Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 392 – One-on-one conversation

The meeting with Menzor, Kira, and most of the ministers and generals had been very eventful. So much so that after Sophia had explained her portals in a more detailed way and offered their usage to better the lives of everyone in the kingdom, everyone decided it was time to break because there were many things to think about now. And even more headaches to cure.

“Haa… I’m tired…” After having left the meeting room, the blonde immediately let out a yawn.

“Well, you were quite busy.” Fey looked at her. “That being said, if anyone’s allowed to be tired, it’s the king and his entourage.”

“Fair, I guess.” She nodded. “I mean, finding out that the human capital got raided and overthrown while your unrelated messengers got used as aides for the new ruling party was quite shocking."

“…” The full fox paused for a moment. “I don’t appreciate these levels of sass.”

“I wonder how well you’ll get along with Maya...” Sophia suddenly looked a little concerned. Her sass was nothing compared to the cat-girl’s, after all.

They arrived at Anna's room before long and took the portal back, but while they were in her hub, Chloe suddenly stopped walking and faced the teal fox.

“Mira, do you, uhh… have some time right now…?” She sounded a bit awkward.

“As much as you want!" The overseer's reply was immediate. “What do you want to do?”

“Talk.” The pink fox looked directly at her. “Things have been insanely hectic, and I have simply accepted anything that was going on because I was overwhelmed and also didn’t want to lose this chance of being with you, but there are so many things I need to know… Questions I want answers to…”

“Ahh, I see.” The teal one scratched her cheek. “I am very thankful you gave me this chance I absolutely have not deserved, and I will gladly tell you everything and explain as much as you want me to.”

“Good.” Chloe showed her a small smile before she looked at Fey. “You can go home with Sophia. We’ll be back once we’re done.”

“E-Eh?” She didn’t like the sound of that.

“You also still have a LOT of explaining to do, but I want to hear Mira’s side and her feelings without you interrupting her.”

“I-I understand…” She hung her head in response.

“Well, look at the bright side.” Sophia smiled at the dejected full. “If Chloe isn’t around at home, you can question Steph all you want without getting interrupted, as well.”

“Oh.” She lifted her head again.


After having agreed, more or less, on that plan, they went different ways. Sophia and Fey returned to the mansion while Chloe and Mira took the portal to the fox village because they wanted to be alone.

“Okay, what do you want me to tell you? Where should I start?” The duo decided to stay in Sophia’s treehouse because the portal was there, and once they sat down there, Mira addressed her daughter.

“Everything!” Chloe stared right at her. “From the moment you and Feyfey decided to have me! Why, too!”

“I see. Yes, it’s very understandable that you want to hear the full story.”

“Please start, then!”

“Of course.” The teal fox smiled at her before continuing. “Let’s see… Fey and I met a looong time ago. I ran into her during one of my previous times down here, and we immediately got along great. Not entirely sure why, though. Foxes are naturally quite mischievous, and I take especially great joy and that while Fey, well…”

“Ahaha…” Chloe let out an awkward laugh. “I know what you mean.”

“She’s actually the primary reason why I’m often described as calm, collected, elegant, and all that. I mean, I know how to behave myself to keep my image of the overseer of magic, but Fey… when I was with her, I tried extra hard.” She paused for a moment. “And, well… You don’t want to upset Fey.”


“Anyway, even with us being so different, or maybe exactly because of that, we became incredibly good friends over the years that followed our first meeting. Fey even constantly accompanied me to my domain when I wasn’t able to be here. We got so close that people started to treat us as inseparable. That’s the reason how Fey ended up being in my shrines, as well.”

Friends?” The pink fox raised an eyebrow.

“In the beginning, we definitely were.” Mira smiled at her again. “It actually took quite a while before it turned into more because both of us kept dancing around the subject for a literal eternity… It wasn't that easy with me being an overseer and all."

"I guess that was somewhat of a complicated predicament…”

“Yes.” She nodded. “Eventually, though, we stopped caring about all that. Interestingly enough, it was Fey who initiated it.”

“S-Seriously?!” Chloe looked shocked.

“Surprising, isn’t it?”


“It happened around the time when I talked her into trying to assume a humanoid hybrid form so that we could do even more together. My theory is, as she’s usually so calm and collected, after she got her new body, her new feelings, and hormones she wasn’t used to yet, got the better of her and, well… I don’t want to tell my daughter what happened afterward. You don’t want to know, either.”

