Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 7: Tower (1)

"I guess there ain't no rest for the wicked." Alexander huffing a smile slowly walked to the front of the entrance of the town.

The walls enacted over to cover its entirety - steel beams and iron frames rooted to protect against the strange wildlife and possible stray bullets. The unsteady winds of Pandora were swept up against their makeshift walls and barricades. 

"Sound the alarms Claptrap we have company…"

Slowly stretching he stood over the many platforms near the walls it was created with stone and steel. It allowed for the obvious advantage of the high ground. The guards stationed near the wall quickly rung the bells, its sound permeating to the rest of the town folk.

"You got good aim partner?" Alexander asked leaning over the edge. Stepping with foot over the wall he seemed unsettled, his urge to sprint forward exalted with each second.

"I'm no good sir but… I'll try my best." The guardsman admitted, sweat slowly dripping from his brows.

"Don't worry as long as I'm here no one is gonna fuck with us." Alexander calmed his focus and turned to the guard, "Just make sure you don't shoot me in the back."

"I would never sir… You're the mayor…"


Felt his heart pause at the figure's glare. he gulped.

Suffocated by the man he merely walked away from scenes of previous battles; a nickname formed from these victories.

One that each town member knew.

<The Crimson Beast>

For while Atlas may claim to dawn the crimson attire, their boss bathed in it. His ebony attire was almost drenched and stunk of it. Showers were rare on pandora, and most washing was done through wells. Wells that supplied clean water for people to drink, not shower. 

Alexander scanning the forces in front saw that they flew a banner up, a pale skull flag holstered up.

'Interesting… A faction finally decided to move in.'

Intrigued by the appearance of an enemy bandit faction, he was almost inclined to visit their leader. It seemed the timing had all been too convenient.

Recent skirmishes had been nothing but random bandit groups the only exception being an Atlas squad tasked with kidnapping the townspeople.

Numbering in the hundreds the bandits drove near with their trucks, machine guns holstered on the top. All holding what seemed to be rifles their manufacturers were unknown.

"Keep your eyes on the price, guardsmen. You might be lucky today; fresh loot is on its way."

Walking past the guardsmen Alexander watched as the civilians entered their home the guards stationed now vigilant. Numbering in the tens, the civilians numbered in the forties. They had all but grown accustomed to the battles, with the exception of the screams.

"Notifying all guards. Are you ready?" Alexander called; his men were armed with their own ECHO devices, shields and equipment. Armed with an array of looted weapons looted some ought by the shop they regularly maintained.

"Ready, sir!" All guardsmen reported. Their teeth clenched as they held their rifiles steadily.

"Prepare for the siege!"

Peppered by a few sprays of the enemy machine guns it merely scratched the surface of their walls some just managing to hit.


Alexander having a chuckle, simply grabbed a machine gun from his ISD and leaned back. Buckling under the recoil he steeled himself.

"Holy shit!" A bandit shouted.

Firing Alexander unleashed mayhem on his combined troop of guardsmen leaving the bandit vanguard back. Shooting mercilessly, its rotating barrel continued to spin, its roar leaving many to piss themselves.

"I'm gonna eat you!" A psycho hauled. Their combined effort now split into rushing through the entrance.

"Don't let them near!" Alexander ordered the bandits now spreading about to minimise casualties.

A guardsman pulling a rocket launcher fired away, his rockets storming to the enemy trucks. The action leads the other bandits to do the same.

"They've got an enemy rocketeer!" A guard alerted.



Blasted wide open the gate was destroyed, bandits storming into the fire. Merely startled the guards continued to fight with ferocity Alexander leading the charge. While sprinkled with bullets they all calmed when they saw Alexander begin his slaughter.

Ordering his Rakks' to manoeuvre and kill the enemy Rocketeers' they were quickly dealt with their weapons merely stolen. With the beasts having increased intelligence they merely dodged and weaved against the untrained bandits.

Armed with two large sledgehammers Alexander began his rampage. Shoulder charging into an enemy psycho, their bodies flung to the floor dejected.


Entering the warp Alexander jumped in and out, his re-entrance back to the material world not empty-handed.

Mid-swing into the warp his attacks would return with velocity and mass. Seeing the re-appearance and appearance of hammers moving at startling speeds the bandit marauders backed away from the entrance.

"Let the big boys handle that demon!"

"Here comes Daddy!"

Bruisers large-bodied bandits now entered shrugging bullets off, the Marauders' shields merely bouncing the guardsmen's bullets. The bandits agitated merely began to hurl grenades over their attempts thwarted by the guardsmen hurling them back.

Commanding his beasts to attack the enemies from behind, they continued to harass snipers and midgets. The Rakks merely pick them up and drop them effectively crippling them. The Skags mauling the Marauders were merely a distraction for the guardsmen to continue their suppressing fire.

