Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

80.1 ♥♥ Courage and Fear – Part 1 (R-18+ / BDSM)

Freja lay on the ground, arms bound behind her and covered in a sheen of sweat. Bonny sat in front of her, cross legged with her back to the dying fire, feeding the centaur a sweetened oat mash and occasionally taking a spoonful for herself.

“How are you feeling? Analysis!” Bonny went ahead and triggered the skill, checking for any complications with the twisted binding. She saw none.

“Satisfied, but my shoulders and arms ache.” Freja smiled as she shrugged and rolled her shoulders. “I can feed myself if you let me go.”

“You know I won’t.” Bonny grinned and glanced up at the crescent moon, halfway through it’s journey across the sky. “Not until morning.”

“Water, please.”

Bonny picked up a leather pouch, took a sip, then trickled water into Freja’s mouth. She went back to feeding her patient. “I don’t mind taking care of you.”

It was dark, the waning moon and fire only giving minimal light, and when Bonny occasionally missed Freja’s mouth, she leaned down and licked the oatmeal from Freja's cheek, or nose, then followed it up with a quick kiss.

When done, she searched Freja’s bags for the grooming kit, then spent some time brushing out the centaur’s coat and combing out her long hair and tail.

Once done, she collected a few long strands of Freja’s tail hair that had pulled loose and added it to some of her own. She sat down, leaning back on Freja’s stomach and braiding their hair together into three ropes, each just over a foot long.

Freja watched as well as she could. “What are you making?”

“Ropes. For Courage. Your tail hair is thicker, so I thought adding one in would make it more comfortable for her.” Bonny turned to look at the centaur. The dim fire was reflected in Freja’s large dark eyes. “Do you want to watch?”

She nodded.

“Okay. Courage likes you, so it shouldn’t be a problem. You two are very similar.”

Freja smiled. “Thank you.”

“What fo … oh, the compliment? You’re welcome.” Bonny turned and lay down, face to face with Freja. She rubbed their noses together, then kissed her, lips soft and teasing. “I’m going to switch, but I’ll try to keep watch on you.”

“I love you.”

Bonny paused. “Are you sure? We’ve only known each other a few days. It’s too soon.” She checked the bond between them, feeling the strong desire, and something more.

“I am. You don’t have to love me back. Not yet, but don’t leave me.”

“I won’t.” Bonny kissed Freja again, then slid down to nestle her face into the centaur’s chest, allowing Freja a full view of the clearing and embers of the fire.

Bonny closed her eyes and shifted, opening them a moment later in her avatar form. Time stopped and the world turned a hazy white. She stood on an unknown, flat surface surrounded by the three goddesses and Lust.

Courage glowed, becoming brighter and brighter, as all of the spirits of courage joined her in a single avatar. Bonny felt the weight of a GOD as Courage looked at her, each individual hair of the lioness’ golden fur radiated more power than Bonny had in her whole body.

The goddess that Bonny knew was a leader, a councilor, and a friend. She was also a little silly, always ready to step forward with help or advice, and a tease.

This Courage was terrifying. “Show ME Fear!!” Not a request, a command.

Bonny noticed other figures appearing around the edges of the white world. Other gods, demons, elementals, spirits, and so on. They were all beings that existed outside of time and had enough presence and power to notice the change, the sudden concentration of energy in one place.

She ignored them and focused on the golden Goddess in front of her. Courage was still glowing, though her internal incandescence had faded slightly.

“I have a request.” Bonny shivered and had to force the statement out.


“Can we do this in the real world? So Freja can watch?”


“Why not?” Bonny wondered briefly how she dared question the Goddess' decree.

“I have withdrawn courage from those in need. Time cannot pass without consequences.”

Bonny nodded slowly. That sounded like it could be bad. “Okay.”

“Are You Ready?!”

Bonny couldn’t keep the tremor out of her voice as she held up the three braids of hair. They were each created from four strands of Bonny’s hair and one of Freja’s. “Will these hold you?”

Courage reached out to take the braids, then pulled them through her hands, infusing the ropes with Light as she did, and returned them a moment later.

“I Have Imbued Them With Divinity. It Will Limit MY Power. It Is How WE Bound The Demons.”

Bonny nodded and glanced at Lust, who didn’t react to the revelation. The demoness was quietly sitting on the floor to one side, not looking directly at Courage or Bonny. “Okay. Thank you.”

Bonny took two of the divinely infused, braided ropes of hair, pulled them even, then tied a loop knot in the middle of the two. The connected ropes started at a little over a foot long, so halving it left them at about double their avatar’s three inch heights.

Bonny set the knot and loop at the back of Courage’s neck and pulled two strands of rope over each of Courage’s shoulders and let them hang down over the goddess’ chest, leaving the ends pooled on the ground.

“I’m going to start tying this now. Please let me know if it’s uncomfortable.”

“You May Proceed.”

