Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

96. ♥♥ Slimed and Slapped (R-18+, dubcon, restraint)

CW: Dubcon

Continuing the scene, with added complication.

This time, after climax, Bonny didn’t feel the itch or grow another dick. She had to consciously dismiss the absurdly large one after Freja dismounted and trotted up to kiss her.

“So, uh, why am I tied up again?” She asked Eloisss.

“You’ve been unconssciouss for three dayss. Your lust sspread to everyone around uss if we didn’t keep you ssatissfied. We know conssent iss important, but …” Eloisss slithered up to stand near Bonny’s head. She was naked and her breasts swayed back and forth as she moved.

“Was anyone hurt?” Bonny interrupted Eloisss’ explanation, eyes tracking the lamia’ chest.

“No. We don’t think sso. There wass a lot of ssex in the sstreetss the firsst night, until we figured out what do do. Keeping you resstrained wass eassiest.”

“That’s fine. Thank you for taking charge.” Bonny smiled up at her, meeting her eyes again. “Where are we? Can you free me now?”

“The Bussty Beaver. Ssome of the, uh, ladiess, helped keep you ssated.”

Bonny looked around, spotting almost all her friends sleeping on the floor in blankets. Everyone was naked. And clearly exhausted.

The three cow girls were cuddled together, Nellie having wedged herself between Bess and Clara.

Tamanna had settled down next to Hananoka and pulled a blanket over both of them.

Iolana perched on the back of a chair, head tucked under her intact wing. The other wing was still missing, though the stump looked clean and healthy, as much as could be expected.

Lupa was curled up on top of a blanket near a wall, still in wolf form.

Miu was still wedged at the top of the bed, between Bonny’s restrained arms. She was awake and playing with Bonny’s hair and ears.

Turning her head, she could just glimpse Willowbelle at the head of the bed, holding her sapling and standing motionless by the wall. The dryad's eyes were closed in meditation or sleep.

She couldn't see Adelina, but the fairy could be almost anywhere.

Freja had already lain down, leaning her human torso against a wall.

Zeal sat in a corner, watching everyone with a disgruntled expression. A few wisps of steam drifted up around her, water dripping into a puddle under her.

Violet sat on the edge of the bed by one of Bonny’s feet, one hand rubbing Bonny’s leg.

Kanae and Hyzenth continued to suck at Bonny’s breasts, the fox’s ears twitching in pleasure. Hyzenth’s men weren’t in the room.

Spirit Analysis!” Bonny checked the room, paying close attention to Hyzenth and Kanae. Hyzenth had a soul wound, but it was closed and seemed to be healing. The darkness in Kanae seemed to be gone, though the black streaks through her embryos were still present.

Bonny couldn’t see Miu from that angle and made a note to check on her later.

Analysis!” She checked the room again, relieved at just seeing exhaustion. No injuries. Of course, her auras were still present, blanketing the room with healing and cleansing.

“How doess …? Eloisss motioned to Kanae. “We’ve let her nursse, hoping the, uh, ambrossia would help with the corruption.”

“She looks good. Hyzenth too.” Bonny tried to reach down to touch Kanae, pulling at her restraints. “Can someone untie me?”

Eloisss paused and looked to Miu, then back to Bonny. She shook her head. “Let'ss wait a few more minutess, pleasse.”

Miu leaned over to kiss Bonny again and they lost themselves for a moment.

[[AAAAAHHH]] The telepathic scream woke the room as a spike of NEED stabbed through everyone’s head.

Bonny broke the kiss and turned to see Violet sitting on the side of the bed, a hand on Bonny's leg. She still looked like a human Bonny, except in translucent purple.

The slime girl's visible womb pulsed, throbbing like a heartbeat. With each beat, another prick of Need cut across the room. Her hair rose in thick tendrils that spread out around her, lengthening into tentacles, reaching toward Bonny.

Violet’s arm elongated, her hand sliding up Bonny’s leg to her stomach, then Violet flowed up along it, morphing and reforming in a sitting position on top of the bunny. Her hair tentacles stretched and split, forming into dozens of strands that reached out and wrapped around Eloisss and Miu, reeling them in.

