Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 5: Familiar (2)

Walking down the steps to Mr Bone's lair I started to pace my every step. Each one carrying weight to it.

Right now, I was entering unknown territory. The man up till now seemed to be delirious. A strange man who locked himself up in a bunker never to see the day of light. Yet, the atmosphere that I entered was anything but.

Glossing metallic walls that were bolted in, fortified staircases with an elaborate piping system that transferred my stones. This wasn't the work of a deranged man who bunkered himself on the outskirts of a village.

This was a man who knew business and what it entailed. The amount of tinkering and maintenance that was required to just build this staircase was enough to show me who I was going up against. I could almost feel the amount of energy within the walls.

I might be exaggerating but the clues were adding up. This man was classy, that much was to be appreciated.

Yet the question remained. Did he want to just give me my purchased items or did he want something else?

Was he going to lock me up and then gauge me for more stones? Or was he going to attempt to kill me?

Why couldn't he just give me the items himself?

Why did he want me to go through more trouble for the items I purchased?

I not only had to come to him, but I had to purchase the goods without even seeing them. This was the equivalent of purchasing something through any online market with the other party asking them to enter a shady location. The probability of a scam was high with this one and the scam might be getting a two-piece with lead.

Having my guard up I readied my hands. My trigger finger ready to explode. It was itching to fire the moment anything with a hint of hostility hit.

Getting to the final step I first scanned my environment, my eyes pacing from one corner to another. A rectangular room with Two vending machines, one on each side its merchandise being ammo and weaponry.

Looking to the top I noticed a light, but also two square patches in the roof that was reinforced. Tsk, tsk, look what we have here…Drop turrets, how sneaky. If it weren't for the fact, I had thought of attaching some pop-up turrets on the front of my motorbike I wouldn't realize what it was.

Yes, the idea was peculiar due to the size of the vehicle but a man had to dream. This signalled another flag, the man had enough time and power to order, craft and install the thing.

Interesting, just who are you Mr Bones. Yet more importantly why was a man of his calibre doing all the way out here? Pandora was a shit show, one with stench so stinky that the corpos' actively ignore its' existence.

Continuing my way forward I noticed a figure up head behind a counter, one that was barred and fortified with a forcefield in toe. Just great.

Still pacing my steps, I eventually made my way to the front of the counter. The somewhat narrow room keeping me on edge. Scanning the man, he stood at 170cm, somewhat taller than me, yet still quite small for what age he seemed to be.

I was supposedly twelve and had a height of 165cm and he looked to be around twenty-three. The man looked to be of Asian descent and wore a suit with a slick moustache to go along with it. I was correct, the man had class and he had the wealth to back it. Whether he had the strength to maintain it was another thing entirely.

"My, My if it isn't the infamous Alexander himself. Welcome to my humble store, it is an honour to have you within my company. I apologise for my earlier interactions with you but to keep my presence unknown it was best to keep the facade of a deranged man." He apologised bowing.

Seeing him bow I squinted my eyes bewildered at the strange scene before me. To be quite honest the blend of cultures and random traditions that paralleled earth was a surreal experience.

"Who are you Mr Bones?" I asked, my eyes still squinting.

"Apologies for not introducing myself. You may call me Jonathan, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He revealed, a smile now plastered on his face.

How amusing, he still thinks he has leverage here, especially with neck grabbing distance.

"Well Jonathan, where's my loot?"

"Please, I have them right by your side. I just wanted to meet you in person I could've just Digi-structured them outside but things like this you need a hands-on type of approach." He revealed.

Hearing that my suspicions stood corrected. Turning to my right I noticed the gear he promised. It seems the room had more to it than I first expected.

"Which one is the ISD?" I asked.

It's not like I knew what it was. Was it the bracelet? Probably but it was better to make sure first.

"The grey metallic armband right next to the books. Strange considering I thought you had one. Unless you had the stones in the open though seeing as you don't know what one was the ISD I'll give you a hand and explain how to use its functions. The armband scan's items and stores them within the cartridges. The cartridge can normally hold up to twenty items in total with the extra storage disc's increasing this by an extra ten. To view the items, I would recommend hooking them up to your ECHO device if you have one. If not, well you can always purchase one from here. Also, not all ISDs' are made equal nor are they always created as a wrist band. Most can be slotted into a biotic arm, helmet," He explained.

Bringing up my ECHO device I linked it up with my newly purchased ISD. Setting it up wasn't difficult its process similar to that of Bluetooth connection. Installing the chip into the ISD alongside the cartridges I found that it did indeed increase my storage by ten items.

With more than thirty item slots I knew that there were more opportunities for hoarding. Though I wasn't a hoarder, I swear! It was just an expression, nothing literal I assure you.

Scanning my items, I noticed that they took way too long. Maybe being a hoarder wasn't my thing I mean not like I wasn't going to be anyway. Perhaps there were other ways to speed it aswell.

"I would recommend taking your time with such a process. The option to quickly scan items usually results in items being constructed incorrectly. The first scan always takes a couple of seconds." He explained.

"So, items are converted into data and then projected out similar to a three-dimensional printer?"

"Ah, a technological enthusiast I, see? You would be correct, though data wouldn't be the correct answer in this context. It's converted into energy first before returning to mass. Though such applications of this technology are quite limited to abiotic matter due to the conversion of biotic matter often leading to abiotic matter."

"But how exactly does that work? Energy and matter while similar surely shouldn't be locked into a single and confined statis… Wouldn't that cause a nuclear explosion as you are surely splitting atoms here…"

"Nuclear explosion?"

"You don't know what a nuclear weapon is?"

"No, I know what a nuke is, how do you know what a nuke is?"

"I just do."

"You're an interesting kid you know but to answer your inquiry it doesn't. While the atoms are moving, they aren't exactly split but merely 'guided' into being stored in the battery."

