Boosted Continuation – A new world

Chapter 116 – Difference in intensity

The search for the tentacle paradise Steph and Maya had been engaging in was successful, and the two immediately headed back home to get Sophia and Chloe to tell them the happy news and bring them to the place for a little bit of fun.


“CHLOE!” The horny duo returned home and immediately called out their partners.

“Only one of them is there right now.” Sophia’s voice echoed from the living room. “Just arrived a few moments ago, too.”

“My win!” Maya smirked at the dog-girl before entering the living room. “E-Eh…?” She promptly stopped, though.

“Grrr! A-Ah.” Steph bumped into the back of the cat-girl because she hadn’t anticipated her sudden halt. “Why did you-? Wait, who are you?! Who is this way-too-fluffy being?!” She got excited once she spotted the red-haired fox-girl next to the tiger.

“Minus 500 million points.” Fey looked rather disappointed.

“Same!” The blonde nodded a couple of times while agreeing with the fox. “There is no such thing as a way-too-fluffy being.” Her disappointment was for a very different reason, though.

“FEY?!” Once she heard her voice, Steph immediately realized who the girl was. “EH?!” It didn’t take away the slightest bit of her surprise, though.

“Huh…?” Maya also couldn’t follow.

“What is going on?!” The dog-girl began circling around Fey to look at her from every angle. “You are way too cute! That’s the most amazing thing ever. I like Mira a whole lot, but now it’s obvious where Chloe got her cuteness from! That tail of yours is glorious! WHY ARE YOU NOT A FOX ANYMORE, THOUGH?!”

“Chloe wanted to see this form, and I've re-learned how to do it a little while ago.”

“Right!” Steph clapped her hands. “I forgot about that plot point!” She kept looking at her. “This form is amazing, but why aren’t you a buff muscle lady, though?! I love it, but it absolutely doesn't fit the outward character you established.” She had the same expectations and complaints as her sister before.

“Do you want me to get angry and show you how well this form fits?”

“She doesn’t!” Sophia vehemently shook her head.

“She showed you and almost wet yourself, huh?” Maya took a wild guess after her reaction.

“Exactly!” The tiger nodded.

“Fair enough.” Steph nodded. “Actually, the cute ones often can get the scariest, so I guess it makes sense. I still imagined you to be muscular and all that, though! Then again, it does make sense when thinking about Chloe. After all, her height and fluffiness had to have come from somewhere.”

“You can complain about me not being muscular to Mira.” Fey looked at the dog-girl. “My looks were completely modeled after her taste in girls.”

“Mira has amazing taste, after all.”

“True!” The sisters thought alike.

“She’s surely happy to hear it.” The fox had nothing else to say. “By the way, Steph, as you’re someone rather close to Chloe.”

“As much as you regret it.” The dog-girl finished her sentence.


“I’ve spent the entire day with Fey, and she had nothing but nice words for you~.”

“That’s a complete and utter lie!” The girl in question glared at her.

“Okay, 90% of what she said was nice.”

“…” Fey couldn’t complain about that.

“I need to hear everything about that later!” Steph looked at her sister.

“Sure!” She smiled back at her. “I’ll also tell you all about how I broke your record in Fey’s chase game~.”

“THERE’S NO WAY!” She looked devastated.

“Could you focus on my question for the time being?” Fey stared at the dog-girl while shaking her head.

“Why are you even asking?” Steph looked confused. "You look incredible! I have no idea how genetics work in this world with the influence of magic and all, including the two biological moms part, but she’ll be delighted to learn more about her roots! There are a lot of bits she inherited from Mira, but it’s so obvious that you’re her mother!”

“I told you so!” Sophia just nodded a few times.

“That’s very reassuring.” She let out a sigh of relief.

“Nervous?” The dog-girl smiled at her.

“Well,” She scratched her cheek. “I mean, it’s a big revelation, is it not?”

“It will be fine!” Steph gave her a thumbs up. “She’ll love you even more after this!”

“I think so, too~.” A new voice joined the conversation. Mira arrived out of nowhere and entered the living room. There, she walked over to the red-haired girl and lovingly patted her head. “After all, you’re adorable and the reason Chloe ended up being the cutest girl in existence.” She was very fond of her two favorite girls.

