, but so much had happened that she couldn’t be sure. “Did you join because she asked or because you wanted to?”

“Both.” Willowbelle smiled. “I wanted to travel and you seemed interesting. But, I can also see threads of fate and She wanted me to watch over you.

“So, you can see the future or something?”

“No, not clearly. It’s more like, influences. I can tell who is linked to you and how strongly. The thread between you and Matt, Lust and Wrath is tight and pulling you all together. The confrontation is still a few days away, but drawing closer. Most worrisome is that Pestilence is now tied in.”

“Pestilence? But I healed the wounds.”

“Perhaps. But you have his attention. Moreso now than when you rejected his artifact and left it with Grandma Oak. I don’t believe he’s working directly with Wrath, but be careful.”

Bonny thought for a moment. “The cultists. At least one was a Wrath cultist and the one we captured is from Pestilence. Why would anyone want to follow a god of sickness? That’s just … sick.”

Willowbelle shook her head. “I don’t know. One other thing, Hope isn’t done with you.”

“I don’t know what I did to …” Bonny sighed and shook her head. She looked Willowbelle in the eyes and smiled. “It doesn’t matter. Is that the root what you wanted to talk about?”

“Yes. For now.” She giggled and pulled Bonny tighter. “Stop being acorn-y.”

They continued punning at each other for several minutes before Willowbelle asked, “Can we just cuddle tonight? No sex?”

“Of course. I had a big day and will probably sleep like a log.” Bonny grinned and wrinkled her nose at Willowbelle’s expression. “Pine, I know I can be over-elming. Besides, it’s time for-rest, anyway.”

Willowbelle turned over and wiggled back up against Bonny as the little spoon. She pulled Bonny’s hand over and intertwined their fingers over one of her breasts.

Bonny rubbed her palm lightly over Willow’s hard nipple and squeezed the dryad’s breast. She couldn’t resist one last pun, “I have you in my palm, tree.”

Willowbelle sighed and squeezed Bonny’s hand in return, then turned her head for a kiss. Bonny pulled Willow in tight and they settled down to sleep.

When Bonny woke the next morning, she found most the rest of the group had cuddled in with them. Miu spooned in tight against Bonny’s back and Kanae curled up above Bonny’s head, with Adelina nestled into the fox’s thick fur. Eloisss wrapped around them all, as usual. Violet had covered everyone in a thin living blanket, moderating heat to keep them all comfortable.

Bonny turned and stretched, waking the rest of them. “Hey, girls. Good morning.” She wrapped an arm around Miu and pulled her in for a kiss, then took a few minutes to kiss each of the rest of them.

Freja was in the other stall, watching the cultist. Bonny hopped over and up into her arms to kiss her as well. “You weren’t up all night, were you?”

“No, we took turns watching her. We didn’t want to wake you or Willowbelle. She woke up a few hours ago, but hasn’t said anything.”

Bonny hopped down and looked at the cultist. “Will you talk with us?”

She glared back.

Bonny pulled out the dagger they had found on her and throwing star that had impaled Bonny. “Can you tell us what this is? The metal and poison?”

She shook her head.

The rest of the group had joined them and Willowbelle spoke up, “I think the metal is demonsteel. It is infused with demonic spirits.”

“Demonsteel?” Bonny carefully tapped the two weapons together. The sound was oddly muted and the ichor coating didn’t splash off. “Does each demon spirit give a different effect? Is the poison a result of pestilence spirits?”

Willowbelle shrugged, “I don’t know.”

Bonny looked back down at the beaver cultist. “Well, if she won’t talk, let’s just hand her over to the guards. What should we do with the weapons?”

“Give them to the guards as well. I don’t like them.” Freja advised.

“Okay. I probably need to take care of the cow girls again. Do you want to cover over for breakfast? One of us should stay with her though.”

Miu spoke up, “I’ll stay, nya. I don’t feel well and don’t want breakfast.”