The two were piled on top of Bonny, Kanae, and Hyzenth, then tentacles thrust into all five of them, filling them.

Bonny felt two force their way in, invading her pussy and ass together. A smaller tendril split off and thrust into her urethra as another reached up, pushing into her mouth. It bulged out, filling her cheeks, then forced its way further in. Bonny breathed in small gasps as it caressed the back of her throat.

Miu had been yanked forward and was now suspended horizontally over Bonny. Tentacles wrapped around her legs, arms, and torso, holding her up with her groin floating above Bonny’s face.

Bonny could see tentacles pushing into Miu, the cat girl’s insides visible through the thick, translucent purple tentacle. A second oozed around the plug in Miu's ass. Others wrapped around her breasts, latching onto her nipples.

Violet shifted a leg back, flowing around Bonny’s leg and settling into a sitting scissoring position with her pussy on Bonny’s clit. The slime girl started rocking back and forth, grinding in. The tentacles all thrust in and out, the ends bubbling out, forming a rough texture that rubbed across all of their erogenous zones.

Slime dripped down from the tentacles impaling Miu, splattering onto Bonny's face, then reforming into the tentacle that filled her mouth.

Bonny triggered her draining kiss and felt the bond with Violet, felt the Need, the Desire. She must have given too much.

Pleasure overwhelmed her and she moaned into the tentacle filling her mouth, pushing into her throat. She started thrusting her hips up, deciding that she could wait just a few minutes before pulling the demonic essence back out.

She could hear Miu moaning as well and see the pussycat’s pussy quivering in front of her eyes. Moisture seeped out, running down Violet’s tentacle, mixing with the slime and dripping down onto Bonny’s face, running down her cheeks.

Pleasurable moans and shivers came from the other three other girls wrapped up beside her, but Bonny was mesmerized by the scene above her.

A tentacle wrapped around Bonny’s right arm and oozed up around her wrist and hand, sliding under the rope restraining her. It expanded slightly, loosening the loop just enough for Bonny to withdraw her hand.

Miu was shifted upward as tentacles pulled her upright, suspending her vertically above Bonny’s head. Bonny could see up the cat girl’s body to her face. Her stomach distended out as the tentacles flexed inside her. Her eyes were closed as she purred in pleasure and moaned into the tentacle filling her mouth.

[[slap me!]] Violet spoke for the first time since the scream.

Bonny glanced down, around the pulsing tentacle in her own mouth, to see Violet leaning forward. She brought her newly freed hand around, impacting as hard as she could on the slime girl’s cheek with a loud crack.

Violet’s face distorted from the blow and ripples rocked the crown and pearl inside her head


Bonny pulled her arm back and struck the slime girl again, the ripples mixing in complex patterns, the crown vibrating as distortions flowed around it.


Violet’s breasts hung down and swayed with her motion against Bonny. Bonny slapped one, her hand sinking into the silken softness, squishing the slime girl's breasts together momentarily, more ripples spreading through the gelatinous body, rocking back against her hand. Bonny felt the ripples pulse against her clit, a counterpoint to Violet’s grinding.

[[yyesss! more!]]

Bonny reached out and grabbed one of Violet’s nipples, pulling down, stretching her breast, then let it go. It rebounded up, flattening momentarily, sending a surge of pressure in opposition to the earlier ripples. The wave caused a bulge that flowed up and down Violet’s body, extending into the tentacles and flowing out.

When the first pressure wave reached Bonny, the tentacles flexed inside her pussy and ass, momentarily stretching her to her limits. Her pleasure spiked up and her eyes rolled back for a moment. She moaned into the tentacle again as it flexed inside her mouth, the wave of pressure reaching her head a little after the first two.

When the wave hit the end of the tentacle, it exploded, and slime gushed out, filling her. Pleasure crashed over her, through her, and Bonny arched up, her muscles rigid, then released into a trembling, spasming mess.

Violet let out a telepathic moan that echoed in all of their heads as she convulsed into her own orgasm, ripples converging and resonating, growing larger, the crown no longer vibrating, but rocking violently.

Kanae and Hyzenth were writhing next to Bonny, sucking harder, biting, pulling at her nipples.

