Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 22: Rocket Man (3)

The journey was a blur of stars and vertigo, ending with a bone-jarring impact as they crashed onto the moon's surface. The initial shock and disorientation from the crash left the team momentarily stunned. As the dust settled, Alexander took stock of their surroundings, his face an impassive mask betraying no emotion. The lunar landscape was harsh and unforgiving, illuminated by the stark light from the distant sun. Rocks and craters stretched as far as the eye could see, with the imposing form of Helios station hovering in the sky above.

"Well, that was fun," Timothy, Jack's body double, groaned as he picked himself up, rubbing his aching limbs. His voice was laced with sarcasm, though the underlying fear was evident. "Can we never do that again?"

Alexander shot him a withering look, his gaze sharp and unyielding. "Compose yourself. We have work to do," he said, his tone brooking no argument. Alexander's calm demeanor was a stark contrast to Timothy's shaken state, highlighting the difference in their experiences and personalities.

Before anyone could respond, a cheery voice called out from outside. "Well, hello there, travelers! Welcome to Elpis!" The voice was bright and full of life, a stark contrast to the desolate environment they found themselves in.

The team turned towards the source of the voice, a mix of curiosity and caution in their expressions. A woman stood outside their crashed vehicle, her presence incongruous with the harsh landscape. She had short blonde hair and a wide grin, her outfit a patchwork of scavenged materials that somehow came together in a cohesive, albeit eccentric, ensemble.

"Now listen, I'm not sure where you nincompoops are from, but seeing as how you haven't jumped out guns blazing, I'm willing to bet you're one of the good ones. When you're ready, open the door, but be careful. You'll be entering into a zero-oxygen environment. So hold your breath and make a run for it," she continued before waiting for a response. Her tone was casual, almost flippant, but the underlying seriousness of her warning was unmistakable.

Watching Athena suddenly clasp her armor, an oxygen mask was deployed from her suit, covering her face and allowing her to breathe without worry. This left Timothy alone, his panic evident as he struggled to find a solution. Alexander and Claptrap, with their unique physiologies, could sustain themselves without the need for oxygen, adding to Timothy's feeling of isolation.

"Are you freakin' kidding me?" he sighed, seeing Alexander and Athena suited up and ready. The frustration and fear in his voice were palpable.

"Save your breath, you'll need it," Alexander replied curtly, his focus already shifting to the next steps.

"Yay! No lungs," Claptrap smiled before opening the door, his enthusiasm a sharp contrast to Timothy's anxiety.

As the door opened, Alexander quickly grasped Timothy's shirt, propelling them both forward into the zero-oxygen environment. They were met with the sight of the mysterious woman, who introduced herself with a flourish.

"Name's Janey Springs - Black Marketeer. Heart of Gold," she said, extending a hand. Her grin was infectious, and despite the danger, there was a warmth to her that put the team at ease, if only slightly.

Alexander stood slightly apart, his mind already racing with plans and contingencies. He was always thinking ahead, calculating the next move. As Janey began to explain the immediate danger of the zero-oxygen environment to the others, he tuned out, focusing on the broader strategic picture. The problem of connecting the fast travel systems from Pandora to Elpis nagged at him. It was crucial for bringing in reinforcements from his Iron Legion, but the obstacles seemed insurmountable at present. With Helios under Lost Legion's control, Hyperion's network was off-limits. Dahl's network, while connected to local systems, was unfamiliar territory.

His thoughts were interrupted by Janey and Athena's conversation. The assassin, usually stoic, appeared to falter under the consistent innuendos and attention plastered by Janey. It was a rare sight, and even Alexander couldn't help but notice the shift in Athena's demeanor.

Timothy, watching the interaction with interest, decided to try his luck. He sidled up to Janey, attempting what he hoped was a charming smile. "So, uh, you come here often? I mean, obviously, you do, you live here, but... uh..." His awkward attempt at small talk was almost endearing in its clumsiness.

Janey barely spared him a glance, her attention still fixed on Athena. "Careful there, handsome. Wouldn't want you to strain something with all that smooth talk," she said with a smirk, her focus unwavering.

