Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 369 – Overpowered

The new couple had told Sophia and Maya about their day and how they started dating. Naturally, they had many questions about various things. Mira had been a topic for a while. Mostly how fluffy she was. Eventually, it drifted over how Steph was interested in finding out whether it was possible to stop time. This caused the blonde tiger to feel slightly awkward, as she has some experience with that. After a bit of back and forth with her cat-girl, she then decided to show it to the other two.

“Huh?! Wait, where’s Sophia?!”

“She was just there!” The moment time unfroze for Chloe and Steph, they immediately got loud.

“There…” Maya simply pointed past them.

“Huh…?” The couple looked behind them in return.

“Hey~.” Once their eyes met, Sophia smiled at them.


“Wait! You can teleport, sis?!” The dog-girl raised her voice even more.

“No, even I can’t do something as impossible as teleporting…” She scratched her cheeks while recalling the whole teleporting topic that has come up way too often. “I merely stopped time and walked behind you.”

“Ahhh!” Steph nodded in understanding. “Wait, what?!”

“You did what now?!” Chloe was just as surprised.

“Yeah, I’ve been able to do that for a long time already. It’s quite fun. Useful, too.”

“And scary!” Maya added her own bit. “Though, you get used to it. It giving us as much privacy as we want is a huge plus, as well.”

"A-Are you serious?!” The couple’s voices perfectly overlapped.

"Y-Yeah, it was quite the shock when I did it on accident the first time, and I had no idea how to revert it…" She started shuddering just thinking about that memory.

“How do you do it?!” Steph sounded highly excited. “I want to be able to do it, too!”

“As far as I’ve understood it, which doesn’t have to mean much… It’s thanks to having Canir’s magic inside of me.”

“I see…” Her excitement changed to disappointment instead.

“Maybe it’s a general overseer thing, though?” Sophia tilted her head. “You’re using the same magic as Mira, so you might be able to?”

“Let’s go!” She liked the sound of that. “Wait, she mentioned that she added some safeties to my copy of her powers so that no accidents happen…”

“Why is your overseer so much better and more caring than mine?!” The tiger got loud. “Canir paid no attention to anything other than having a great time with the stuff I do! I mean, it’s fun, but I could’ve done without having almost destroyed the world once!”

"I was happy about her having given it so much thought, too!" Steph smiled at her. "She said it's 69% impossible for me to accidentally destroy the world!”

“Nice!” Sophia’s answer was instantaneous. “Wait! That’s not nice at all! Why is that number so low?!”

“That’s your fault…”

“How could that possibly be my fault?!” The blonde got even louder. “I had absolutely nothing to do with any of what happened between you and Mira!”

"She said she was confident about her safeties, but then remembered that I'm your sister…" She made a slight pause. "Afterward, Mira got a little awkward and a lot less confident about it…”

“You forgot the part where you mentioned being even more easygoing than your older sister, which made her even less confident about everything.” Chloe helped her fill in the parts she failed to mention.

“This world is doomed…” Hearing all that, all Maya could do, was to hang her head in defeat.

“W-Well!” Steph didn’t want to hear about any of that. "Mira also said that, while it will be incredibly hard, it's not impossible for me to turn into a full animal at will! Time stopping might be possible, too!”

“That’s the spirit!” The tiger liked her enthusiasm. “Wait, what…? You want to turn into a full…?”

“Not forever! Still, I’d like to experience it at least once! Doesn’t it sound fun?!” Her eyes started sparkling. “Fully turn into a fluffy and zoom over a field on all fours while chasing something?!”

“Like a ball…?” Sophia tilted her head.


“…” She had no idea what to say in return.

“S-Shut up!” The dog-girl’s face turned red.

“I-I didn’t say a word…” The blonde tried her best to hold in a chuckle. “It, uhh… does sound like fun, though. Maybe not a ball, but stalking and chasing, err… some prey like that would be fun!"

“Spoken like a true tiger!” Chloe was impressed at how true she was to her character.

“Save for becoming a full, you did all that already, Sophia…” Maya rolled her eyes while looking at her girlfriend. "You stalked and chased a lot of animals, and more often than not, you ended on all fours, at least for a little while when you got really into it… Remember all the boars you hunted?”

“S-Stupid tiger instincts…” She also got embarrassed. “T-That’s different, though! A full animal surely has all kinds of different attributes that would be super interesting to experience!”

“Exactly!” Her little sister nodded a few times.

“I’m not sure how I feel about this… Knowing you… what happens if you mess up and can’t turn back?”