"Cook em nades boys!" Alexander ordered.

His action caused the Bruisers to become nuggets, their legs flying from their torso due to the explosions. With midgets suddenly entering they were thrown in by Bruisers outside.

Heaving a sigh Alexander returned to suppressing fire his new agenda to move the guardsmen back to the civilians'.

"Push back and defend the people!" Alexander announced, "Leave the big cunts to me."

Glaring with unprecedented hate his teeth clenched with his palms balled into fists. Feeling the surrounding area boil he welled his emotion into his heat.

Charging forward Alexander twirled his pistol, his 'Negotiater' now in hand.

High with bloodlust, Alexander smiled energised. Concentrating his palms, he felt the area drown in his aura, his palm slowly clenched towards an enemy bruiser.

Using all his strength the metaphorical sphere cracked and slowly crumbled under his pressure.


Watching the enemy bruiser crumble his body merely dropped lifelessly.

His last breath left his body.

'That's new…'

Alexander once again continued his carnage, his Negotiator slowly running out of bullets.

Left with a quarter of their forces the bandits seemed startled almost dazed at the demonic presence.

"Fuck! We're running dry!"

"What the hell is that thing?"

'I need more power!'

"Your souls are mine!" Alexander shouted; the Aura compelling from his hand fuming with power.

Twirling a mystical storm brew within his hand. Sparking with ferocious power it begin to enflame and condense into a ball of emerald fire.

Screaming the ball fire quickly flared once more conjuring into an enflamed skull heaving a burst of laughter before launching towards enemies.

Entering the bodies of enemies, it swarmed back and forth from bandit to bandit devouring their souls before returning to Alexander.

Now coming across the last bandit, guardsmen quickly began to loot their bodies and vehicles.

"Now, who sent you?" Alexander asked, squatting. The bandit laying on the floor crippled. His legs were removed with a nearby Skag enjoying its meal.

"It was Sledge! Please let me go, I swear I'll never come back!"

Smiling a mere huff escaped his breath as a laugh, "Now why would I want that?"

"What do you mean?" The bandit asked crying tears of despair dropping down.

"Don't you want to join your friends?" Alexander asked before caving his head in. His head slowly turned into a watermelon, the juices and meat spreading about.

"Sir… Do you ever let anyone go?" A guardsman asked startled by Alexander's ruthlessness and psychotic behaviour.

"I'm from around the area I ain't leaving without something." Alexander mused,"Whether it be their legs, arms or soul. I'm taking something."

"Aren't we just, I don't know. Better bandits that way?"

"Hahaha, You calling me a bandit?" Alexander laughed.

"No, no, I just… Bandits do these kinds of things… Aren't we the good guys?"

"Perhaps you are. Me? Maybe I'm worse. Now are you going to decapitate him and pike his head over there amongst the other skulls? Or should I?" Alexander asked.

"Is such brutality necessary? Wouldn't it be best if we let the surrounding bandits go?" The guardsmen asked.

The other guardsmen were startled by his words.

"Are you questioning me?"

Paused at their leaders' words he paused frozen the other guardsmen watching in horror as they awaited his punishment.

While many had dared to go against him it was merely due to physical confrontations. Standing for almost a moment the guardsmen started to shake his hands vibrating.

"No, No sir I would never…"


"Please forgive me…."

Seeing the man struggle under his pressure Alexander could only laugh.

"Bahahaha you should've seen his face!" Alexander chuckled, some awkwardly laughing alongside him with the rest still frozen from the experience.

"Yeah… Yes, we do. Unfortunately, this is our best bet for thwarting enemy attempts." Alexander explained, "Call it… Deterrence."

"But… Decapitation and then displaying their corpses?"

"Well to be quite fair I am slightly insane," Alexander admitted.

'But that's for human standards…' He thought.

"Look I'll do it if you aren't comfortable with my orders. Remember I'm not going to force you to listen to me. Just merely understand that extreme cases need to be met with extreme measures. Those psychos wouldn't be having this conversation right now and Atlas is just waiting to get us."

Siphoning the corpse Alexander checked the status of his aura. The last move merely improvised on the spot.

[Aura: 9'900/10'000]

"Alright remember what you need to do, people round the corpses, and I'll deal with the rest."

Understanding they did so without question, the loot and vehicles were scavenged for parts with clothes and equipment brought to be repurposed or scrapped. Leaving the corpses at the front Alexander syphoned the pile before decapitating and removing their skulls.

Picking them amongst the spikes their very expressions were filled with horror. Life and dread are a common stable amongst their faces.

"What a fine edition to my skull collection…"

While unhinged and slightly insane Alexander understood best that this was for the best. He could minimise it, but he couldn't simply change his nature. Perhaps he could overcome it but why should he? In his eyes the world was crooked, so why not crack it?

