Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

(draft) Vol 3, Ch 36. A Goodbye …

The next day was a whirlwind of activity.

After a brief breakfast, Freja and Miu set off to the leatherworker’s shop where they were going to pick up the items Bonny had requested. Eloisss and Iolana went directly to the school outside the north gate, where the merchant pair would meet them.

The rest of the companions followed Bonny to the mage tower to visit Nestor. Bonny and Violet apologized again and managed to take one of the restraint wands after providing another core and promising several more for free once they returned.

Once done, the troop made their way to Colette’s warehouse, where they collected the rest of their things. Bonny said her farewells and gave each of the cow girls a kiss.

“Where’s mine?” Colette asked Bonny when she was about to leave.

“Your …?”


“I, uh, thought you weren’t interested.”

The minotaur smiled. “I don’t want to fuck you. Not yet, but if what I’ve heard is true…”

The cow girls blushed when she glanced over at them.

Bonny laughed, then hopped over and up, jumping up into Colette’s arms. She wrapped her arms and legs around the huge minotaur and sank into a deep kiss.

Colette was surprisingly gentle, with soft lips and a pliant tongue. Her large hands cupped Bonny’s ass, but in a supportive, not lecherous, grip.

They resurfaced after a minute.

“I would like to see you more often, Bonny. I know the three girls have been going to see you, but you should come by here more often. We can share stories.” She paused and considered. “Well, we may move back to the farm before you get back from your trip, but you could still stop by.”

“We’ll be neighbors. I’m sorry for not visiting. The last couple weeks have been crazy.”

“It’s fine. I’ve heard the stories. I would like to hear your side though.”

“You’ll be top of the list when we get back.”

Colette laughed. “It’s a date.”

Bonny gave her a peck on the nose, then wiggled free and slipped down. She turned to see her companions hiding grins.

Adelina flitted over to Bonny and sang out in a musical chime, “Hey! You should go on a date with Eloisss first. And me!”

Bonny laughed and glanced back at Colette. “You’ll be next to the top. It’s probably safer that way.”

They left the inner city by the west gate, then worked their way around to the school to the north, where they met up with the rest of their companions.

Eloisss was taking the time to train with some of the guards. Several other citizens had come by for early morning training as well, though none of them had attended one of the patrols yet.

Freja and Miu had already arrived as well, with Jaela, who had a harness and bags strapped to her back.

“Hello.” Bonny nodded a greeting to the other centaur.

“She wants to come with us.” Freja explained.

The younger centaur had been captured by Haruto when she had left the patrol early. Bonny’s companions had freed her along with the other captives while Bonny chased the lion kin, but Jaela had been gone by the time Bonny returned.

“Are you sure? Will you cause trouble?”

Jaela shook her head. “I heard … I’m sorry. I would like to start over and get to know you better.”

“Freja, what do you think?”

“I trust her. If you don’t want her to come, we could hire her to work here at the school.”

“I’m fine with her coming, if you are.” Bonny turned back to Jaela. “Are you going to get angry at how I treat Freja?”

“No. We talked on the way here.” Jaela pawed the ground with a forehoof. “And I talked to Helem. She … likes you too.”

“I haven’t done anything with her.” Though at the mention of the priestess, Bonny remembered seeing her name on the list of enhancements.

“I know. I don’t think you’re taking advantage of anyone, but I want to see. I want to make sure Freja’s okay.”

“That’s fine. I don’t mind.” She giggled. “Maybe I’ll have both of you pulling the cart by the time we get back.”

Both centaurs blushed.

They turned to finish packing the wagon. There were two wagons, one for Bonny and her companions, and one for the two merchants and their guards.

Daina and Raina were beaver kin and usually traveled along the river. When they heard about the expedition into the forest, they jumped at the chance to explore new territory, or at least territory that hadn’t been traveled in several years. They brought a wagon full of goods to trade and two guards for added security against the forest, Gilen and Sasa, both also female.

Kiros, the centaur patrol captain, and two senior guards were going to take over combat training at the school, while Freja and Eloisss were away. Altha and Helem were going to continue to give beginner lessons on anatomy and and basic healing.

A bulletin board was setup inside the second building with sightings of dangerous monsters, including both natural and possessed, along with an estimation of strength. Most of the listings were added by the harpies, one of Iolana’s ideas. They had been flying patrols twice a day, covering most of Beaverton’s territory, and were going to start reporting here as well as the guard captain.

At that, Kiros had proposed stopping the continuous centaur patrols in favor of direct action against known threats.

Finally, with everything settled, they set off along the north road. Freja and Jaela took the lead and Eloisss stayed beside Bonny’s cart. Miu sat on the driver’s bench with Bonny and the rest of her companions filled in where they could. Kanae and Lupa stayed in animal form, the fox curling up on the bench with Bonny and Miu, while the wolf lay in the back of the cart.