Bonny summoned her own courage and started by tying a loop behind each shoulder, then separate overhand knots, one on each pair of ropes, just above Courage’s breasts. She separated the two strands and pulled one rope from each pair into the middle, where she tied another overhand knot between the goddess’ breasts, then separated the two center ropes and tied two more knots below Courage’s breasts, framing them.

Bonny stepped back to admire her rope work. She kept the rope and knots loose for further adjustment, but compared it to the picture she remembered her friend showing her. Bonny’s Mental Power and Control were high, and both helped with memory, so she could visualize the photograph clearly, like an eidetic memory, but she didn’t know how to actually tie the knots or run the rope. Everything looked correct so far, so she went back to work.

The next tie was a centered knot, then two more on the sides, then a final one near Courage’s groin. Bonny adjusted each of the knots slightly, placing the last one just above the goddess’ clitoris. She pulled two ropes through, parting Courage’s labia, and two around the goddess’ hips, each with a separate loop, then tying another knot just under the lioness’ tail.

The four ropes were divided again on the way back up, with two to each side of Courage’s tail. Bonny added another knot halfway up, then pulled the strands through the initial loop, at the back of Courage’s neck. She pulled and twisted them, then ran two to each side, looping through the outside rope of the diamonds framing Courage’s breasts, with a twist, then back to form a diamond on her back.

Bonny paused and went back around, checking each knot and tightening it in place. As each was finalized, the glow from Courage dimmed.

“How is it?”

“Acceptable.” Courage’s arms and legs were still free. “Why Does This Take So Long?”

“Anticip-,” Bonny drew in a deep breath, stopped her work, and leaned in to kiss Courage. “-ation. Think about your power dimming and what I can do. No, what I WILL do, when you have none remaining.”

“I Understand. The Loss Of Power And Control Is … Concerning.”

Bonny grinned and wrinkled her nose at the goddess. “Are you afraid? Of me? Do you remember our safeword: Friendship?”

Courage glared at her. “I Do Not Forget.”

“Okay. Use it if you need to.” Bonny leaned in for another kiss, a quick peck, then continued.

She took her time, bringing the ropes back around to complete the diamonds across Courage’s stomach and one below them, framing the goddess’ mons, then completed a lower back diamond, where she ran out of rope. She pulled Courage’s tail up and tied the ends of the rope around it, restricting it’s movement.

Bonny reached out to grab Courage’s arms and pulled them back. “I need your hands now.”

She took the last divinely infused rope, doubled it over and tied another loop knot. She twisted it and slipped it over Courage’s wrists, then pulled the two together.

She struggled to remember the picture she had seen and wanted to use here. Back on Earth, she hadn’t paid close attention to how the arms and legs were usually tied and mostly remembered the beautiful diamond patterns across the models’ bodies. She had done that part successfully, but now what?

At least she had time. She took deep slow breathes to calm herself and concentrated on her task, ignoring the watching presences.

She looped the rope around Courage’s wrists twice, then ran a column up, above her elbows and repeated the process, making sure to keep the rope away from the delicate nerves around the joint. She didn’t think it would injure a goddess, but didn’t want to take the chance.

From there, she ran the rope back down Courage’s arms, wrapping them in a cocoon of rope, then she stopped and considered. There wasn’t enough remaining rope to secure both of the goddess’ legs.

Bonny decided on one and pulled Courage’s left leg up. A loop when around the ankle, then around her thigh, which was pulled tight, leaving Courage’s foot against her ass. Bonny doubled the rope to add more support, then ran the remaining rope down, with two more loops and a knot at the knee, the ends tucked behind the joint.

She stepped back to admire her work. Courage was standing on one leg, arms pulled back tightly, similar to how Bonny had bound Freja. The diamond pattern of the rope dress was taut across Courage’s fur and caused the goddess’ breasts to stick out prominently.

Most of the glow of power was gone, though there were spots near the centers of the diamonds that still shown dimly. The look was exquisite and Bonny understood, really understood, the desire and love her friend had had for shibari. She reached out to caress, then pinch Courage’s nipples. “How do you feel?”

Courage struggled for a moment, then stopped. “It Is Tight. I Cannot Move, But I Have No Fear.”

“Fear? Is that all you want?”

Bonny wasn’t afraid anymore, not exactly, but this comment irritated and disappointed her. She liked spending time with the goddess, the silly one, that allowed Bonny ride her openly and tease Freja by feeling her up, and the helpful one, that gave advice and helped with training and understanding.

This full incarnation was something more, something terrifying, something that didn’t seem to care about Bonny personally, and was no longer her friend, not exactly.

“YES! Make ME Fear YOU.” As she spoke, the goddess' eyes grew incandescent with constrained power.

I used some youtube videos from @SecretsofShibari and @RorysBrainworks as references, but didn’t check in with them or ask for advice. Any errors in the Hishi Karada tie descriptions are mine alone.

Sorry for the two split chapters in a row. Hopefully this isn't too much of a cliffhanger. The next half will be out on Thursday.

Patreon is up to chapter 87.

Thanks for reading,

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