Timothy deflated, muttering to himself, "Right, smooth. That's me. Smooth as a Rakk hive's backside." His self-deprecating humor was his way of coping with the situation, though it did little to boost his confidence.

Meanwhile, Claptrap was excitedly bouncing around the group, his single eye darting from person to person. "Oh boy, oh boy! New friends! New adventures! New opportunities for me to save the day with my incredible heroism!" His enthusiasm was infectious, though it often bordered on the annoying.

For a brief moment, as Claptrap's gaze passed over Alexander, his eye seemed to glow a slightly more intense neon blue. The change was so quick that it might have been a trick of the light, but Alexander filed the observation away for later consideration. There was something about Claptrap that warranted closer scrutiny, something that Alexander couldn't quite put his finger on.

Janey continued her explanation, still focused on Athena. "While you might not need it to breathe, seeing as you're outfitted with your own gizmos, these little babes will help you jump from time to time. Makes traversing the planet a little easier, you know?" she said, handing out Oz kits to the team.

Athena nodded, trying to maintain her composure despite Janey's close proximity. "That's... very helpful. Thank you," she said, her voice steady but her body language betraying a slight discomfort.

"Oh, it's my pleasure," Janey said with a wink. "You know, I don't often see folks as capable-looking as you around these parts. Bet you could handle yourself in a scrap, eh?"

Athena, caught off guard by the attention, felt a slight warmth creep into her cheeks. "I... yes, I suppose I can," she stammered, uncharacteristically flustered.

Timothy, not one to give up easily, tried again. "Hey, I can handle myself in a scrap too! I once fought off a whole pack of Skags with nothing but a rusty spoon and my dashing good looks!" he boasted, hoping to impress Janey.

Janey chuckled, finally glancing at Timothy. "Is that so? Well, aren't you just full of surprises, mister...?"

"Call me Jack, uh, the real one," he supplied eagerly. "The totally real Jack, no last name... But you can call me 'handsome' if you prefer."

"I think I'll stick with Jack for now," Janey said, her amusement clear. She turned back to Athena, her smile softening. "And what about you, gorgeous? Got a name to go with those killer moves?"

Athena cleared her throat, fighting to maintain her professional demeanor. "Athena. Just Athena."

"Athena," Janey repeated as if savoring the name. "Well, 'Just Athena', I have a feeling you're going to make things around here a lot more interesting."

Alexander, having observed the interactions with detached interest, decided it was time to refocus the group. He stepped forward, his voice carrying its usual authoritative tone. "We're currently on official business for the Hyperion Corporation. We believe that there is a jamming signal currently below here on Elpis. Your assistance would be appreciated as the fate of the moon is at stake. Would you have any information regarding this?"

Janey nodded, reluctantly tearing her gaze from Athena. "Yeah, I can help you with that one. Might need to get inside Concordia. Local town run by some stink called the Meriff. Nice guy if not a little weird. But first, I need you to do something for me. There's this guy, Deadlift..." Her tone shifted, becoming more serious as she outlined the task ahead.

As Janey began explaining the situation with Deadlift and the need for his digistruct key, Alexander's mind was already racing ahead, formulating plans within plans. The mission to deal with Deadlift would be a useful test of his team's capabilities and perhaps provide opportunities to gather the information he needed. He assessed the risks and potential outcomes, always thinking several steps ahead.

"Deadlift's a real piece of work," Janey continued. "You'll need a vehicle to get to Concordia, and for that, you'll want his digistruct key. I can help you out with an orbiter once you've got it. He's perched up at Regolith Range, shouldn't be too far from here. Just a few clicks, the only problem is the Kraggon infestation."

Athena frowned, her tactical mind engaging. "Kraggons? What kind of threat do they pose?" she asked, already considering the best strategies to deal with them.

Janey's eyes lit up at Athena's question. "Oh, they're nasty little buggers. All teeth and claws and bad attitudes. But I bet you could handle them no problem, eh?"

