Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 28: Metallic Shells (3)

The harsh, unforgiving landscape of Elpis stretched before them, a patchwork of crater-pocked terrain and jagged rock formations. The team stood at the edge of a processing plant, its rusted metal structures jutting out against the star-studded sky. In the distance, the hulking wreck of the Drakensburg loomed, a twisted monument to Dahl's failed ambitions.

Jack squinted against the glare of distant stars, his mismatched eyes scanning the rocky terrain for any sign of movement. The absence of Alexander's imposing figure was palpable, but Jack pushed the thought aside. They had a mission to complete.

"So," Jack said, breaking the tense silence, "we're really putting our faith in some grubby little kid named Pickle? This better not be a wild goose chase."

Athena's voice was calm, and measured. "Sometimes, Jack, the most unlikely sources yield the greatest rewards. Patience is key."

Before Jack could retort, Pickle's voice crackled through their ECHO devices, his enthusiasm palpable even through the static. "The Drakensburg, ex-Dahl warship, and all that, crashed before the Crackenin', 'swhat they say. Now, a bunch of ripe-smelling scavs live there, led by The Bosun and his friend, what's called The Skipper. Not that anyone knows what she looks like, which makes yer head scratch. Anyway, find a way inside, and don't be shy to say 'ello to the locals on the way."

The team exchanged wary glances, their hands instinctively tightening on their weapons. Jack took point, his eyes darting from shadow to shadow as they approached the bridge leading to the processing plant. Suddenly, with a grinding of gears that echoed across the barren landscape, the bridge retracted, leaving a gaping chasm before them.

A light female voice crackled over the intercom, the speakers distorting it slightly. "Ahoy, landlubber. You look a little too much like trouble. How about you leave now, and The Bosun won't tear you to pieces. Whaddya say?"

Pickle's laughter echoed through their ECHO devices. "Ha! Called it, din' I?!"

Aurelia rolled her eyes, her aristocratic features twisted in a mix of amusement and disdain. "What now? This is usually where I'd throw jewels at children and have them carry me where I need to go."

Nisha smirked, her hand resting casually on her pistol. "I say we find this Bosun and introduce him to my little friend here."

Wilhelm grunted in agreement, his cybernetic eye whirring as it scanned the area. "Fastest way to solve a problem is usually with firepower."

Pickle's voice returned, filled with mischievous glee. "Glad you asked! The bridge has a manual override nearby. I'm uploading its location to your ECHO."

As the team moved towards the override, picking their way carefully over the treacherous terrain, the Bosun's voice returned, dripping with menace. "Is that the squealin' little thief, Pickle I hear?! If you're with him I've got half a mind to let you over here so I can pull your legs off and make you go jogging!"

Another voice, softer but no less threatening, joined in. "Listen, you and the kid should stay away. That was your one warning."

Jack ignored the threats, his face set in determination as he reached the override controls. The panel was a mess of wires and corroded circuitry, but Jack's nimble fingers danced over the keys with practiced ease. "Come on, baby," he muttered, "don't fail me now."

With a few quick keystrokes, he activated the mechanism. The bridge began to extend, the ancient gears groaning in protest. For a moment, it seemed like they had outsmarted the Bosun. Then, without warning, a deafening explosion rocked the area. The ground shook beneath their feet, and chunks of debris rained down around them.

The Bosun's triumphant voice boomed through the speakers. "BOOM! I just blew up the only bridge! How you going to get across deadly lava now?!"

The team stood at the edge of the chasm, watching as molten rock bubbled and hissed below. The heat was intense, distorting the air around them and making it difficult to breathe. Jack felt sweat beading on his forehead, and not just from the temperature.

"Well, shit," he said, his usual bravado faltering for a moment. "Any bright ideas, gang?"

As if in answer, Pickle's voice cut through their momentary despair, his tone filled with excitement. "I need you to dump the methane from the reservoirs into the lava. We'll create our own path by cooling it off. This is gonna be ace!"

Athena raised an eyebrow. "That... actually sounds like it might work. Risky, but possible."

Jack clapped his hands together, his confidence returning. "Alright, kiddos, you heard the pint-sized genius. Let's go play with some highly flammable gas!"

As they made their way to the methane reservoirs, navigating through the maze-like structures of the processing plant, the Bosun's taunts followed them. "I'm warning you kid! You and your pet Vault Hunter try any funny business and I'll wear your eyeballs as earrings!"