"Any casualties?"

"Unfortunately, one… A mother was struck in the back of her head while protecting her daughter."

"Let me see…"

Arriving at the scene, the mother's head lay flat on the floor. Blood drenched on the floor the child lay frozen, tears dropping from her eyes as she stared at her corpse.

Recoiling at the sight, the soldiers turned to face the floor defeated.

"You just going to watch? Come one get her cleaned up and move the corpse…"

The guardsmen hesitant at first moved in and carried her body away, blood still trekking from her mother's head. Carried away the girl could only watch shaking.

Grasping her hand Alexander held them firm, his helmet removed to stare into the girls eyes. Every soul seeing the scene recoiled shocked at the reveal.

"It's okay… Everything will be alright."

Looking dimly at Alexanders' face, she stared unable to accept reality. Alexander noticing her still shaken hands hugged her.

"You're safe and while she may be gone I'm here to protect you. As long as I'm around no one will hurt you."

"I don't believe you…" She muttered, angrily. Her fists striking at his back. Her attempts never moved him an inch.

"I don't believe you!" She struck coldly.

"Then watch me." Alexander smiled warmly, "And once you do…"

"Kill them all…."

Turning to face down she clutched down on the given Jacobs pistol, her bloodied hands and tears reflected open its shiny barrel.

"Until then watch… Learn… Suffer."

Taking a step back Alexander left her embrace and stepped out, the guardsmen and others watching the scene play out.

"Shit… he's just a kid…" A guardsman muttered shocked.

"Don't forget that kid just brutalised the bandits outside…" One reminded.

"But… he's so young…"

"Big fucking shit, bud. Welcome to Pandora."

Focusing their gazes once more towards Alexander they watched as he walked unbothered.

"You think she'll be alright?" One asked Alexander.

Standing and paused in silence he merely turned to stare into their eyes. His luminous violet eyes peered into their very souls.

"Some of you wondered if my ruthlessness is misplaced… I wonder if you think the same now," He replied walking past, his helmet once again dawned.

Walking to the front of the town he stood still gazing at the outskirts. Noise booming from afar.

The noise was filled with screams of terror and moans of delight. A bandit ordeal tied in a box.

"BRING THAT ASS ERE MUNCHER! I WANNA SHOW YOU MAH BUTT COLLECTION!" A bandit screamed chasing what seemed to be a Caucasian fellow.

"Now what the hell is this?" Alexander murmured seeing the man drift towards the camp.

Holstered with the Atlas sniper he took a knee and held it firmly.


Shooting the target he missed, the action embarrassing him.

"Guess I ain't the sniper type…"

Switching it out for his Dahl assault rifle he took shots. A few shots knocked the psychos to the ground.

The gate still open allowed the man to enter before being trapped - large spikes piercing his tyres. The guardsmen seeing him immediately arrested the fellow and held him hostage.

Alexander about to be run over merely entered the warped and re-entered a rocket launcher in hand. Exploding the enemies, he merely watched their bodies incinerate and juncture about.


Alexander walking towards the captured man stared at him, his eyes analysing the figure.

"Now… Who. Are. You?" He inquired, towards the captured fellow.

A bloodied buzzsaw by his hand as he rested it towards his neck.

"Oh, crap! Aw aye man, names Scooter. You aren't gonna hurt me are yah?"

"Hmm well, Scooter mind telling me why you decided to drive into our little town?"

"I was just tryna escape man! Damn, sumbitches wanted to eat my ass. I ain't tryna get mah ass eaten! Especially when they're another dude! It's not that I dislike getting touched just not from them ugly sumbitches… And what I mean by I don't hate the guys I ain't referring to their tastes. They were crazy I tell yah."


"Let him loose boys he's alright." Alexander ordered, his men dropping the man to the floor, "Well I'd like to apologise for the threats but welcome to Fyrestone."

"Nah, you're good Mann, I get this kinda welcome back home! It's totally normal… I think. No, I uh… Know so… I think." He smiled.

"How are we looking for food supplies?" Alexander asked a guardsman.

"Decent, your ah, pets keep us steady with Skag meat."

"Hmm, enough for our buddy over here?"

"More than enough."

"Good, get this man fed and well adjusted," Alexander alerted, his beasts alerting him of the possible Skag that had blinded and torn Mister Baha's leg.

"I've got something to do…"

Moving past the other figures he drove out with his motorcycle equipped, his engine revving past.

'Man, this suits getting uncomfortable…"

Mumbling under his breath, he came across many wildlife that dared to eat him. His hands merely crushing their attempts. Coming across the skag he noticed a large sword pierced through its eyes. Abnormally large from the usual it charged seeing Alexander.

"Well. Aren't you fucking fat?"

Pressing his leg against its head, it titled under the pressure its mouth attempted to gnaw at his flesh. Gripping the blade from its head, it screamed and snarled with agony. Blood gushing from its eyes.

