Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

84. Death and Life

A shout out to Heart of the Party, by SlyFox00.

Heart of the Party

This seems to be everything I wanted my story to be, but better. You should read it.

Bonny landed near the dragon.

It lay on its side, still breathing in harsh pants, its health and resilience incomparable to any lesser being. The building had splintered and several of the beams and support columns had pierced the dragon’s body, entering through the rents and fissures torn in its scales.

Bonny belatedly realized there was an army of monsters around her as well, though anything within a hundred feet was either dead or dazed by the meteoric impact.

She reached up to touch the dragon on her snout. “I’m sorry it ended this way. You are amazing and I wish we had a chance to be friends.”

The dragon growled back, the growl slowly fading into a long final breath.

A moment later, the demonic chain fractured and fell away, leaving a collection of Wrath scales piled up underneath her.

Bonny looked down at the scales, then back up. “No, wait! The chain is off. Wake up!” She ran to the dragon’s chest and yanked at the giant stakes impaling her. She couldn’t move them.

She pulled open the biggest cut to peer inside and saw that one of the columns had splintered and pierced the dragon's heart. She reached in and pulled out what she could. “Analysis! Divine Mending!” She healed the dragon’s heart, then started pumping at it manually, pushing in with her whole body.

“AHEM!” An echoing sepulchral voice sounded behind her. Instead of clearing its throat, it actually said the word.

Bonny spun, to see a figure cloaked in black with a large scythe in one hand. “Death? You're Death?”

“I AM!”

“Let me save her. She didn’t deserve to die.”


Bonny looked around and realized time was frozen. It was a little concerning that she was almost spending so much time outside of time. “Is there anything I can do to save her?”

Death didn’t answer. The figure stood there, as silent as the grave. It was taller than her by about half a foot and looked down on her with cold, icy blue eyes.

Bonny crossed her arms, narrowed her eyes, and waited, unmoving, standing between Death and the dragon, staring back up unflinchingly.

Courage materialized, still naked, the rope burns still present and smoking slightly. “Bonny, let the dragon go. You can’t win this one.”

Death turned their gaze to the injured goddess, looking over the wounds that criss-crossed her body in a diamond pattern. “I FELT YOUR LIFE DIMINISH AND RETURN. DID SHE DO THIS TO YOU?”

“Yes.” Courage nodded.


Bonny stared at the goddess. Love? Courage was a goddess, beyond mortal feelings and concerns. And relationships. Wasn’t she?

“Yes.” Courage kept her eyes on Death, not looking at Bonny.




“Her Courage ... and Compassion. She never hesitated to confront the dragon to try and save her friends and the innocents in the city. She isn’t backing down in front of you, to save the dragon in turn, someone she doesn’t know, but feels sorry for because of circumstances. She risked my death and the wrath of the gods to satisfy my curiosity.”

Death turned back to Bonny. “WILL YOU ACCEPT THE KISS OF DEATH?”

“Will you let me save her?”


“Will someone else die in turn?”




Bonny considered. Matt and her appearance in this world heralded a new divine war that threatened to end civilization. Beaverton was almost demolished before Wrath’s army even reached it. If she could guarantee that Matt died and their conflict ended without further deaths, it would be worth it.

“I agree.”

“No! Bonny, no!” Courage turned back to her, sudden tears brightening the goddess’ eyes.

“It’s fine, Courage. Everyone will be better off without Matt and me. We've both just caused trouble. I just have to take him with me.” Bonny reached out to hold Courage and brought her close for a kiss. Her lips almost covered the small god’s head. Bonny set Courage on her shoulder and walked toward the cloaked figure of Death. “I'm sorry I hurt you. Besides, I’ve already died once. These last couple of months have been wonderful, but I don’t really belong here, in your world.”

Death lowered it’s hood, revealing herself to be a tall blonde with a black streak through her hair. She smiled at Bonny. “No one has ever taken my offer before.”

Bonny smiled back. “I’m glad you’re pretty and not just some yucky skull face.”

“Would you have kissed me if I were a skull?”

“I think, yes. I wouldn’t chicken out on a one of a kind opportunity like this.” Bonny reached up and slid her hands around Death’s head, running her fingers into Death’s hair. She felt cool to Bonny’s heated touch as they both leaned in.

Their lips met, hot against cold, both open and inviting. Their tongues touched, teased, and wrestled with each other. After a moment, Death’s arms circled around Bonny and pulled her in tighter. The kiss went on, becoming frantic and needy, building until Bonny felt a pull at her Lust aura as a bond formed between them, tenuous and thin.