The tentacles were all different lengths and Bonny saw the pressure wave reach Miu a moment later. She was still suspended over Bonny and the bunny’s eyes widened as the bulge disappeared into Miu. The cat girl started shuddering and slime rained down, splattering across Bonny’s face, oozing into her nose and eyes. She squeezed her eyes closed and touched her bond with Violet again.

This time she sucked on the tentacle and the bond at the same time. The expulsion in her mouth tingled like sharp carbonation and tasted of magic. Bonny tugged at the Lust essence within the slime girl, pulling half back into herself. Hoping that was enough.

Then Bonny relaxed into the spasming tremors that still rocked her core. She let the waves of pleasure crash over her as Violet continued to grind into her and the two girls beside her bit down in their own pleasure. She lowered her free hand to Kanae’s back and pressed in, holding the fox girl tight against her side.

It was several minutes later, when Violet let Miu down and withdrew her tentacles, then collapsed into a puddle between Bonny’s legs, flowing down, covering Bonny from groin to knees. The crown caught at the top Bonny’s thighs and a small bubble of Violet stayed with it.

Miu collapsed in a heap as well, her body on the bed above Bonny, her head on Bonny’s shoulder. She fell asleep instantly.

Bonny raised her hand to stroke Miu’s hair and ears for a moment, then focused on Eloisss, who had collapsed beside the bed. She seemed to be asleep as well.

"Well, that happened! Can someone let me go now?" Bonny called out to the room.

Her other friends and companions just watched, but made no move to come help. They slowly settled back down where they were and drifted off as well.

“Fine! I’ll just lay here.” Bonny let her head settle back. She stared at the ceiling for a moment, then spoke up again. “Courage, Recovery?”

All five goddesses appeared, Courage, Recovery, Justice, Compassion, and Hope. The two demonesses were there as well, still collared and leashed with the rope of braided hair that Bonny had made for Courage. Most of them stood sideways in the air, standing even with Bonny’s eyes. Courage was still naked and burned.

Recovery stood upright, perpendicular to the rest of them, allowing Bonny to see up her toga. She wore nothing underneath. The unicorn-kin leaned over, hands on knees, peering down. Her rainbow hair and mane hung loose, framing her face. “Welcome back, Bonny.”

“Hi, beautiful. Is Kanae really okay?”

Recovery glanced down at the fox, who had fallen asleep with her head pillowed on Bonny’s breast.

“Yes. It seems Compassion’s gift has cleansed her. It is healing the soul wound on the rabbit as well.”

“That’s good. Thank you. Both of you.” Bonny smiled at the elephant kin diety, then focused on Courage. “Is that enough? Are we balanced?”

Courage shrugged and tugged on Lust’s leash. “I hope so. We’ll see soon.”

“Thank you. All of you, for the help. I don’t know what would have happened without you and my companions.”

“That is why we are here, Bonny.” Justice said. “We have reached out to several other demonic champions as well. We hope to stave off demonic compulsion as much as possible.”

“How many demons are there? I assume there are seven, like you?” She glanced up at the divine unicorn kin still exposing herself. “Why don’t you count, Recovery?”

The rainbow goddess shrugged, the motion barely visible from the angle she chose to maintain. “I am specialized and split into several aspects. There are seven primary gods and seven demons.”

Bonny turned to Hope, the rabbit goddess. “Thank you for helping. I thought you hated me.”

“You brought despair with you when you fled from Wrath. Defeating the dragon and the champion has brought hope back to the city. They speak of new developments and plan to approach you about teaching more healers.” Hope smiled, her eyes bright with amusement. “Besides, having another demon take over the city would be detrimental.”

Bonny blushed at the implication. “Are we done now? We can settle down and relax? I suppose I should still get that other artifact though.  We also have a play to put on for Kama. Maybe Willow can plant her tree on the new land and stay with us. She’s okay, isn’t she?”

“She will be.” Recovery answered.

“Good. Thank you. Again.” Bonny started stroking Kanae’s back with her free hand and glanced down at the Arcane Crown that sat across her thighs and mons, framing her sex. “I’m going to try to take a nap until they’re ready to free me.”

Someone asked for tentacles. I'm not sure I did this scene justice, but I hope it satisfies.  :)

Thanks for reading,

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