Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

82. Panic and Poison

Bonny and Freja froze. The roar was distant, but powerful.

“What was that?” Bonny asked.

They both looked to the northeast, where the sound had come from. A dot was circling in the sky above the shadow that marked the forest. A jet of flame shot out, several times longer than the dot. Another roar arrived, several seconds later.

“Dragon!” Freja screamed, almost dropping Bonny. “We need to get back to the city.”

They scrambled to throw on Freja’s harness, armor, and weapons. Bonny pulled on her armor as well, grabbed her shield, then jumped on the centaur. They left the remaining supplies and gear where it lay.

Bonny held on tight, her arms around Freja’s stomach as the centaur took the stairs fast, her steps sure and steady. When they reached the ground, Bonny’s wrists were grabbed and held in an iron grip, as the world blurred.

She was reminded of the flight from Matt, in the woods, when Eloisss had carried her back to Grandma Oak, the blurring as Eloisss switched to sidewiding, but this was different. Freja’s hooves stuck the ground in a continuous thundering rhythm, one heavy beat followed by two slightly lighter.

She only stayed in place due to Freja’s hold and realized there must be a skill involved. It had taken a couple hours to reach the towering rock, even at a gallop, but the trip back took less than one.

During the run, Bonny closed her eyes and concentrated on Violet. ‘There’s a dragon west of the city. Matt may be attacking earlier than expected. Please alert everyone and tell them to get equipped. We’re heading to the west gate.’

[yes, mistress]

A moment later, Bonny felt as odd squeezing sensation, a clenching around … what?. She mentally checked each of the three dildos associated with her Lust artifact. None were present or in use. They were all in a sort of non-existence that she didn’t really understand. Then it hit her, the butt plugs. The plugs she had made and given to Miu and Kanae were tied to the artifact. Could she …

Bonny concentrated and tried to move them, like a Kegel contraction or twitching one of the dildos when it was attached, only she flexed her magic on something that wasn’t really there. A moment later, she felt another clench around each, these were purposeful, not fearful. Definitely something to explore later, when they had time.

If they had time. Bonny suddenly remembered the warning Willow had given when they were traveling through the forest: “There are no friendly dragons … hide and hope it hasn’t noticed you.”

Of course, Freja and her were running toward the dragon, but when had she ever followed good advice?

‘How is everyone?’ Bonny thought to Violet again.

[frightened, eloisss is trying to calm everyone with her aura, we will be ready]

‘Thank you.’

As they got close, the speck in the air grew larger, then split into two. A smaller figure was fleeing south and the larger one pursued. The dragon roared again and the smaller figure seemed to go into shock, missing a beat and losing control, it’s forward motion turning into a downward arc as it tumbled from the sky. At the last moment, it’s wings reengaged and it started gaining height again.

“It’s Iolana!” Bonny shouted as she finally made out the form of the red feathered harpy. The scout was struggling, clearly tired, beating at the air and slowly recovering speed and height, but the dragon had gained ground during her panic.

The dragon was huge, with a head almost as big as the harpy and a body several times her length. It was covered in green and brown scales, with enormous wings extending out to each side. It’s neck and tail were both long and sinuous, and it's long black horns curved back over it’s head. There was some kind of chain collar around it’s neck.

It moved deceptively fast and was suddenly right behind Iolana. When she tried to cut to the side, the dragon’s neck twisted and it's teeth snapped down on one of harpy’s wings. The scout shrieked as the dragon snapped it’s head, ripping most the limb off and swallowing it with a gulp. It whirled, and ascended, roaring again and jetting fire into the sky as Iolana tumbled from the air.

Freja turned to run to where Iolana had fallen, sliding to a stop as they reached her broken body.

Bonny tumbled off as Freja released her wrists, scrambling to her feet and running to the downed harpy a moment later. She sucked in a breath at the bright blood pouring from the torn wing - arterial. “Analgesia! Mending! We’re here, Iolana. We’ve got you.”

There was no limb to attach and no way to rebuild it. Bonny concentrated on closing the wound to stop the hemorrhaging, then on straightening her other limbs and repairing the breaks.. Triage and stabilize now, worry about fixing the wing later.