The merchants and their guards followed, wary of the unknown, but excited for the adventure and potential new clients.


Haruto lay of the floor of his cell, curled into a ball.

Pain and pleasure throbbed through his groin in equal measure. The cage the fucking bunny had stuck him in was too small. His dick filled it and flesh protruded through the metal grid. Rubbing his hand against it felt exquisite, but it wasn’t fulfilling and only made things more painful.

The cage had two bars that pinched his scrotum above his testes and, when his erection pushed the cage forward, his balls were pulled tight against them. A dull pain beat in his lower stomach and made him nauseous.

He had been erect all night and knew that was bad, but there was nothing he could do about it. Nothing except curse the day he met Bonny.


Aluna dreamed.

She dreamed of sleeping workers and barren fields. She dreamed of cities falling from within. She dreamed of death and decay.

She dreamed of attendants caring for her body and carrying her to new lands.


Mikhail scratched his side as he stared at a golden plaque that he had liberated from a shine to some storm god.

The plaque mentioned a wind temple to the northeast and, considering how much treasure the shrine had held, he very much wanted to visit the temple.

He tossed the plaque back into his inventory as someone approached.

“Ah, How are you, your lordship?”

“Very good, Sir Mikhail. I have more questions for you.”

Mikhail put an arm around the noble’s shoulder and steered him toward a nearby cafe.

“About the corporation? Over lunch? Certainly. Your treat, of course.”

He leaned in, conspiratorially, and continued, “I know you’ve done very well with this whole feudalism thing, but let me tell you about a more profitable system. It’s called capitalism.”


Divya sat upon her throne and glared down at the petitioners lined up to beg for her help.

They came with friends and families. They were happy and hopeful.

Part of their happiness was due to her new policies, which favored the poor and hungry. People who suffered like she had back on Earth.

However, helping them didn’t help her and so she sat on her lonely, suffocating throne and felt sad and envious of their simple pleasure.

Why wasn’t she happy? What did they have that she didn’t? A family? She had dozens of suitors, none of which she wanted. Friends? She had hundreds of people begging for her friendship, for her time.

She had it all: fortune and fame, power and wealth. Everything she hadn’t had in her previous life.

What more was there? What was missing?

The thought of her previous life reminded her of how she had arrived. What did it mean? Who was the mysterious voice that occasionally whispered to her? That told her she deserved more.

There had been other voices lately, one that praised her for helping the poor and one that talked of the safety and reliability of her citizens.

She stood suddenly and stalked off, her servants hurrying to keep pace.

“Dismiss the court. Summon a priest. I have questions.”


Giovanni looked over the crowd of diners and smiled. He loved it when people enjoyed his food.

He was careful not to overcharge and often gave out simple meals to those who couldn't afford them, as long as they helped set up or clean up at the end of the day. Several people had started following him as he traveled.

He had been heading west across the grand plains along the Westmain River, a major trading artery heading toward the sea. He stopped in villages and houses along the way, paying his way by cooking, and was currently in a large village named Two Rivers.

The other river was the Beaver Run and flowed down from the north. The two merged just west of the village.

He ate as he cooked, a bite here and there, tasting and adding seasoning as needed. It wasn’t enough and he was still hungry, always hungry, but he knew better than to give into the cravings.

Several of his customers were gossiping about some kind of conflict to the north and a dragon that had been sighted flying above the river the day before. There was also talk about demons and a medical school, but he wasn’t sure how much trust to place on random overheard bits of conversations.

He really wanted to visit the ocean and try this world’s seafood, but reconsidered. A city would bring opportunity. If there were monsters coming from the forest, he could try new meats, create new recipes.

New foods meant new powers. His mouth salivated at the thought.

“Hope, what can you tell me about that city, Beaverton?”

A fat little rabbit kin goddess materialized in front of him and he handed her a small bowl of pasta. He had carefully sliced the noodles extra thin and diced the vegetables extra fine, sized just for her.

“I used your peas, squash, and peppers, but bought the wheat at the market yesterday. I think it comes from there.”

She nodded. “They export a lot of grain, but supplies may be limited in the near future due to the disruption.”

“Disruption? The war with the demons?”

She nodded again, mouth too full to answer.

“Can you tell me about them?”

Hope paused, then shook her head, still chewing.

“Does that mean one of the other champions is there?”

Hope finished eating and handed the bowl back, ignoring the question. “Delicious! I love it.”

She vanished a moment later. She hadn't answered his questions, but in doing that, she had given him his answer.

“[Create Hot Water!]” Giovanni licked the remnants from the bowl, then considered his options as he washed the tiny bowl and fork.

When done, he went back to listening to the gossip, paying a little more attention to the rumors from the north.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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