She poked it and it sang, vibrating between them, their souls snapping into sync.

Death broke the kiss and stepped back with wide eyes. “What? What did you just do?”

Bonny grinned at Death. “Just a kiss. You seem lonely. I think you need more companionship? Courage, will you visit Death for me, after I die?”

Courage and Death looked at each other, then back at Bonny. Courage nodded, speechless.

“Great!” Bonny clapped her hands and beamed at them. “You both need more friends. Do we call you Death or do you have another name? I already know Courage doesn't have another one. Unless we give her one. How about Nala? That's a brave lion in a story.”

Courage shook her head. “Maybe later.”

“Susan. Call me Susan.” Death said.

“Okay, Susan. I’ll see you tonight.” Bonny winked.

Susan pulled the hood back over her head and vanished. Time resumed.

Bonny ran back to the dragon and pumped it’s heart again. This time it caught, beating on it’s own. Scalding blood leaked from numerous wounds and Bonny healed what she could. When the blood stopped leaking, she removed more splinters and debris of the broken building, then healed the newly exposed wounds.

She was dimly aware of movement around her, of fighting and yelling. But no one approached them. Even in death, or near death, as it were, everyone, including monsters, was afraid of dragons.

The dragon shifted and Bonny went back to her head, to see the it focusing on her. She patted her nose. “I’ve done what I can to save you, but there are still some things I can't remove. Do you have the strength to move off of them?”

The dragon nodded and closed her eyes. She breathed in and morphed, her body shifting and condensing, shrinking down to a humanoid form. A thin, naked girl, slightly smaller than Bonny, lay at her feet. She was green and brown skinned, with shredded wings, a tail, and large dark horns arching back over her bald head. The wounds in her abdomen were still present, so Bonny went back to work.


A shout distracted her some time later and Bonny looked up to see Freja and Eloisss between her and a huge mob of monsters. Miu and Kanae were there as well, standing beside her.

“We can’t hold them off any more, we need to fall back to the gate.”

Bonny nodded and bent to pick up the dragon girl, who was much heavier than she appeared. Most of her injuries were healed, but the dragon girl was barely coherent. Bonny struggled, but managed to lift her, then turned to run.

Her four companions fought a retreating battle, picking off those they could and retreating slowly. Both Eloisss and Freja used shields, though the centaur used a long spear and the lamia held one of her falcata. Both were coated in blood, but not as much as Bonny or the dragon girl.

Before she knew it, they were in the city and her companions were joined by guards holding off the army until the gates could close. Bonny set the dragon girl down and sat beside her, trying to catch her breath. “How are you?”

“Everything hurts." The dragon girl had woken up during the run. She looked up at Bonny. "You killed me. Then saved me?”

“I was lucky. You were too angry to think straight.”

The dragon girl thought for a moment. “I don’t remember why.”

“Wrath. An avatar of Wrath is out there directing the army. He somehow collared you and sent you to attack the city.”

“I owe you then … for my freedom. And my life.”

“It’s fine. Just, please don’t hurt anyone else in the city. When you feel up to it, we can try to kill Wrath for what he did, then you can go back to your cave or mountain. Or whatever.”


“No? Why not?”

“I owe a debt. I will … I swear to serve you for a year and a day. I swear this on my Name and my Pride and give both to you for the duration.”

Bonny felt a weight settle across her shoulders. Knowledge came with it, a bond forming between her and the dragon. She knew the dragon girl's true name, but also knew she wouldn’t respond to it. Couldn’t respond to it. Names were important to dragons, a type of identity that the girl had given up to be with her. Bonny also knew dragons could be influenced by their true names and wondered if she would retain that knowledge if she were still here after the year passed.

“What should I call you if you’ve given me your name?”

“Whatever you want. I am yours to use as you will, so long as you do not attempt to kill me.”

“How about … Zeal.” It was similar to the first syllable of the dragon’s name, but not exactly. Bonny wasn’t even sure she could pronounce the dragon’s full name if she wanted to.

“I like that. Thank you.” Zeal smiled up at Bonny and slid a hand down to touch herself. “I, uh …”

“Bonny! How are you?” Miu pounced on the bunny and started to lick at the blood covering Bonny. She then turned, retched, started trying to spit the blood back out.

