Boosted Continuation – A new world

Chapter 100 – Worries of a mother

Fey’s choice of using violence to teach Sophia was met with some violence from the blonde in return. As a result of that, she created a small sun, exploded it, and eradicated a part of her domain in a radius of 50 kilometers around them, together with severely burning parts of it even further away. Afterward, the tiger explained some peculiarities of her domain to the fox, like the rules she created that her domain can’t explode from failed experiments or how no one can get seriously hurt as they’re protected by magic.

“Okay, this place is quite a bit nicer." After the flowery plain they were on was annihilated, the duo relocated to one of the floating islands above the blonde’s cherry forest. Specifically, it was the first island Blu showed her with the little river, the massive weeping cherry, and the hammock under it. There, Fey got closer to the edge to get a good view of the forest.

“I agree~.” Sophia, who had gotten comfortable in the hammock, felt the same while smiling at her. “I’m looking forward to whatever biome you come up with in the place that got destroyed.

“You’re the one that erased the place from existence!”

“So?” The blonde shrugged. "Our agreement was that you're going to fix the damages done to the place. Whose damages was never part of it~.”

“You little s-.” Fey didn’t finish her sentence and just glared at the smug tiger. “That was your plan from the beginning, wasn’t it?! That’s why you overdid it by so much, right?!”

“Well,” She scratched her cheek. “I wasn’t lying when I said I got surprised and then a little upset, but I might’ve omitted the idea that I came up with that little detail halfway through fueling that flaming inferno with every bit of authority and ambient magic I could grab.”

“You are at least ten times worse than your little sister.” The fox couldn’t believe her.

“I know Steph pretty well and how good she’s at tricking people.” Sophia shook her head a few times. “There’s zero chance that she didn’t try to trick you before.”


"Steph's really trying to win over the future mother-in-law if she’s holding back that much, huh?” The blonde was impressed by her sister’s ability to play nice.

“Don’t call me that!” Fey just got louder.

“You do know that there’s nothing you can do if those two want it, right?” Sophia raised an eyebrow as she looked at the mother of her sister’s girlfriend.

“…” In response, the full sat down on her hind legs and hung her head without saying a single word.

“Most damage I did today, huh?” The tiger felt a little guilty.

“What would you do in my position?” Fey looked right at her. “Imagine your possible future daughter found a partner you never met even once before they started dating, and you had no idea who they were. On top of that, their personality is the exact opposite of yours, too.”

“I-I would be happy my baby found something she l-loves…!” Her left eye twitched a few times, and she almost bit her lips twice, but Sophia managed to get the sentence out somewhat properly.

“You just called the future partner of your kid a something.”

“Ah.” The blonde only then noticed her mistake.

“Also, Maya’s not here, so you can be honest.” The full naturally saw through her lousy lie.

“…” Still on the hammock, Sophia went silent while closing her eyes. A few moments later, a dark shadow enveloped the floating island they were on. Before long, it was shrouded in a pitch-black sphere of black nothingness that was the exact opposite of the domain around them.

“Yeah, that’s the reaction I was expecting." Fey calmly looked at the silently raging tiger before addressing her. "I would be glad if you turned off the darkness magic again soon. It's quite an unpleasant feeling to have, especially when it's used by such an experienced individual. I know because I’m fairly skilled at it, too.” The fox seemed to be faring rather well with the pressure caused by the darkness magic, but she still wasn't enjoying it.

“What do you mean?” Sophia opened her eyes again, and the darkness was gone. “Sorry, I rested my eyes for a moment. Did something happen?"

“You don’t have to keep up that act, you know?” The fox rolled her eyes. “I fully and 100% support your perfectly adequate reaction to my question." She may be serious, but even more than that, the fox was ruthless above anything.

“Ahaha.” Scratching her cheek, the tiger got off her hammock and walked over to the fox. There, she sat down on the ground before her to get on the same line of sight. “How’s my sister still alive? Imagining what you’ve just said was enough to make me think about some things. Enough that it makes me scared about having kids.”