"A battery capable of holding nuclear energy in the size of a grain of sand?"

"Why does it seem you have technological theories beyond your current comprehension… Listen, you see a giant space station in the sky, and you choose not to believe in a nuclear-powered bracelet capable of holding storage to abiotic items?"

"Look it's quite the jump going from mechanical engineering a motor vehicle to hearing about technology way above the pay grade of this planet."

"Ah, well to be quite honest with you Pandora is the backwaters' of this galaxy. I seemed to have assumed you were from… Elsewhere, your understanding of technology and critical thinking on some mere Internal storage system is something I would expect from an individual of Eden-5."

"Eden-5? That another planet?"

"That would be correct… You really don't know anything about our system, do you?"

"I've lived here my whole life, didn't expect anything more…"

"Well sorry to break the news to you so late young fellow but there are numerous galaxies with numerous corporations spanning them."

"You apart of them?"

"Hmm, you could say that…"

"Which one?"

"Take a guess?"

"Do I need to say?" Rolling his eyes, he asked as if it was obvious but to be quite honest, nothing really was obvious.

"I'm not too sure to be quite honest. But if I were to guess purely based on your last name and looks, would it be rude to say you're a part of Maliwan?"

"No, you would be correct."

"So, what's a Maliwan employee doing all the way out here in this 'backwater' planet?"

"Unfortunately, that's for me to know."

"Fine keep your secrets but back to my previous point how do you manage to hold such high voltages within your batteries?"

"You know for a smart kid you never really did acknowledge why you brought me those stones."

"These stones?" I inquired holding on.

"Those 'shiny' stones are real stones but a malleable crystal/mineral we condense. Condensing it, we're able to hold an enormous amount of energy without the need for constant recharging. By converting electrical energy into potential energy, it sparks it back and forth with the mineral strong enough to hold itself. It's that very same material that charges your shields and powers every technology you might come across."

"Surely these rocks are valuable then, right?"

"Not exactly, they're rare and not at the same time. It's a common crystalline/mineral you'll see across every planet. I merely sent you out to fetch some as I needed to re-charge my own equipment. If you do grab more, I'm still willing to trade."

"So, from potential energy to electrical energy… that's quite amazing. And sending me out with a fetch-quest that's quite demeaning now that you explain it…"

"Don't kick yourself now that the truths revealed it's merely how the game works."

"Speaking of the game why tell me all this? I find it hard to believe that some random sketchy scientist like yourself is hiding away in some backwater planet for nothing."

"You're right and I have my reasons."

"Your reasons being?"

"That's enough probing child. I've already told you enough. Now are you willing to buy more, or will that be all?"

"Fine let me just view my gear first."

Seeing the armour sets I was impressed, not a single blemish or a hint of ware. This either meant the man fixed them or even more intriguing had them created brand new. While the Maliwan equipment had now made sense having a rival competitor's armour was strange. Though I could be exaggerating again, and this could be some low-tec trash, it was better than anything I've come across.

'Backwater' planet had somehow resonated with me, if what he said was true then this world was barely anything. Perhaps there was a whole entire galactic war out there and the man in front of me was a defector masquerading as some sort of trader.

Viewing the Malawian set it was sleek in design but had extra padding near the thighs and rear giving a 'thick' appearance. The material was soft but had metal plating all around giving a cloth appearance. Lightweight and comfortable it seemed to be able to take on anything that wasn't of a higher calibre.

The armour in colour was white, yellow, and green in style with the backside of the armour and front carrying some sort of respirator that connected to the helmet. This thing was a treasure trove of technology.

"What you're looking at is the Maliwan raider suit lightweight, durable and comfortable its best for urban combat. It can get quite tedious maintaining it though, not a lot of people here would be able to patch it up much less make it. Good stuff," Jonathan noted seeing me examine the piece.

Moving onto the next set it was the 'The Crimson raider' or Atlas armour, which was very dull in contrast, yet it served its purpose. It was highly plated on every piece with a red, white, and black colour scheme.

The weight three times as heavy as the Maliwan set made it quite the contrast to the Maliwan set even alongside its glaring differences. The helmet though looked way better than Maliwans'. Something about the design screamed warrior.

"Crimson raider gear managed to trade it from a newbie and ended up getting it for a few dollars. Not bad in comparison to the Maliwan gear but far lacking in technology and feinise. This is the type of equipment you give to soldiers here. Great for harsh weather and easy to maintain due to its minimalistic design. Alongside the helmet it has a built-in oxygen mask and filtering system it's good for dust storms. Not a bad addition to the collection but I have a personal bias for obvious reasons."

Still examining the armour for myself, I wanted to wear them right then and there but unfortunately, I couldn't. Each armour wouldn't fit my size; I was far too small to fit in them, and the Maliwan suit was three sizes up.

There were pieces of the armour that needed modifying to suit my needs and I couldn't just casually do it myself. Technology wasn't my strongest suit. While I could figure it out in time I needed the extra insurance. Bandits could raid any time and being in the middle of creating my armour wouldn't do any good.

But even then, that was the least of my worries. The branded colour schemes, tags and designs made me a living target. Who would really be foolish enough to walk around in corporate gear alone?

"Is there a way to blend the armours together?"

"It's possible but you would need to specify what you want to keep?"

"I want to keep the helmet but mesh the exterior plating of the crimson raider gear with the Maliwan gear."

"Would you like to link the Helmet to the oxygen supplier on the back?"

"That would be good."

"Colour scheme?"

"Black… Paint it all black."

"Is this some sort of phase? Or are you perhaps… Of that kind?"

Staring blankly at him I realised that my comment came off… edgy… But black was a shade that I favoured.

"Look I just find the particular shade aesthetically pleasing."