Timothy piped up, "Hey, I can handle Kraggons

 too! I once wrestled a Bullymong with one hand tied behind my back!" His bravado was almost comical, but there was a hint of genuine courage in his words.

Janey raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Is that so? Well, aren't you just full of surprises, Jack?"

Claptrap, not wanting to be left out, wheeled forward. "Fear not, fleshy companions! With my unparalleled combat prowess and dazzling charm, we shall vanquish these Kraggons and emerge victorious!" His enthusiasm was infectious, though often misplaced.

Alexander, growing impatient with the banter, cut in. "Enough. We have our objective. Janey, is there anything else we need to know about Deadlift or the route to Regolith Range?" His tone was sharp, a clear indication that he was ready to move on.

Janey nodded, her expression turning more serious. "Yeah, watch out for his jump pads. Deadlift's got a whole setup of 'em, makes him a tricky target. Oh, and the low gravity? It'll mess with your aim if you're not used to it."

Athena nodded, her professional demeanor reasserting itself. "Understood. We'll adapt our tactics accordingly."

Janey grinned, giving Athena an appreciative look. "I bet you will. You seem like the adaptable type."

As the group prepared to move out, Janey pulled Athena aside. "Hey, listen. When you get back from dealing with Deadlift, maybe I could show you around Concordia? You know, give you the local's tour." Her tone was casual, but there was a hint of genuine interest in her offer.

Athena blinked, caught off guard once again. "I... that would be... nice?" she replied, her uncertainty evident.

Alexander, overhearing the exchange, filed the information away. Personal connections could be useful, or they could be liabilities. He'd need to keep an eye on how this relationship developed.

As they prepared to set out, Alexander's gaze swept over his team. Athena, still slightly flustered but regaining her composure. Timothy, trying (and failing) to mimic Alexander's authoritative stance. Claptrap, bouncing excitedly, his eye occasionally flickering that strange neon blue. Not the most promising group, perhaps, but they would have to do.

"We'll move out soon then. Prepare yourself. We'll leave in five minutes," Alexander ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.

With their objectives clear, the group set out across the lunar landscape. The low gravity made movement both exhilarating and treacherous, with even the smallest misstep sending them floating dangerously. The vast, desolate expanse of Elpis stretched out before them, a stark reminder of the hostile environment they were navigating.

"So, why exactly do you want us to kill Deadlift again?" Timothy asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

"Cause he's kind of an asshole," Janey replied over their ECHO communicator, her voice crackling slightly with static.

"Really, that's all?" Athena inquired, her tactical mind seeking more concrete reasons.

"Well, he kind of got all dickish when I rejected him, stole my digistruct key, and nearly killed me. So yeah, he's an asshole," Janey clarified, her tone casual but her words carrying the weight of past confrontations.

"Fair enough," Athena accepted, her focus returning to the mission.

As they approached Regolith Range, the sounds of gunfire and maniacal laughter filled the air. Deadlift's fortress loomed before them, a hodgepodge of scrap metal and energy fields. The chaotic scene before them was a stark reminder of the dangers they faced.

Just as they were about to approach, they were suddenly interrupted by an intermission. "Vault hunters. This is Colonel Zarpedon of the Lost Legion. I see you've arrived on Elpis. Leave now, things are about to get worse. I don't WANT to kill you if I don't have to." Her voice was cold, commanding, and filled with a sense of looming threat.

Athena, hearing her words, couldn't help but rebuttal. "Tell that to the innocent people you killed on Helios," she spat, her voice filled with righteous anger.

"Fine, do what you will," Zarpedon replied dismissively. "Deadlift, this is Colonel Zarpedon. I need you to kill the Vault hunters headed toward your ship."

"GET BENT, ZARP! I AIN'T TAKING NO ORDERS FROM THE CHICK WHO THREW ME IN PRISON!" Deadlift spat back, his voice filled with defiance and rage.

"They said your jump pads are stupid," Zarpedon added, her tone goading.

"I WILL ANNIHILATE THEM!" Deadlift roared, his rage palpable even over the comms.