Unbothered, Alexander began to twirl the blade around and noted its similarity to that of a Japanese steel katana.

The sharpness was quite impeccable for piercing the beast's head. While unlike his style he kept it within his Inventory. Blunt force against a squishy target was more pleasing to the eye and feel than seeing them bleed.

"Now… what to do with you…"

Mused by its attempt Alexander merely shot it to death before ordering his beasts to carry it back to the camp. Its body merely dragged against the sand lifeless.

Looking into the sky Alexander pondered on the world before him. An escapable desire to dominate the star driving him.


Hearing a man scream for his life, he drove over intrigued.

Perhaps there were more enemies?

Yet, when he had arrived he was instead met with an Atlas soldier burning.

Screaming for what seemed to be hours, his armour was charred with his flesh left to rot in the open sun. Bleeding and crawling for safety his trail lasted for miles.

"PLEASE…. HELP ME!" The man begged.

His eyes cleaning for life.

Reaching out to grab Alexander, he watched amused.

"Now why should I?" Alexander questioned squatting.

Face to face with one another, the man could beg. 

"I'll give…. You everything!" His hand clenched shaking.

Looking at his back, he had been shot left to cripple and die under the fauna. 

Mused Alexander merely voiced his thoughts, "Everything? Even your life?" 

Grasping Alexander he gripped tightly, his last breath gasping his final words, "Even my soul." 

While suspicious Alexander merely removed his ruined armour and carried him back on his bike.

Feeling the sun start to dim, he looked over the horizon euphoric.

"Well just don't regret it…"

Making their way back to base the man was immediately sent to Zeds clinic, his body bandaged, all the way around, the damage permanently scarring him. 

"Is he going to live doctor?"

"Just barely, whoever wanted him did want him too… I found three suckers lodged into the poor bugger's skull another two near his chest and one lodged in his back…. And that's just bullet wounds, his whole body looked like it was melting. Any longer and we'd be dealing with sludge."

"So how's he breathing?"

"Well after dosing him a few times he'll live for sure. Though… He might be… A little…Unhinged, kinda like you."

"I'm unhinged?"

"Well 'fraid so, everyone going around like that ought to be."

"Fair enough, keep me posted on his condition. How goes Mister Baha?"

"Well, he seems to be doing just fine. Smiley fella keeps crackin' jokes with the new guy. Seems they're well acquainted."

"Great, what about his prosthetic leg? Any of the boys finish welding the new one?"

"Yeah, it's all done, just need to wait a day for his leg to properly heal then we're right back to business."

"Fantastic, I'll leave to it."

Turning to face away he was stopped by a towns person. Withered and slightly shaky, his hands seemed worn with callus.

"Thank you… for protecting us." The Oldman thanked.

"Your hands… Were you a miner?"

"I was…" He admitted.

"Wasn't an easy life, huh."

"I had to start somewhere; I came here originally for opportunity…"

"Didn't find what you're looking for, huh?"

"I went looking for wealth and found misery… It's good to see that even in this rust bucket of a planet there's still some folk willing to help others…" The old man hummed, "It's good to know that a good person is leading us…"

"Hoh, I'm no angel partner. The furthest thing from it."

"Even Lucifer was once an angel… We all have flaws."

"Some flaws shine better than others."

"And some good burn brighter…"

Alexander walking away from the Oldman mused at his sentiments.

"Hey, Lex! You wanna hang out!"

"Well… Just in a bit, I've got some matters to attend to but I'll be sure to come around soon."

"Oh… Okay!"

"Don't get down so easily bud, this Scooter character just needs some attention. Once that's over I'll be sure to come around."


Alexander stepping past the robot made his way to Scooter the man already eying his vehicles.

"Well, I'll be damned! I haven't seen work this good of work since ma was in town." Scooter was exasperated seeing the armed vehicles.

"Not my finest work but I use what I can."

"You did this? I gotta admit it's pretty good work for some of the scraps around, hell most of it is mine." Scooter huffed revealing.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Haven't you seen a Catch-a-ride! They're mah brand, mah style. You know the buy-your-own vehicle machines around everywhere?"

"Nope, haven't seen a single thing… I mostly raid the parts here and weld it together."

"Ah that explains the craftsmanship, you did a fine job ere' welding some of these corners. But you're missing some parts for the suspension and chaste. Hell, even the engine missin' a bit of torque."

"You're mechanic?"

"I know mah way around these things. I'd leave that one to mah mama! She's the finest gal around I tell yah."

"Hmm, how much will it cost for you to teach me?"

"Huh… Well, I ain't really the sharp type to be fair. I once tried teaching a guy and his head exploded…"

"Look I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Okay and uh don't worry about payment. You folk' give me some good company ere' in Fyrestone. Not a lot of visitors come near my parts."

