Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 346 – Let’s have a race

Sophia and Steph had started their exploration of the capital because the little sister really wanted to see more of the world as soon as possible. They hadn't made it far yet, though. Still in the noble area around the mansion, the two ended up in a longer chat about how the new dog-girl should make sure that she doesn’t get too excited about the beastfolk because it would raise many questions. Sophia's position as a tiger, how she's supposed to have lost her family also came up, and how they now have to deal with a backstory for the little sister. Once the duo had enough of all that, they finally started their exploration for real.

"W-Whoa, you weren't kidding!" The sisters had finally arrived in the livelier parts of the capital, and Steph wasn't sure where to look at first. Or rather, at who to look at first. The architecture was a little curious, but it was nothing too exciting for Steph. The beastfolk was a different story, though. All the different kinds with varying degrees of animal add-ons fascinated her a lot. “So many fluffies! The bird people look amazing, too! The reptiles are super cool, as well!”

“What was that about staying cool we talked about before?”

“Do you have any idea how much I’m holding back right now!?”

“Well, I guess that’s fair…”

“Thank you very much!” Steph smiled at her. “The city is quite cozy, and I already love the beastfolk, not to mention how overwhelmingly amazing it is to see so many same-sex couples being so openly affectionate while no one even bats an eye. It’s a dream come true! Even so… Can we go outside? I want to see nature! Unspoiled by human nature!" She was getting more excited. "I also think I need some more exposure to you, Maya, and Chloe first to get used to the beastfolk... Too stimulating!” The dog-girl was starting to get a little twitchy while staring at the people around them.

“Ahaha~.” The tiger let out a short chuckle. “Sure, we can do that. As you can feel, it’s quite cold, though, and basically winter already, so the tree and flower game is a little sad right now.”

“It’s cold?” The dog-girl tilted her head.

“Shut up! The crazy arctic fox was already enough! I don't need another cold-loving freak..."

“No, you are the problem because you’re a textbook cat.”

“All my friends except you and Chloe agree with me on the topic, though!”

“How many of them are of feline origin?”

“...” Sophia turned her head away. “Anything else you want to do before we leave the capital?”

“Hehe.” Steph liked her reaction. "A snack or two on the go would be nice! I wonder what kind of food this world has to offer!”

“The variety lacks a little because globalization isn’t a thing, but the quality is outstanding! No pesticides, and all ingredients are organic! There's no weird chemistry stuff some call food, and every animal is free range!”

“Sounds delicious!”

“Sure is.” She nodded a few times. “Anything you want to try in particular?”

“I don’t know why, but I’m really craving some meat!”

"A-Ah...” Sophia’s expression turned awkward.

“What’s wrong...?”

“Nothing, my dear carnivore dog-girl of a sister.”

“It changed even that?!” Her eyes grew wide.

"I did mention that it changes your entire being, instincts, and other characteristics of the animal you're borrowing your features from included."

"Wow, wait... aren't tigers like some uber carnivores...? Just how much do you like meat now?”

“I don’t want to talk about it...” The blonde got even more awkward. “It’s definitely not at a point where I came to love even bear meat. Hunting, killing, and grilling a boar using nothing but my hands wasn't one of the best meals I had, and I definitely don’t feel like eating meat every day... Nope.”

“You’re basically a vegetarian, then?”

“Pretty much.”

“What a dork.” Steph rolled her eyes in response. “I’m also not going to mention how all of that sounds amazing and how I got a little shaky just imagining those things. It’s not true, after all.”

"I mean, why would it be the case, right?"


“It’s a good thing I know all the places to avoid then, huh?”


After the sisters most definitely didn’t have a fully loaded dinner based on nothing but meat, and Steph absolutely wasn't overly excited about just how good it tasted, the two finally exited the capital through the main gate.

“This is amazing!” The two walked away from the capital and up a little hill, from where they could overlook everything in the area. "The city also looks way more impressive from the outside and from a distance! Very fantasy-like! Especially with that gigantic castle in the middle!”

"I had the same reaction when I first saw it. The castle is also really nice from the inside. We can head over there once we’re done if you want to. Maya and Chloe are also there right now.”

“Ohh!” She liked the sound of that. “I first want to run around, though!”

“Sure, I can take you on a walk.”

“S-Shush!” The dog-girl glared at her. “Alright, let’s have a race on who will take who on walks from now on! You've read my messages, right? The ones I wrote you on chat. I was serious about putting you on a leash! This might be the perfect opportunity!"

