Boosted Continuation – A new world

Chapter 063 – Advanced biome growing

Sophia finished the preparations for her cherry blossom forest, and as there was nothing left to do for her because the blonde had to wait for it to grow, she decided to pay Fen and Ari a visit to see how they liked her present of the weeping cherry she placed in the area they planned to create a lake.

“I’m hungry!” The moment the trio arrived back at the cottage, Sophia’s stomach started complaining. “Besides some popcorn, I haven’t eaten any food today!”

“I’ll ignore your pronunciation on the food part, but I agree with the general statement.” Fen rolled his eyes while also nodding. “Food was a bit of an afterthought today.”

“Yes.” Ari felt the same.

“Because you forgot about it as you napped the entire day away?” The blonde just looked at them.


“Hehe~.” Happy with their reaction, the blonde entered the cottage while making her presence known. “Food!”

Ari and Fen eventually followed her, and luck was on their side, too. Maya and Anna were cooking together again and had just finished doing so when they returned. Aura, Steph, and Chloe were also there by now, and the group had their usual dinner together.


“Sis!” After dinner, everyone got comfortable together in the living room when Steph energetically addressed the blonde. “I have good news!”

“I don't like the sound of that.” Sophia, on the other hand, had a bad feeling about it.

“How rude!” She started pouting. “I just wanted to tell you how Aura, Chloe, and I made the most amazing biome ever by collecting a lot of snow, a little bit of the mountain itself, and some cold-resistant plant life! It turned out amazing!”

"That's even worse than what I had imagined!" The blonde started shivering just thinking about it. "Good job, though… I want diversity in my domain!” She paused for a moment. “I had enough cold, though, so I leave you to it without even taking a look!”

“I wanna boast to you about it, though! Then again, being unsupervised comes with its very own perks!” She had conflicting feelings but came to the conclusion that she could live with them.

“By the way, you look a little tired.” Chloe faced Sophia and noticed a hint of exhaustion on her face. “Did you do anything out of the ordinary?”

“Yeah, you could say that I was quite busy~.” She just smiled at her.

“Oh?” The pink fox seemed curious.

“Tell us!” So was Steph.

“Mhmm, I kinda want to keep it a secret now.” Sophia decided that she wanted to tease them a little. “Just that if you see, hear, and or feel anything strange while being in my domain, please pay it no mind~.”

“Ehh?” The couple didn’t like that.

“What you told us sounded quite different, though.” Ari tilted her head.

"HUH?!" The dog-girl got even louder. "You told her but not your OWN sister?!" She took it very personally.

“Not really.” The blonde ignored her and focused on the jaguar first. “Pumping thirty times my magic into the domain in rapid succession and using it all at once to massively terraform a huge area could make my domain a little rowdy for a while, don’t you think?”

“Well, if you put it that way, you do have a point.” Ari was surprisingly accepting of her explanation.

“Thirty… times?” The eyes of Chloe and Aura turned wide.

“You didn’t tell me about that number when you explained your plan.” Maya also got a bad feeling.

“To be fair, we were a little distracted, preoccupied, busy, and all over each other before we were above each other.” Sophia awkwardly scratched her cheek. “In that order, too.”

“…” The cat-girl paused for a moment. “Fair.” She nodded. “After how we went at it, it’s only natural to forget a few things afterward.”


"While I'm in awe at your impressive sex life and would like to ask some details later to learn those skills, could we focus for a moment?!” Steph was getting impatient. “Sis, tell me what you did already! What did you need thirty times your magic for?! Also, how?!”

“I would love to know the last part, too!” Chloe also just got more curious.

“I found out that while ambient magic doesn’t transfer naturally through my portals, I can guide it through by using my body. I spent most of the day in the regular world, sending my raw magic through the portal while also constantly regenerating it. Because my magic regeneration is faster than I can reasonably spend it, I ended up at thirty times my maximum capacity at the end of the day. I call it advanced biome growing techniques~.”

“Ohh, that’s so clever!” The fox sounded impressed.