"I'm sure… Now, would that be all or are there perhaps some other design schemes which you wish to include?"

Running my hand across his wall I slowly methodically tapped against it my mind attempting to picture a design to no avail.

"You got a pen and paper?"

Hearing my Inquiry, I watched as both a pen and paper were warped into his hands, neon blue particles slowly conjuring to form the requested item. Watching it slowly form it raced wonders to my mind. Perhaps I could replicate the ability with my energy manipulation.

"Here you go. It's not much but it'll do the job. You going to sketch the design?"

"I have a few ideas." I admitted, my mind racing to form a suit. Drawing inspiration from a myriad of ideas I locked onto a singular style.

"Interesting design choice though… I've seen armour designs but to incorporate a leather exterior and do you really need that many straps?"

"It's for the sake of style, If im going to conduct business I got to look good."

"While I agree I feel as if you're missing something…"

"Missing what?"

"A hat."

"A hat?"

"A hat."

"Hmm, what kind?"

"A Stetson with a pinched front, I would say it's a perfect mix with the aesthetic you are going for."

"I guess I can see it."

Looking over my sketch the design of the armour would match a futuristic western rouge aesthetic. The blend between the two matching almost perfectly. With a distinct style and tone, I would be sure to leave a menacing presence.

"Then perfect I can do that for you but you're going to owe me one.

"Owe you what?"

"A favour. Don't worry it won't be big just a tiny one."

"I don't really like owing random people favours."

"Trust me I won't haggle you on for it."

"Hmm not sure, can't we just deal in shiny rocks?"

"Fine but you'll need to grab a hundred."

"Deal, here's a hundred," I replied tossing him a hundred stones; Bewildered he seemed both amazed and confused.

"You surprise me time and time again." He smiled before clasping his hands firmly together, "But first I must get your measurements."

Suddenly enveloped with light I stared at the man agitated. The feeling of light passing over me was prickly and slightly rejuvenating.

"The fuck was that?" I blurted; my fists clenched at the experience. Noticing my shift in tone he merely waved it off.

"Merely a scan nothing harmful, do you perhaps have sensitive skin? If so, I deeply apologise." He replied, "It wasn't my intention to harm you I merely needed the data to create your gear."

"Just felt weird…"

"Then if you would be so kind as to wait, I'll get to it. I won't be long," He smiled before walking through a wall. The room shifted to accompany the space he violated, the holographic screen surrounding the room shifting.

Perhaps this whole room was a holographic conjuration…

Breathing in and out I slowly allowed my mind to wonder within. I needed to see the illusion in front of me. To pierce through. Concentrating on a single idea I thought of the immaterial and material world. The energy that could be and could not. How laws of existence mulled one another, and, at this moment, I saw it.

Though my eyes were closed, my mind was opened. The particles around me shifted and turned. Seeing through the dimensional veil I slowly started to filter through the myriad of colours and shifts of movement shocking me.

Was this perhaps the type of energy I was seeing? As in this perspective, all forms of energy were coloured its waves flowing and clashing against each other. The universal forces converge and merge to create reactions.

To see such a sight was otherworldly surreal. In such a world I merely saw direction and colour. The similarly almost uncanny to that of space and mixed paint. To see one form of existence shift and contort to another was amazing.

Opening my eyes, I returned to the room slumped with withdrawal. A slight mental fatigue washed over me. What had I seen? I had wished to be able to see through this illusion of light and instead, I had peered into something else…

"I'm back. You alight?" He inquired seeing me leaning against his wall.

"Sorry just feeling a bit sick after your scans I'm alright…"

"I didn't know scans were your weakness… I'll be quick to have that noted."

"It's okay just a sensory overload is all. So, the suit, it finished?"

"You would be correct. Only took a few hours but I had it done."

"A few hours?" I murmured.

"Of course, perhaps you are just a little tired. I've heard a rumour that you work a lot, it does make sense you know. Overworking does lead to long-term fatigue and random moments of drowsiness."

"Perhaps regardless let me see the final product…"

Showcasing the armour/suit, it was fully fitted with the aesthetic that I wanted, painted in matte black and black leather the armour looked amazing.

"I'll be damned the armour looks good."

"What can I say I am a professional. I make things work." He praised, "Slotted with titanium plates and ebony silver, the plates will be able to pad against heavy calibre firepower and energy weapons. Light and durable it'll last awhile before you'll need to swap it out. However, that isn't all with your set. The helmet comes built-in with a respirator, I find the need for one to be slotted on your back to be quite cumbersome. With extra padding added onto the shoulders and joints, you won't have to worry about cracks near em. Along with the jacket weaved from the Maliwan suit, you won't have to worry about cleaning and maintenance. As I've included self-repairing fibres to return the ware to It's prime. However, do be warned that large cuts or possible damage around the area of the clothing will warrant the need for repair. Overall, with this, you'll be fast strong and powerful."

"So, it'll do the job?"

"Most definitely."

"Perfect… Now what else do you have?"

"Here is my catalogue have a look."




[Medical wares]



"Say what medical gear do you sell?" I asked now intrigued.

"Take a look for yourself," He replied.

Glossing over the items I decided to buy a list of items. Items such as restraints, needles, sanitiser, rubber gloves, scalpels, fabrics, restraints, certain steroids, poisons, medicines and more.

"Steroids?" He asked confused.

"Little side project I have set up."

"To each his own."

"That will be 400 stones in total. Would you like them delivered or right now?"

"I'll take them right now." Taking the suit, the thing was quickly injected into my core. The rapid disappearance slightly startling Jonathan.

"Already in a rush, I, see?"

"There are still many things that need to be done today this took longer than expected…" I voiced, "Until then. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

Opening the door, I was greeted with the blazing light of Pandora's sun and Jess who seemed distraught. What was it now?