The processing plant was a labyrinth of rusted pipes and decaying machinery. The air was thick with the acrid smell of chemicals and decay. Every step echoed ominously, and more than once, they had to stop and take cover as patrols of the Bosun's men passed by.

The team worked quickly, their movements precise and coordinated. Athena stood guard, her shield at the ready, its energy field humming softly in the eerie silence. Wilhelm used his cybernetic strength to manipulate the heavy valves, his mechanical parts whirring and clicking with each movement. Nisha and Jack covered their flanks, their eyes scanning for any sign of the Bosun's men.

As Wilhelm turned the final valve, a hiss of escaping gas filled the air. For a heart-stopping moment, Jack wondered if they had just signed their own death warrants. Then, slowly but surely, they saw the methane begin to cool the lava, creating a solid crust.

Pickle's voice returned, filled with triumph. "Lovely-bubbly! Now – you ain't afraid of heights, are you?"

The newly formed path was narrow and treacherous, steam still rising from its surface. It stretched across the chasm like a fragile bridge, with molten lava still visible through cracks and fissures.

Athena took the lead, her steps sure and steady. Wilhelm followed, his heavy frame causing the path to creak alarmingly. Nisha went next, moving with the grace of a predator. Jack hesitated at the edge, his face pale.

"You okay there, handsome?" Nisha called back, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Jack swallowed hard, forcing a grin. "Me? I'm fantastic. Just... admiring the view. Yeah, that's it."

Aurelia sighed dramatically. "Oh, for heaven's sake. Shall I push you, or would you prefer to crawl?"

Taking a deep breath, Jack stepped onto the path. His boots crunched on the barely-cooled rock, and he could feel the heat radiating through the soles. He moved slowly, his eyes fixed firmly ahead, trying not to think about the bubbling death just inches below his feet.

As they neared the middle of the chasm, a tremor ran through the makeshift bridge. Cracks began to appear, spreading like spider webs across the surface.

"Move!" Athena shouted, breaking into a run.

The team sprinted the last few yards, the path crumbling behind them. Jack felt the ground give way beneath his feet just as he reached the other side. For a heart-stopping moment, he teetered on the edge of the chasm. Then Nisha's hand shot out, grabbing his arm and yanking him to safety.

They collapsed on solid ground, breathing heavily. Jack looked back at the now-impassable chasm, then at Nisha. "Thanks for the save. I owe you one."

Nisha smirked. "I'll put it on your tab, cowboy."

As they caught their breath, the Drakensburg loomed before them, its hull scarred and twisted. Bits of machinery and torn metal created a treacherous obstacle course. The ship was larger than Jack had expected, its broken form casting long shadows in the starlight.

The Bosun's voice returned, filled with a mixture of rage and disbelief. "You know ya got no chance, Vault Hunter. I got an army and you got a precocious little arsehole!"

Jack chuckled, his confidence returning now that he was on solid ground. "Sorry, Captain stink breath, but it's going to take more than your little scavenger crew to stop us. Why don't you save us all some time and just hand over that AI?"

The only response was a barrage of gunfire from hidden positions around the ship's entrance. The team dove for cover, bullets pinging off metal and spraying rock chips around them.

"Well," Aurelia drawled, readying her sniper rifle, "I suppose that's a 'no' then."

The battle that ensued was fierce and chaotic. The Bosun's men swarmed out of the Drakensburg like angry insects, their patchwork armor and cobbled-together weapons a stark contrast to the sleek efficiency of the Vault Hunters.

Athena was a whirlwind of destruction, her shield deflecting bullets back at their senders as she carved a path through the enemy ranks. Wilhelm stomped forward like an unstoppable juggernaut, his mechanical fists crushing anyone foolish enough to get close. Nisha's pistols sang a deadly duet, each shot finding its mark with unerring accuracy.

Jack found himself back-to-back with Timothy, his doppelganger. They moved in perfect sync, years of training evident in every fluid motion. "Just like old times, eh?" Jack called over the din of battle.

Timothy grimaced as he reloaded. "Yeah, except last time we did this, people weren't actually trying to kill us!"

Aurelia picked off targets from a distance, her sniper rifle booming like thunder. With each shot, an enemy fell, a look of surprise frozen on their face. "Really," she mused, more to herself than anyone else, "the help these days is just dreadful. I do hope this Bosun fellow puts up more of a challenge."

As the last of the Bosun's initial wave fell, the team regrouped at the entrance to the Drakensburg. The ship's gaping maw loomed before them, dark and foreboding.

"Everyone still in one piece?" Jack asked, quickly taking stock of his team.

