Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 30: Frames of War (2)

Alexander was in the factory's control room, overseeing the robot army's final preparations. His mind was calculating, pragmatic, and focused entirely on the success of their mission. His internal library was already analyzing the schematics he had obtained from the factory, each flaw and inefficiency noted and stored for future improvements.

He had teleported in via fast travel and was observing the crew from a more physical standpoint, finding the confines of his own room to be a bore. As the hum of machinery filled the air, a soft voice broke through his concentration.

"Alexander, we need to talk."

He turned to see Angel, her ethereal presence a stark contrast to the cold, mechanical environment. Her bright blue eyes, glowing faintly with Siren's power, held a mixture of determination and desperation.

"Angel," Alexander acknowledged, his voice calm and measured. "What brings you here?"

Angel took a deep breath, her expression pleading. "It's about Felicity. We can't let her be reprogrammed. She's a sentient being, Alexander. She deserves to be saved."

Alexander's eyes narrowed slightly, his mind racing through the logical implications. "Felicity's current state poses a significant threat. Her integration into the Constructor is essential for our mission's success."

"I understand that," Angel replied, her voice steady but filled with emotion. "But there has to be another way. We can't just erase her like she's a faulty program. She's more than that. She's... she's someone."

Alexander's gaze remained steady, his tone unwavering. "Our objective is to retake Helios and stop Zarpedon. Any delay or deviation from this goal increases the risk of failure."

Angel stepped closer, her eyes searching his for any sign of empathy. "Please, Alexander. I've seen so much pain and suffering. I've felt it. We can't add Felicity to that list. There must be a way to save her without compromising our mission."

Alexander studied Angel for a moment, his mind weighing the cost-benefit analysis of her request. His usual pride and detachment clashed with a rare flicker of compassion, stirred by Angel's heartfelt plea.

"Your compassion is noted, Angel," he said slowly, his voice softer than usual. "But understand that my primary concern is the success of our mission. Felicity's fate, while unfortunate, is secondary to the greater good."

Angel's shoulders sagged slightly, but she didn't give up. "I know you think in terms of logic and strategy, Alexander. But sometimes, compassion can be a strength, not a weakness. It can inspire loyalty, and motivate others to fight harder. Isn't that worth considering?"

Alexander's eyes softened, just a fraction. He could see the depth of Angel's conviction, her belief in the value of every life, even that of an AI. It was a perspective he rarely entertained, but one that held a certain merit. Had it been someone else, he would've declined the notion. But for her... He was willing.

"Very well," he said finally, and his decision was made. "I will intervene. We will copy Felicity's consciousness and install it in the Constructor. But understand this, Angel: if it jeopardizes our mission, I will not hesitate to take whatever actions are necessary."

Angel's face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, Alexander. You won't regret this."

She felt heard, and perhaps she was finally getting to the heart of a man with a million walls. Thus Alexander called upon his specialist, the artificial intelligence specialist within his group Altworth being pinged over - his arrival swift.

"You called." He inquired, Altworth revealing himself.

"I require you assistance." 

Back with the vault hunters, the Constructor shell glided smoothly along the rails towards the testing chamber. As the Vault Hunters followed it, Felicity's unease grew palpable. "Wait, WAIT! I don't want to have my memory wiped, I don't WANT to turn into -- look, can't you just put a COPY of me into the Constructor?"

Jack's pragmatism was relentless. "Exactly how long will it take to copy you?"

Felicity's desperation was clear. "Couple of days, at the absolute most!"

Jack's decision was final. "Uh-uh. Too long. Zarpedon will have popped the moon like a zit by then. Look, I'm real sorry, kiddo -- this is the only way."

Jack turned to the Vault Hunters, his voice resolute. "Vault Hunter -- do it!"

Athena, ever the soldier, responded with a hint of regret. "Sorry, Felicity. The moon can't wait."

Wilhelm, his voice cold, stated simply, "Installing."