Hearing the sudden ramblings and laughter approach, the team charged into the fray, their movements enhanced by the moon's reduced gravity. The battle that ensued was chaotic and brutal, each member of the team playing their part to perfection.

"Make yourselves useful. Athena, begin flanking," Alexander commanded, his halberd in hand alongside his hand cannon. His voice was calm, precise, and unwavering, a beacon of stability amidst the chaos.

Alexander and Athena took point, with Timothy providing covering fire and Claptrap doing his best not to get in the way. The battlefield was a cacophony of noise and violence, the air filled with the sound of gunfire and the smell of burning metal.

Deadlift's voice boomed over loudspeakers. "YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE THIS, VAULT HUNTERS? I'M THE KING OF JUMP PADS AND YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" His taunts were met with determined silence from Alexander, who merely lifted his arm and fired towards the man's shield, the bullet cracking the energy barrier protecting him.

Taken aback by Alexander's firepower, Deadlift quickly jumped near an electricity station, overcharging himself. The shield capacitor installed in his armor shielded him once more, allowing for a prolonged fight.

With calculated precision, Alexander used a jump pad to launch himself towards Deadlift's position with unusual speed. His shots were precise, each one designed not just to harm but to humiliate. He aimed for the joints and legs, knocking Deadlift off balance and sending the self-proclaimed king tumbling from his perch.

"HA, YOU THINK THIS IS THE LAST OF ME, GRONK... " Deadlift huffed, slouched on the ground, his hands rubbing his legs in an attempt to feel them. The sensations were beginning to fade.

Wounded, his lower body was littered with bullet wounds caused by Alexander's gun. Athena trailed behind, covering her boss's advance towards the once-prideful man.

"TRY M-."

"Bye," Alexander voiced, raising his halberd and striking clean through Deadlift's neck. The 'king's head plopped to the ground, his followers seeing the execution and shocked into silence.

"Holy crap..." Timothy murmured, shocked at the scene before him.

"Yeah, he kinda does that," Claptrap voiced cheerfully, using the jump pads himself and continuing to shoot at the enemies with reckless abandon.

"Retrieve the digistruct key, Athena, and let's move out," Alexander ordered before turning to walk back to Janey Springs' hideout.

As they made their way back across the lunar wasteland, Alexander couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. He glanced over his shoulder, half-expecting to see the ethereal form of the Eridian observer. But there was nothing there – nothing but the vast, silent expanse of Elpis and the looming form of Helios station far above.

When they returned to Janey's workshop, she greeted them with a wide grin. "Well, look at you lot! Managed to take down Deadlift, did ya? Impressive work!"

Alexander handed over the digistruct key without ceremony. "As agreed. Now, about that orbiter?"

Janey's eyes lit up. "Right, you are! Just give me a tick to get it set up for ya."

As Janey worked on the orbiter, Timothy turned to Alexander. "So, uh, not to question your leadership or anything, but... what exactly is our plan here again? Find the jamming signal, sure, but then what?"

Alexander's eyes narrowed, his mind always several steps ahead. "We locate the source, neutralize any hostiles, and shut it down. Then we deal with whatever's causing these Eridian manifestations. Whatever the real Jack wants is most likely tied to the vault."

Athena nodded in agreement. "The Eridian presence is... concerning. We need to understand why they're here and what they want."

Claptrap piped up, his robotic voice filled with excitement. "Ooh! Maybe they're here for my autograph! I am pretty famous, you know."

Alexander shot Claptrap a withering look. "Unlikely. Stay focused on the mission, Claptrap. While your humor is pre-designed, you must understand that now is not the time."

Janey returned, wiping her hands on a grease-stained rag. "Alright, your orbiter's ready to go. Just be careful out there, yeah? Elpis ain't exactly the friendliest place these days." Her gaze lingered on Athena once more. "Though I gotta say, it just got a whole lot prettier with you around."

Athena coughed, clearly flustered. "I... thank you? We should probably get going..."

Alexander nodded his thanks to Janey. "We appreciate the assistance. If there's anything we can do in return..."