Taking the time to learn from one another both exchanged ideas. Hours of information being exchanged between the two. While Scooters' knowledge was more talented in areas with ideas easily being interpreted as elementary, Alexander forced such knowledge into his brain without much struggle.

His core inputting the sometimes open-ended statements and overlapping it with pre-existing knowledge the outcome enabling Alexanders critical thinking to understand and grasp concepts that would otherwise be misunderstood or merely waved as nothing.

"So yah put this your and twist this and for some reason, it all works out in the end. Kinda like accidentally kissin' yah cousin but it's ah' distant cousin you know."

"I wouldn't."

"Heh, yeah… Kinda awkward but any-way like I was saying yah need to balance out the input to the output. Else all you're doin' is putting more fuel and no speed. I had an outrunner that suffered the same thing. Went 110 miles an hour but was running through fuel like some midget on beer. Shit was craaaaazzzy!"

"I see, so merely fusing the two outputs won't always correlate to more speed? I'd need to also swap fuel types with the battery having to output more energy?"

"That right-ah-roo, some people always think the battery ain't doin' much work, but I tell yah. A good battery is doing a quarter of the work nowadays. Hell, even the nitro on the back of these things run on electricity." He explained, "I was shocked when you told me you ain't never went full retarded before."

"I never go full retarded."

"You should try it some time it's hella fun. I and mah sister Ellie use to go around the clan back in the day when Ma was still around. Oooohwee, those times were fun. If it weren't for some bitches Zaford I would've stuck around."


"Yeah, enemy clan we use to clash with. Use to be a part of the Hodonks. Mah Pa was one, he got shot though and mah mum knew it was dangerous to keep livin' there. Never got to know mah pa but heard he was a badman so I ain't miss out on much."

"Sounds like a sad life."

"Oh Nah, I'm living good right now. Little catch-a-ride got me rich as frick."

"So what's keeping you here? This ain't really the best of places to live I hear."

"Same reason why you don't take a new set of boots to ah weddin without havin worn em bit. I ain't done on Pandora. It's mah home. I ain't done ere. What not better place than home?"

"I guess you're right." Alexander murmured. His thoughts wondering on how to build a spaceship

Elsewhere in the borderlands sat an Atlas Commandant her face contorting at the report shown. Seeing numerous attempts at the surrounding towns she fumed at the failed attempts to capture Fyrestone.

"How goes our attempts on Fyrestone?" The Atas Commandant inquired, her back straight as she viewed her holographic map.

Scenes of mining undergoing through numerous displays their locations across the arid and badlands of Pandora. With over a hundred towns captured with numerous villages pillaged their forces were spread thin yet far.

"A failure, unfortunately… It would appear every squad sent would often lead to failure our men never returning. We've attempted to track their ECHO devices but found no luck. Their forces are either highly trained or extremely dangerous in volume." The Crimson Lance revealed.

"Hoh, and what of the Bandits tasked with burning the town? Have they succeeded in gathering results?"

"Unfortunately, all communication with the bandit group failed not a single voice peeping from within. I'm afraid they have died."

"Well, your team ought to bring me results the board is finding our endeavours more and more wasteful with each year we remain. It won't be long until they wish to remove us permanently. The difference being my return and you're abandonment. How would a simple town ever pose a threat? We are the Atlas corporation; we wield power within our mortal hands. Deal with this town quickly."

"Affirmative mam."

Sending the man away. She opened her communication drives to contact her superior, his eyes luminous with his large ominous silhouette merely displayed.

"General Knoxx I have acquired part of the key. Soon the vault and it's Eridian riches shall be in the property of the Atlas corporation."

"Yeah… Just don't die down there. Been there once and it stank like horse shit. Keep up the good work, soldier. Your support has been approved. General Knoxx signing off." The man replied uninterested, his body lazily sitting about on the Atlas cruise ship hovering above Pandora.

Quickly ending the call, Commandant Steele was left to wonder how to acquire the rest. Her attempts at mining and scavenging the surrounding towns end with nothing. Staring at Fyrestone and New Haven, she wondered on who to attack first.

While Old Haven had been raided and searched Helena Pierce had perhaps taken the vault artefacts with her. Perhaps even the bandits stole it but this was all merely speculation.

"Ah, commander another squadron came back reporting attacks from the smashers… While they grew small, they've been suddenly cranking their efforts in recruiting and unfortunately, it's working. Scouts report an increase of 229% increase in bandit warbands.

They're also increasing their territory to surround certain districts. I would've written a report, but I thought it'd be best if I told you in person. With personal stretched out far it won't be long before we're forced to move out of our camps…"

"Don't worry captain we have reinforcements arriving from headquarters. Our findings here have interested the board. We'll have new equipment soon enough…" She smiled menacingly.