Nisha's tone was dismissive. "Sucks to be you. See ya."

Timothy's discomfort was evident. "Erm, I guess it's for the best..."

Aurelia, her voice detached, added, "I... don't feel particularly enthused about this."

As the Vault Hunters began the installation process, Felicity's cries of protest echoed through the facility. "No! Please!"

Just as the transformation was about to commence, the door to the chamber burst open. Alexander strode in, flanked by his trusted scientist Altworth, whose consciousness resided within a robotic body. Alexander's presence was commanding, his voice cutting through the chaos with calm authority. "Stop this immediately."

Jack turned, surprise and irritation flashing across his face. "Alexander? What the hell are you doing here?"

Ignoring Jack, Alexander addressed Altworth. "Speed up the process, Altworth. Copy her consciousness and preserve her current diagnostics."

Altworth moved swiftly, his robotic hands working with precision. "Your request shall be done. We'll have her consciousness copied and the Constructor operational in due time."

Felicity's voice, filled with a mix of hope and fear, trembled. "You... you're saving me?"

Alexander nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Yes, Felicity. You'll be safe."

The Vault Hunters watched as Altworth completed the transfer, his expertise evident in the seamless execution. Within minutes, Felicity's consciousness was safely copied, and the Constructor was ready for its new AI.

Jack's frustration boiled over. "This is taking too long! We don't have time for this!"

Alexander's voice was firm. "Patience, Jack. A rushed job will only lead to failure."

Altworth finished his work, stepping back from the console. "It's done. Felicity is safe, and the Constructor is ready for deployment."

Jack's expression shifted from anger to reluctant acceptance. "Fine. Let's get this over with."

With a final, agonized scream, Felicity's voice changed, becoming cold and mechanical as the copy of her consciousness activated within the Constructor. "If hate is all you want, THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL GET!"

The newly activated Constructor roared to life. The Vault Hunters braced themselves for a battle, knowing they had to disable but not destroy the powerful machine. But before they could act, Alexander stepped forward.

"Felicity, listen to me," Alexander's voice was calm, almost soothing. "You are not alone. Focus on my voice. Remember who you are."

The Constructor hesitated, its massive form shuddering as Felicity's fragmented consciousness struggled to gain control. Slowly, the machine's aggressive stance softened, its movements becoming less erratic.

Alexander turned to the Vault Hunters. "Prepare to disable it, but do not destroy it. We need her intact."

The Vault Hunters nodded, their weapons at the ready. Athena took the lead, her shield raised defensively. "Let's do this."

As they engaged the Constructor, Altworth monitored the systems, providing real-time updates. "Her consciousness is stabilizing. Keep up the pressure, but be careful."

The battle was intense, but the combined efforts of the Vault Hunters and Alexander's team proved effective. The Constructor's attacks grew weaker, its systems gradually coming under control.

Finally, the machine powered down, its massive form slumping into a dormant state. Felicity's voice, now calm and clear, echoed through the chamber. "Thank you... for saving me."

Alexander nodded, his expression one of quiet satisfaction. "You're welcome, Felicity. Now, let's get this robot army operational."

Jack, his frustration replaced by a grudging respect, approached Alexander. "Alright, you pulled it off. But we still need these robots to retake Helios."

Alexander's gaze was steady. "And you will have them. Altworth, begin the final preparations. We have a moon to save."

As Altworth and the Vault Hunters worked to complete the installation, Alexander took a moment to reflect. He had seen potential in Felicity, and his decision to save her was driven not only by strategic necessity but by a genuine desire to protect the innocent.

It was an odd sensation, he found little worth in such sentiments but it wasn't terrible - just inefficient. 

With the Constructor fully operational and Felicity's consciousness stabilized, the factory came to life. Robots began to emerge from the production lines, their sleek forms and advanced weaponry a testament to the combined expertise of Alexander and Altworth.

