Boosted Continuation – A new world

Chapter 073 – Crystal plans

The trio was still enjoying their break in the hot spring they found after following the crystal tunnels Sophia found under her cherry blossom forest, and they had a great time with some very specific girls-talk during their usual naked bonding, of which they were still engaging in.

“Wait, now that I think about it, Steph actually did change my taste in girls in some area.” Chloe picked up the conversation from before again.

“Oh?” Anna tilted her head while looking at her. “How so?”

“I think of myself as a rather gentle and soft personality, so I thought I would prefer to have a partner who is a top.”

“Makes sense.” The princess could follow her logic.

“Steph’s the biggest bottom in existence, though. Because of that, I tried being the top, and I ended up enjoying that a lot even though I never expected it. Dominating Steph is like the best thing ever!” Her voice was full of glee. "While being respectful, of course!" She looked at Sophia, the older sister of said girl, at the end.

“I am going to tease her so much about this!” She had no issues with it.

“Ah, I see!” The tall tiger nodded a few times. “Wait, what?” She then looked confused. “Steph? A bottom? No way! She’s like the most energetic and outgoing girl in our group! Not to mention that her horny levels almost reach those of Maya! There’s no way she’s a bottom!”

“Trust me, I was the most surprised.” Chloe paused for a moment. “She’s also eager in the bedroom, but I have to lead because else, she gets nothing done. Steph's excited but passive. It's actually really cute how she acts when she wants me to go. So shy~.”

“Wow!” Anna had no better words.

“To be fair,” Sophia then looked at the princess. “You’re also super outgoing and lively, and yet a bottom, as well.”

“Huh?” She tilted her head. “Who told you that? I’m not? Okay, I’m not exactly a full top, but I’m so not a bottom, either. I enjoy both sides!”

“Eh, but Ari… Wait!” The blonde’s expression changed. “Right, I’m sorry! I mixed something up there. You might not necessarily be a bottom but something of a masochist. You also can take the initiative there to do things now that I think about it, huh?”

“Oh, Steph’s one, too!” Chloe smiled at the tall tiger. “She lets me do everything, though. Very fun, so I can’t complain~.”

“I’ll kill you, Ari!” She got loud. “There was no need to tell her that!”

“Again, to be fair,” The blonde repeated herself. “You’re not making that much of a secret out of it. Your reactions to a lot of things make it pretty clear that you enjoy some more… advanced techniques.”

“…” Anna’s face turned red.

“Oi!” Sophia stared at her. “That was not an invitation to get horny now!”

“Urgh!” She turned her head away.

“What about you?” Leaving the tall tiger on her own, Chloe faced the short one. “It’s very obvious that Maya’s a top, so…?”

“I’m a very happy switch~.” Sophia gave her a thumbs-up. “I enjoy having Maya take care of things because she is REALLY good at what she’s doing, but during the times when I’m in the mood, I’ll take care of her, too. Especially when toys are involved because she’s quite weak to them. Getting a reaction out of her with them gives me life! She’s unbelievably cute and adorable when I get the upper hand and top her in bed~.”

“Actually, I can see that with the two of you.” The fox nodded. “It makes perfect sense with your dynamic.”

“Your toys are evil in the first place!” Anna finally got over the previous topic and immediately got loud again. "Ari and I tried one of them you gave us a few times, and it’s way too… effective! It feels amazing, but it’s SO powerful!”

“Which one of my selections did you two try?” The blonde tilted her head. “I gave you something of everything to play with, after all.”

“The one you put on top of your c-… that uses this weird air magic that makes it vibrate and pulsate…” Her cheeks turned red again. “I’m so happy that Chloe taught us that magic to soundproof our room because every corner of this domain would’ve heard my screams! Ari’s, too, for that matter!”

“Why did you two jump right at the most elaborate one out of the bunch?”

“It is? How are we supposed to know?!” She didn’t accept her reply. “You just gave us a bag with a bunch of things while simply saying have fun~.”

“Alright, fair enough.” There was little Sophia could defend herself with. “It’s amazing how you two instinctively went for the most satisfying toy out of the bunch first. As expected from the loud couple.”


"Anyway, start with a regular vibrator, for example! Those are similar to the dildos that exist in this world. They just have a feature where they can move on their own and or vibrate a little."

