Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 379 – Girlfriend problems

Not only had Fey returned from her trip, but Mira, the overseer of magic, had also shown up, together with a rather big bombshell. As it turned out, Chloe is the actual daughter of Mira and Fey. Naturally, the pink fox had many questions, and she needed to process even more emotions that came with this revelation. Her mothers felt quite similarly about the topic, and the trio got very emotional and teary-eyed over their reunion.

“Well, that was something…” The group, sans the reunited family, was in Sophia's treehouse again, trying to understand what had just happened.

“Yeah…” The others could only agree with Maya.

“Did you two really not know about any of this?” The blonde faced the wolves. “Fey and Mira, err… getting along rather well?”

“I had no idea.”

“Neither did I.” They shook their heads before Aura continued. “That being said, as we mentioned before, it’s easily been many hundreds, if not a thousand years, since we last met Feyanis. Who knows what happened since then.”

“We met Mira a few more times since then, but romance wasn’t something we usually talked about.” The male wolf added a bit of trivia.

“Hmm…” She wasn’t exactly satisfied with that reply.

Hundreds of years? Maybe a thousand, even…?” The dog-girl got stuck on that part.

“W-Wait!” Sophia raised her voice. “I-I did mention that part where we pretty much became and or are ageless because of our magic, right…?” With a slightly terrified expression, she looked at Maya for help.

“You did.” She looked back at her. “But, it’s a difference between being told that and actually having evidence or however you want to call it.”

“Exactly!” Steph nodded a few times. “I-It is a little hard to believe, after all… Wait, how old are you?” She then also faced the wolves.

“Older than that.” The two answered her at the same time.

“I-I see.” She got a little nervous after hearing the tone in their voices.

“I mean, it has no priority right now because of the events, but I can’t wait to get to know them better, too!” Sophia got back to the original topic. “I’ve been wanting to meet Fey ever since Chloe first mentioned her. Not to mention that I REALLY want to know what she did in the capital. Now, it seems like Mira will also be with us for a while! She’s sooo fluffy! A welcome addition!”

"I agree!" Maya felt the same. "Though… I'm not exactly sure if I really want to know what happened with the humans…" She had some mixed feelings about that part.

“Chloe’s fluffier!” Steph started pouting.

“Mhmm…” The tiger tilted her head. “Quite honestly, I can't agree anymore and say you're biased. Nothing wrong with that, I want to add. I am, too, when it comes to Maya, after all."

“Same~.” The cat-girl nodded a few times. “I agree with my perfect tiger, as well.” She had to word it like that. “Chloe is amazing, and her fluffiness is unbelievable, but… Fey’s tail seemed ever so slightly fluffier. I might be okay with giving our pink one the win because she’s more attractive as a hybrid rather than a full, but against Mira and her literal armada of fluffy tails, I’m sorry…”

“Yes!” Sophia seemed to feel the same. “I agree with my perfect girlfriend.” She needed to respond in kind. “I’m willing to agree that Chloe is more attractive for the same reasons as Maya mentioned, which makes her fluff more interesting, but if it’s just purely about fluffy, Fey wins. Mira's fluff is attached to a beautiful woman, though. And there’s lots of fluff. Yeah, her individual tails are inferior to Chloe and Fey, but there are nine! NINE!”

“Grrr…” The dog started growling.

“Oho, you’re good that that already!” Aura was proud of her new fellow canine.

“Chloe’s the number one!” She wasn’t budging on it.

“And she should.” Maya smiled at her. “For you, that is.”

“Being biased means she’s the best for you, after all.” The tiger continued.

“You should definitely continue to be such a big fan of Chloe, though." The female wolf addressed her. "It shows your dedication, after all, and you need to grasp for every straw you have to survive from now on… Then again, how would they react to their fluff being inferior…?”

“W-What’s this about…?” The violet girl didn’t like the sound of that.

“You’re dating the daughter of an extremely serious, doting, and protective woman, Fey, and her other mother is a literal overseer. Someone who gets worshipped by millions in this world.”

“…” Steph’s face turned as white as a sheet.

“Wow, I hadn’t thought about that!” Sophia’s eyes grew wide. “You sure decided to go hard mode, huh?”

“Good luck!” Maya had nothing else to say.

“She’ll definitely need it.” Fen agreed with her.

