Boosted Continuation – A new world

Chapter 098 – Restraint

Sophia went back to the cottage and ran into Fey there. Taking the opportunity, she suggested they spend some time together because the blonde and the full had rarely done that in the past. Once the fox agreed, the duo headed out to play and/or train.

“Oho, that’s a surprisingly modest-looking place we went to.” Fey and Sophia went to the flowery plain inside the blonde’s domain when the fox said so while looking around.

"I'll have you know that everything I created inside my domain so far is relatively normal looking.”

“Didn’t you create a forest that is entirely crystallized?”

“Ah.” She paused for a moment. “Okay, let me correct myself. Everything I created on my own and without the input of others is somewhat normal."

“Unexpected.” Fey looked at her. “So, you’re a product of bad influence?”

"I wouldn't go that far." She awkwardly scratched her cheek. "Okay, this place may look normal at first glance, but it's one-third the size of the beastfolk continent.”

“…” The full paused for a second while looking around some more. “Well, that actually makes me feel at ease because it sounds more like the girl I came to know.”

“Ahaha~.” She just chuckled. “Come on, it’s not too excessive in one way or another. It's contained within my own place, and I just want to make it look nice around here."

“I didn’t say anything, did I?”

“Your expression said all!” The blonde got loud.

"It's quite the feat to read expressions of fulls.” She sounded impressed.

“It’s not that hard!”

“Anyway, if you really want to make it look nice, you should do something about the area above us.” Fey changed the topic and just looked up. “The all-white sky is a little hard on the eyes.”

“I’m trying!” She raised her voice even more. “Do you have any idea how hard that is?!”

"I've been together with Mira, the overseer of magic, for longer than your mind can comprehend.” The fox stared at her for a second. “Yes, yes, I do know.” She then nodded. “I’ve accompanied her when she created new sections of her domain and filled it with life.”

“Well, I guess that makes sense.” The tiger understood her reasoning.

“If anything, I’m impressed that your domain is already at this level.” Fey nodded a few times in return. “You may have the most potent authority in your group, more than me, too, but if you compare it to Mira, you might as well have no authority whatsoever.”

“I’m W-E-L-L aware of that!” Sophia started pouting. “I know that I’m weak!”

Admitting that you have a problem is the first step to fixing it, is what I want to say, but…” The fox paused for a moment. “In your case, it would mean becoming as powerful as an overseer, and that would create many more problems than solve them."

“Problems?” The blonde looked confused. “Are there any, aside from sounding like it would be a massive pain beyond the massive powers you wield?”

“I wasn’t talking about you.” Fey shook her head. “It would be a problem for everyone else.”

“Ahhh!” She nodded a few times. “Yeah, I would be a menace.”

“Don’t admit it so easily!”

"You strike me as someone who likes honesty.”

“…” The full stared at her for a second. “Both sisters are way too smug.”

"Don't worry, I'm no match to Steph when it comes to that."

“That is a little reassuring.” She didn’t sound overly relieved, though.

“That being said, I focus my ridiculous thoughts on my domain, so it would mostly only be little accidents that could affect the regular world.”

“That’s the thing I’m most concerned about!” Fey got loud. “Your accidents!”

"Okay, that's fair." Sophia had no way to defend herself. Accidents weren't exactly rare with her, after all.

“Maybe I should try teaching you some restraint, after all.”

“How’s that project working out with Steph?”

“…” The fox went silent again. “I think you’re more likely to listen to reason, though. Steph’s just that uncontrollable, after all.”

“It seems like you’re having a great time with her, though. Sure, all you do is complain when she’s involved, but it never felt like you were actually upset. Quite the opposite, if you ask me." She smiled at her. “I think you’re quite similar to Fennyfenny in that regard. Grumpy on the outside but soft on the inside!"

“I dislike how sharp those sisters are.”

“Ahaha!” Sophia liked her reply a lot. “Alright! Teach me some restraint!” She took the challenge.

"I suddenly have a bad feeling about this!" Fey shook her head. "Maybe it’s better to prioritize on increasing your focus and concentration to reduce your accidents with magic.”

“I’m pretty sure it would be way easier to teach me restraint, but let’s go!”

"A-Ah.” She thought she made a smart decision, but Fey quickly noticed her mistake. “I’ll show no mercy, though.”


