Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 323 – They vibrate!

Now that they had money and a delicious lunch, the girls finally decided to explore the shopping options of Sophia's old world. Naturally, as both of them were perverts, they ended up visiting a sex shop first. The blonde had a few concerns about even being able to use some of the toys as they need batteries or have to be charged. Still, she was pretty confident that they might be able to scrape by with a solar power bank.

“T-They vibrate… W-Why do they vibrate?!” The couple had just left the store again, and Maya was still visibly shaken. Needless to add, both had many gigantic bags dangling from their hands.

“Amazing, isn’t it?”

"Forget magic! This alone is worth more than that!”

“I wouldn’t go that far…”

"I would, and I do!" The white-haired girl sounded very passionate. "They vibrate! VIBRATE! V-I-B-R-A-T-E!"

“Ahaha… Those aren’t even the best ones we got, you know?”

“They aren’t?!”

“Nope.” Sophia shook her head. “They weren’t any of them on display, but we also got some that actually move by contracting and expanding and others that pulsate, as well."


"Remote-controlled stuff, too." The blonde started smiling. “Those come with two parts. “One that you insert, and the other part controls the vibration and all the other things. They aren't even connected with each other. That means you could have something inside you, and I would be able to control it. I can play with you without even touching you.”

“!?” Maya looked so excited that she didn’t even get a word out.

“The other way around, too, of course! I want you to control me!”


"And I haven't even mentioned the best sort of toy yet."

“T-T-There’s something even better?!”

Much better. It's a type you don't even insert, but it easily beats all the other ones. By far, I have to add. It works with pulsating airwaves, and it's the best. It recreates the feel of having someone suck on your… just way more intense!”

“…” She continued to be at a loss for words.

“We also got a ton of stuff that we can use together. Most of them vibrate and do other, even more exciting things, too.”

“C-Can we go home? Like, right now…?”

“What about the shopping? There’s still much more, non-perverted stuff to get.”

“B-But I’m horny now…”

“Wow…” Sophia had no idea how to follow up on that. “We can’t use most of the toys we got right now, anyway. We have to get some other tools first before we can use them…”

"S-Seriously…?" She looked and sounded utterly devastated.

“I don’t think I ever saw you as disappointed as you look right now…”

“A-Ah…” Hearing that, Maya paused for a moment and shook her head a few times. “Okay, I might be able to endure it a bit longer… I'll be quite pent up once we finally get to try out the new things, though. Better get ready for that, my dear."

“Don’t worry, my dear,” Sophia smirked at her. “You won’t last longer than a few minutes with most of those toys. Probably less because you’re not used to them yet. Especially the one that does it all at once… That thing, the one that gets inserted, vibrates, and has a spot on the outside to line up with your… to use those pulsating airwaves there… That one, that one is dangerous. It will change you and your outlook in life forever."

“D-Don’t tease me even more when I’m horny already!”

“You really can be a pain at times…”

“Sucks that feeling, doesn’t it?”

“Good thing the horny doesn’t affect the sass, huh?”

“If anything, being horny only makes me sassier, so you better not overdo the teasing~.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” The blonde just rolled her eyes. "Anyway, let's do some more shopping and use this chance. Once we're done here, there will be plenty of time for the other things."

“Fine…” She was a little pouty. “We’ll start with getting whatever else is needed to use the fun toys first, though!”

“That’s the plan.” Sophia smiled at her. “Depending on the outcome of that, and how good it works, or at all, actually, it kinda dictates what other stuff we can buy and use.”

“Okay…?” She had a hard time following her again. “Whatever, let’s go!” It didn’t dampen her motivation in the slightest.

“Let’s see… Should we head to an electronics store? They would have batteries and a solar power bank… Oh, maybe an outdoor store or one for camping equipment? They should also have those power banks, and it's much more likely that they sell you stuff that actually works… What do you think, Maya?"

“Maya has no idea what you’re talking about.” She felt like replying to her in the third person.

“Right…” The blonde had forgotten about that part. "Well, there's an outdoor store nearby that Steph used to drag me to because she loves to go camping. We might as well start there, I guess.”

“Sure! I guess. Lead away!”



Trying her best to remember the way to the store, the two wandered around for a little while. Still, Sophia eventually found the place and the girls first started browsing around inside before looking for the things they came for.

“Whoa, so many different types of tents!” The incognito cat-girl was having a good time in the store. “The material is so different, as well… I like it, though.”

“It’s a synthetic fiber. Kinda similar to something we call plastic.”


“Pretty bad for the environment, too. The material plastic is originally made of is the same as the stuff we burn in cars. Plastic also basically never leaves and is a big pollution hazard.”


“It's extremely useful and very versatile…” She scratched her cheek in return. "Wait, tents are a thing on the other side, right?"