"Lex what the hell were you doing down there for so long? The town is about to be attacked!" Jess screamed.

"Okay and?" I asked, confused. I didn't give a shit about this town, they could all die for all I cared.

Besides her mother and Henry, everyone else from that town treated me with animosity. But even then, to risk my life for some people who I only knew for a few months? Who was I to save them? I would be an idiot to do that to myself.

"Ralph went in to help!"

"Damn," I muttered frustrated, now this changed everything.

"When did you find out?" I asked, hopefully, we still had time to prepare.

"Just a few minutes ago." She explained.

"Stay here Jess. I'll handle it," I ordered.

"No, I want to come with you!" She demanded, irritating me.

"Jess, you need to stay here it's too dangerous for you," I commanded, this time my tone raised to further my point.

"No! I need to help too!" She demanded again, leaving me no choice but to lay it out for her.

"Look, you're useless what do you think you'll succeed if you come with me?" I asked.

"Useless? I can... Do things." She replied.

"Like what? be bait? Let's be honest Jess you're not going to be much of help here, the best you can do is be the bait and even then, I'm not sure I can trust myself to leave you all alone," I explained.

"But I need to do something!" She argued.

"This is nothing but useless chatter. You can't do anything right now." I fumed.

"Please, trust me, give me a weapon and I can at least show you what I can do." She offered. This wasn't going to go anywhere. I had a feeling that she would try to run into the fray to prove a point and instead be shut down. So instead of being a hard arse, I decided to compromise. It was best to do something now so that I could get more time to fight back. Whatever was happening was going to happen now.

"Alright but you're going to have to listen to me. Here's my spare shield and shotgun. You make your way towards town, and you make sure to protect them." I ordered giving her my shield. Equipping the new one from Jonathan I reached my hand out to feel for my minions. Sensing her I commanded her to make her way towards Ralph, their main priority now to protect him. Time to see if the shield was worth its price.

"Get ready, things are about to get messy," I continued, my eyes now closed.

Breathing in and out I walked forward my steps' becoming seamless and free. My every breath connects with the world's core. Feeling my senses dull, I retracted everything. From the warmth of my skin to the mercy of my soul.


Jess watching Alexanders' back was stunned by the change in atmosphere, suddenly in the scorching crust of Pandora, a chill was sent through every person's back near him.

A testament to the impending wave of slaughter. Jess who had been with Alexander since his first time at the village, saw the beast within him. While glimpses' were seen, today he had charged forward with an unmatched authority.

A demon whose grasp was on every soul. A cold contrast to the warmth she felt from before but a testament to what that warmth could do.

Gulping she calmed herself, the incoming rush of bandits now causing her to shake. Second thoughts now meddling within her mind.

Alexander unbothered by her fear bolted ahead, his calves burning with energy as the sight of enemies fuelled his rampage.

Seeing a hundred Bandits on their way towards the town he first made his way towards ralphs garage. Jumping onto his motorbike he drove straight towards the bandits. While there were thirty vehicles, each with five bandits within them they were still outnumbered. The odds in favour of Alexander.

The bandits stunned by his reckless action aimed their weapons towards him. Mayhem slithering his way, most of their projectiles missing. Strapping grenades to his motorcycle he jumped onto the front, the explosion pushing him onto a bandit vehicle and exploding the one that was heading his way. Equipping his hatchet, he sliced the head of the gunner. The feeling of bone and flesh being sliced apart leaving a slight quiver in his mind, the thought being pushed back as quickly as it came.

The driver shocked by the move was stunned, his fatal mistake being his last. Pulverized on the head by the hatchet his brain was left mushed his skull now caved in. The shattering of brain matter, blood and steel flinging about.

The rest of the bandits dazed for but a moment, quickly regained their senses, their attempt to fight back being futile. Their reward was a quick jab to the throat, their coughs quickly turning into choking blood curdling under the force.

Alexander now free to control the vehicle drove straight into another, slamming it into it flinging the bandits off the vehicle and instantly killing the driver whose head smacked into the dashboard. This left seven other vehicles to pause and shoot at Alexander whose shield had now recovered. Alexander smiling noticed the strength and efficiency of his new shield.

Pulling a rocket launcher out of his core the rest of the bandits were scared shitless, the sudden explosive device terrifying them.

Alexander who now had his finger on the trigger launched an explosive projectile towards a vehicle the projectile missing. Bandit's seeing him miss laughed the sight alleviating some tension.

"HAHAHA! Try again dickhead!" A bandit his smile turning quickly back to frown with the next scene.

Switching to another rocket launcher Alexander aimed again his target now on the two vehicles who stopped to re-aim their weapons towards him. Another foolish mistake that cost them their lives. While his aim wasn't perfect, he had just managed to hit them, his reward for their quick demise.

Shooting again he sent another explosion towards their way, both targets out of the way, now left with twenty-five vehicles to contend against.

Fifteen of them were now focused on his location. Hopping back into his wrecked Bandit technical he made his way towards the other vehicles who were circling him their bullets littering his vehicle's frame.

Throwing cooked grenades and ramming into other vehicles he destroyed three vehicles, the grenades scattering into their back tray.

Left with eight more he continued to drive around in the damaged vehicle the engine beginning to flare.

Watching their gunners still reigning mayhem, their bullets continued to flow through Alexander. The pain while distracting steeled his will to continue, his shield constantly breaking due to the constant gunfire. While the new shield had provided a new strength it could only provide so much against the multitude of gunfire.

However this was mostly due to the calibre of the machine guns and his body. His armour and clothes from the belly up are now riddled with bullet holes, rips, and tears all around. His gas mask now having a shattered eye hole his face finally revealed once more.