“D-Don’t look so smug, sis!” The dog-girl glared at her. “Even with your enhanced personality, I can’t even imagine you meeting Maya’s parents!”

“I already did~.” She only got smugger instead. “In fact, they love me!”

“More than me, actually…” The cat-girl looked a little tired.


“N-No way…” On one side, she was happy for her sister, but it also was the exact opposite of what she wanted to hear right now.


“How did you do that? I need to learn that fast!”

"I met them in the capital without Maya and not knowing who they are…" Sophia scratched her cheek. "The two were lost, and I helped them find their way back. While doing that, we ended up chatting a lot and got along super well~.”

“How can anyone be this lucky?!” Steph couldn’t believe it.

“I know, right…?” Maya sounded tired again.


“Well, that isn’t going to work for me… Fenny! Aura!” The dog-girl faced her wolves. “You know Fey, right? How can I win her over?!”

“Have common sense, know how to behave, don’t be hyperactive, don’t overdo things, be calm, don’t…”

“Be the exact opposite of Sophia, basically.” Aura finished his sentence.

“Yup.” The male wolf nodded a few times.

“HEY!” The tiger didn’t like that.

“…” Steph’s expression turned complicated. “I-I’m doomed, huh…?”

“Pretty much.” Maya patted her shoulder a couple of times. “You had a good run, though.”

“I-I think Mira likes me, though!” She had one chance left. “She got interested in me and gifted me so much magic! Half of which I shared with her daughter without even knowing that part! She also knew about my crush on Chloe and encouraged her to kiss me when we were in her domain! T-That doesn’t sound too bad for me, does it…?”

“That certainly is a start." Aura gave her a bit of hope. For a second, at least. "Mira only reunited with them herself, though, and probably has to prove herself first, as well. Fey's the one who raised Chloe, and she's the one you have to win over.”

“I hate you…” Steph hung her head.

“Always happy to help~.” The female wolf was enjoying herself.

“S-Sis, what should I do…?” She looked at the blonde with pleading eyes.

"Your puppy eyes are already top-notch, as expected of a dog.” Sophia looked impressed for a moment before continuing. "Just be yourself? I'm pretty sure faking someone you aren't will only end up even worse in the long run. You would be basically lying to her. Admittedly, I got SUPER lucky with Maya’s parents, who put me on a way too high pedestal for some reason. Still, while I tried my best to watch my words, I not once said or did anything that didn’t match my usual self. Right?” She looked at her cat-girl towards the end.

“I mean… I guess?” She wasn’t sure how to react. “You were a lot calmer than usual, but you also did tell them a lot of ridiculous things they loved for some reason, so… Yeah, you did try to show them your best side, but you were honest for the most part. I can’t fault you at all.”

“I see…” Steph wasn’t sure what to do with this information. “Yeah, you are right. Pretending to be someone I am not, does sound like a bad idea and is asking for trouble. Also, Mira seemed to like my way of doing things. Changing that would mean losing points with one mom to gain some with the other. Even if Fey’s supposed to be the tougher nut to crack, that plan can only fail…”

“Oh! How about this?” The tiger started smiling. “I have no idea what the current relationship between Mira and Fey is, but our dear overseer seems to be in a bit of a tough spot right now. Chloe grew up without her, good intentions or not aside, so she has to prove herself, as well. To Chloe and Fey. If you get along with Mira, this might be the way. I bet she would appreciate the help, and Fey might be impressed about you wanting to help. I think…” It wasn’t like she had any proof, after all.

“She’s good.” The wolves seemed impressed.

“She really is.” Maya also had to give it to her.


“That does sound like a solid-enough plan…?” Steph gave it some thought. “Well, it’s at least better than everything I thought of so far…”

“What did you come up with?” The cat-girl got interested.


“Sophia’s plan certainly is better, then.”

“Yeah.” The dog-girl nodded a few times. “Well, maybe, if I’m half as lucky as my tiger here, Fey might also just like me!”

“That’s the spirit!” Sophia liked that a lot. "I also want to see them again soon! We've already been waiting for Fey for so long! Mira's an unexpected and amazing bonus! That meeting earlier was way too chaotic, to say the least! I can’t wait!”

As there was nothing else they could do right now, the group continued to think of alternative ways for Steph to win over Chloe’s mothers while waiting for the three to finish their reunion.

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