Athena nodded curtly, her shield humming as it powered down. Wilhelm grunted an affirmative, his cybernetic eye whirring as it scanned for threats. Nisha holstered her pistols with a flourish. "Ready for round two, handsome."

Timothy looked a bit pale but nodded. "I'm good. Let's just... try not to do that again anytime soon, okay?"

Aurelia sighed dramatically. "I suppose I'm unscathed, though I daresay my outfit has seen better days. Shall we proceed, or would anyone like to take a moment to freshen up?"

Jack grinned, his earlier fear forgotten in the rush of combat and victory. "Alright, gang. One more push and we'll have that AI. Let's show this Bosun what happens when you mess with Hyperion's finest!"

"This used to be Zarpedon's own ship, you know. Before she got promoted, I mean. They say it went down before the Crackening happened. Imagine that – (whistling noise) Crash! Bang! Oo, would 'ave been something to see-" Pickle informed before being interrupted.

"John! I want an update on the Helios situation." Tassiter ordered.

"Sir, I've got my best people working on a way to retake the station," Jack explained.

"That's the Hyperion CEO? Is he as much of a bottle-and-glass arse as I hear?" Pickle commented.

Tassiter bewildered by the youthful voice questioned Jack, "Who the hell is that?"

"That is the ten-year-old boy we hired to help us."

"You're fired, John."

As they entered the ship, the air grew thick with the smell of oil and rusted metal. Emergency lights flickered weakly, casting eerie shadows along the corridors. The walls were a maze of exposed wiring and broken panels, sparks occasionally jumping from damaged systems.

"Evil laugh! Hahahahaha! I'm the captain of this vessel, and you, squalid looter, will soon face my wrath!" He spat smiling.

Attempting to ignore the mans comment they walked closer to the command centre only for it to be blocked,"Actually, as I've just blocked the path to my wrath, you'll face my men's wrath instead! My girlfriend and I will enjoy watching you from the safety of the Captain's Chamber, won't we, my luscious snuggle-bunny?

Skipper with a deadpan voice merely agreed, "Yep."

"We've talked about this, my love! You're to address me as "baby", or "my dear" – especially in front of the others!" 

"Of course, my... dear Bosey."

"Maties! Attack!"

Watching the Bosuns men fly in Athena immediately flew into the chaos quickly slicing and dicing her way through. A mix of gunfu and swordsmenship efficiently clearing the area with the assistance of the other vault hunters.

It was here that the Skippers voice interrupted their thoughts, "Hey there, sorry about all... that. Look, I'm not really with Captain Arsecrack here – to prove it, I'll pop the door for you." 

Opening a door by their side, it revealed another area around the Drakensburge.

"If you want that force field down, you need to go to the engine room." 

"Alright, lady – but I'm watchin' you!" Pickle warned.

"Listen, the Bosun's pretty much holding me prisoner and making me do... things, for his entertainment. But you're here, and you look like the rescuing type!"

"They're a flippin' Vault Hunter, so they're more the arse-kickin' type!"

"Kinda the same thing in my book."

"Listen sweet cheeks, I know you're stuck and all but we've got a moon to save. We're here for an A.I. If you can help us with one, then maybe we can figure something out." Jack explained. 

"Perfect! I know exactly where you can get an excellent military AI! Just come find me. First, I'll have to show you how to shut down The Bosun's barrier." She revealed. 

"Hmmm. Reckon she's onto something!" Pickle commented once more only to be dismissed.

"Fine, but I'm warning you. I don't do well with traitors." Jack explained, his mind already running with thoughts of the Meriff. 

"Great! I'll try to help along the way where possible, but I can't let the Bosun know we're working together, so... sorry in advance for anything I have to do. I'll be in touch when you get to the engine room."

Their footsteps echoed ominously as they made their way deeper into the ship. Every creaking of metal or distant clang had them tensing, weapons at the ready. The Drakensburg seemed to groan around them, as if the very ship was protesting their presence.

"Sorry about this, but I'm going to have to defend the engine room for The Bosun – and these old Dahl SAMs are tough." The Skipper warned watching as a large cannon aimed towards them. 

Athena having dealt with similar weaponry merely teleported behind the weapon and stabbed into it's powerbox effectively disabling it. 

"Huh... You can do that?" Timothy voiced, the other vault hunters also startled by her teleportation.

Teleporting behind them, she merely shrugged.
"I wasn't aware you had Lance Assassins..." The Skipper voiced noticing the technology she had on, "Although altered, I see your origins shine through..." 

Contieuing their trot towards the Engine room. 

