Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 357 – Amazed wolves

The group continued to test out all the gadgets Sophia and Maya had bought in the other world while also trying to explain everything to the wolves. It only caused them to conclude that the tiger had lied to them and magic did exist there, after all. Electronic devices and electricity were way too alien for them, after all. Also, in their eyes, magic in this world didn’t sound that different from what they were trying to explain. After the sisters, and Chloe, decided to give up on the topic, not only because the wolves somehow had a point, and concentrated on the solar generators. They also discovered that the solar panels worked with light magic, which effectively meant unlimited energy. Very handy.

“Okay, now that we have power, let’s try and get a TV running!” Sophia’s mood was excellent after the solar proved to be even more useful than she had thought. “Maya, which one should we use?”

“The biggest one!” It wasn’t a hard decision for the cat-girl to make.


“Wait, how many TVs did you two buy?” Chloe got a little curious about their wording.

“Two. To have a spare and because we weren’t sure about the size.”

“Ahh, I see.”

“I also put my entire old room inside my storage, though. So, there’s another TV in there, among many other things!”

“Wait, you can do that?!” Steph raised her voice after hearing this.

“Yup!” The blonde smiled at her. “Not difficult at all!”

“Can we go back for a moment later and do the same with my room? I only packed lightly because I didn’t want to give you any more time to think, but there are some more things I’d like to get!”

“Sure!” She gave her a thumbs-up. “Actually, the guest rooms here and your room in the old apartment are pretty much the same size. If you want to, we can empty it and then put your whole room into it.”

“That sounds fun!” The dog-girl liked the idea. “Let’s try that tomorrow or whenever we get the time. No need to hurry!"


“Alrighty, the big TV, give me a moment!” Going back to the topic, Sophia clapped her hands once before entering her storage again before returning with a massive box only half a minute later.

“Wait a minute!” Chloe immediately raised her voice. “How would a TV fit inside that? That box is way too big, but also way too thin! TVs are super bulky, right?”

“Hmm… Ah!” The tiger needed a second to understand her complaint. Even for her, she basically was only a little older than Ellie when flat-screen TVs replaced the CRT version for good, after all. “They also changed a lot since you left. The era of bulky tech is long over! TVs are also flat! In fact, take away the touch function, among some other stuff, and they're just like oversized tablets! I mean, if they're flat, why wouldn't TVs?"

“Oh! Yeah, that makes sense!” The fox-girl nodded a few times. “It would make little sense with those smartphones and tablets that are nothing but display for TVs to be different… Although, why is that box still so wide…?"

“It may be flat, but it’s a big boy~.”


“Steph, can you help me get it out of the box?” Sophia looked at her sister. “I think it’s for the best to do that with someone who has done that before.”

“…” She had just gotten back to the sofa and got comfortable next to Chloe and her glorious tail, so she looked very reluctant to get up again. “Okay…” The dog-girl eventually followed suit, after all.

“Thank you for your noble sacrifice.” The tiger just rolled her eyes.

“You better be thankful!”

“Look at it that way,” Sophia then got closer to her sister so that only she could hear it. “I'm sure there are even better chances to cuddle to your heart's content while watching a movie together."

“You’re a genius!” Steph’s mood soared in an instant. “Let’s go!”

“And I thought I was easy to read…” Mumbling those words with a wry smile on her lips, the tiger went over to the boxed TV, and the sisters started to unwrap it.


“Woah, it really is a big boy!” Once it was out of the box and standing on its own, Chloe marveled at the size of the 75” TV. “That’s half a cinema! Why do you need a TV this big?!”

“Why not?” Sophia and Steph tilted their heads in return.

“…” The fox-girl went silent. “Fair point.”

“What is so great about this black mirror…?” Fen stared at the big rectangular thing while sounding more than a little dubious.

“It’s not turned on yet, my dear~.” The blonde smiled at him. "Let's see… Where did I put it…?" Saying so, she glanced around for a moment and then grabbed an extension cord lying behind one of the sofas. Afterward, she plugged one end into a solar generator and connected the other one to the cable of the TV. “Steph, have you seen the remote while we unpacked the thing?”

“Uhh… Here!” She needed a second but then found it on the floor. "Batteries are already in!"

