Boosted Continuation – A new world

Chapter 095 – Model student

Sophia taught Ellie how to grow saplings into overgrown trees by using their raw magic on them. Naturally, the princess got super excited about the idea of making her own massive cherry tree and couldn’t wait to try it out. As she was allowed to go all out in the blonde’s domain, she immediately decided to use all of her available magic on one single sapling.

“Hurry up!” On the following day, Sophia returned to the castle in the capital to pick up Ellie, but the impatient-sounding princess was already waiting for her. “So…phia’s late!”

“I missed you, too~.” She just lightly waved at her. “I probably would’ve been late even if I had come before you woke up, right?”

“Yes!” There was no winning with the little tiger.

“How is the training going?” Kira was also with her and looked at the blonde.

“Hasn’t she told you already?” Sophia tilted her head.

“She tried to, I guess?” The queen scratched her cheek in return. “Unfortunately, she was way too excited for me to understand anything.”

“Ahh.” She could see that being an issue. “She’s an absolute model student and listens to every word I say. She literally soaks up everything I teach her, as well.”

“I feared that being the case.”

“Hey!” Sophia got loud. “That’s a good thing if you ask me!”

“I generally agree, but you’re still the wildest magic user in the whole capital, and your way of doing things is something else entirely." Kira got a little awkward. “I’m just worried about my baby!”

“That’s so terribly rude!” The blonde started pouting. “I’ll have you know that Mira, yes, the overseer of magic, is my friend! She recently praised me for my way of using magic, too! My teachings are overseer-approved! It can’t get much better than that.”

“…” There was nothing the queen could say here.

“To be fair, she also called me weak, making my position as a teacher a little less convincing, but…”

“You? Weak?” Kira couldn’t believe her.

“Well, when compared to her, at least. I’m nowhere near overseer levels, after all…” Her voice turned a little distant towards the end. For the longest time, Sophia was happy to know that there was a massive distance between her and the real overseers because she didn’t want to become one, but working on her domain made her realize that having a lot of magic would be pretty nice.

“That is fairly reassuring.” The queen smiled at her. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m eternally grateful for your work, but Ellie’s still my baby, so nothing will ever be good enough for her. I’ll always find something to complain or be concerned about. You’ll understand once you become a mother yourself.”

“If anything, I’m concerned over how much I understand it already.” The blonde awkwardly scratched her cheek. “It’s a few years too early for me to understand those feelings!”

“I look forward to the day when it isn’t too early for you anymore~.”

“Shush!” Sophia didn’t like the grin on her face.

“I wonder if years will be the final answer, though.” The queen wasn’t the least bit intimidated by the blonde.

“You do know that I’d need to get pregnant in the next few months for it to stay under a year, you know?!” She glared at her.

“I do, in fact, know how pregnancies work.” Kira, a mother of three, just nodded.

"Then leave me be! It will happen when I want it to happen at the earliest!"

“Fair enough.” As she was mostly just teasing her, the queen wasn’t that disappointed. “Thankfully, for you and Maya, accidents are fairly unlikely as well. I mean, there’s usually nothing that, you know?”

All of the fun, none of the responsibility~.” Sophia gave her a thumbs up.

“Ellie wants to have fun, too!” The little princess suddenly joined the conversation even though she obviously had no idea what they were talking about.

“NO!” The two instantly synced and vehemently shook their heads. “It’s forty years too early for that!” They were a little overprotective.


"How about we get back to the previous topic?" Kira remembered her daughter again. Looking at the blonde, she asked, "What precisely did she learn so far?"

“Well, I already told you about the basics in water and air magic I taught her, right?" Sophia looked back at her.

“Yes, when you returned her before.” She nodded.

“Since then, she also got quite good with earth magic, and yesterday, we dabbled a little in uncategorized magic.”

“Uncategorized?!” Kira got loud. “Already?!”

“She’s a talented one.” Sophia smiled at the little tiger.

“Ellie is the bestest!” The princess looked incredibly proud as she faced her mother.

“You sure are~.” The blonde gently patted her head.


“Wow!” The queen needed a moment. “This is really something!”

“To be fair, Anna can do all that, too, so both of your daughters are amazing, but Ellie being just four adds a lot of weight to it.”