"But for now, hold off on capturing new points of interest we will regroup in time. New experimental equipment is coming and with it, we should be able to control and wipe the remaining bandits from the area." She explained, "Now move on…. I have matters to attend to. A storm is brewing, and I hope to be the one to cause it…"


Left alone she stood up and flexed her hands, energy swirling from her palms. The temperature drops to an unnatural chill.

"Hmm… I and to think I was too late for winter…"

Somewhere around Pandora, a certain scientist watched confused as energy readings randomly spiked.

"What just happened to your machine?"

"Well, Helena since you 'kindly' asked random energy signatures on the vault key are increasing…. The natural phenomenon that occurs every two hundred years is nearing. Soon enough there will be enough energy within the key to open the vault. We merely need the other parts…" Tannis explained.

"The vault is merely a false hope for those hopeless Tannis… Now, have you heard any movements from the surrounding bandits?"

"Merely skirmishes', it seems Sledge and his court of fools are attempting a siege against the rival gang leader Steve. However what troubles me is the fact that one rival member does presumedly hold one such part of the key… We can't allow Atlas to get hold of the vault."

"I simply can't risk that Tannis. As the administrator of New Haven, I can't allow our citizens to merely attempt to search for false hope and mere sceptic legends of riches. Not only is our power been cut but there's not enough food to go around."

"Then do you truly wish for Atlas to obtain its riches? Do you not fathom the possible technology held within?"

"The Vault is no more real than any fable you heard in grade school. It's nothing more than a tall tale, some wild exaggeration."

"Rubbish, I'll be moving to the scrapyard to further my studies there… Your weaselling is merely holding my capabilities to their fullest potential."

"Then do what you will, I will protect my people and their wellbeing over the selfish remarks of another…"

Splitting ways Tannis made her way to the outskirts of New Haven her lab now surrounded by the scrap yard. Scavenging around she then came across an ECHO recording of a voice broadcasting their voice.

"This is Commandant Steele of the Atlas Corporation, Crimson Lance, D Company, 3rd Starborne Brigade I once again warn all settlers that this planet is under the authority of the Atlas Corporation, and any Eridian artifacts found here are Atlas property: possession of such property carries a stiff penalty. I invite you to turn yourself in at once to the nearest Lance outpost and surrender any information or artifacts in your possession."

Hearing her words Tannis could only churn her face at the blatant threats.

"Hmm… If only she would allow me to continue the research on the vault key, we would be miles ahead by now…"

Over at Fyrestone the recently scorched soldier awoke frantic, yet his body struggled to move.

Regaining his consciousness in the sterile environment of the Zeds clinic, he struggled to get up - his body failing to do as he wished. Blinking away the haze, he noticed a figure standing nearby. It was Alexander, masked and dripped in gear he sat gazing at the fallen soldier analysing him.

A mixture of confusion and gratitude washed over Joshua as he looked up at his saviour. "Thank you... I thought I was done for," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Alexander's lips curved into a sly smile as he approached the bed, his eyes gleaming with a hidden agenda. "You're lucky to be alive," he said softly. "I found you on the brink of death, and I couldn't resist the opportunity."

A furrow formed on Joshua's brow as he struggled to comprehend Alexander's words. "What do you mean? Why would you help me?"

Leaning closer, Alexander's voice dripped with manipulation. "Consider it a business opportunity, my friend. I saw something in you, a potential that could be of great use to me."

Joshua's curiosity mingled with wariness as he tried to make sense of the situation. "What do you want from me?" he asked cautiously, his voice tinged with scepticism.

A wider grin spread across Alexander's face, his eyes glimmering with an ulterior motive. "I need a commander, every leader needs a garrison. I can see it in you,

Joshua's mind raced between thoughts, torn between the allure of Alexander's proposition and his innate mistrust.

The choice before he held weight, for he sensed that aligning himself with this enigmatic mercenary would forever alter the course of his life.

He knew he had to weigh the potential benefits against the risks, as the consequences of his decision would ripple far beyond this moment.

Joshua looked at Doctor Zed, his eyes filled with a mix of uncertainty and the weight of the decision he had made earlier when he had met Alexander.

The proposition offered by the enigmatic leader had sparked a glimmer of hope within him, but it also left him questioning the path he had chosen. He was lost, his purpose gone. With only betrayal left he had no way to unleash it.

"Who are you" Joshua began.

"I'm the reason why you're stitched up in that nice blanket, but if you're asking about my name it's Zed." He smiled.

"Thank you." 

"No worries, now you'll have to excuse me partner but I've got some other clients to attend to. Try not to move too much, you might break another muscle." Zed voiced before dashing away, the screams of another patient drawing his attention. 


"I'll try." 

"You seem conflicted." Alexander voiced.