Armed with his rifle he started to feel their world crumble, dread and confusion angering them. Overwhelmed by emotions they rammed their vehicles towards him only to be surprised with a rocket launcher to the head as Alexander flung into the air. His ability to target them much easier in the air and while he missed, he was able to jump onto another Bandit technical his hand by a bandit's neck piercing his throat and syphoning his body while he was alive.

A discovery he found most useful and dreadful. While it rewarded him more, the tactility of it was low, and the resistance he felt from it was more than enough for him to know that this was not the way. Not until his domination skill reached a higher range. The others hearing the bandits' screams felt cold sweat drip from their backs, the fear of now being captured worse than that of death.

"Shit, what the fuck is that guy doing to Darwin man! Fuck this, turn back! We need to get the fuck out of here! Head back to base!" He ordered his crew now turning back to where they came from. Alexander seeing the attempt to escape let them escape due to the distance between them. This would prove fatal later.

Now with three other Bandit technical, he destroyed them all. Each one with their heads caved in and their legs were broken. Exposed bone being revealed to all. Seeing the Bandit attempt to crawl away he instead pulled him closer. His leg now dangling from his thigh, a single thread of flesh holding his leg together. Syphoning him he felt his resistance futile, his will to live gone and instead filled with the will to die. Making sure survivors became victims he went to each bandit's body and syphoned them. Not a single resource going to waste. Now charged up he rushed back to the town.

Reaching the village, he was immediately met with gunfire to his back and chest. Not bothering he fired back at every bandit being blitzed and swarmed by him. The Village people growing ever concerned started to wander in confusion at the screams. Holed up in Jess's mother's tavern they held the fort protecting everyone inside, the rest of the homes being abandoned in favour of bunkering the tavern.

"You hear that?"

"Hmm, just what the hell is happening on their side?" Another asked.

"Let's just focus on protecting ourselves. I don't know what's happening but let's focus on trying to hold it. I don't know how much ammunition we've got left. Let's hope that that wasn't our last box," The leader of the group gouged.

"Hey, Ralph! Are you still packing any more boxes?" The leader of the town asked.

"Nope, all dried up. That was it, Kennedy. Shouldn't have wasted those bullets on those random bandits. Especially with that shit aim of yours," Ralph informed, his eyes glossing over to the window, his gaze lingering on the sight of Alexander.

"Then what did you expect me to do? Bash his head in front of the kids? They're already going through trauma! Best to leave them a few dreams before they meet the boogie man," Kennedy argued.

"Those dreams might be their last if we don't hold this fort down. A few bullets always make a difference. Don't think of useless things and grow a pair, will you? Besides this will give em a lesson and a reminder of what happens when the bandits attack." Ralph argued, his brows raised at the incompetence displayed, "You forget that these kids are our future Kennedy. If these kids don't learn, when will they? When it's too late? When their home is pillaged, their handwork forcefully taken or when they are left at the end of the barrel by a bandit? Choose, your options carefully, Kennedy. They'll need to soon learn that bashing a Bandit's head in is always better than wasting your ammo on one."

"Talking about the future, where's the Demon child, Ralph? And why has he left his Skaggs with yah?" A Village person asked, the sight of the Skaggs within the Tavern pissing him off.

"I don't know Jeffery; they came out of nowhere. Started protecting me. It's also the reason why your head didn't get blown off by a bandit so far, so I would watch your tone when talking about Alexander," Ralph spat.

"Defensive of the kid? When did you get all sentimental? You've only known the kid for a few months, and you've already warmed up to you, has he? Hmph, that kid is a flop Ralph he is never going to be like us. Stop trying to bring that damn outsider into our fray. He doesn't belong here. Mr Bones is already enough strange in this town. We don't need another one walking around us. Next thing you know he's going to be the end of you, and you know it," Jeffery spat, most of the Village folk nodding and agreeing with his sentiment, the leader of the group agreeing likewise, causing Ralph to punch the man to the ground. The punch left Jeffery with a bloodied nose and loose teeth.

"You have no idea what that kid has done for all of you, don't you? All of you, are so ungrateful. You have no idea what's he done for all of you, don't you?" Ralph questioned; his brows now raised with his hands clenched tightly.

"Bah, and what would the little shit do for us, huh?" Jeffery asked mockingly, on the floor he continued to fling profanities.

"That boy hunts every night and day for this village, protecting our village from wildlife. From skags, Rakks, Spiderant's, and all. Why is it that you now allow your children to freely wander the village? Why is it only now that your children are finally able to play and wonder about our outskirts? Alexander has been protecting our village without a word of profit. He does not ask for your help; he does not ask for your praises and he does not care. But I do. Yet all he receives is your constant Pickering and hatred! I will not stand it any longer. He came into this village expecting nothing, yet he gave more heart into this village than any of you could fathom." Ralph fumed. His speech now renders the village people silent.

"But fuck you all, eh. You'll probably return to your antics the moment I walk away," Ralph spat, now sitting down. Clasping his hands, he started to sweat, the drops cold with anxiety welling within his heart.

"Do you think Lex is okay?" Jess asked nervously.

"Alexanders is a tough kid. I'm sure he'll make it out." He explained, his eye by his revolver as he scanned the windows for any other bandits wanting to enter.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure there were twenty vehicles out there." Jess revealed.

"Twenty? Did you just say twenty?" Ralph asked panicking. The stakes were now raised with tension now flooding his body and adrenaline coursing through his veins.

'Yeah, why?" She asked, confused.

"Dammit, kiddo. Grab me a bottle of whiskey."

Jess hearing him followed through and paced quickly over to the whisky cabinet.

"You're going to pay for that you know!" Jess's mother exclaimed.

"Bah, put it under the kids' tap. He'll pay for it I'm sure of it," He wavered before taking a massive gulp from the bottle. The contents of it now at a quarter, contrast from its earlier fullness.