“Of course. They’re super bulky and heavy, though. Not so lightweight and easy to store as those ones.”

"Well, that doesn't matter to us, right? I just can put them in my storage whole."


“Let’s get some when we’re back to traveling. Let’s leave as much of a pollution hazard as possible in this world.”

“Good plan.” Maya heartily agreed with that idea.

“I still like the starry sky more than tents, but it's great when it's too cold for that or if it's raining, but we don't want to head back home."


“Let’s see if we find anything else that would be useful for camping and then buy the things we came for.”


The couple walked around in the store a bit longer and picked up all sorts of things that could be useful during their travels and also a ton of gimmicks. Afterward, she called over a clerk to help with the solar idea because she wasn’t as technically adept as she'd like to be in this case.

"Hello there. How can I help you?" A man with brown hair and seemingly in his late twenties responded to her call.

“I’m looking for a power bank with a solar panel. I heard that most of them are borderline a scam and useless, but I hoped that an outdoor store maybe has some that may at least be half decent…"

“Hmm…” He tilted his head. “Well, we do have some, but… truth to be told, even the solar panels on the good ones are more of a gimmick at best.”

“I see… It really is just for emergency use, though.” As it was to get energy for their toys, emergency use was putting it lightly. “It would be enough to get one phone worth of charge at the end of the day if it was laying in the sun all day."

"It might work out with a good angle during the summer. In every other season, once it's less sunny, even that might be a tall order."

“Seriously?! They’re that useless…?”

“I don’t know how much size and weight are a concern to you, but I would definitely recommend a normal power bank, and a bigger standalone solar panel that comes with an integrated USB port or two meant for charging devices. You charge the power bank with that over the day and use it when needed."

“Those are a thing?!” There suddenly was a lot of excitement in her voice. “I thought there were only the huge things on fields and roofs and then the small ones for low-powered devices or gimmicks like the power banks.”

"They come in all sizes nowadays and are insanely popular if you go caravanning. You can connect multiple medium-sized panels to a gigantic power bank big enough to even power AC devices like TVs or fridges. The better ones have up to 3000 watt-hours of battery storage in them, and you can add additional batteries to them as an upgrade. The biggest ones have like a total of 15,000 watt-hours and can be combined with up to 1500 watt worth of solar panels. Even with the little sun during the winter, you'd still easily get 300 watts out of them. It's super heavy, but you can live completely off-grid with such a setup in your caravan." The clerk had entered sales mode. "You also don't nearly need this size for that, either."

“I like the sound of that!” Sophia’s eyes were sparkling. She had no idea that power banks and solar panels of this size existed, but this would solve all her problems.

“Ah, but they are quite expensive. Like, really expensive…”

“How long do those big power banks last?” Money wasn't a big concern of the blonde right now. "Batteries in smartphones are significantly worse after just two years, after all.”

“They use a different technology in them. Depending on the manufacturer, they're rated for 3.000 to 4.000 full cycles.”

“So… around ten years if you empty it every day?”

“More or less.” The clerk nodded. “Though, this rating describes how long it takes for them to still hold 80% of their initial capacity. That means even after 10 years of using it daily, it has only lost 20% and is good for many more years.”

"Ohh! Then, that also means the bigger the capacity, even though it's not needed, the longer it will hold, right? Lower full cycles and all.”

“More or less, yes.” He nodded. “But, it’s not like when you get 10 times the capacity that it will last for a guaranteed 100 years. It's still electronics, after all. It will fail eventually... Getting two bases with one or two extra batteries might be best for more reliability. It will be the same capacity in the end, but even if a part fails, you can still continue to use the rest. You will have some redundancy that way.”

“Sold!” It was getting too technical for her, but the parts she did understand, the blonde liked very much and decided to get it.

"A-Are you sure…? I was serious when I mentioned them being expensive.”

"Doesn't matter~." Sophia smiled at him. "We're planning to go on a really long journey, and I was prepared to say goodbye to electricity except for a little bit for emergency use." She was still talking about their toys being able to function as the emergency.

"Well, sure, I won't stop you… Good for business, after all. No refunds, only store credit, by the way. Do you want to schedule a delivery for it, or…"

"Can we take it with us immediately?”

“It’s in stock, sure, but… all that stuff is heavier than the two of you together, you know…? Good luck carrying that.”

“Don’t worry, we’re quite strong.”

“Uhh… like I said, well, whatever…” He gave up, knowing that she'd cave in once the blonde saw all the boxes and how heavy they really were.

Afterward, the clerk disappeared for about 20 minutes to get everything ready.







A big thanks to

- Miguel Gonzales -

- TheCalamitousBob -

for joining and supporting the story on Patreon to make more art possible! Enjoy the (horny) extra stuff there!

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