Janey waved him off. "Nah, just knowing Deadlift's out of the picture is payment enough. Though..." she hesitated, glancing

 at Athena again. "Maybe we could grab a drink sometime? You know, when you're not busy saving the moon and all."

Athena blinked, caught off guard. "I... uh... maybe? If we survive all this?"

Alexander suppressed a sigh. "We should get moving. Concordia awaits, and we've got a jamming signal to find."

As they boarded the orbiter, Timothy leaned in close to Alexander. "So, uh, you really think we can pull this off? I mean, we're basically declaring war on the Lost Legion here."

Alexander's voice was cold, pragmatic. "Whether we can or can't is irrelevant. It needs to be done. If you're having second thoughts, I suggest you stay behind. We can't afford dead weight."

Timothy swallowed hard. "No, no... I'm in. Just, you know, trying to mentally prepare myself for the inevitable violence and danger."

Alexander's gaze softened slightly. "Good. Fear can be useful if you channel it properly. Stay alert and follow orders, and you might just survive this."

Digistructing a "Zoomie", the vehicle hummed to life with a roar. Driving away, they jumped through the lava caverns blocking the way to Concordia's front, the sprawling lunar town coming into view. The town was a patchwork of structures, a testament to the resilience and resourcefulness of its inhabitants. Neon lights flickered, casting an eerie glow over the otherwise bleak landscape.

Battling Kraggons both large and small, they were brutalized and killed with efficiency. The path toward Concordia was cleared without much trouble, the team's coordinated efforts paying off. Despite the constant threat of danger, there was a sense of camaraderie forming among them, a shared determination to see the mission through.

With so much going on, Alexander couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the precipice of something monumental. The Eridian observer, the Lost Legion's sudden aggression, the strange energy permeating Elpis – it all pointed to a mystery far deeper than a simple corporate war. The pieces were coming together, but the full picture remained elusive.

"Everyone clear on the objective?" Alexander asked, his tone businesslike. "We find the source of the jamming signal, neutralize any hostiles, and shut it down. Questions?"

Athena nodded, her face set in determination. Timothy gave a nervous nod. Claptrap started to say something, but Alexander cut him off. "That wasn't an invitation for commentary, Claptrap. Stay focused."

While he wasn't usually so blunt with the robot, it was actively forcing itself into conversations. His input, as of now, was not required.

As the team approached Concordia, their comms crackled to life. Jack's voice came through, a mix of relief and tension evident in his tone. "Well, well, well! Look who made it in one piece. Gotta say, I'm impressed," Jack's voice echoed in their ears. "We're currently holed up at the top of Helios, trying to fight our way to my office. But enough about me, let's talk about you, kiddos."

Jack continued, his voice taking on a more serious note. "Concordia's your best bet for supplies and intel. Look for the Meriff - he's an ex-Hyperion employee, and uh, let's just say we go way back." The slight hesitation in Jack's voice suggested otherwise, but Alexander filed that information away for later.

As they approached the town's entrance, they were stopped by a Claptrap unit, its chassis adorned with official-looking decals. "HALT! I am CU5TM-TP, guardian of Concordia's gates and protector of all things bureaucratic!" the robot announced, its voice somehow even more grating than their Claptrap's.

Timothy groaned, "Oh god, there's more of them."

CU5TM-TP continued, oblivious to the group's growing irritation. "Before you can enter our fair city, I must inspect your credentials, assess your threat level, and perform a thorough cavity search- I mean, customs inspection!"

"Listen here, you rolling trash can," Athena growled, her patience wearing thin. "We don't have time for this."

Even Claptrap seemed annoyed. "Come on, fellow CL4P-TP unit! Can't you see we're on important hero business?"

As the others hurled increasingly creative insults at CU5TM-TP, Alexander calmly stepped forward. Without a word, he presented the orbiter they'd acquired from Deadlift.

CU5TM-TP's eye scanned the device. "Oh my! An official orbiter! Well, why didn't you say so? Welcome to Concordia, esteemed visitors!"