“Really? We actually skipped those because we thought they were just the regular kind… If they have some other feature, we'll give it a try!"

“You should!” The short tiger smiled at the tall one. “There are also those small pink eggs with the cable attached to it. They’re not overly stimulating, but they’re very fun to play with and versatile, too. Those are a good start, too.”

“That’s true!” Chloe also agreed. “Steph loves it when I use them all over her body! Though, I combine them with a variety of other toys.”

“There you have it.”

“I see!” The princess kept nodding with a big smile on her lips. “I know what I’m going to do tonight!” She seemed highly motivated. “Ari and I, I mean!”

"A good idea.” The other two seemed to have the same plan now and, judging by their expressions, were already looking forward to it, too.

“Oh, speaking of, I’d like some more of those egg toys!” Chloe looked at Sophia.

“Sure, how many?”

“At least eight would be great! So that I can use them at the same time on her.”


“Fun stuff~.”

The three kept chatting about the same and similar topics for a little while longer, but as they had been in the hot spring for quite a while by now, they eventually decided to get out. Once they took a quick shower and dried themselves with the help of water and air magic, the girls got dressed again and chose to explore some more because it was still too early for their nightly bedroom plans and time to stop the horny.


“Okay, let’s see where this one leads to!” Finally wearing clothes again, the trio entered a crystal tunnel different from where they came from and followed it for a while with Sophia in the lead.

“It would be great if we can find something we can use to recreate this crystal wonderland in other areas. Not necessarily caves and tunnels, but a forest with a similar theme.” Chloe was hoping for something exciting.

“I’d love that!” Anna felt the same.

“Mira said that plants crystalize when they have been fed too much magic, right?” The blonde tried to recall what the overseer told them the last time the topic came up. "Doesn't that mean if we find ones that are already crystalized, it's too late, and we can't use them because they're not alive anymore?”

“That’s a good point!” The fox hadn’t thought about that, either.

“Do we know if that’s a requirement, though?” The princess tilted her head and then pointed all around her. “If magic created all of this out of thin air, it should be able to just grow a crystal forest if we find a sample, no? Or convert a regular forest into one by placing some crystals in the middle and using some power on it.”

“That’s definitely worth a try!” Sophia energetically raised her arm in the air. Blu, sitting on her shoulder again, also lifted a wing while nodding a few times.

“Good thinking!” Chloe gave the tall tiger a thumbs-up. “I like how you just throw out ideas!”

“Well, I have no idea how magic works anymore, and the more I hear, the more confused I get. Though, I learned that simply blurting out the first thing that comes to mind usually is the solution and correct way to do things.” Anna had learned a lot from Sophia and the others.

“True.” The other two saw no flaw in her argumentation. Blu also nodded a few times.

Having decided on something that somewhat resembled a plan in one way or another, the trio kept going for another hour while navigating through the underground tunnels.

“Hmm?” After a while, Sophia tilted her head while looking at the other two girls. “Is it just me, or is this tunnel leading up?”

“Yes, it seems like we’ve been ascending for a while already.” The fox had noticed the same.

“Is it maybe leading us back to the surface?” The princess took a wild guess.

“If we’re lucky.” The blonde smiled at her. “Well, it’s not like we couldn’t make our own exit or simply use a portal to leave this place. It would be cool if it actually leads somewhere, though. That being said, it would be nice to run into something we can use for our forest first.”


Following the tunnel for another 15 minutes, their surroundings finally changed, and the group arrived at something new.

“Oh!” Sophia got excited when the girls arrived at a small cave that was about 30 by 30 meters wide. While there were a lot fewer crystals around in total, there was a massive and different-looking cluster of them right in the middle, but the walls and floor were regular dirt. The cave was also filled with many plants of various different kinds. The mesmerizing part was that the middle part of the roof was missing and let in a lot of light from the surface. A few cherry trees could be seen, too, and many of their roots were visible in other parts of the roof.

“Ohh!” Chloe and Anna had the same reaction.

Afterward, the trio took a better look at the cave for a moment while trying to figure out if it could somehow help them with their crystal forest plan.





A big thanks to:

- Matt Solo -

- Un otaku. -

- MrEatLot -

for joining and supporting the story on Patreon to make more art possible!

Enjoy the (horny) extra stuff! As well as some additional benefits in the new Discord server!


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(Art and animations/videos)

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