“I’m not sure if I want to be leashed by my little sister... I don't think I would be much into it when Maya does it, either, actually..." Sophia had some mixed feelings about it. "I mean, I might be a little intrigued and open to testing it if it's only something light, but... Definitely by Maya only!"

“Don’t care!”

“I do, though! Well, I can outrun an actual, 3-meter-tall wolf, so the odds are in my favor.”

“That’s just physically impossible! Anything humanoid simply can't beat a wolf. Let alone one of that size!"

“Magic is the answer, my dear. Physical limits are merely suggestions in this world. So is pretty much every scientific rule you ever learned. Magic has some rules, but everything else is a guideline at best!” The tiger was a big fan of this world.

"So... you're telling me I have no chance against you in a race?"

“Pretty much.”

“We’ll see about that!” Steph had no intention of accepting it just like that. "Let's have a race to the range of trees over there!" She pointed at a tiny forest a good bit over 500 meters away from them.

“You are so stubborn…”

“I learned that from my big sister.”

“I’m pretty sure you’ve always been like that.”

“Because I’ve been picking it up from you ever since we were little.”

“Okay, that round goes to you.” Sophia had nothing to add here. “You’re definitely the one who perfected stubbornness, though.”

“That might be true.” The dog-girl could accept that accusation. “Alright, with that, let’s have the race!”

“Fine…” She gave up. “Well, I have a bit of a handicap, so it might be a little fairer.” Sophia pointed at herself. “Neither my boots nor this skirt is made for running, after all.”

“I still can’t get over the fact that you’re wearing a skirt in the first place… You, of all people…” While saying so, Steph mustered the outfit of her bigger sister. The white pullover with the blue undershirt, the black and white skirt, the red leggings, and the brown ankle boots.

“W-Well, it’s comfy! Also, my leggings are lined and absolutely opaque… Even if the skirt misbehaves, it’s only mildly embarrassing because you could wear those leggings without the skirt in the first place. Not that I would ever wear leggings with nothing else… Outside, at least.”

“I guess that’s fair. Well, whoever talked you into giving skirts a real chance, thank you very much. You look great in them! The red argyle leggings are amazing, as well! Not a fan of the lined part, though. Way too warm…”

“That’s the best part!” The tiger disagreed. "T-Thanks for the other remarks, though…"

“Ehehe~.” The dog-girl liked her reaction. “Anyway, feel free to change into something more fitting to run! I don’t want you to complain that it was unfair later on!”

“You still think you can win this, huh?”

“If you’d have any idea just how much energy wants to burst out of me right now, you’d be begging me to call it a day!” Steph seemed rather convinced of herself.

“Alright, I’ll destroy you.” Sophia’s competitive side was finally lit.

“That’s the spirit!” The little sister gave her a thumbs up. “Alright, let’s get started!” Afterward, she got down in a crouching-start position and urged Sophia to do the same.

“Okay.” She positioned herself next to the dog-girl. “Ready?”


“I’ll count down, then… 3-2-1- Go!” The blonde had no intention to start running afterward, though.

"W-Woah!" Steph made a perfect start and was surprised by her own speed, which was already faster than any normal human could achieve. “I-I’m so fast! This is amazing! Magic is the best!” She was getting faster with each step.

“Sure is~.” A few moments later, the tiger also started running and sped past her instantly while showing her sister a big smile. Soon after, she had already arrived at the range of trees long before Steph was even near it.



"You sure are fast." After Steph had also arrived at the finish line, Sophia tried her best not to let the big grin she was trying hard to suppress show on her face.

“H-How?! What? Eh?!” The little sister couldn’t believe it. “T-That was completely inhuman!”

“Well, I am no human, so all is fine~.” She gave her another thumbs up. “I’m a member of the tiger beastfolk, filled to the brim with magic and then some.”

“You still have normal legs, though! Only two of them, as well! That's not how physics works! Neither does biology, for that matter!"

“Magic and its body strengthening work like that, though~."

“There have to be limits!”

“You do know that you also probably just broke basically every world record from earth just now, don’t you? Without any training whatsoever. Not sure if you can ever beat me, but you will get close to me before long. And then, we will have a ton of fun running around!"

“…” Steph wasn’t sure what to reply.

“Here,” The blonde suddenly opened a portal in front of them. "Let me show you how ridiculous magic really can be and how the rules of earth are a thing of the past. We have to relocate a little, though. We're too close to the capital to let loose."

Afterward, Sophia grabbed Steph's hand, and the sisters went through the portal together to get to a more fitting place to play with real magic.







A big thanks to

- Kay -

- Kyle Kowalchuk -

for joining and supporting the story on Patreon to make more art possible! Enjoy the (horny) extra stuff there!

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