"I lost my purpose, those children. Their on my hands and the next thing you know they throw me into the gutter. Now I'm saved but I wonder, is it truly worth it?"

"Life is a gamble, the only guarantee you have in this world is death. You swore your soul to me, do you regret it?" 


"I'll give you a purpose then. Become my sword." Alexander spoke truthly his eyes locked with Joshuas.

"Your sword?" 

"My sword, you shall be the ultimate general. A weapon of my machinations, become my weapon and I promise that I won't turn on you." 

"How can I trust you?" 

"You have no other choice for there is nothing worth on Pandora except me. I will destroy and create. I shall create famines and prosperity. Many shall fall, few shall rise. I guarantee that should you follow me, it shall not be below me but behind." Alexander voiced, his eyes never wavering under monologue. 

Joshua, staring struggled in pain to exit his bed. Stalling tall in front of him he stood on a knee and bowed to him.

"I Joshua Graham former Atlas Militant of the 21st brigade swore my undying allegiance to you." 

For what felt like a million years, Joshua buckled under the pain. His body streaming to return to rest, yet he persisted. This was his life now, for whatever hell Alexander pulled him out from he would gladly jump back in. 

"I accept." 

Suddenly alerts were flared, and guards screamed. 

"Head back into your homes people. Ensure the blinds are closed and you're armed!"

"Frequent targets incoming! Stations people!"

"What's that?" Joshua inquired. 

"Another bandit attack, I swear we get one every few hours now."

"Is it usual for bandits to attack here?"

"Hmm, not this frequent."

Alexander leaving the man to remain kneeling made his way out, his eyes gazing towards the entrance. 

Seeing a bus drive towards their location, every guardsman steeled themselves for a possible attack.

Alexander on the other hand kept his eyes on the price.

Not a single trace of fear was found in his pose.

'I got this shit on.'


Pov: Lilith 

"So… You heard tales of the vault? Well, I'll tell you now that those rumours; Tales of fortune may truly be real." Marcus hummed, driving the bus forward they lingered onwards with no real goal. Towns passed by with no real destination.

Passing by we started to collect figures, a strange huntsmen with his bird, a large, muscled bruiser, and a soldier - his handsome stern gaze was quite appealing.

Turning to face him I wondered about the possibilities. Pandora had been a strange planet, one filled with bloodthirsty criminals, bounty hunters and more. To the normal eye, pandora was nothing but a husk of a planet.

Only recently charged with Coverage by the Atlas corporation many knew that something was here. Whether it be riches or not something was here. Lurking, waiting for it to open.

"Anyway, I've got some advice for all of you. It's tough out here and If you have any needs for weaponry always purchase from me! Sure you can take from the bandits or find things from the wild, but the equipment you buy from my stores is guaranteed! And if you die, you can't get your money back because you're dead… Hehe, I kid. No need to be so serious here. And if you're looking for the vault well, you're going to have your work cut out for you. So don't be afraid to spend what it takes to get the equipment you need! You listen to Marcus I come from seven generations of merchants and I'm the best. Want to know why? Cause I'm making it out here, in this place!" Monologuing further we remained silent until a feminine voice called out from the abyss only alerting the four of us. 

 Her words cautioned our advances. Disfigured and telepathic we all honed onto her words.

"Don't be alarmed. I need you to stay calm and not let anyone on that someone is talking to you. Start making your way off this bus. You don't have any reason to trust me, but I need you to believe that I'm here to guide you – I'm here to guide you to the vault. In a moment you will approach a town and be greeted by a menacing figure. Befriend him and the funny little robot, they're your biggest bet in getting closer to the vault whether he knows it or not. I'll contact you again soon."

Looking at each other we all mentally nodded to each other and exited the bus. The bus driver Marcus turned to see our way out.

"It seems you all are set to leave… here." Marcus voiced seeing the corpses outside. Guardsmen patrolling in front of the walls glaring daggers their way. Noticing the pikes and corpses that littered he merely waved it away.

"No need to say goodbye. I'm sure we'll be doing this again soon enough. Hahahahah, get off my bus."

The four hearing his voice turned to look forward only to see a cross-armed figure. His stance is not all threatening. I'd killed masked bastards like here on the waste, he wasn't anything special.

"Hahahaha- this is menacing? I've smashed things bigger than this." The muscle man snickered, to which I agreed. Nothing felt particularly menacing from the man before them.

He was just a tad taller than me but I had siren powers. So whether he liked it or not i could crush him easily.

"Why hello there." The figure questioned.

"Hello, we're looking to resupply I'm quite new here." I voiced first.

"Well, I guess you wouldn't be the first. What do you need? We can negotiate from outside." He warned.

"I have a feeling I won't like you…" The bruiser whispered, the man's head turning to face him.