Bonny remounted as Freja scooped up the maimed harpy and they set off again. Freja didn’t run as fast as she had been, but still maintained a fast pace. Bonny kept an eye on the sky and the dragon. It had moved away, heading north east, back toward the forest north of the city, which was visible now.

Iolana had apparently been trying to sneak back to the city by flying west and south to avoid the dragon and possibly other monsters to alert the city. Bonny imagined the city was aware at this point, due to the noise and visual spectacle, even if they didn’t have any details.

Before they reached the gate, the dragon circled, roared again, then strafed the city wall nearest them, flying across the city, spewing a thick chartreuse mist that blanketed the area.

“What is that? Do you know?”

“Poison gas.” Freja answered, panting. The run had been hard on her. The lack of sleep the night prior probably didn’t help either. “Some dragons poison their prey.”

When they arrived, there was a crowd of people near the gate, most laying on the ground, hacking and coughing. The fog smelled like bleach or a very strongly chlorinated pool.

Analysis!” Bonny checked a couple of the nearest people for details while extending her purification and healing aura.

The most common issues seemed to be chemical burns in the esophagus and lungs, oxygen deprivation, blisters, and muscle spasms. The latter was probably from fear. The dragon's roar seemed to induce a fear effect, with some people trying to run and others cowering in place.

The chemical damage was mild to moderate in most of the people and Bonny’s aura cured enough of it so that the wounded would survive without a more draining mending spell. More importantly, her purification aura dissipated the gas in the air and their lungs.

“Freja, hurry. Follow the dragon.”

The centaur glanced around, seeing the dense mist clearing and did as asked, forcing her way into and through the mob, any damage caused by being shoved aside was much less harmful than the chemical permeating the air.

Bonny’s aura didn’t quite reach across the whole poison zone, but it did cover the street. She hoped there wasn’t enough left to seriously hurt anyone, but feared there would be a lot of cleanup to do afterward.

They tore into the plaza and circled it twice, in a spiral to clean up as much of the gas as possible. The dragon had finished it’s blitz and ascended. Bonny could see it above, circling and watching.

“Freja, head to the temple. Recovery, you need additional priests.” They ran to the temple, to find Rafael at the door.

He raised a hand to stop them and glared at the two, eyeing Bonny’s revealing armor. “It is offensive to … oof.”

Bonny had hopped off of Freja and kicked him in the balls while he was talking. “Not the time! There's A Fucking DRAGON!”

As he groaned and bent double, she smashed her hand into his face and held him for a moment while she willed Recovery’s blessing.

Recovery materialized between them. “Bonny, …”

“Do it! Save the people. That’s what you’re all about, right? Think of the worshipers you’ll gain for this miracle!”

The crimson flash of the Healer blessing lit the temple entryway, then Bonny released the groaning priest and turned to take Iolana from Freja. She carried the harpy inside, laying her on a mat in the large room.

She looked up to find Altha, Helem, and a line of patients watching her. She waved and hurried over, ignoring the crowd waiting to be seen and their stares at her attire. “Did you two get your new class?”

They both nodded.

“Good, we have an emergency. Recovery, Blessings!”

She grabbed a hand from each of the girls. Twin crimson flashes lit the inside of the temple.

“Thank you, goddess.” Bonny turned and hurried out, motioning the two to follow, not giving the two time to reflect on the feeling or change.

She stopped near Rafael, who was just getting to his feet, and laid a hand on his shoulder. “Mending!”

Bonny pointed up, at the dragon, who had stopped circling and was lining up for another strafing run. “The dragon is spitting some kind of poison. Your auras will cleanse it. If anyone is coughing a lot, try to heal their lungs. Don't worry too much about the fear, and just move when you can. I’ll explain more later. Please save as many people as you can. Freja?”

The centaur was still panting, trying to catch her breath. She shook her head. “I will not carry them.”

“Okay. Head to the North gate and I'll send Violet there to meet you. I think Matt’s attacking and the city will need help defending. Your aura will help.” She concentrated on Violet and repeated the message.

“What about you?”

Bonny pointed at the dragon again, already spewing poison along one of the crowded streets. People were panicking, both from the poison and dragonfear. “I’m going to try to stop that.”

“What?” The three priests and Freja answered in chorus.