“Why that much, though?” Aura tilted her head. “My pine forest is already so big that it’s hard to put into words, and I didn't even use all of my raw magic to grow it. With the amount you used, rather than a forest, it will be a cherry blossom country! Maybe even the size of a whole continent!"

“And?” Sophia looked back at her.

“…” Aura needed a moment. “Good point.” She then nodded along. "Go on."

“Also, I’m not just growing the trees.” The blonde lightly shook her head. “I also plan to change the terrain because I don’t want it to be just a flat area. Hills, rivers, and maybe even chasms require a lot to form. I think, at least. I also want the trees to mutate in a certain way to get different colors. All of that is going to be expensive. I don’t have an exact number, but I have a feeling that I need about this much.” She naturally couldn’t go into detail about where she got that feeling from.

“Wow!” The female wolf liked the sound of that. “The terrain being flat is the only complaint I have about my wonderful pine forest! Injecting thirty times my magic into it will take a whole month, though! My regeneration isn’t nearly as fast as yours, after all.”

“If you only want a less flat terrain, thirty times isn’t nearly necessary.” Sophia thought about it for a moment. “I think you should be okay with five times at best to create something nice-looking.”

“That sounds a lot more manageable!” Aura got excited again.

“I’m not entirely sure how well it will work if the forest is already built, though.” The tiger scratched her cheek. “I wouldn’t be surprised if some things get messed up in the process.”

“That’s totally fine!” She nodded a few times. “After all, I can just fix it afterward! If I can make it better, I’ll happily redo parts of it!”

“Sure thing!” Sophia was a big fan of her enthusiasm. “Just pour out your magic in the area you want to change, but do not use it for anything! Let it accumulate until, uhh… you can’t see raw magic particles, right?”

“I can’t.” Aura shook her head. “Only you and those two can.” She then glanced at Chloe and Steph.”

“Feyfey also can~.” The pink fox sounded a little proud. “Mira, obviously, can do so, too. Probably has something to do with us being so exposed to overseer magic?” She tilted her head. “The sisters have been gifted magic by them, and I’m the daughter of one.”

“Sounds about right.” The blonde nodded. “That’s my theory, too.”

“Be it as it may, while I can’t see it, I can feel the concentration around me.” The wolf got back to the topic. “I should be able to tell once I released five times my total power if that’s what you meant to say.”

“Exactly!” She smiled at her. “Once you feel like it’s at that level, get me, and we can play~.”


“The same offer stands for everyone else, too, of course.”

“Hmm.” Steph thought about it. “My current frozen tundra makes sense to be flat, but my eternal ice kingdom of frozen perfection could do well with some snowy mountains!”

"I'll help!" Chloe got just as motivated over the dog-girl's idea. "Also, your regeneration is super-fast, too, and mine's even faster than Sophia's!”

“Let’s go!” Steph’s excitement soared even more. “Let’s recreate the mountain range we’re exploring right now! Just even bigger and much colder!”

“Great idea!” The fox nodded along. “Even Sophia’s thirty times her magic will take us no time at all! The original mountain range will pale in comparison to what we’re going to create!”

“I love you!” She was touched by her enthusiasm.

“Love you, too~.” Chloe smiled at her.

“Have I made a mistake?” Sophia was already regretting her suggestion. “On the other hand, it will introduce sooo much raw magic to my domain, and that will bring us ever so slightly closer to getting a sky!” She had very conflicting emotions on the matter. “Alright, fine…” The tiger allowed it for the greater good of her domain. “Just make sure to grow it away from here, okay?”

“Okay!” The cold-loving couple nodded in agreement.

“This would've saved us a lot of hassle, wouldn't it?" Having listened to them for a while, Fen then moved next to Ari.”

“For the river?” The jaguar looked back at her. "Yeah, but we still would run into the issue of the permanent water source and what to do with all the water downstream because it would flood everything.”


“Magic should be able to take care of that, too.” Sophia faced the duo. “There’s no reason it can’t generate and remove water at will.”

“Ah.” The two had nothing else to say.

Afterward, everyone continued to make more plans to bring their biome projects to the next level.

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