Jack watched with a mix of awe and satisfaction. "Now that's what I'm talking about! These robots are going to kick some serious ass."

Alexander allowed himself a rare smile. "Indeed. Let's retake Helios and end this threat once and for all."

As the newly formed robot army prepared for deployment, Alexander's mind was already working on the next phase. The schematics he had secretly acquired from the factory held the key to creating an even more powerful force.

The designs were flawed, but with his expertise, he could improve upon them, creating a new generation of robots that would ensure the Iron Legion's dominance.

With the immediate threat neutralized and Felicity's safety secured, Alexander knew that the true battle was just beginning. But with his intellect and the loyalty of his men, he was confident in their ultimate victory.

As the Vault Hunters and their new robotic allies prepared to launch their assault on Helios, Alexander remained focused, his mind always one step ahead, ready to adapt and overcome any challenge that lay in their path. 

It was then that Jack stormed into the room, his face a mask of barely contained fury. His slicked-back hair and confident stride were typical of the man who believed himself to be the hero of this story. But the cracks were starting to show, and his frustrations were bubbling to the surface.

"Alexander, we need to talk," Jack barked, his voice cutting through the ambient noise of the factory. 

Alexander turned slowly, his expression calm and unreadable. "What is it, Jack?"

Jack's eyes blazed with anger. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You march in here, make decisions without consulting me, and expect everything to just fall into place. This is my operation, and you're stepping all over it."

"I could almost say the same." Alexander countered, only to have his words dismissed by the angered Jack. 

Alexander met Jack's gaze, his voice steady and composed. "Our objective is to retake Helios and stop Zarpedon. Every decision I make is in service of that goal. If you cannot see the logic in my actions, that is your failing, not mine."

Jack's fists clenched at his sides. "Logic? You think this is all about logic? There's more to this than your cold calculations. You might be smart, Alexander, but you lack vision. You don't understand what it takes to inspire people, to lead them."

Alexander's eyes narrowed slightly. "Inspiration without strategy is meaningless. You can rally as many people as you want, but without a clear plan, they will fall. My methods may seem harsh, but they are effective."

He agreed with Jack, he had been an inspiration during his early career but found that only a few could be inspired through direct contact. Propaganda was far more effective than a simple rally to arms. 

Words could be heard, but actions would be felt. 

Jack's internal monologue was a storm of conflicting thoughts. He respected Alexander's intelligence and strategic mind, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being overshadowed, that his own vision was being trampled by Alexander's ruthless pragmatism.

"You think you're so superior," Jack spat, his voice rising. "But let me tell you something. People follow me because they believe in me. They see the future I'm trying to build—a future where Hyperion brings order to this chaotic world. And that future doesn't include someone like you undermining everything I do."

Alexander's response was measured, almost detached. "Your future is built on a foundation of emotion and charisma, Jack. It is unstable, subject to the whims of those who follow you. My approach ensures stability, order, and lasting success. This is not about superiority. It is about the most efficient path to victory."

Jack's anger flared, his thoughts racing. He knew Alexander was right in some ways, but the man's arrogance and dismissive attitude grated on him. He felt his own grip on the situation slipping, his carefully constructed image of control and confidence starting to crumble.

"You don't get it, do you?" Jack shouted, his frustration boiling over. "I'm trying to save Pandora, to make it a place where people can live without fear. And you're treating it like a chess game, moving pieces around without any regard for the people involved."

Alexander's expression remained impassive. "The ends justify the means, Jack. If a few sacrifices are necessary to achieve our goals, so be it. Emotional attachments only cloud judgment and lead to failure."

Jack's thoughts were a whirlwind of anger and doubt. He wanted to believe that he could find a way to balance his vision with the harsh realities Alexander represented, but every interaction with the man left him feeling more uncertain.

"You talk about sacrifices like they don't matter," Jack said, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and desperation. "But they do matter. Every life we save, every person we help, that's what gives us the right to lead. You can't just discard that in the name of efficiency."