As they entered the city, a booming voice echoed through the streets. The Meriff's announcement filled the air, giving them their first glimpse into his character. "Citizens of Concordia, this is your Meriff speaking. Just a friendly reminder that I've got your best interests at heart. Remember, a peaceful Concordia is a prosperous Concordia... for me. Er, I mean, for all of us! And don't forget, I'm always watching. Always."

Alexander's eyes narrowed as he processed the Meriff's words. The man's voice dripped with false cheer and barely concealed self-interest. Clearly, there was more to this ex-Hyperion employee than Jack had let on.

"Well, ain't he just a bucket of sunshine," Janey muttered, having accompanied them to the city gates. "Watch yourselves around him. The Meriff's got his fingers in every pie in Concordia, and he ain't exactly known for sharing the filling if you catch my drift."

Timothy, still trying to channel Jack, puffed out his chest. "Ha! Sounds like my kind of guy. I mean, uh, sounds like a total loser, am I right, kiddos?"

Athena rolled her eyes. "Focus, 'Not-Jimothy'. We're here for a reason."

Alexander, who had remained silent throughout the exchange, finally spoke. "Indeed. Let's not lose sight of our objectives. We need information, supplies, and allies. The Meriff may be useful, but he's clearly not to be trusted."

As they made their way deeper into Concordia, the team couldn't help but feel they were walking into a den of scoundrels and opportunists. But for Alexander, it was all part of the game - a game he intended to win, no matter the cost.

"Make your way towards the Meriff's office. I have something I'll need to do first," Alexander voiced, his clairvoyance opened to reveal Angel's hue around Claptrap. His dissatisfaction growing.

Sending them away alongside the robot, he brought out his ECHO device and stationed it near the sky. Standing alone on a secluded balcony, his eyes fixed on the looming form of Helios station. The harsh lunar landscape stretched out before him, Concordia's neon lights casting an eerie glow against the stark backdrop.

"I know you're listening, Angel," he said, his voice carrying its usual authoritative tone. There was no softness, just cool precision.

After a moment of silence, Angel's voice creaked through his device, hesitant. "How did you know?"

"I just have a feeling... I also have a feeling there's more to this job than first asked. Why exactly are you asking me to save and help some random Hyperion employee? I'd appreciate it if you came clean," Alexander voiced.

Silent for a few moments, she finally replied, hesitation and doubt planted within her mind, "Alexander, I... I haven't been entirely truthful with you."

He didn't react visibly, his face remaining an impassive mask. "Explain."

"The programmer... it's not just a random employee. It's my father. Jack. I asked you to save him."

Alexander's lips curled into a thin, humourless smile. "I see. Your deception was... ill-advised."

"You're not angry?" Angel's voice was small, uncertain.

"Anger is unproductive," he replied coldly. "However, this changes the parameters of our arrangement. We'll discuss the implications later."

There was a pause before Angel spoke again. "Why are you still going through with this?"

Alexander's eyes narrowed. "I honour my commitments, Angel. But make no mistake - this complication will be accounted for."

He could sense Angel's unease through their connection. Good. She needed to understand the consequences of her actions.

"Remember, Angel," he continued, his voice carrying a note of warning, "in this game we're playing, honesty is crucial. I expect better from you in the future."

Angel's voice came back, a hint of defiance in her tone. "It's not a game, Alexander. This is my father's life we're talking about."

"Everything is a game, Angel," Alexander replied, his voice cool and detached. "Life, death, power - they're all part of a grand strategy. Your father understands this better than most."

"Is that how you see everything? As pieces on a board?"

Alexander paused, considering his words carefully. "It's how I've survived. How I've thrived. Sentiment is a luxury I can't afford."

"But doesn't that get... lonely?" Angel's voice was softer now, tinged with something that might have been pity.

For a moment, Alexander's mask slipped, a flicker of something - perhaps vulnerability - crossing his face. But it was gone in an instant. "Loneliness is irrelevant. Power is what matters."

"Is that why you're really here? For power?"

Alexander's lips curved into a cold smile. "I'm here because you asked, Angel. But I won't deny that I see... opportunities."

