Born in apocalypse

Chapter 24: Sword, Shadow and Death

Chapter 24: Sword, Shadow and Death

Just as the veil of the white dome was about to go away, I heard something.. Something that was full of life... something that shouldn't be here... in this cursed but it was.

I heard the sound of a heartbeat, and it wasn't coming from mine—although mine was beating pretty hard due to all the anticipation— no, this was from another creature.

Slowly, the white dome started to disintegrate. On one side, the veil was disappearing and on the other, his heartbeat was going higher and higher...

After a while, there was nothing but smoke left, and there was nothing left where the pile of corpses was supposed to be. All the dead bodies vanished into thin air like they had never existed in the first place.. Even the blood, clothes, and all the weapons were gone.

Dhruv stepped forward where there was smoke with caution. He wasn't cautious because he was afraid of the creature. He knew that whatever was made with the fusion couldn't harm him... even going so far as to say that they wouldn't even dream of harming him—their master. He was cautious because he didn't want to shock the thing that had originated. fгeewebnovё

He didn't like the idea of being the master of a living creature... but he couldn't do anything about it as this is how fusion works.

When the smoke got away... the thing he saw left his eyes wide open.

The place where a living thing should have been... Instead of that, a blob of darkness was there, surrounding something or someone... To be precise, it was hiding something behind this impenetrable shield of darkness.

'Is that a skill..? he thought, trying to make sense of what the darkness was..

He began inspecting the blob... and just like he was inspecting the blob, the blob was also inspecting him... trying to identify him.

A moment later, it vibrated and began unfolding itself.

Instinctively, Dhruv got one step back and was about to cast the metal arrow. But he stopped after seeing the ones that the darkness was hiding. There were three creatures instead of one, as he originally thought. But why didn't he hear the other two heartbeats, you would ask? Because they didn't have a heart to begin with.

The one on the right was an undead skeleton made up of little skeletons. little skeleton because he was the size of a five year old baby, and his eyes were devoid of any light. Looking into them feels as if your soul would get sucked into them if you looked at them for long enough. There is one more interesting thing about him... if you look at his head, you will see a diamond shaped pitch black gem embodied in his skull.

Looking at the one who was in the middle of them... there was nothing noticeable about him except that he was the same height as the other two and made completely out of darkness... but, after looking at him for a while, he understood that it wasn't darkness, but the thing he was made of was shadow.

'So, he was the one who cast that shadowy skill... hiding them.'

Looking at the last and the one he heard heartbeats, his heart melts as this one was just too cute to be true.

The one who was on the left was an adorable wonder with a rounded, cherubic head that perfectly embodies the essence of innocence and arrogance. His big, curious red eyes sparkle with enthusiasm, reflecting a captivating sense of wonder about the world around him. His eyes are a striking contrast to his soft, radiant complexion, which showcases the true beauty of youth. But that wasn't all, as if you looked closely at his head, you would see two small bumps on top of his head...

But don't let his cute appearance fool you, as he was holding a sword in his tiny hand like he was born to wield this thing and was grateful for that. The sword was made of black material and red where it was sharpened.

They felt the dhruv's gaze on themselves, so they got up and began moving in the Dhruv's direction.

After reaching in front of him, they stop. All three looked directly into his eyes... after being satisfied with whatever they wanted. All three of them kneel in front of him... as if they were in the presence of the mightiest and most respectable being in the universe..

Dhruv looked at them... He couldn't stop his heart from melting.

He signals them to stand up, as he couldn't endure seeing three adorable people kneeling in front of him.

Getting order, they stand up and stare at him like they are demanding something.

"What...?" he questioned.

[My Lord, name us.]

One of them said... Didn't even manage to say the complete word properly, but Dhruv understood nonetheless. They were asking to be named. He didn't know who said it or how... but he was able to hear them without any form of speech because they were directly talking mind to mind.

He focused his mind on it, and with some concentration, he figured out that it was the one who was made out of shadow who was speaking to him, but how he didn't know yet.

Without any time wasted, he simply asks him..

[How are you talking to me?]

After hearing, or more like understanding, that Dhruv was questioning him, all three of them trembled.

'Huh! Why are they feeling nervous all of a sudden..? Wait?! Wait a minute, why can I feel what they are feeling..?' Instead of answering his previous question, another one appears in his mind.

He looked at the trembling trio and said.

[Look! I'm not going to eat you. So, tell me, how are you able to talk to me?]

Again, the shadowy one steps forward like an elder brother protecting his siblings and says.

[We made.. same soul, we]

[So, you guys are made of my soul; that's why you were able to talk to me, right.?]


He said it with a slight smile..?

[And now you want me to name you, Is that right?]


[what if it wouldn't be to your liking?]

[We don't dare... Refuse master order..]

He said with astonishment, like refusing my order... what's that..?

It's never going to happen...

[Then your name shall be... Alaric] he said, pointing at the one who was made up of shadow.

[you, the one with the sword, your name shall be Vexar.]


[Ahhh! Why are you so aggressive..?] He questions but doesn't get any reply, as Vexar was once again engrossed in admiring his sword.

[Last but not least, from now on, you shall be remembered as Azrax.]

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