“Thanks!” Grabbing it, the tiger then turned on the TV. “Yay, it works!”

“Wow…” The male wolf sounded even more sarcastic than before. “It’s impressive how some stuff started glowing on it, but it's all just some sort of text…"

“Ahaha…” Hearing that, she pressed a few buttons and eventually found the media center that included some demo pictures. “How’s that?” Sophia opened a photo that showed a massive metropolis of her old world at night.

“W-Whoa!” He sounded much more impressed this time. “This is… Wait, what is this…? What are those structures, and what about all those lights…?”

“Someone took a camera, like the one I showered earlier, and took a picture of one of the human cities from that world while being up somewhere high.”

“T-That’s a city?! Those are buildings?!”

“Yup~.” She smiled at him. “The city Steph and I came from is a good bit smaller, but it was still relatively comparable to that.”

“N-No way…” Fen didn’t believe her. “This looks so… advanced and impressive and… impossible for humans…”

“Some of them, like those who came up with those buildings or made all this technology, were quite ingenious. Most weren’t and or aren’t, though, so don’t worry too much about your sanity~.”

“That’s very reassuring…” He calmed down again.

“Oh, speaking of some of them being ingenious, here!” Saying so, she selected a different picture that showed the entirety of earth from space.

“What is that…?” The male wolf looked confused again. “Whatever it is, it seems seriously impressive.”

“It’s the planet Chloe, Steph, and I came from. Some of our more capable humans invented and created things that let us go to space and visit our moon. We've sent cameras far away to other planets, as well.”

“S-Seriously?!” Aura got loud. “The people from your world managed to leave the planet they live on?! And you’re seriously saying that they had no magic at their disposal?! Even we can’t do that!”

“W-Well… I thought we agreed that it’s a matter of perspective…?” Sophia didn’t feel like arguing about it anymore.

“I want to go to space, too! I’ve always loved watching the stars!” Aura suddenly got even livelier. “Let’s recreate those things with magic and go!”

“Ehhh?” The blonde didn’t seem to be a fan. “Absolutely, space is fascinating, but… scary and dangerous, too! There’s no air or… anything at all! Asteroids in all kinds of sizes and speeds, too… Not to mention cosmic rays and stuff can be far from healthy, either!”

“I don’t understand one half of that and don’t care about the other!” She was quite serious about it. “I’m sure our magic can get around it if your humans and their weird magic were able to!”

“Uhhh… M-Maya!”

“Sophia’s not leaving this planet!” The cat-girl also wasn’t a fan of the plan.

“But she already did!” The female wolf didn’t accept this. “So did you, for that matter!”


“I’ll gladly take you for a visit to my old world instead!" Sophia preferred that idea. “Space cat wasn’t a part of my bucket list!”

“You’re a tiger!”

“Same difference!” The two agreed to disagree.

“Seeing my sister, who used to be so shy, having so much fun really is the best~.” Steph leaned closer to Chloe while she told her this with an incredibly happy voice.

“Ehehe~.” The fox-girl liked how much she cared about Sophia.

“Not helping!” The blonde had mixed feelings, though. “H-How about a movie with lots of space instead…? We can see all about how amazing it is and looks without actually going there!” She tried to find an alternative.

“Oh, did you get some documentaries?” The dog-girl got a little interested.

“No, but a bunch of sci-fi stuff! That should work just as well!”

“Yeah, because those movies always focus on the science part of science fiction…” Steph rolled her eyes. “The fiction part never plays a big role…”

“They show a lot of amazing-looking space regardless, though!”

“Well, I guess that’s fair enough.” She couldn’t argue with that.

“How about it, Aura?” Sophia focused her attention on the wolf again. “Let’s watch a movie with lots of space instead! It’s not the same, but it’s much safer! Also, because the TV is so big, it will be almost like looking at it through a window! A movie is like a moving picture. It comes with sound, too. Very fun!”

“I don’t really get it, but it sounds very enticing!” She bought it. “We’ll get back to this, though!” Or not.


Afterward, Sophia entered her storage again to grab one of the Blu-Ray players they got together with a few fitting movies to get everything ready for a cozy evening in front of the TV.







A big thanks to

- BenjaminB5 -

for joining and supporting the story on Patreon to make more art possible! Enjoy the (horny) extra stuff there!

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