“She’s sturdy.” The full gave her a dry reply.

“That’s true.”

“Well, it helps that Steph’s a good girl. A genuinely good one, I mean.” Fey looked back at her. "She's exhausting to deal with at times, but it's clear that her heart's in the right place.”

"Steph is the best; that is true." Sophia was quite proud of her sister.

“I don’t know if I would go that far, but I have to agree that Chloe made a decent choice.” That was all she could admit to. “It’s just that we’re talking about my baby here, so my feelings will never change. It didn’t help that they started dating while I was away or how Mira pushed them together without telling me.”

“Yeah, I’m scared when thinking about the idea of my future child possibly getting a partner and how I’d react, but adding that to the mix… I already know that I’m overprotective, so I have a bad feeling about that." The tiger looked highly awkward.

“We’re not so different, you and I, aren’t we?” Fey was sympathizing with her.

“True, we’re exactly the same.” The blonde lightly rolled her eyes. “Aside from the part where the other half of our personalities are polar opposites, huh?”

“To put it into your words, minor differences, right?” The fox had a bit of a playful side to her, too.

“Sure~.” Sophia smiled at her. “If you’re still around with us when it’s time for me to raise my daughter, I hope I can count on you.”

“Sure, I’ll teach you everything you should not do." Fey vigorously shook her head. “There’s so much we did wrong with her! You watched our worst mistakes collapse live, as well! You know about the disastrous decisions Mira and I made and how we essentially robbed her of one mother.”

“…” The blonde paused for a moment. “W-Well, knowing what not to do sounds pretty good to me.” Knowing it’s bad advice and being able to do the opposite is far from the worst. “I was mainly talking about teaching my restraint when it comes to the possible future partner of my daughter.”

“I can try.” Fey nodded.

“If you’re not busy being overprotective of your future grandchild, that is~.” Sophia just had to do it.

“?!” Judging by her expression, which was a mix between shock and terror, it was the first time the fox had ever thought about that possibility. A moment later, black nothingness began to ooze out of her body and quickly covered the whole island in a dark haze.

“We really aren’t so different, huh?” The tiger scratched her cheek while watching the spectacle for a little while. “I guess I have to apologize to Steph later for making Fey aware of this little detail.”

“Only if you have time to tell her before I kill that dog.” The full wasn’t happy about the revelation.

“Steph’s only 50% responsible for a future where that happens, you know?”

“…” Fey hung her head and the black haze slowly disappeared again. “You’re the worst.”

“I’ve heard that one before.” The blonde shrugged and then changed the subject. "By the way, speaking of raising Chloe and the mistakes you made, how is it going? Has she forgiven you and Mira for the secrets and lies? Last time I mentioned it to her, she still sounded a little, uhhh… salty.

“Yes, that sums it up rather well.” Fey sounded a little awkward. "Things are mostly back to normal, and she's even at the point where she actually called Mira mom a couple of times. She's gotten quite close to her, but every now and then, she remembers what we did, and we’ll get punished with nothing but pouting by her for the rest of the day.”

“To be fair, I can understand her.”

“Yes.” Fey nodded. “We’re not upset in the slightest because we’ve earned it. In fact, we’ve earned a lot more than that.” She paused for a second. “It would still be nice if we’re able to get over it eventually.”

“Do you have any ideas to help her?” Sophia got curious.

“There’s… one thing I haven’t tried yet.” She sounded rather reluctant for some reason.

“Let’s go!” The tiger instantly cheered her on. “What’s the plan?”

“Well, ever since she found out that I was in a humanoid form when I had her, Chloe has been begging me to show it to her."

“Right!” Sophia clapped her hands. “I remember that! You said that you need time to relearn it again, wasn’t it?”


“How much longer do you need?”

“I’ve been able to do it again since last week!”