"Set the engine to full throttle, you'll have to force it to automatically cool. It should disable the barrier and let you through." The Skipper informed her words allowing Athena to begin shutting the hull down. 

Jack also assisting Athena began going through Dahl's database. 

"What?! What's happening down there?" The Bosun inquired shocked at the ship's sudden flare and blinking. 

"Nothing, dear, it's all under control!" The Skipper informed, before silently ordering Pickle, "Great! Kid, can you find a way to the flow regulator, if you know what that is?

"Course I know! Gimme a sec." Pickle smiled, "I'm there, Lady!"

"There's a yellow button next to the red pipe. Push it."

"There you go!" Pickle smiled, the floors suddenly opening to reveal large tubes of coolant inside.

"You know what to do, Vault Hunter."

The crew seeing the tubes immediately fired on it causing the engine to slightly throttle and roar with pain, its current drives forced the ship to stabilise. 

"What the hell are you doing to my ship, Vault Hunter?! And why haven't you dealt with them, my sweetheart?!" The Bosun heaved with disappointment. 

"Good work, that's done it! Now all you need to do is expose the power stabilizer." The Skipper voiced before immediately returning a message back to the Bosun, "– Uh, I don't understand it, love!"

With the engine forced alive, its power stabilisers were revealed, the electrical contrapition attempting to hull the torque produced. 

The Bosun viewing the scene from his main office raored with anger, "Leave that alone, Vault Arse-pain!"

"Shoot it and we're almost done!" The Skipper ordered. 

Wilhelm slamming his fist against the stabiliser immediately forced the engine to burst with power. 

"Warning! Ship's engine output at critical level, maggots!" A Dahl alert system flared. 

"I'll... I'll pull your brain out of your ears and dance on your skull, with shoes made of acid!" The Bosun tapped.

"And HOW are you going to put those shoes on? Honestly, you just blurt out threats without thinking." She asked, "– Good! Initiate the engine jettison sequence!

As soon as the button was pressed by Auralia, the Engine was forced out of the ship, it's power breaking off the main hull of the ship.

"Main engine jettisoned. Switching to crappy emergency power!"

"Nooo! My lovely engine!" The Bosun cried out, his whimpers heard throughout the intercom.

"There, there." The Skipper comforted before revealing the truth to the vault hunters, "Strictly speaking, you didn't ACTUALLY need to do that last bit -- but I knew it would annoy him, so I thought... why not?"

"Dick move... I approve." Jack smiled giving a slight thumbs up.

"Job well done! You're on yer own, Vault Hunter – I've got fresh loot to sort!" Pickle voiced, his adventures hidden from all.

"Head back to the core system room – we'll take care of The Bosun's force field when you get there. The engine shaft's your fastest route. Good luck." Skipper voiced before disappearing. 

Now making their way towards the hull they found themselves within the ship oddly quiet. Their trip past the deactivated forcefield marked a benchmark in their adventure. 

"Anyone else getting the creeps?" Timothy whispered, his eyes darting nervously from shadow to shadow.

Nisha chuckled darkly. "Aw, is the big bad Vault Hunter scared of the dark?"

Before Timothy could retort, a voice boomed through the ship's internal speakers, "Alright insects, this ends here! I'm sending in my best man to FINISH YOU OFF. He's called Poop Deck because he kicks so much arse! Get it? GET IT?! Well, you're gonna! Sweetie pie, open up the door!

Prouncing through Poop Deck roared past the Door opening to reveal him, "RARRRRR!"

Then without missing a beat, the door slammed back into him crushing his body to a paste. 

The Bosun caught off guard shouted, "Poop Deck! NOOOOO!"

"Oops! Sorry! Did you want me to keep them open too?" The Skipper voiced.

"What is WRONG with you, my love? Poop Deck always had the nicest things to say about you!" He huffed.

"Oh, I know."

Having finished such an interesting interaction they went past the door and were continuously greeted by the Bosuns narrating, "Know what, Vault Hunter?! I WANT you to reach me! I WANT you to have my boot – my real one, NOT made of acid because I realize now that would be unrealistic – my boot crushing your mangy body to be the last thing you feel!"

"Can someone tell him to shut up?" Whilem commented, before entering the command centre. 

"You better get that little tight asshole of yours ready vault hunters cause I'm about to stick my boot through it."

As if on cue, turrets emerged from hidden panels in the walls, their barrels tracking the team's movements. The Vault Hunters dove for cover as a hail of bullets filled the air.

"Jack!" Athena shouted over the din. "We need a plan!"