Divine Mending!” Bonny healed Miu of the caustic blood and watched for a moment to make sure she was okay, then looked up to see the gates had closed and Freja and Eloisss were beside them. Kanae was sniffing at Zeal, while Willowbelle and Adelina looked on from the side.

“Hey, girls. Thank you.” Bonny pulled Miu back over and leaned against her.

“Are you okay, nya?”

“Tired. Very, very tired. Oh, Zeal, this is Miu. Eloisss and Freja are the two big ones with shields. They defended us while I carried you in. The others are …” Bonny introduced each of her companions, then looked up at Eloisss. “Are you mad?”

The lamia nodded, the skin of her eyes tight. “Very much sso! How dare you leave uss to go fight a dra-dragon? Do you know ho-how sstupid that iss?” Her voice broke as she tried to berate Bonny.

Bonny nodded. “I know. I'm sorry, but I saved her. From Wrath.”

“Y-yess. But we almosst ... losst you.” Eloisss stopped pretending to be mad and coiled a couple of loops around Bonny and Miu, reaching and and hugging Bonny tightly once in place.

Bonny patted the lamia. “Not too tight please. I'm not done fighting. I have something to tell you. All of you.”

“Not done?!”

“Uh, let me call Violet.” Bonny concentrated and felt her link to the slime girl, then pushed the crown away, back to her. ‘Violet, can you come back? Are you safe?’

[i seem to be outside the walls, eating goblins, Arcane Teleport!]

A huge purple blob appeared next to them, quickly reforming and condensing down into the familiar slime girl. The Crown, familiar skeletal hand, and cloudy substance were still suspended inside her, but there were also a number of other bones and parts of various creatures, several of which fell out as she shrank down to match Bonny’s size.

[[i seem to have gained weight, who knew goblins were so fattening]]

Bonny smiled. “What happened?”

[[when you requested the crown, i left the wall, that way i wouldn’t hurt people, you said they are friends, not food]]

“Thank you. That was smart.”

[[i thought you would approve, who is the new girl]]

Zeal rolled onto her side and shifted to lay her head on Bonny’s leg, just beyond one of Eloisss’ coils, she still stroked herself with one hand. Uncaring of the eyes on her.

“This is Zeal. She’s the dragon. She died when she landed on the building and I made a deal to save her. Which means, uh, I need to find and kill Matt before nightfall.” Bonny looked around. “The deal was with Death. I have to give up my life or have someone give theirs for me.”

“What? No! Bonny!” There was a cry from all of them, jumbling their responses.

Bonny sighed, “It’s fine. The world will be better off without me. If I wasn’t here, Zeal wouldn’t have attacked the city and there wouldn’t be an army outside the gate. Will you get your name back when I die?” Bonny glanced down at the dragon girl as she asked the question.

Zeal nodded, the hand between her legs still moving in small circles.

Bonny suddenly realized what was going on. “Uh, Zeal? Oh, sorry.” She realized she still had her Lust aura turned up and focused on the dragon. She withdrew it.

“Mmmmm.” Zeal didn’t stop. “I need yo...”

Eloisss shifted a coil to nudge Zeal off of Bonny’s leg. “We all do. Join the line.”

“I will die, Bonny.” Adelina sang. “For you.”

“No.” Bonny shook her head. “You’ve lived for hundreds of years. I won’t allow you to give that up for me. Any of you. I don’t belong here. Besides, Death seems nice. She’s pretty.”

“She?” Eloisss asked the question that was suddenly in the forefront of everyone’s minds. “Did you fuck her? Is that how you made the deal?”

Bonny laughed. “No. We just kissed. She called it the kiss of death.”

“Bonny would have, if Death hadn’t gotten scared.” Courage informed everyone as she and Recovery materialized in the middle of the group.

They group stared at the naked, rope-scarred goddess.

“What? How? Who could hurt you, Goddesss?” Eloisss asked, glancing at Bonny.

“Bonny tied her up and tortured her.” Recovery answered, smirking and tracing Courage’s wounds with her eyes, as if she wished she had been the one on the receiving end. “Courage loved it.”

Everyone looked at Bonny, then back at Courage.

“It happened last night.” Freja showed the faint rope marks on her own arms. “And she left me tied up all night while she did it.”

Everyone looked at Bonny again.

Bonny smiled at her friends and closed her eyes, leaning heavily on Miu and Eloisss. “Well, at least we’re all alive and safe. For now.” 

For now!

Any resemblance to existing people or characters is entirely coincidental. GNU Sir Terry.

Thanks for reading,

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