Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 316 – That was fast

Sophia and Maya were having quite an interesting and productive day. As the cat-girl always had a great time when the tiger adjusted her body to make herself bigger, Sophia now wanted to play with her body, as well. It started out not nearly as sexual as one would've expected, though. At first, the blonde was really interested to see the human version of Maya without her tail and no cat ears. She actually granted her wish, but it ended up being rather underwhelming. Sophia still thought she was adorable, but everyone agreed that it was a clear downgrade for her. Because of that, she quickly changed back to her regular cat version.

Sophia wasn’t done yet, though. After that failure, she talked the cat-girl into a fluffy tail because the tiger immensely enjoys everything fluffy. Maya also granted that request, and without making her actual tail bigger, she vastly increased the length and fluff of her fur. She even gave a little extra service and also increased the fuzz on her ears. The tiger liked that so much that she tried to talk her into keeping it like that forever.

Maya was still attached to her original body, though, so they decided to keep that version of her private for the time being. Afterward, the blonde got a good feeling of the divine fluff that Maya’s tail now was, and things eventually did turn sexual, after all. Noticing Maya’s feverish expression when she was touching her tail, together with how great the feeling of touching her was, Sophia’s little remaining restraint went overboard, and the couple disappeared to their bedroom.


“You sure can be intense.” A few hours after Maya had tried a different tail design, the couple was back in the living room while cuddling together on one of the sofas. It seemed like the two had just taken a shower, as well, as both of them still had damp hair and a towel on their shoulders. They were fully dressed again, though. Also, Fen and Aura still seemed to be gone after they had left the mansion once the couple started getting loud.

“Ehehe.” Sophia took it as a compliment. “That tail… that glorious tail… It did things to me… Holding back wasn’t an option anymore.”

“I noticed," The cat-girl rolled her eyes. "I was present, after all."

“R-Right… Sorry if I overdid it a little…”

“Oh, nonono, it was great fun!” Maya shook her head. “We can do that again whenever you want!”

“Fluffy tail included?!” The tiger’s whole body twitched while she glanced at the cat’s normal tail.


“YAY!” She liked that a lot.

“I’ll first get to have my way with you like you promised me for changing my body, though.” Her expression turned into a smirk. “Better prepare yourself for that.”

“Anything you want~.” Her mood was as good as it could be. “After that, we can start negotiating about your new tail becoming a permanent thing!”

"Only if you permanently make your chest as big as mine, and believably explain to everyone how and why that happened."

“…” She actually needed to think about it. “Well, my chest wouldn’t be that hard to explain… I finally got my growth spurt! Your tail would be a little more difficult besides it being a magic accident… Fur usually doesn't change that much, does it?"

“Not really, no.” The cat-girl shook her head. “Also, don’t actually be so serious about it!”

“It’s a serious matter, though!” Sophia raised her voice. "It has to be taken seriously!"

"What is a serious matter?" At the perfect time, the voice of another girl entered their conversation.

“CHLOE?!” The couple hadn’t noticed her arrival at all. Not even Sophia through her detection magic. She was so busy talking Maya into her new tail that she forgot to check it as the fox-girl isn't marked as unknown or even an enemy.

“I’m back?” She just tilted her head in response.

“H-How long are you here already…?” The tiger had a bad feeling about this. The couple’s conversation just now was rather peculiar, after all.

“Just now?” Chloe looked even more confused. “I heard something about a serious matter when I entered the entrance hall through the main door and directly went here…”

“Ah, I-I see…” She let out a relieved sigh. “Safe…”

“So, what is a serious matter?”

“Nothing.” Maya shook her head. “It’s just serious in Sophia’s terms. We were just talking about a makeover to change up some things style-wise."

“Ah, I see!" Luckily, Chloe wasn't the type of girl who kept pestering about something. "That sort of thing can be quite important, though. A new style can have a big effect on others.”

“It sure can.” The cat-girl rolled her eyes again while staring at her tiger.

“Ahaha…” She had nothing to defend herself with. “So, how was the shopping, Chloe?” Sophia decided to change the topic.

"It was fun! Ari's fashion sense is impeccable, and Anna's a delight to be around because she's so lively! Shopping with them is great!” She had taken a real liking to the duo. “They’re also great guides because they grew up in the capital and know where even the most obscure shop is!”