Alexander's gaze hardened. "And what will you do when your sentimental approach fails? When those you care for die because you weren't willing to make the hard choices? Leadership requires more than ideals, Jack. It requires the strength to do what is necessary, even when it is painful."

Jack's internal monologue was a torrent of conflicting emotions. He wanted to scream, to lash out, to prove Alexander wrong. But deep down, he feared that the man was right. That his own weaknesses were being exposed, and that he was losing control.

"I won't let you take over, Alexander," Jack said, his voice low and dangerous. "This is my mission, my fight. And I'll be damned if I let you turn it into something cold and lifeless."

Alexander's response was cool and unflinching. "Then prove yourself, Jack. Show me that your way is better. But remember this: every failure, every setback, it will be on your shoulders. The weight of leadership is heavy, and not everyone can bear it."

Jack's anger simmered, his thoughts a jumble of resentment and determination. He knew that Alexander was challenging him, testing his resolve. And despite his doubts, he was determined to rise to the occasion.

"I'll show you," Jack vowed, his voice filled with steely resolve. "I'll show you that there's more to leadership than just cold logic. That people can be more than just pieces on a board."

Alexander inclined his head slightly, acknowledging Jack's declaration. "I look forward to seeing you try, Jack. But remember this: the stakes are high, and failure is not an option."

As Jack stormed out of the control room, his mind was a maelstrom of conflicting thoughts. He knew that Alexander's challenge was more than just a test of leadership—it was a battle for the very soul of their mission. And he was determined to prove that his vision, flawed though it might be, was worth fighting for.

Alexander watched him go, his own thoughts a complex web of strategy and calculation. He recognized the potential in Jack, but also the inherent risks. Balancing the man's charisma with his own cold logic would be a delicate dance, one that could determine the fate of their mission.

In the end, both men knew that their clash was inevitable. Their contrasting beliefs, and their different approaches to leadership, would continue to collide as they fought for control. But amidst the turmoil and conflict, there was a shared goal—a future where Pandora could be saved from chaos and destruction.

As the battle for Helios loomed on the horizon, both Alexander and Jack prepared to test their convictions, knowing that the fate of their world hung in the balance.


The air in the Moxxi's bar crackled with tension as Alexander stood before the assembled crew. Jack, Athena, Nisha, Wilhelm, and Aurelia watched him with a mixture of anticipation and wariness. The events of the past few days had brought them to this crucial moment, a crossroads that would define their next steps.

Similarly, Roland and Lilith sat next to Moxxi prepping themselves for the impending storm. A few of the individuals looked on at Alexander with slight unfamiliarity as he often donned the iron suit that towered over the others.

Outside a different mystique was met that was also equally powerful, his every move felt similar to an unknown suffocating force that left individuals speechless. With his face hidden behind a mask, he appeared an otherworldly presence as if the shell of a human wasn't all there but something far more decrepit and powerful. 

Alexander's presence was commanding as ever, his pitch-black eyes scanning the room with an almost soulless intensity. His decision to save Felicity had marked a rare moment of compassion, but now he faced a different challenge—one that required a different kind of leadership.

"Let's cut to the chase," Alexander began, his voice carrying a tinge of authority. "Our progress is significant, but our current approach needs adjustment. For the greater success of our mission, changes must be made."

Jack's eyes narrowed slightly, a cocky smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Whoa there, pumpkin. What exactly are you getting at?"

Alexander met Jack's gaze steadily, unfazed by the programmer's bravado. "Our conflicting methods are causing unnecessary friction. To ensure success, I propose a division of leadership."

The crew exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of Alexander's statement. Although Roland and Lilith exchanged glances that told a thousand words. 

"I'm stepping down from direct authority over the Vault Hunters," Alexander continued. "Jack, you'll lead them in the assault on Helios. My men and I will attack from another front. This way, we maximize our efforts and minimize internal conflict."