Jack's mind raced, analyzing the situation. "Wilhelm! Those turrets look like they're on a shared power grid. See if you can overload it!"

Wilhelm nodded, his cybernetic arm transforming into a complex hacking tool. He jammed it into a nearby power junction, his mechanical eye flickering as he interfaced with the ship's systems.

For a tense moment, nothing happened. Then, with a series of pops and fizzles, the turrets went dead. The sudden silence was almost deafening.

"Nice work, big guy," Jack said, clapping Wilhelm on the shoulder. "Now, let's find that AI before our friend decides to spring any more surprises."

They pressed on, navigating through the twisted corridors of the Drakensburg. Every room they passed told a story of the ship's violent crash and subsequent decay. Personal effects lay scattered about, a poignant reminder of the crew that once called this place home.

As they neared what appeared to be the bridge, the Bosun's voice returned, softer now, almost contemplative. "You know, I used to be somebody. Captain of this mighty vessel. Now look at me. King of a broken kingdom, talking to ghosts and shadows."

Jack paused, sensing an opportunity. "It doesn't have to be this way, Bosun. Hand over the AI, and we can all walk away from this. Maybe even set you up with a cushy retirement package. What do you say?"

For a moment, there was silence. Then, "You want to know what I say, boy? I say GO TO HELL!"

The bridge doors slammed open, revealing the Bosun in all his glory. Hopping inside a modified chopper, it fired alive floating with malice. 

The Bosun:

"Time to grow a pair" 

"Welcome to my parlor vault hunters," the Bosun growled, his eyes wild with rage and madness. "Time to die!"

The team spread out, using the bridge's equipment as cover. Athena's shield sang as it deflected the Bosun's energy blasts. Nisha and Jack poured fire into the madman, but for every hit they landed, the Bosun's cybernetics seemed to repair the damage almost instantly.

"Blimey!" Pickle's voice came through their ECHO devices, filled with awe. "He's quick the arse ain't he?!"

"Less commentary, more helpful advice!" Jack shouted as he ducked under a console, narrowly avoiding a blast that turned the air to plasma where his head had been.

"Right, sorry!" Pickle replied. "Looks like he's drawing power from the ship itself. If you can cut that connection, you might stand a chance!"

Wilhelm's voice rumbled over the comms. "On it." With a grunt of effort, he ripped a power conduit from the wall and jammed it into the Bosun's back as the cyborg passed.

The effect was immediate and spectacular. Electricity arced across the Bosun's body, his cybernetics sparking and sputtering. He let out a howl of pain and rage, staggering back.

"Now!" Jack yelled. "Hit him with everything you've got!"

The Vault Hunters unleashed a barrage of firepower. Bullets, energy blasts, and even Aurelia's frost shards pummeled the Bosun from all sides. For a moment, it seemed like even this assault wouldn't be enough.

Then, with a deafening explosion, the Bosun's energy weapon overloaded, sending him crashing to the ground in a smoking heap.

"Goodbye, my sweet skipper! I know you never betrayed me..." The Bosun commented, blood slowly pouring from his wounded body.

"Actually, I totally did. Sick idiot." She countered.

"Skipper, noooooooo!" He huffed only to watch as Wihelm slowly walked up to him, his weapon drawn.


"Finally, was getting tired hearing my ears bleed." He commented walking past his corpse. 

"You need to come open this door now, Vault Hunter." The Skipper revealed.

Entering into the door that she requested they appeared to enter a server room, the entire building loaded with technology. Here Athena looked around for anything useful, the entire wreck would prove valuable as with it's schematics interplanetary travel was possible.

Yet she was hesitant on the idea, her thoughts and doubts on Alexanders methods still high. She knew that one day killing would be far too much a task, perhaps it was best to retire after this adventure and seek a quiet life on Pandora. 

"Wow! The Skipper's an AI! Well, blow my cotton socks off!" Pickle noted coming from behind.

"I thought you would've never have made it." Timothy commented seeing the kid.

"Look ere' I ain't all for the guns and show but I can foresure hide." He smiled cheerfully.

"Got it in one, kid. You're sharp. The Bosun, aka Keith, used to be an AI tech working for Dahl. He made me into... this after he, uh... wasn't exactly a hit with the ladies." Skipper revealed. 

"Sweet so where is it?" Nisha voiced.

"You're looking at it. I used to be military-grade, ran this ship when it meant something until The Bosun reprogrammed me to be his... "companion". If you want to plug me into something more interesting than this dead ship, I'm all yours. Too many terrible memories here." She revealed.