“It has a chain on it’s neck. Probably from Wrath. I just need to break it. I think. Go! I’ll be fine.”

The three new blessed priests ran off, following the dragon, though they hesitated, courage faltering, when they left Bonny's aura. Freja stayed, watching Bonny.

“Lust. I need wings.”

The demoness materialized and fluttered her eyelashes at Bonny. “What makes you think little old me can do something like that?”

“Don’t play with me. My avatar form has wings. Give them to me.”

 She stopped playing coy. “What will you bargain for a full succubus form? It will take a lot of power to grant it.”

“Anything that won’t hurt my friends or me. Or that would cause more deaths than this will save.”

The demoness thought for a moment then smiled. “No deaths. If you succeed, dance here in the plaza during the celebration. Inspire passion and drink it for me."

Bonny smiled back. “I can do that.”

Lust poked one of the bunny's exposed nipples.

Bonny felt power wash through her. A tail and horns sprout from her tailbone and head, a prehensile succubus tail replacing her puffy cottontail. Her feet pulled back into hooves and her wings strained at her shoulder blades, constrained by her armor. The shifting changes felt uncomfortable, but didn't hurt, except for her wings and back.

Bonny looked up, to see Freja still there, watching her with concern. “Freja, cut my armor open.” She spun, stumbling on her unfamiliar hooves, showing the bulges along her back.

The centaur unsheathed a sword and started to carefully saw through the armor.

“Faster! You can cut me, I heal.”

“Bonny, I don’t want to …”

“Look!” She pointed up at the dragon, now circling just past the gates. “How many people just died, despite the new priests? Our friends could have been poisoned. Just do it! NOW!”

Freja sliced in and down, working as fast as she dared, still trying not to injure Bonny. It seemed to take forever as the dragon roared and began it’s next strafing run.

Bonny flexed her wings before the second piece was completely cut out. The wing caught. “Yank it through.”

When Freja did, it caught on the leather and tore, sending a sharp spike of pain lancing through Bonny’s wing and back.

Analgesia! Mending!” She disabled all pain and left it off. This fight wasn’t likely to go well, but at least it wouldn’t hurt.

Bonny flexed her wings and lifted off the ground slightly, hovering. The wings fluttered lightly, automatically, easier than her practice in avatar form, interacting with magic in some way to keep her aloft without concentrating or flapping the wings hard. She waved at Freja, then blew a kiss.

“If I don’t make it, let them know … Tell them I love you. All of you.”

“I-we love you too, Bonny. Please don’t die.”

She beat her wings against the air and soared! The practice with Adelina the other night paid off, the same skill applying here as she felt at the wind and cupped her wings to catch it. She made a mental note to thank the fairy later.

Bonny darted up a street, just above the heads of the people, following the trail of poison. The roads were clogged with choking people and mist, and her aura cleansed the air around her. She banked and shot up another street, then another, weaving her way through the worst of the poison, making her way toward the North gate, where her friends were heading.

She hear a roar and looked up, to see the dragon starting another run, off to one side. She flapped to gain height above the buildings, banked to face the dragon directly, then accelerated, trying to cut it off.

The dragon swooped up when it saw her coming and she followed, her small form faster and more maneuverable. As she got close, she realized how big it really was, her earlier comparison with Iolana not having made the same impression. It’s head and neck were almost twice as long as she was, it’s body and tail were multiple body lengths longer. It could swallow her whole and still want more.

She refused to give in to fear. All she had to do was break the chain. Once it regained it’s senses, she hoped it would go after Matt in retaliation.

She closed, sliding sideways on the wind to approach from it’s side, trying to slip in just ahead of it’s wings. At the last moment, it turned and dove at her, mouth open.

Bonny folded her wings and dropped. She had expected something, having remembered it suddenly twisting to bite the harpy. She immediately reopened and flexed her wings, beating her way back up under the dragon after the dodge. She mentally thanked Adelina for the flying practice, again. She owed the little fairy big time.

She was slightly faster on acceleration due to her smaller mass and flitted up to grab the chain collar. She curled her body up, braced her hooves on the dragon’s neck and jaw, standing upside down, adjusted her grip, and yanked, hard!

Quite a few people have asked for a dragon. So ... here you go?

Thanks for reading,

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