Bonny spun to face to her. “Triage! Spirit Triage! Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

Nothing glowed around Miu, indicating she had no wounds or infections.

“Just nauseous, nya. Not hungry.”

“Did the milk disagree with you? I thought cats loved milk.” Bonny grinned at Miu and pulsed her Purification aura. “You’re not lactose intolerant, are you?”

“No, nya. A little bit will be fine, if you bring it back.”

“Okay.” Bonny gave Miu a hug.

Willowbelle also offered to stay, since she didn’t care for milk. The rest of them trooped over to check on the cow girls.

The trio were not as swollen as much as the previous evening, since not as much time had passed. Bonny filled cups with fresh, creamy milk for each of her companions, except for Adelina, who only wanted a few drops.

She suckled directly from each of the girls, the warm, creamy, salty-sweet milk spraying in to her mouth was ambrosia. Bess and Clara's udder milk was creamier than their breast milk and all of it was delicious. Each girl tasted slightly different depending on what they had eaten the day before. She briefly thought about asking them to change their diets to see how it affected milk production and taste, but decided it was probably best not to interfere.

There was bread and cheese as well. Her companions ate as they watched Bonny service each of the girls.

Violet didn’t bother trying to hide what she was, and just pulled food into her hand and digested it there. That got almost as much attention from everyone as Bonny, but no one complained.

When done, Bonny pointed at the gallons of milk gathered. “Are you sure this is all for me? It's too much.”

“Yes.” The three agreed. “We've already discussed it, three days of our milk is yours. It will keep until you need it.”

“Okay. It just feels like I should be paying you. For room and board and putting up with all of us.”

“It’s no problem.” Colette joined them. “Your companions have been helping by cleaning the stalls and caring for the cattle while you’re gone. Besides, warning us of the attack and the help you’ve given to Bess and Clara are priceless.”

“Still, thank you.” Bonny smiled up at the minotaur. “Speaking of warning, I still have to convince the council to warn everyone outside the walls. Hopefully Nestor and Mila will be enough to get me in finally.”

“Good luck.” Colette and the girls wished them well and prepared for the day.

Bonny and the others headed back to their stall, with a cup for Miu and some bread and cheese. When they got there, they found Willowbelle standing with a foot on the cultist’s chest.

“She tried to get up, nya. After you left.” Miu was sitting and leaning against the wall.

Bonny handed the bread and cheese to Miu. “Stay here today and just eat a little at a time. Nausea is worse on an empty stomach. Only drink the milk if you feel up to it, okay?”

Miu nodded and nibbled at the bread.

Bonny, Eloisss, and Freja geared up. Kanae didn’t need to do anything and everyone else planned to stay back again. Willowbelle and Adelina didn’t care for the crowds and city, while Violet was too conspicuous, even with a robe.

They marched the cultist through the streets, toward a gatehouse, naked with her hands tied. When they got there, they explained about the fight and handed off the cultist and weapons. The guards were suspicious, but Freja was well known and smoothed things over, explaining that Bonny was a healer and had to work to cure the disease left by the tainted steel.

As they turned to go, Pestilence materialized in front of Bonny in a small incarnation size, the same as the gods and Lust. The demon appeared as a girl rat kin this time, but naked, gaunt, and sickly, with patches of fur missing. “You may have won this round, bunny. But it is not over.” She waved her hand at the cultist, who immediately started foaming at the mouth.

The beaver kin looked between Bonny and Pestilence, fear in her eyes, for just a moment, before she choked and slumped over. Bonny didn’t need to check her health to know what happened.

“Why would you kill your own follower?” Bonny hissed, quietly.

“Becaussseee, she is mine!” Pestilence laughed and vanished.

Sorry for missing the chapter on Wednesday. I may have to skip a day again next week as well.

We're approaching the end of the arc already. What are some options you would like to see in the next poll? Preferably monster girls from mountainous or dungeon areas or anyone that was missed from the last poll (chapter 23).

Thanks for reading,

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