"Stay put, kid." He ordered before running out to find Alexander the skags following right behind him. Jess still stubborn as ever followed suit before being pulled back by her mother.

"Shit, kid where the hell is you," Ralph muttered frustrated. Clenching his jaw, he continued to fight off the remaining bandits his growing concern for the boy getting larger by the second. The Minions protecting his flank munched on the one unfortunate to cross their path.

"Thirty vehicles, with an estimate of five in each… this ain't good…. Only four made it into town too…" He grumbled under his breath. Aiming his revolver, he downed two bandits before executing them with a stomp to the head.

Hearing a roar of gunfire from south of the village he made his way there. Ducking from corner to corner he eventually peaked from his cover to see Alexander tanking shots. The shots while stunning him never knocked him to the floor.

"Just what the hell are you, kiddo…" He muttered shocked.

Alexander drenched in blood and riddled with bullet holes in his clothing was still standing. Shockingly he could bleed much to his amusement. While deeply crimson in colour it flowed thick unlike the traditional human blood.

Alexander grabbing hold of a bandit slammed his head into the ground, the sight almost making Ralph barf at the ferocity and lethality. Seeing the amount of force junctured by Alex it seemed almost alien.

Seeing one attempt to crawl away he was instead pulled back by Alexander who crushed his legs. The sound of a snapping bone left a slight shiver down Ralph's spine. Alexander Lifting his already dangled body questioned him.

"Speak up bud, my hands are getting cold. Resist and I'll make 'em warm," Alexander ordered, his threat left booming in the ears of the bandit whose cries had now dimmed to nothing but whimpers.

"Now whose arse are we licking?" Alexander inquired.

"zz..m……rz," He murmured.

"Wrong answer."

Alexander slowly bending his leg forward heard the man scream more.

"Sm..a..s..shh…ers!" He whimpered harder.

"Good boy," Alexander replied before dropping him to the floor. His back turned away, grasping his pistol he turned around and held it against the back of his skull.

"Now, are there more of you?" He asked, his pitch-black eyes staring dead into the bandit.

"At…C…a..mMmp!" He muttered. Hearing his voice Alex then held his skull before Sypothing, the vigour and energy stolen in front of his eyes, "Weak."

Leaving the husk to drop silently he sat down finally, the silence a lullaby to the chaotic moments before.

"Could almost sleep right here," Alexander muttered fatigued, hearing a figure approach him he quickly turned to react.

"You got a little… everywhere…" Ralph gestured, his hand hovering over his body to signify the bullet holes on Alexander who strangely wasn't bleeding all over.

"Busy day?" Ralph asked walking towards him. Now in front of him, Alexander slumped onto his shoulder exhausted. The pain from taking all his wounds now returning, the sting of each bullet burning his mind.

"Tell me about it," Alexander replied.

'Shit…" Ralph muttered, his arms struggling to lift him up.

"Fuck, kiddo, are you packing bricks under that arse of yours?" Ralph joked before laying his body softly on the floor.

"Not as much as that belly of yours Oldman…"

"What happened to him?" Jess asked startling Ralph who nearly blasted Jess's head off.

"Sorry!" She apologized lifting her hand in the air.

"Fucking hell Jess, Didn't I tell you to stay put? What the hell are you doing here?" Ralph asked, his hand still on his revolver its barrel now pointing to the ground.

"I couldn't help myself, I needed to see if he was okay," Jess argued.

"Well, your curiosity nearly cost your life, Jess. Remember sometimes it's better to not know," Ralph explained his eyes now scanning Alexander.

"So do you know if he's okay?" Ralph asked.

"I doubt it, but I'm sure he's fine. His chest is still beating… Though a bit odd since it's not in the spot of his heart but near his sternum…" Ralph replied as he realized that Alexander's physique and everything about him was strange. The longer he looked the more it became apparent.

"No bullet wounds as well…" Ralph muttered, the scenes of the bullet running through the teen a lie to his eyes. With the strange scenes of sadism and odd warping of energy, he knew the kid had a story to him.

But we all have secrets kid.

"Go get the townspeople. If they respect me, they'll come and help." Ralph ordered, the child starting to get on his nerves.

"Okay," Jess replied earnestly, her little legs rushing back to the tavern. Ralph looking at Alexander shook his head.

"You're one crazy kid. Crazier than me too," He muffled, his hand looking over for a cigarette. His search came back null, and seeing the result his Disappointment was Immeasurable And his day was ruined.

"Looking for a cigg?"

"Yeah, I swear I had them on me…"

"That's because I threw them away."


"Damn, it… What's a man got to do to get a ciggie," He groaned before staring toward the houses.

Thoughts went through his head as he scanned the massacre. The blood and gore left quite an impression on him. The sights were familiar and distant yet so close to his grasp, the feeling slipping from his grips and escaping back to his mind.

"You've left quite the mess to me, kid," He complained, before humming a western tune.


Somewhere else in the borderlands…

After travelling a few kilometres, Salvador eventually found a bandit group and stole their vehicle. Their screams became less than an afterthought to the chaotic muscle midget. Travelling a few Kilometres, he eventually came across a town.

The area was a junction with a road that spilt and remerged to form a single road once more. Viewing the building they were stacked upon each other a bounty board flaring from the side. The area is more of a weathered industrial facility repurposed for homes. Seeing numerous men centre around the board they all viewed Salvador carefully. Some recognised the man and ran away.

Estimating the populace it numbered around a few hundred people, their crackles of smiles and safety boarded by the policing force. Their numbers scattered about through the roofs. Seeing glints of scopes from afar his very moves were watched. Making it to town he was immediately met with hostility.

"What are you doing around here stranger…" A voice asked, a man appearing in a Western theme uniform. The traditional cowboy hat, leather boots and all attached to the man.