"A-Ah.” Sophia’s expression changed completely. “That’s…”

“I love you, but I can’t say I’m very attracted to fulls in a sexual way… Things would turn very complicated…”

“Mira also said it took even her forever to change into different bodies…” Chloe, once again, decided to help.

"Alright, the plan's put on indefinite hiatus!" Even Sophia was sensible enough to realize it wasn’t worth it.

“Yeah…” Steph nodded. “I really want to do it eventually, but not until I am 1000% sure nothing can go wrong!”

“Good…” Maya and the fox-girl sounded incredibly relieved.

“By the way,” Once the topic was put on hold, the dog-girl faced her sister again. “How does it feel when time is stopped? I’d love to experience it!”

“Well, how does it feel?” Sophia looked back at her while tilting her head.

“What is that supposed to mean…?”

“Time’s still stopped.” She smiled at her. “I only unfroze it for the four of us.”

“S-Seriously?!” Steph’s eyes grew wide.

“Huh, for how long can you stop it, then?!”

“I don’t think there’s a limit. The longest I stopped it so far is…” The blonde paused for a moment while glancing at Maya. “P-Probably around a day or so…”

“Why did you pause just now?” The cat-girl wasn’t a fan of her reply.

“N-No particular reason.” Her eyes got even shiftier.

“Looks like we’re going to have a talk later~.”


"Wait!" Chloe wasn't done being surprised yet. "No limit…? A whole day?! What about your authority?! It has to cost a ton to maintain, doesn't it?"

“Not really.” Sophia shook her head. “It costs a good chunk to stop it, but afterward, it’s just… well… stopped. For as long as I want. It only costs a little when I unstop it again.”

“F-For real?!”

“That’s way too overpowered!” Steph and Chloe were quite impressed with their over-the-top tiger.

“Yeah, Canir’s blessings on me were vast and… indiscriminate…”

“T-That’s so amazing!” The couple was in awe.

“Debatable on some things, but in general, I very agree!”

“What are you even doing when time is stopped?” Steph got curious. “It sounds like you’re doing that quite a lot."

“Mostly three things, I would say.” The blonde scratched her cheek. “Thinking about difficult things when you have to answer quickly and taking naps when the day didn’t have enough hours.”

“So you are doing that?!” Maya’s expression changed when she heard that.


“Uhh, those were only two things…? What about the third you mentioned?” Chloe sounded a little confused.

“To have uninterrupted and as loud and unbridled sex as possible, of course!” The cat-girl’s mood changed quick.

“T-That, yeah.” The tiger nodded.

“I-I see…” Chloe’s cheeks turned red.

“I want to be able to stop time SOOO bad!” Steph got excited instead.

“H-HUH?!” The pink-haired got even more embarrassed.

“Hmm…? A-Ah!” She needed a moment to understand her reaction. “T-That’s not what I meant… I mean… N-No, I was just generally speaking! It had nothing to do with the perverts’ last claim!”

“Hey!” The perverts got loud. “Well, true…” They had no basis to defend themselves, after all.

“O-Oh, okay!” Even though she sounded relieved, Chloe’s expression seemed slightly more complex, and she quickly tried to change the subject. “Is time really still stopped…? I don’t feel like anything’s different from usual.”

“How about you look outside and see for yourself?” Saying so, Sophia went to the glass door leading to the garden and opened it.

“Okay…?” The couple first looked at each other before getting up and walking over to her. “W-Whoah!” It didn’t take them long to notice something. Apparently, some time after they had returned home, it had started to rain a little. The raindrops of the light shower were still floating in the air and made for a very nice effect to show off the frozen time.

“This is amazing!”

“Very!” Steph and Chloe had the same reaction.

“Well, let me show you something even more fun, then.” Looking a little smug, the blonde closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment. Immediately after, the droplets of rain began to fall again, accompanied by the sound of it, together with several other background noises.

“You really are way too overpowered!” The two came to the same conclusion yet again.

“Complaints have to be directed to Canir personally. I had no sayings in this matter.”

Once the couple was thoroughly satisfied with the demonstration, Sophia closed the door again. Inside, they returned to getting comfortable on the sofas once more while continuing their chat.





Illustration time~

Anyone still remember the Anna virgin killer one?

Back then, I also mentioned that I had something similar with Maya.

I might've forgotten about it, though...

Well, here we are!


(And hot~)


A whole album with some more variants can be found here:

Click me!

The other main variant in there actually is slightly hotter~

(In my opinion, at least.)


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