“T-Thank you!” She got a little embarrassed over the overseer’s compliments.

“WOW!” Anna was right behind the teal fox and stared at Fey with big eyes. “We have a new goddess of fluff! You’re so pretty, Fey!”

“Well said, my dear princess!” Sophia liked her evaluation.

“At least the princess immediately knew who I was.” The red-haired girl glanced at Steph.


“Why wouldn’t I?” Anna tilted her head. “It’s obviously Fey! It’s exactly how I imagined her to be ever since I heard that she has a humanoid version!”

“This princess is something else.” The sisters were surprised at how sharp Anna once more had been. "Also, thank you very much for being responsible for how Fey turned out to look!" They then smiled at Mira.

“You’re very much welcome!” She smiled back at them. “She’s adorable, isn’t she?”


“Is it hard to switch between animal and a more humanoid form?” Anna seemed to be a little interested in the process. “It seems fun.”

“I KNOW, RIGHT?!” Steph was on her side. “I want to learn it, too!”

“It is incredibly hard.” The red-haired girl shook her head. “I don’t even remember how many years it took me to learn.”

“Yes.” Mira nodded. “It was hard even for me.”

“Oh.” The eyes of the princess turned wide. “I guess that's definitely impossible for me to learn, then. With today's power level, at least. Well, I guess that makes sense. I mean, it's a type of magic you REALLY want to make sure it works out the way you want it. There are probably like a billion bad outcomes that could happen when changing your body like that, huh?”

“Exactly.” The overseer confirmed it for her.

“I like the regular Fey better.” Aura also returned and immediately joined the conversation with a complaint.

“So do I, my dear.” The red-haired girl agreed while shrugging.

“So fluffy!” Ari’s opinion was a lot different when she entered the living room behind the wolf.

“Perfect answer!” The sisters gave the jaguar a thumbs up each.

“Also, you’re not going to try and transform into a full tiger.” The way she glared at the princess, Ari seemed to have heard that bit before entering the room.

“Ahaha…” She just scratched her cheek in return.

“This is quite something, though.” The jaguar shifted her attention to Fey again. “It’s not exactly what I imagined when I heard you can also change forms, but when thinking about Chloe, it does make a lot of sense. She’ll be delighted when she sees you!”

“I really hope so, too.”

“While we’re waiting for our pink girl in question, Sophia!” Steph faced her sister.


“How come you got first dibs on seeing new Fey?”

“We went to train with each other and tried to beat some restraint into me.”

“Let me guess, it failed?” Ari decided to make a guess on the outcome.

“Absolutely~.” The blonde smiled at her before looking at the dog-girl again. “Afterward, we took a little break and simply chatted while the topic eventually drifted to Chloe and how it was going with her after the issues there were.”

“Putting it mildly.” The redhead nodded.

"During that talk, she mentioned that she's re-learned how to transform. Naturally, I couldn't let that slide, so I had her show it to me.”

“So envious!” Steph raised her voice. “I would’ve loved to be the one she opened up to!”

“I’m also the first she hugged in this form~.” The blonde decided to rub salt in the wound.

“You are not.” Fey and Mira shook their heads.

“I meant between Steph and I.”

“Ah.” The two nodded.

“WHY?!” The dog-girl just got louder.

"She tackled me during our game of chase and hugged me to stop me from running. She did it twice, actually. The second time, she caught and hugged me mid-air before we fell down around 500 meters and right into a lake."

“It was just to catch her. The hug had no other meaning.” Fey tried to play it down.


“It sounds like something you would be into, though.” Maya couldn’t hold back the comment.


“What do you mean by not with me?” The red-haired mother of Chloe stared right at her.

“THIS IS NOT ABOUT ME!” Steph was having none of it right now.

"The second time she caught me was about five minutes after I beat your chase record with her, by the way~." Sophia just kept going.


Afterward, Sophia continued to tell everyone about her day with Fey and their chases. Naturally, she made sure to tease Steph as many times as possible to show her just how much fun they had while waiting for the girl of honor, Chloe, who everyone was looking forward to seeing her reaction to humanoid Fey.





A big thanks to:

- amsice -

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Enjoy the (horny) extra stuff!

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