Having no chance to change her mind anymore, the fox gave up with a sigh, and the two got ready to have a magic training session together. For the time being, they stayed in the flowery plain because there was nothing that could be destroyed there.

“How do you and Steph usually train?” Sophia was still curious about that part. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell Chloe about it.”

“That heavily depends on how she’s behaving that day.”

“When is she not hyper and overly nosy?”

“…” The fox stared at her. “That point goes to the older sister."

“So?” She had no intentions of letting it go. “Give me a taste of how you treat the usual Steph!”

“Alright, that can be arranged.”

“Let’s- W-WOAH!” The blonde wasn’t able to finish her sentence because she had to dodge a massive pillar of fire that was suddenly speeding towards her.

“Steph would’ve tackled this little flame head-on.” Fey sounded honestly disappointed.

“That was a ten-by-ten meters wide inferno!" The blonde got loud.

“No need to go into semantics here.”

“Wow.” Sophia had no words. “Is that how she became fire-proof?”

“That’s step one of a very long sequence of events.” Her voice turned smug. “Steph’s a lot more adventurous than you are.”

“Oi!” The tiger didn’t like that.

“Well, prove me wrong~.” The full showed her a small smirk by lightly lifting the left side of her snout to show a bit of fangs while also closing her left eye.


“Let’s go~.” Not only had Fey already unknowingly picked up some of Steph’s antics, as had everyone else in the group, but she had also learned how to handle the sisters. To some degree, at least.

“You totally learned that from,- WOAH!” The blonde was about to tease because she used Steph’s catchphrase, but she didn’t get the chance because another flaming inferno instantly closed in on her. This time, it was faster than Sophia could react, as well, and it swallowed her whole.

“Alright, let’s see if she has what it takes to become fire-proof.” The fox watched the flames for a while and waited for them to disappear to see how the tiger fared against it.

“How about the older sister gets the title of fire-avoiding?!” Sophia immediately got loud again once it was safe. As it turned out, she had encased herself in an earthen dome to shield herself from the heat milliseconds before the flames hit her.

“Your reaction is quite nice.” The full seemed rather impressed. “Still, you’re playing it a lot safer than Steph.”

“Thank you very much!” She decided it was a compliment.

“It really is a good thing. It’s not as entertaining, but I approve of this way of doing things.”

“I’m sorry that I’m not as entertaining as Steph!”

“You’re even more of a pain to deal with, though.” Fey wasn't a fan of her jumpy mood.

“Am I really, though?” The blonde didn’t believe her.

“Well, debatable.” She wasn't sure of it herself. “Anyway, playing it safe is a good thing. Your execution was far from ideal, though.” Fey slowly shook her head. “Your reaction time is commendable, but your decision-making under pressure is debatable at best."

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sophia felt slightly offended. “Shielding yourself from fire by putting something between you and it, dirt in my case, is a very effective method!”

“You’re able to freely teleport inside your domain.” She looked right at her. “Not only is that even faster, but it will guarantee that you stay out of harm's way."

“Ah.” The tiger froze. “Now that you mention it, I do have that ability.” She awkwardly scratched her cheek. "You are right; I tend to simply act rather than consider my options beforehand."

“Something else you and your sister have in common.”


“I mean, it wasn’t a wrong decision, and it got the job done, but there would’ve been many more elegant and simpler solutions to the problem.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” Sophia could only agree with her assessment.

“Okay, let’s try and see if I can teach that into your thick skull. It would be great if something sticks, and we can use it as a foundation to build further skills later on.”

“How are we going to do that, though?” The tiger tilted her head. “If there’s one thing I’m confident about, it’s my inability to learn these kinds of things.”

“With force, of course~.” Fey’s expression turned into a smirk again. “I’ll keep attacking you until I deem your countermeasures as the best possible solution in the situation. And, whenever I disagree, my attack will become fiercer.”

“Ah, I see why Steph gained so many passive defense effects.”

“She’s a slow learner~.”

“Or you’re a bad tea,- OI!” She suddenly was hit by a powerful gust of wind that almost swept her away.

Afterward, the duo glared at each other for a second before getting ready to test Fey's plan.





A big thanks to:

- Yolanda Squat Pump -

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