"Por favor Amigo, I come in peace. I only wish to find my grandmother," Salvador explained, his hands raised to the sky as he walked forward.

"Really, now? What's with your vehicle then? Why are you riding in bandit junk?" The officer asked, pointing towards the bandit technical.

Resting his hands they landed by his hip he allowed the sun to glare against his shiny Jacobs, his fingers almost itching to pull.

"Pav favor amigo! I ran into some trouble and grabbed a few souvenirs while I was at it."

"You sure you're not the trouble? Even some surprises come in small packages…" The officer asked before turning to face the bounty board.

"I still am not satisfied with your story partner but I tell you what." He hummed, "Surrender your vehicle and weapons first then I'll let you slide. A couple of refugees came here a few days ago, something about a bandit attack. Take this and make your way to the sheriff's office, she'll sign yah in."

"I can do that…"

"Then we got ourselves a deal," The officer stated chucking Salvador a small circular badge, the word on it being Refugee.

Salvador understanding unloaded his weapons and chucked them to the Sheriff who caught them. While foolish he needed to get inside without bloodshed, sometimes it was wiser to be peaceful.

"Catch you later, bud. Don't get into trouble now, would hate to lose a shell today," He warned before walking away the locals now minding their own business.

Walking through the bustling Town he found it to be quite enormous, the size being incomparable to his own village.

"Say, do you know where the sheriff's office is, amigo?" Salvador asked a local.

"I'm not too sure either try asking that fat guy over there he might know, I saw him walking with her the other day, he's your best bet," The man gestured, his hand pointing over to a large man.

"Thank you, amigo," Salvador replied before walking towards the fat man.

"Hey fat man, I heard you know where the sheriff's office is?" Salvador asked agitating the man.

"What do you want eh? I'm busy," The man huffed.

"I heard you know where the Sheriff's office is. Do you know where that is?" He asked.

"Tch, ask someone else," The fat man replied annoyed.

Salvador now agitated calmed himself, his blood nearly boiling at the confrontation. He had no weapons and didn't want to stir trouble in town so instead of smashing the man to the floor, he compromised.

"Do you at least know where I can get some weapons? An officer confiscated mine," He asked.

"Weapons? Oh, my friend, you should've just asked, hahaha. Marcus Kincaid pleasure to make your acquaintance," He revealed, his hands out to shake Salvador's hand. His shake was quickly denied with another question leaving him hanging.

"You know where to buy guns?" Salvador asked confused.

"Of course, my friend. You can buy them from me!" He smiled.

"Really? Right now?" Salvador questioned.

"Not right now but soon. You see that pesky sheriff has something about gun control, a stupid rule I tell you, bad for business. How can I arm these people to protect themselves if she won't allow me to sell weapons without a permit? Tsk, Tsk. Woman I tell yah," Marcus exaggerated.

"Why can't you get a permit?" Salvador asked.

"Something about shooting a man in the leg because of a refund. The gun was working dammit! Scammers I tell yah. I told him specifically, NO REFUNDS! Stupid Sheriff! An arms dealer has to have standards you know. Wish I could just hmmm," Marcus complained. To see his revenue cut pained him greatly, with the sudden ferocity of the bandits many of his vending machines had been shut down to ensure his safety.

"What about ammo?"

"You'll find it next to the other vending machine next to the Sheriff's office." He revealed.

"Hmm but what about the guns' amigo? Anyway, you can slip one out?"

"If you want a gun, come to me outside of town tonight. That way we are not technically breaking any rules since it's outside the town and not inside the town." He smiled stating his solution, "The mayor's office is just ahead of here you won't miss it. Trust me you'll see it when you see it and while you're at it if you can, try to somehow convince her to ease her laws around guns. If you can I'll owe you a favour. Here, is my business card. Until then my friend."

"Gracias Amigo," Salvador thanked before heading straight.

Making his way to the town he noticed the graffiti and pictures of explicit women.

One of the posters had a picture of Moxxi while not naked some still concluded on what they were given. Eventually coming across the Sheriff's office, he smiled understanding what he meant.

"Quite a sight aye," A local jabbed.

"Hmph reminds me of home," Salvador replied.

Walking past the hanged bodies he made his way inside the office and was greeted by two officers.

"State your business stranger," An officer asked.

"Let him slide, Joe he's a refugee. See the badge?" The other officer pointed.

"Shit but you know the deputy is in there with the Sheriff… We're under 'clear' orders not to have anyone come through."

"Look amigos' I'm here to see the Sheriff. Just let me in I won't be long." Salvador pleaded.

"Fuck off midget, you heard my partner. Get it!"

"What did you call me?"

"Midget? I'll have you-."

Though before he could answer he was cut short by Salvadors' fist. The speed at which he threw them fast. Slamming it against their kneecaps they quickly bent on a single knee leveling their eyes.

"I'm no midget…" He whispered before knocking the two heads of the officers.

Salvador walking past their unconscious bodies quickly heard a scuffle ahead and started to sprint. Seeing a large male attempt to topple another female he quickly pulled the man back. His grip forcing the man back.

"Aye, what are you trying to do?" Salvador asked the man, his hands holding tighly against the female's uniform. Her buttons ripped due to the sudden tug.

"Now who the fuck! I swear I told the boys to leave…" The man muttered before crunching to the floor. His sack was quickly kneed by the female angered.

"Tch, a man gotta know his limitations," The woman spat before shooting the man dead, her revolved tugged towards her waist. His brain now splattered down the floor.

"Thanks, partner, would've been in a sticky situation if it weren't for you…. Name's Dezona but you can call me Dez and I'm the sheriff of this town, what brings you here?" The woman asked.

Standing up tall she leaned back her height being 170cm not too tall for Salvador's height. Waving her curly hair, she attempted to re-adjust to the sudden incident almost traumatising.