Jack had been sceptical but finally smiled excitedly, "What?! The hot chick's actually an ex-military AI reprogrammed to be some geek's fake girlfriend?! Sold! Grab the lovely lady and get going! We've got some friggin' robots to build."

Grabbing her from the core of the ship and about to head out they noticed Pickle was almost hesitant to leave.

"Uh, you lads head out. I'm gonna check things out here and take a little tour of the place." He smiled before disappearing.

"I wonder where he's going..." Timothy muttered.

"Most likely gone to steal something, the poor will do what they need too," Aurlia commented following behind Jack whose mind was jittering at the thought of his own robot army. 

Looking around for a fast travel station they noticed that all had been destroyed by the Bosun's men before their defeat effectively trapping all those present on board.

This meant they travelled all the way outside towards the Drakenburg, the coordinates and codes given to them by The Skipper allowing them to use the one outside which appeared to be functional. 

Unexpectedly their arrival outside was met with no force, numerous corpses littered and looted. 

Flying high from the sky a crimson sigil shined brightly, an ebony solider baring a flag. Behind the flag barer stood numerous legionnaires, their armour menacingly to those in front. 

They appeared to be looting the corpses and scavenging for any useful resources, transport trucks carrying munitions and technology that appeared to have been stuck around while they were busy fighting the Bosun.

"Who are they?" Timothy inquired, Jack was also taken aback by their sight. 

While he had seen images and video screenings of such characters having seen them first-hand was another experience. Grizzled with harsh training and enivorment the Legionares walked with an ordered pace. 

The other vault hunters taken aback by their presence were also cautious, Athena merely unaffected. 

"That would be Reinforcements," Athena spoke, her eyes analysing the bodies around her. 

With reinforcements taking bastion outside the Drakensburg, many walked past them and into the facility, their gazes almost looking at the crew with vigilance - any sudden movement seemingly pushing them on the edge. 

Arriving in front, a soldier stood forward his helmet slightly altered to show his standing. Mimicking a centurion of a world once was, a marking was itched on his shoulder. It revealed his ranking - captain. 

"Greetings, we've been tasked to assist you." The Captain informed, his right hand balled into a fist and scrunched near his chest - the gesture a salute to a superior. 

Standing at 6' 3'' he stood slightly taller than most present and bolstered a muscle mass that was peak human.

The following soldiers that stood near him reflected a similar physique, their armour while hiding most of the bodies could not hide their broad shoulders and thick forearms. 

Inside the Legion, numerous cultures bolstered, the generals having cultivated their unique brand of followers. Having seen the militant and dutiful characters present Athena immediately deduced who had sent such soldiers. 

"Jeremiah sent you?" Athean inquired.

"We were sent by the legion master," He informed.

Athena unsure of his camp decided against prying for more information. Each General led their camp differently but retained structure to allow for flexibility. While there wasn't a distinct separation within the Legion there were definitely those who did so regardless.

Each General especially Xion D. Demillion "The Lone Knight" of The Iron Legion demonstrated such characteristics. 

His men practices theatrics and Chilvary, his charisma and methods bolstering success at the cost of having the least military strength. Many of the men and women who joined his cause were often sent to non-combatative roles - this meant he had the least turnover and the most loyal camp out of the two generals. 

Isaac on the other hand was far too casual with his men, their skills while perstine was also almost ruined by their almost cocky and outlandish atttuide to the other camps.

Most times or not, his camp would be unable to work with the others. This was due to Isaac valuing skill and results over formalities having found them tiresome. He bolstered the most combatative force, his assassins while not equal to the Lance Assasins in quality made up for it in quantity. 

Jermiah was a neutral general who had no negative or strong traits; having respected Alexander for his prowess and understanding his role in the Legion he had neither the strength of Isaac or Compassion of Xion. He had something far more powerful, common sense.

He was the roots that ensured the tree remained stable. His followers were more or less similar to Atlas. While they weren't as feirce or as loyal as the others they were the most flexible and grounded of the soldiers. 

Athena found these soldiers more comfortable to work with and often preferred their company over the other two.

"Great we just-." Jack pushing past Athena was almsot immediately shut down by the captain who looked down on the man. 

"We don't answer to Hyperion." He voiced undettered, his eyes remaining fixated on Athena, "By your orders." 

While every member of the Legion held different opinions on how it should be operated on there was one thing they all unanimously agreed on:

Mort à tous les salauds de la finance,

or in other words,

Death to all corporate scum.

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