"Hmm I don't know; four strangers show up in our town, four dangours strangers." The man hummed, twirling a hatchet the sudden appearance peculiar. As I had sworn he wasn't holding anything just a moment ago.

"Look, I'll be honest with you a lot. I don't trust any of you and you don't have to trust me. So, I'll have to ask you to leave."

"Can't you spare a few items?" The handsome ebony soldier asked.

"I don't, your gear looks a tad suspicious. Are you an ex-Atlas soldier? Had a few of your old mates come around," He voiced gesturing to the corpses out near the front - Butchered Atlas gear pointed out, my danger senses ringing.

"Look we're just here to look for the vault. We heard you would know."

"Vault? Do you mean that hoax that is spreading? I have no plans to attempt to discover its contents. The thing most likely fabricated to entice settlers into their slaughter chambers. I'm not gonna let my people onto some random goose chase."

"Look we're just trying to get some rest, you're the nearest town there is. We'll be on our way from there." Roland explained, his attempts to compromise met with a stubborn no - the town's leader not accepting any compromise.

"I've heard better lies from a legless bandit. Look It's kinda hard trusting you lot. But – I'll give you a chance to earn my trust. You see there is this fuck-face by the name of Steve who keeps annoying me. End him and I'll allow you in."

"And how do you expect us to get rid of him? We aren't exactly armed here."

"Hmm, I guess I'll call it an investment. Here take a look at our handouts. You'll most likely see what you want." Alexander informed the guardsmen, pulling a metallic box out, with weapons inside. Scanning them bunch they were mostly S&S guns which were painted on by bandits, "Now do you have any ECHO devices? Or am I really talking to broke bitches right now?"

Hearing silence he chucked one to each figure.

"Here, that'll display a holographic interface screen alongside a map. I'll send the coordinates to their base. I would've done it myself but… Seeing as how you lot decided to volunteer I'll allow you the privilege." Alexander explained.

"Now for food and water, we can slide your basket. Here you go." He gifted. A box appeared in his hand containing a med kit, jerky skag meat and water bottles. Was this possibly from an ISD? But how? Most items would show a blue hue to showcase it leaving the device or deck.

"And no need to worry I haven't poisoned it. I don't need poison to kill you after all."

Damn, this bastard is cocky. I wonder what his reaction will be when I show him my flames.. He'll probably shit his pants alongside the rest of them.

"You sure you're that tough?" The muscled man asked cracking his knuckles.

Alexander smiling at his words merely waved it off, "Look don't waste your time forehead. Fix your hairline first and then show me ya can be an asset to Fyrestone. Perhaps then we can find common ground. Until then go kick stones for all I care."

Leaving us alone we all watched as he locked the gate to the town, a bitter taste entering our mouths.

"I don't like him… Seems like an asshole…"

"Not much we can do about it. Let's just get this done."

"I agree, while I don't completely trust her this is our best bet. My names is Lilith by the way."

"The names Brick and I like smashing things." The muscled bruiser revealed. Clad in a black singlet he bore broad shoulders with hands that looked like it could snap steel.

"I'm Roland." The possible Former Atlas soldier voiced, his words quite concisely.

"I'm Mordecai and this is my partner Blood Wing." The huntsmen showcased, the small bird flapping on his shoulder, "Nice tattoos you a siren?"

"Hmm, yeah. That won't be a problem will it?"

"I could care less my hands getting itchy. Let's go do something." Brick announced.

"Likewise, I just open the vault, get rich and then get something a drink. Been a few days since I had a drink." Mordecai explained.

"I think you're tattoos look nice," Roland replied, his face ever stoic.

"Well, I think your face looks nice," I responded.

"Thanks." He replied before walking away towards the coordinates.

That was, uh, embarrassing.

"So what made you guys come here?" I asked the group.

"Don't know all do know is that this universe fricking owes me something and It's kept me moving since," Mordecai replied.

"Say what's with the sick bird?" I asked it's feathers slightly fluttering at my words.

"He's my partner Bloodwing, found it one day and it's been with me ever since."

"What about you brick?" I asked the tall man.

"I came here looking for my sister but with the vault, I might just have fun while I'm at it." Brick explained.

"Just travelling and now... I'm here." He stated, "What about you?"

"I came here in search of the vault... Tales travelled far and with my siren powers, I had a feeling that I would find something. Well, Marcus' promise was fulfilled and here we are going to go kill some random bandit leader."

"Who is this Steve anyway?" Mordecai inquired.

"I did some digging over the net... He's a bandit leader. I can't exactly pinpoint his influence but if we're going to take him down, we're going to need to plan."

"You got any ideas?" I asked.

"Why don't we just smash em to bits?" Brick asked, cracking his knuckles.

"I've got something else in mind," Roland revealed.

Walking towards the location we hijacked a bandit's vehicle and made our drive towards the bandit camp not knowing what was in store.

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