With ebony skin, a small waist and thick thighs it made her the target of many men and some women.

"I came to see if I could find my grandmother but instead, I found you," He asked dazed by her beauty. However, he quickly regained focus, as beauty came in many forms and packages.

'My sweet Vladof' Salvador thought, the scent of gunpowder from his Vladof rifle something he deeply missed. Sleek with a high rate of fire it captured the essence of his might.

"Now seeing as you have your little badge on you, you're also a refugee. while we would usually make you go through the waiting line, I'll process yours now." She informed.

"Gracias," He thanked before sitting in the chair in front of her. The corpse awkwardly spilled blood to the side.

"What's your name and age, handsome?" She asked.

"Salvador Barros, but please, call me Salvador and to be honest I have no idea how old I am," He smiled.

"That Salvador? The one with the fat bounty over his head?" She questioned knocking her finger on the board behind her. The list of bounties stretched far with his name marked in red.

"I see you've heard of me." Salvador smiled.

Squinting her eyes, she merely kept her eyes locked with the man "Nothing good hotshot..."

Salvador still on the defence quickly held his hand up in defeat, "Don't be so harsh on me Senorita those are but rumours, I've only done... Half those things and I did it to who deserved it."

"How can you be sure to say that? They're offering some good money for you, and I've been meaning to get some new boots..."

"I swear on my life. Not a single soul I took was innocent, I only punish evil."

"And how can you be sure…"

"I know within my soul Chika..."

"Fine… I'll take your word for it since you helped me. So, what's your reason for coming here?" She asked next.

"My hometown of Ovejas was attacked, I feared the worst. So, I came back home only to find that the place had been just an ambush. When I asked the other prisoners, they told me that my grandmother had escaped. I had been captured because of my bounty I remained so that I would find out more." Salvador replied, "But I found nothing only chirps from others and their raiding parties."

"How'd you escape?" She asked interested.

"I was saved."


"Indeed, I had spent days within the camp and barely fed. I had thought that I was done for until he had come. Emerging from the sand he wandered in and punished the bandits. It was due to his kindness that I was saved."

"And who would this saviour be? A corporate spy? An enemy bandit member?"

"He was but a demon…"

"A demon saving people? That's new."

"Indeed, he was but a demon…but an angel in disguise," Salvador paused, "The Heavenly demon…" Salvador muttered.

"And what did this 'Heavenly' demon look like?"

"I couldn't be sure, but he wore a gas mask and hid within the shadows. His every move leaving screams."

"Sounds lethal."

"But enough about El Diablo, what is your story Dez?" Salvador asked.

"Well, I'm not much, I was born and raised in this town, and I've never set foot out of it. Better to be safe my father always said. So, I ended up staying here in this town for twenty-seven years not a single step taken outside those borders," Dez explained.

"So how did you become a sheriff?"

"My father was the previous Sheriff…"


"What about you?" She continued.

"I was also born on Pandora, but I've been placed, seen faces some ugly… Some beautiful," He commented staring at her.

"Hoh, beautiful, eh?" She smiled, "So, what's it like? Outside you know."

"Eh, no good. Skaggs, Spiderant's, Rakks, Bullymong's but maybe it was all worth it to see you," Salvador flirted leaving Dez somewhat dazed.

"You flatter me but please I've been hearing such comment my whole life. Look you're almost free to go but I just need one more thing before you're free to go," She mused.

"Please, every moment here has been well spent," He smiled.

"Stop it," She sighed rolling her eyes, "Just sign right here."

Seeing the paper given was merely a signature to agree that he was allowed within the town.

"Welcome to T-bone junction Salvador, the refugee camp is stationed just south outside of the town so if you turn leaving outside and head straight, you'll eventually come across the bunch, a whole lot of em since that New alliance of bandits. Would watch your back just in case, until then. I've got to find a new deputy now," She sighed.

"Say, before you go, Marcus asked me if you could let him sell his guns back in town," Salvador asked.

"Marcus, that idiot? Don't tell me he tried to get you to ask me?"

"He merely requested I ask Chika you say his name as if he spat on you."

"Well he thought he could try selling us his overpriced weapons, then he had the gall to shoot a citizen when I allowed him. There's no way I would let him sell his stuff back in here."

"But then why keep him around here?" Salvador asked.

"The only reason why I allowed him to continue his business operating 'inside' and outside the town is to allow the common folk to stay away from him. While allowing the desperate to arm themselves"

"Now the only ones that go to him are the ones who know his character and can't blame us if they got shot. If it weren't for the fact, that we need some supplies of weaponry to the common folk I would've just killed him right where he stood." She revealed, "Crazy bandits thinking they can expand their territory now that the smashers are weakened. If I were you, I would stay away from the bastard. Heard he sells his weapons to bandits as well so he just might shoot you in the back just for looking at his guns wrong."

Hearing it Salvador understood before walking out and making his way towards the other refugees.

"That was when the Hero of Ovejas was born. He was small, but his heart and muscles were big." An old granny foretold.

"Ah, and here he is," The granny gestured to Salvador.

"Abuela! You made it," He exclaimed.

Getting closer to her he hugged her tightly some of the children seeing them snickered considering his grandmother towered over Salvador. Standing at 180cm tall she towered over the stocky man.

"I thought he would be taller…" A child replied disappointed.

"Foolish child It is not the height that matters! But the size of your heart." Salvador corrected.

"You're just saying that 'cause you're short," The child snickered.

"You don't know enough about life yet boy. Trust me once you know the stars you'll understand," Salvador revealed before turning to the kids.

"So, tell me. Do you want to hear a story?" Salvador asked, a plan brewing in his mind as the sun settled.

"Tell me what do you know of El Diablo," Salvador asked the children.

"What's an El Diablo?" The children asked the sun now to set down.


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