"…" Chloe paused momentarily before her face eventually turned red. "T-That already was too much information!"

“Well, you wanted to know everything.”

“T-There are limits!” She had no intention of learning anything about that part of her parent's relationship. "P-Please skip to the part where I started to become relevant…”

“I mean, technically speaking…"

“Y-You know what I mean!”

“Of course.” Mira was still smiling. “Please excuse my light teasing. This situation here isn’t easy for me, either…” She was trying to add a little humor. “Anyway, that marked the point where we became a full couple. We were simply happy for many, many, MANY years, but we eventually started to feel that something was missing. Not between us, we were doing better than ever, but… we wanted even more of a connection. A combination of our feelings. A product of our love for each other.”


“You.” The teal fox confirmed it without any hesitation whatsoever. “For us, that was a lot easier said than done, though…” She made a small pause. “As an overseer, I’m not supposed to meddle too much with the inhabitants of the world I manage. My whole relationship with Fey was already… but there’s little more meddling you can do other than having a child with someone from here. We managed to suppress the dream for a long time and numb our feelings for the subject, but…"

“But?” Chloe tilted her head.

“One day, I was going through the candidates that qualified for reincarnation, and Fey was helping. Something she really wasn’t allowed to do, so please don’t tell anyone… Well, we saw you, and both of us immediately fell in love with you. Originally, I was supposed to find a family for the reincarnators to join, but we finally had enough and decided you would become our daughter. By the way, biologically and or physically speaking, the reincarnators are the full child of their new family. Only their memories will transfer over and become available over time to help shape their personality to some degree. You are 100% the full daughter of Fey and me. There is no doubt about that."

“I-I see…” The daughter in question needed a moment to let all that sink in. “W-Why me specifically, though? I don’t think there was anything interesting about me in my previous life. It, uhh… It was cut quite short, too.”

“Well, unfortunately, reincarnating these, whose life was cut short, is the norm rather than an exception…"

“Ah… Even more so then, why me?”

“We were really impressed by your positive outlook on everything. Even though you had always been frail, you never were sad and made the best out of what you had. It didn’t even change when your health began to decline even more. It was downright impressive how positive and lively you were. Always having fun and enjoying absolutely everything. Even the most mundane and littlest things were met by pure joy and curiosity by you. It was lovely to read about.”

“W-Well, there was nothing I could’ve done… it was either that or being depressed…”

“Exactly.” Mira smiled at her. “That’s why we did something about it. You gave us the push to finally ignore our reservations, and we gave you a second chance.”

“T-Thank you… very much…” Chloe wasn’t sure how to react. It was clear that she was incredibly thankful.

“We thank you just as much.” Her smile got even gentler. “By the way, I made absolutely sure that your body is in absolute top condition this time.”

“Ohh!” The pink fox liked that. “Though, would’ve been too much to make me slightly taller while you were at it already?”

“Ehh? Your height is adorable!” Mira disagreed. “Also, your lack in height gets more than compensated by your size. You're bigger than both your mothers combined! Humanoid Fey is actually rather small, too. You have to complain to her about that. You got it from her! Not that I'm the tallest around, either. Also, I did that after you were born. Your body being the way it is, has happened through the natural way. You have Fey’s tail, my ears, her height, lots of my personality, both of our breasts combined… Though, I’m not exactly sure where the pink came from. With a bit of fantasy, it could be lots of Fey’s red and our white with a hint of my teal, but… not quite. Well, it's not always that easy.” She paused for a moment. “After you were born, I boosted you in several ways to ensure you can handle your magic, and I made you immune to all sorts of diseases, poisonous substances, and the likes.”

“W-Wow…” Chloe seemed a little overwhelmed. “Wait, is that why alcohol doesn’t affect me?”

“Yes.” She nodded. “After all, at the end of the day, it’s poison. Delicious poison, but poison, nonetheless.”


“Handy, huh? Should we really be talking about that right now, though?”

"A-Ah…” Chloe scratched her cheek. “L-Let me stall for time, okay? I need to sort my thoughts and feelings to know what else I want and need to ask you!”

“I see. Shall we take a quick break?”

The pink fox heartily agreed to Mira's suggestion, and the two did just that afterward.







A big thanks to

- Norja Invictus -

for joining and supporting the story on Patreon to make more art possible! Enjoy the (horny) extra stuff there!

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