“Did you guide them to the fun shop in return, though?” Maya smirked at her. “I mean, that’s the least you could’ve done in return.”

“…” The fox-girl turned her head away while her cheeks turned red.

“I like that reaction!”

“T-Those two are way too advanced already… They got interested in things even I hesitated to look at…”

“Seriously?!” The cat-girl looked surprised. “I can’t wait to see them the next time. This is going to be very interesting! They might even be good for some inspiration to get my revenge on Sophia for earlier!”

“Revenge is a very strong word here…” The tiger didn’t like her wording.

“You know what I mean.”

“Earlier? Revenge? In that context…” The fox-girl didn’t finish her sentence.

“Couple stuff.”

“I-I see… Is that why your hair is still damp and the towel…?”

“Couple stuff that caused the need for a shower afterward.” Maya added some more details to the situation.

“…” She wasn’t sure what to reply here. Judging by her expression, she seemed to be pretty envious, though.

"A-Anyway, have a seat.” Noticing that, Sophia decided to change the topic again and gestured at the sofa opposite of them. “We’re probably done being flirty idiots for now. We won’t stop cuddling, though. That part is not negotiable. So… just a little less flirty idiots, actually. Sorry.”

“Ahaha…” Hearing her slightly flawed argumentation, Chloe let out a soft chuckle before sitting down on the sofa the blonde was gesturing at.

Afterward, the trio spent most of the afternoon chatting about various but meaningless things until it turned dark outside.


During the evening, the trio had dinner together as there was still no hint of the wolves, and they went back to relaxing in the living room. Naturally, Maya and Sophia went right back to cuddling while chatting with each other some more.

“You sure know how to make others envious…” Chloe was trying hard not to focus on the couple’s clinginess, but it was hard to ignore.

“A-Ah.” Their expression turned slightly awkward, but they didn't show any intention of stopping and letting go of each other.

“Well, it’s really comfy to watch, so it’s not that bad, I guess.” The fox-girl tried to concentrate on the positive side. "Still, seeing you two being so cheesy while relaxing on a sofa in a comfy living room, I kinda miss the times of watching a cheap movie on TV while doing nothing all evening long.”

“True.” Sophia nodded. “Though, I was more into bad soap operas during those times. They were always good for a laugh and lots of second-hand embarrassment!"

“Not sure about that… I never got the appeal of those…” Chloe apparently thought otherwise. "I always thought they were trashy…"

"That's the whole point! They're so bad that it's fun!" The tiger raised her voice. “Now I feel reminded of Steph again… We had the same dispute every evening, as well! She also preferred movies over that…”

“Because movies are obviously better!”

“They’re not!” The two agreed to disagree.

“Uhh…” Maya finally entered their conversation. “What are you two talking about?! Movies? Soap operas…? What’s a TeVe?”

“Ah, right…” Sophia forgot that the cat-girl didn’t know about these things. “A TV is something from my old wor… Wait a moment…" She only then noticed what was going on right now. It seems like Aura's suggestion to watch out for anything odd wasn't needed anymore. "What?!"

“W-What?!” The fox-girl had the exact same bewildered expression.

“C-Chloe, so you-!” In shock, the blonde jumped off the sofa and accidentally dragged Maya with her as she forgot that the two were holding hands while cuddling. “H-Huh?!” She was never able to finish her sentence, though. At the very moment they got up, everything was bathed in a blindingly bright light. A moment later, she found herself in an all-too-familiar all-white room.


“E-Eh?!” Maya was still next to her while holding Sophia’s hand. Everything else, including Chloe, got replaced by the white nothing.

“BAD TIMING, CANIR!” The tiger raised her voice. “Bring me back right now! There’s important stuff I need to confirm!”

“That can wait.” After those words came out of nowhere, Canir eventually appeared in front of the couple. “Nice to see you again, Maya.”

“H-Hello…” She was a little overwhelmed.

"What do you mean it can wait?!" Sophia disagreed with him. "It was SUPER important!"

“My news is, too.” He struck out his hands to calm her down. “There’s something I really have to tell you first that can’t wait any longer…”

“What did you do…?” Sophia didn’t like his wording.

Afterward, the overseer let a few chairs appear and gestured for them to get seated before sitting down himself. It seemed like it could take a while.

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