Born in apocalypse

Chapter 5: First Quest

Chapter 5: First Quest


[Main Quest #01- The Path of Expertise]

Clear condition: Choose a class you are an expert in, And show the worth you possess to the cosmos. <Your status screen needs to the class you've chosen.>

Time limit: 7 Days

Reward: 1000 CC <Cosmic coins>, Access to Cosmic store

Failure: Death fɾēewebnσveℓ.com


The quest is for us to get a class that the system recognizes.

All of the prisoners had a distinct expression of confusion when I glanced at them, while at the same moment, another, more pronounced feeling could be seen on their faces.....

The look of excitement...

A sense of liberty, that now in this new world no one is going to stop them, judge them, or bind them against their will.

Dhruv doesn't want to believe it, but he himself is in the same category because he can clearly feel a sense of exhilaration deep within himself.

[The cosmos has sent a gift for you to start this journey.]

With this message, a new screen pops up in front of me.

[Choose a weapon or tool.]

A screen with rows of weapons and tools appears in front of me, telling them to choose any one of them.

Dhruv ponders for a moment which weapon he should choose.

After a moment, he chose a spear because, in his opinion, a spear offers several advantages that make it a worthy choice. Firstly, its versatility allows for both close-range and ranged combat, providing flexibility in various situations. Secondly, its longer reach grants superior defensive capabilities by keeping foes at bay. Additionally, spears are easier to handle than heavier weapons, allowing for greater agility and speed.

After selecting the spear, it appeared out of nowhere in his hand.

With a spear in my hand, Dhruv looked at other inmates and could clearly sense they were thinking which weapon to choose...

'This is clearly my chance.' I thought and looked at my closest prey.

At the moment, Dhruv clearly views them as nothing more than prey waiting to be slaughtered. Some could assume he is insane for considering them prey, given that they had just bullied him yesterday, but they couldn't be any more mistaken. Because the strength he gets from absorbing mana elevates his body to a new level, and he is well aware of this newfound strength of his.

Dhruv instantly found his first victim, and it was none other than Dekion himself.

In the midst of everything, Dhruv's eyes gleamed with determination as he gripped his spear tightly. With lightning speed, he lunged forward, his body a blur of motion.

In an instant, he materialized in front of Dekion, catching him off guard. The spear sliced through the air, aiming unerringly for Dekion's head. Time stood still as the weapon found its mark, penetrating with a savage force.

Booooom!..... Thud!

The air was ripped apart by a thunderous explosion from the impact as Dekion's head violently burst apart, resulting in a gruesome spectacle that left only devastation in its aftermath.

What was truly astonishing was that the entire sequence of events, from Coby's disappearance to Dekion's death, transpired within a mere 10 seconds.

Dekion's unmoving body lay on the cold floor, and Dhruv stood silently watching it, not worried at all that he could be attacked in this time frame. He watched Dekion's body, knowing that there was no one who could hurt him now.

He stood there, staring at the lifeless body before him. At that moment, the truth struck him, shattering the illusions that had bound his existence for far too long. Dekion, once thought of as an invincible force, was nothing more than a fragile fa?ade, a mirage of strength and power.

They created illusions that made him believe he had no power or freedom to change his fate. However, that is no longer the case.

He moved ahead confidently, looking straight ahead. He accepted the freeing truth that he was the one with strength now. The power that others used to have over him was now in his own hands.

Starting now, he would shape his own future, bravely challenging the false ideas that tried to limit him. The world would see how he changed after waking up from the illusions he was supposed to be in.

He stayed there, looking at the motionless body, which reminded him of the illusions that had controlled him before. But now he had found the real truth beyond those illusions. And within that truth, he gained the power to control his own destiny...

A heavy silence gripped the hall. The busy room had turned still, and all twenty of them stood motionless like statues, their faces filled with horror and disbelief.

Dhruv looked around the room with intense, wild eyes, driven by a strange sense of justice.

He looked from one frightened face to another, feeling the fear that pulsed through their faces. The smell of the air had changed somewhere along the line; now it smelled of only blood and fear. The weight of the weapon in his hand felt both comforting and menacing, adding to the raw power surging through his veins.

A feeble and shaky voice shattered the silence. "P-Please," a frightened prisoner begged, dropping to their knees and crying. "D-Don't... K-kill us."

Despite being a prisoner himself, he couldn't witness bloodshed of this magnitude, where a man is headlessly lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

Looking at how the roles had reversed, Dhruv's lips curled into a cruel smile. But mercy was a luxury he wasn't familiar with; after all, he had never received it himself. If only these people had shown him mercy before, he might have given it back.

"Spare you, you say."


"Even in this situation, you truly managed to crack a joke, don't you think... Ahhh! What was your name?... Yes"

"...Mandy!" With an ice-cold stare, he raised his weapon high, ready to deliver a final, merciless blow.

Despite understanding what was happening, not everyone was scared. Some gathered the courage to stand up against this predator. Their faces displayed anger and resistance. With shaky hands, they grabbed their weapons, ready to take on the ruthless predator.

Amidst the chaos that followed, the sound of metal clashing and frantic shouts filled the air. Bodies collided in a deadly struggle. Dhruv, like a predator among the prey, moved with not so much calculated precision, yet his blows were merciless and lethal, leaving nothing but devastation in their wake, once again showing the might of his new profound strength.

Blood sprayed on the ground as their battle cries transformed into cries of pain. Some fought courageously, refusing to surrender even when death seemed inevitable, but their struggles were futile. Dhruv had become an unstoppable presence, driven by a fierce hatred that consumed every fiber of his being.

While the battle continued, a sense of both desperation and acceptance filled the air. The once strong voices of resistance faded, replaced by the cries of those who understood they were doomed. Strength diminished, fatigue set in, and hope faded away. Yet, Dhruv, relentless in his pursuit, showed no mercy.

In the end, the hall was left ravaged, bodies scattered randomly across the icy stone. Dhruv stood in the midst of the carnage, panting heavily, while the smell of death filled the air. Sweat mingled with blood on his brow as he glanced at the aftermath, his eyes devoid of guilt.

Ultimately, the hall was in ruins, with bodies scattered randomly on the cold stone floor. Dhruv stood amidst the chaos, breathing heavily and surrounded by the scent of death. Sweat and blood mixed on his forehead as he glanced at the aftermath with eyes that were devoid of any guilt.

Dhruv knew he had become something he hated. He accepted that he had become a monster, a being of destruction. However, he believes that for his survival, he should have grown into this long ago.

"Ahhh! Such silence... I loved it..."

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