“The new tiger generation is something else.” Kira sounded amazed. “You’re in your own league, but both my daughters, even before you boosted Anna, are more promising than almost any of our ancestors. Ellie’s even handily beating the founders.”

“Ellie’s the bestest, after all!” The little princess only cared about the part that was interesting to her.

“Ellie especially is more powerful than the norm, but isn’t the actual reason for this simply because they're using magic closer to its full potential?” Sophia tilted her head. “Both are undoubtedly amazing, and I love them, but isn’t it more of a case of every predecessor just being, well… bad?” She was extra direct today. “I don’t want to be disrespectful, but these achievements mostly feel so massive because no one else really put any meaningful work into magic before. This kingdom could’ve advanced to levels incomparable to today’s standards hundreds of years ago.”

“…” The queen went silent. “I have no words.” She needed a moment. “It is still true, though. It’s the dawn of a new generation, no matter the circumstances. Many things will change, and most will hopefully be for the better.”

“I can agree with that.” Sophia nodded a few times.

“Ellie will change things for the worse if she can’t go and see her new cherry blossoms soon!” The little tiger was finally reaching the end of her patience.

“I guess that marks the end of our conversation.” The blonde just shrugged.

“You might be right.” The queen also knew that there was no winning against her.

“Do you want to come with us and see what your daughter created?” She smiled at Kira.



Sophia opened a quick portal to the area she and Ellie played together the day before and guided the two through before following after them.

“What do you think, Ellie?” They arrived at a slightly elevated area next to where the princess had released her magic, and the blonde smiled at her while pointing toward a massive forest.

“WAOH!” There was only one viable reaction for her to have. With sparkling eyes, she was taking in the countless pink and purple weeping cherries with some regular cherry blossom trees mixed in here and there. It went on for kilometers in each direction, but something else had hogged most of her attention. In the middle of everything, there was a massive dark-purple weeping cherry that triumphantly towered over everything else. It was around 500 meters tall and more than twice as wide, easily exceeding a while kilometer in width. The hanging branches of the main tree were so long as well that they almost reached all the way to the ground.

“What is this place…?” Kira was in awe as she took in the scenery.

“It’s a cherry forest Ellie grew with her magic.”

“The bestest forest!” The eyes of the princess were still sparkling.

“There’s just no way.” The queen shook her head. “Forests need multiple dozens of years to grow to such a size. Not to mention the mindbogglingly massive one in the middle that goes against everything that is common sense.”

“Your common sense, not the one we go by.” Sophia shook her head as well, but for a different reason. "Magic makes a lot of things possible, including growing such a scenery overnight.”

“Are you seriously trying to tell me that my four-year-old daughter created this place?" She simply gestured all around her.

“The place itself is mine, but Ellie created most of the forest.” The blonde corrected her a little. “I gave her a small patch of grass with a handful of cherry saplings. Flora has the ability to absorb magic and use it to rapidly accelerate its growth. So, when you release your own internal magic without using it, this happens.” She pointed at the forest again. “You saw the jungle around the cottage, right? That one was grown in a similar way.”

“That is way too overpowered!” Kira raised her voice. “You could reshape entire tracts of lands with this!”

Countries.” Sophia lightly corrected her again. “With enough magic, it will scale limitlessly. It simply keeps going as long as you feed it. In fact, at some point, it starts generating magic and feeds itself to grow.”

“This is insane.”

“For once, I actually want to agree there.” The blonde nodded. “It is amazing, though. Magic is amazing. Do you want to see me at my current full power?”

“Full power?” The queen looked confused.

“What I created in this time without holding using magic like I constantly do when I’m outside and out in your kingdom. This place here is basically my kingdom, together with my rules. One of them is the ban on holding back."

“You at full power?” Kira shivered once. “Will my brain be able to comprehend this? How much are you usually holding back when we’re around? I saw the stuff you did, so it can’t be that much, right…?”

“How about we go on a little tour~?” Sophia showed her a cheeky grin before opening another portal in front of them. “This will be fun!”

It was a spontaneous decision, but the blonde decided to show the queen just how unable to control she really is and how everyone should be happy that she has this place all to herself to let loose every now and then.





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- Kem -

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