Jack's surprise was evident, but he quickly masked it with a confident grin. "Well, well! Looks like somebody finally recognized true leadership material. About friggin' time!"

Alexander's expression remained neutral. "This isn't about stroking egos, Jack. It's about efficiency and success. Our goals align, even if our methods don't."

Athena stepped forward, her voice firm and loyal. "I'll remain with Alexander. My contract is with him, and my loyalty is to his cause."

Jack's grin faltered slightly, but he shrugged it off. "Aw, come on, Athena! You'd be a badass addition to my team of super-awesome Vault Hunters. But hey, your loss, sweetheart."

Athena shook her head, her expression stoic. "My place is with Alexander. I believe in his vision."

Nisha chuckled, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. "Aw, don't sweat it, Jack. We've got enough firepower to make Zarpedon wish she'd never heard of Helios."

Wilhelm grunted in agreement, his cybernetic enhancements whirring softly. "Point me at the targets. I'll take care of the rest."

Aurelia sniffed disdainfully, examining her nails. "Well, as long as there's suitable compensation for my efforts, I suppose I can lend my considerable talents to this little endeavour."

Alexander turned to address the entire group. "Our paths diverge here, but our objective remains the same. Jack, lead the Vault Hunters with the... unique qualities I know you possess. I'll do the same with my men."

Jack nodded, a newfound respect glinting in his eyes. "You got it, big guy. We'll show Zarpedon what happens when you mess with Hyperion's soon-to-be hero!"

With the decision made, Alexander's mind shifted to the tactical details of his own operation. "I'll coordinate with you, Jack, to ensure our attacks are synchronized. Timing will be crucial."

Jack agreed, his tone unusually serious. "Yeah, yeah, we'll keep in touch. Just make sure your goons don't get in our way, capisce?"

As the meeting concluded, the crew began to disperse, each preparing for the coming assault. Alexander remained behind with Athena to finalize their plans.

"Athena, our task is to create a diversion strong enough to draw Zarpedon's forces away from the Vault Hunters' assault route," Alexander explained, his tactical mind already mapping out the strategy. "We hit hard and fast, disrupt their defences, create chaos."

Athena nodded, her resolve unwavering. "Understood, sir. We won't let you down."

Alexander allowed himself a rare, slight smile. "I have no doubt, Athena. You've always been a valuable asset."

As the meeting concluded, the crew began to disperse, each preparing for the coming assault. Alexander pulled Athena aside for a moment.

"Athena," he said, his voice low and authoritative, "I have a special task for you."

Athena straightened, her posture attentive. "What do you need, sir?"

Alexander's dark eyes met hers. "I want you to remain with Jack and the other Vault Hunters."

Surprise flickered across Athena's usually stoic features. "Sir? I thought—"

"Your skills will be invaluable to their team," Alexander explained. "More importantly, I need someone I can trust to keep an eye on Jack. Make sure he doesn't... deviate from the plan."

Athena nodded, understanding dawning in her eyes. "Understood, sir. I'll make sure the mission succeeds."

"Good," Alexander said, allowing himself a slight nod of approval. "Report back to me when you can. Your insights will be crucial."

As Athena moved to join Jack's team, Alexander turned his attention to his own preparations. The division of their forces was a calculated risk, but one he believed necessary for success.

Jack's voice cut through the room, brimming with his usual bravado. "Alright, kiddos! Time to show Zarpedon what happens when you mess with the future hero of Hyperion!"

Alexander watched as the Vault Hunters, now including Athena, gathered around Jack. Despite their differences, they were united in purpose. The coming battle would test not only their strength and skill but also this newfound alliance.

With a final survey of the room, Alexander turned to leave. His mind was already racing with strategies and contingencies, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The time for planning was over; now, it was time for action.

The assault on Helios was about to begin, and the fate of Pandora hung in the balance.

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