“Awesome! Let’s go show her immediately!” She was excited about it. “It’s obvious that she loves your natural form, but your humanoid version was the one that gave birth to her, right? Seeing where she came from is guaranteed to make her feel even closer to you!”

“That’s what I’m hoping for, too, but…” Her voice trailed off towards the end.

“But?” The blonde tilted her head.

“Back when I first learned how to transform myself, Mira helped me a lot with the magic, and many of her personal tastes ended up being incorporated into my humanoid form."

“You have no idea how curious I am right now!” Sophia’s eyes were sparkling.

“Why am I not surprised about that reaction?”

“SHOW ME!” She only got more excited. “I’m confident in saying that Chloe and I are rather similar, so you can test her reaction with me!”

"It is true; you're both very nosy.” Fey rolled her eyes. “As much as it pains me, you do have a point there. It might be beneficial to show it to someone else first before the big reveal.”

“YAY!” Sophia jumped on her feet and clapped her hands. “What do you need to do it?”

“For the transformation itself, nothing.” The fox shook her head. “I need a portal to the cottage to go to Mira’s domain first, though. I have a set of clothes there. I know you all have no problems with being nude around each other, but I pass for the time being.”

“Aren’t you nude right now, too?” Sophia scratched her cheek.

“I have fur right now, and my current body has no bits that common decency demands to be covered when in the company of others."

“Fair enough.”

“Luckily for you, the clothes I have were unfortunately provided by Mira and come in a similar design, meaning they're rather revealing."

“Could you not make me sound like a pervert?!” The tiger didn’t like her wording.

“Portal, please.” She didn’t even acknowledge her complaints.

“Grr!” Growling for a moment, she then still did as told and created one for the fox to pass through.


Roughly 20 minutes had passed since the fox disappeared, and Sophia was about to get her because she was starting to feel ditched when someone new suddenly appeared through the portal.

It was a girl the blonde had never seen before. She was a little shorter than the tiger and somewhere in between Chloe’s and Steph’s height. Just like the dog girl, she had short hair, but the hair of the new girl had a little more volume and was white with many red accents and highlights that covered around half of her entire hair. Her body as a whole matched Steph in terms of her figure and chest size, as well. Short, a little on the sporty side, modest, but cute and squishy-looking nonetheless.

On top of her head were two long and pointy fox ears that had a red tip each that perfectly harmonized with the girl’s blood-red eyes that came with slit pupils like most of them. Looking a little embarrassed from presenting herself like that, the girl seemed a little fidgety with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Her clothes seemed to be an abridged version of Mira’s black shrine outfit. The black top with red accents was relatively short and showed even more than the nine-tailed fox did, which was then combined with a short skirt in the same color scheme. She was also wearing wide-rimmed arm sleeves as well as thigh-high overknees in the same primarily black with red highlights type of color scheme together with short black boots that had a red top part. On the side of her skirt and the outside of her sleeves, little cherry blossom pins that looked like the hairpin Chloe and the various cherry ornaments Mira was wearing were attached.

All of those already outstanding features paled against the massive tail that was attached to the back of her body. The tip was a dark, almost blood-like red that quickly faded into a pure white with some red specks here and there for the remaining 2/3 of her tail. The shape was nearly a carbon copy of Chloe's, with it looking like incredibly fluffy cotton candy and the base easily being way wider than her torso. There was one more difference besides the coloring, though. The tail of the new girl was even bigger and fluffier than Chloe’s. It had at least 30% more volume than the one of the pink fox.

“S-So?” Sounding somewhat nervous, Fey addressed the blonde. “What do you think?”

“YOU ARE WAY TOO ADORABLE!” There was nothing else that was going through Sophia’s head right now.

Afterward, the tiger needed a small break to collect her thoughts on what she was seeing right now to give the incredibly cute fox-girl in front of her a proper reply to her question.





A big thanks to:

- Ryru -

- Nick Majors -

- Masterknight999 -

Enjoy the (horny) extra stuff!

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