"Opportunities?" Angel's voice was wary now.

"Elpis is a powder keg waiting to explode," Alexander explained, his voice taking on a lecturer's tone. "The Lost Legion, Dahl's abandonment, the Eridian presence - it's all connected. And at the centre of it all is your father and his


"You sound almost... excited," Angel observed.

"Excitement implies emotional investment," Alexander countered. "I'm merely... intrigued by the possibilities."

There was a long pause before Angel spoke again. "What do you think is really going on here, Alexander?"

He turned his gaze back to Helios, his eyes narrowing in thought. "Something bigger than a corporate war. The Eridian observer, the strange energy permeating Elpis - it all points to a mystery far deeper than we initially believed."

"And how do you plan to unravel this mystery?"

Alexander's voice took on a predatory edge. "Carefully. Methodically. I'll gather information, eliminate threats, and position myself to take advantage of whatever revelations come to light."

"And my father? Where does he fit into your plans?"

For a moment, Alexander considered lying. But he remembered his own words about honesty. "That depends entirely on him, Angel. If he proves to be an asset, I'll use him. If he's a threat..."

He left the sentence hanging, but the implication was clear.

"I won't let you hurt him," Angel's voice was steel now, all trace of uncertainty gone.

Alexander chuckled, a sound devoid of warmth. "Your loyalty is admirable if misplaced. But ask yourself this, Angel - would he extend you the same courtesy?"

The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken truths.

"I... I don't know," Angel finally admitted, her voice small again.

"Then perhaps it's time you started questioning your own loyalties," Alexander suggested, his tone almost gentle. Almost.

"Is that what you want? My loyalty?"

Alexander paused, considering the question. "Your loyalty would be... valuable. But what I want is your cooperation, Angel. Your powers, your knowledge - they could be instrumental in navigating the chaos that's coming."

"And what do I get in return?"

A ghost of a smile played on Alexander's lips. "Protection. Freedom from your father's control. A chance to shape your own destiny."

"Those are pretty words, Alexander. But can I trust them? Can I trust you, and what makes you think I need your freedom?"

"Trust is earned, Angel," he replied. "As is respect. I've been honest with you about my intentions. Can you say the same?"

Another long silence followed. When Angel spoke again, her voice was filled with a mix of resignation and determination. "No, I can't. But... I want to. Help me save my father, Alexander, and I'll tell you everything I know. No more secrets."

Alexander nodded, satisfaction evident in his voice. "A wise decision. Remember this moment, Angel. It's the first step towards true power - the power that comes from making hard choices."

"This doesn't mean I agree with your methods," Angel clarified quickly.

"I don't require your agreement, only your cooperation," Alexander countered. "In time, you may come to see the necessity of my approach."

"Or you might see the value in compassion," Angel suggested a hint of hope in her voice.

Alexander's laugh was short and sharp. "Unlikely. But I admire your optimism, misguided as it is."

He straightened, his posture once again radiating authority. "I should rejoin my team. We have a mission to complete, after all."

"Alexander?" Angel's voice stopped him as he turned to leave.


"Thank you. For listening. For... understanding, in your own way."

For a moment, something flickered in Alexander's eyes - a warmth, perhaps, or a hint of genuine emotion. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared.

"Don't thank me yet, Angel," he said, his voice once again cold and detached. "The real test is yet to come. Be ready."

With that, he strode back towards his team, his mind already racing with plans and contingencies. The conversation with Angel had been... enlightening. She was more complex than he had initially given her credit for. A valuable asset, certainly, but also a potential liability if her emotions got the better of her.

As he rejoined his companions, Alexander's face was set in its usual impassive mask. But beneath the surface, his mind was alight with possibilities. The game had changed, and the stakes raised. And Alexander was determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.


"You got to ride jump pads?" Mordecai asked.

"I never got to ride a jump pad," Brick commented, his tone almost wistful.

Athena, agitated by their casual thoughts, replied, "I also saw the deaths of millions of innocent people." 

Brick, unfazed, continued, "But... Jump pads though."

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