Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

114. Pretty boy Sasori’s father: There are also labor and management!

“Lord Mujian, hurry up! We will break!!!”

“No.. Impossible! How can people who join hands with a family leave their companions, their goal is me, I will hold them back, you go away…”



A few hundred meters in front of Zhendou and the others, the wet and blood-soaked Difficulty Mujian and the three wounded little brothers beside him ran away and scrambled to break the back. Whose ancestral grave was dug, it’s just a simple mission to sneak into the land of water, so I can’t die when I meet the six Six Tails who were stocked by Wuyin and a group of Wunin are fighting. The perception of the beast is incomparable, and the bloodline of Huishou Muma, who is surrounded by hands, can be sensed through a few brown rice. After sensing the son of Wisdom Hashirama, Six Tails instantly burst into rage, and the mist ninja, who was torn apart with him, rushed in front of Kanshou Kima at a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per hour. , Although Difficult Hand Mujian is the son of his Laozi, the old lady is also a top-level service battle horn, but his talent belongs to the upper middle class, he did not inherit the heaven-defying Wood Style of his Laozi, Sealing Techniques is also so-so, and he can take it out. It was just a waterway and a king’s way, and he was fighting on the road again. He was already exhausted by the indiscriminate bombardment by the Six Tails, and a group of mist-nin who were so immortal arrived just in time.

After seeing the protagonists who were indiscriminately bombarded by Six Tails, their eyes lit up one by one, and their saliva was drooling. His reputation has occupied the top ten in the ninja world all the year round. Even the ninjas who have just hooked up do not know him, the son of the “God of Ninja”! The contemporary patriarch of the Konoha Huishou family! Although I don’t know why they came The land of water, but it doesn’t matter now!

Let’s not talk about the benefits of killing Keite Kima in the village, just listening to the price of Tetsuki in the black market, as long as he kills him even if he is not a ninja, it will be enough for them to live a lifetime! Even more warning to kill the son of the god of ninjas This record will definitely bring them to the pinnacle of their lives by winning this year’s World Mister Ninja Award. In recent years, the World Mister Ninja Award has been monopolized by Konoha White Fang and Sand Shinobi Golden Lion. This year’s award for Kima will go to their Wuyin Village!

And in the face of Rashou Muma, I don’t know if Rashou Hashirama did something unconscionable to Six Tails to repay his son. When Kirin rushed up, Six Tails not only didn’t fight with them, but instead Team up with them to attack Weishou Mujian even harder.

However, although Mujian hand in hand does not have Wood Style, he is still the patriarch of a wealthy family, and his own strength is still a lot. Go, if it wasn’t for the strong perseverance that propped him up to see people for the last time, the Six Paths old man would have saved face and didn’t call him down

Judging by the amount of blood spurting from his body, even the massive amount of life force of Hashirama couldn’t contain it.

But seeing that Huishou Mujian was already seriously injured and not far from death, how could he miss this opportunity, seeing that a few people in Weishou Mujian were about to run away and chased after the guy’s head, it was the one who reached the peak of human beings Their hearts supported them across the ocean to catch up to the other side.

“Humph! Old man….cough, Tsunade’s father, just by chance! I didn’t expect to meet you here, you guys are… being hunted down”~?”

Just when Rakuten Kima was about to stay and break it, the handprints on his hands had already begun to clump together, which were not Ninjutsu’s handprints, when a familiar and disgusting voice came from behind him, especially “Tsunade he “Father” is the name in the whole ninja world, only that bastard kid Sand Shinobi calls him that, Keite Kima doesn’t need to turn around and just use his ass to know who it is


“Gold, Golden Lion!!o(Ogga”

The three little brothers around Nanshou Mujian didn’t have the “perception ability” as he did. When he turned around, his mouth was floating. He had a golden hair with a ponytail on his head, and a large golden sword was held at his waist. The feeling of oppression that makes people want to call my father rushes to my face, this is not the Sand Shinobi Golden Lion who is facing the air with their White Fang Lord Zhao Tiandi, or should I compare the emblem like this, I met Six in the land of water Tails, we are about to go to the land of fire, and in the land of flowers, we meet the Golden Lion…

The three younger brothers gave up the treatment in an instant, and now except for the serious injury of Mr. Mujian, they are all injured, even in their peak state, they can’t do it!

“Hmph! Golden Lion, Sand Shinobi Tenji puppet master! You are also here to want labor? (^VX)”

Difficulty Mujian never gave a good face to this kid who had kidnapped his precious daughter, let alone many Konoha ninjas who died at the hands of this kid in recent years.

“.”Look at you, everyone is so acquainted with people who eat gunpowder as soon as they meet. How can I say that Tsunade and I are also “good friends”, why do I want your head? I, Gong Lie Does Zhendou look like the kind of person who is short of money?

Zhendou helplessly spreads his hands, and sure enough, it is very difficult for him to clean up his criminal record in the Tanshou clan. Except for Uzumaki Mito, whose ideological realm is one level higher, no one in the shou-shou clan has given him a good face.


However, Sasori’s father, who is next to Zhendou, is feeling a little dark. Although this Konoha’s ninja uncle has a bad tone, someone finally mentions him! It feels light and cool… (Ca^* )/

“The kid in front… FUCK!!! GOLD… Golden Lion!! o(Orga”

At this time, Wu Ren, who was chasing and killing, has come to the gap. Standing on the C position, it looks like the shark tooth of the big brother who took the lead is not very good, and there are so many younger brothers behind him, and his momentum is also fierce. Look at When he stopped at the stall and stopped running, he was chatting awkwardly with a little ghost, and he was a little annoyed. Is this why I look down on them Wu Ren?

Being chased and killed, but still in the mood to chat awkwardly with people, how much fuck do you despise them?

Just when I was about to start spraying, a sense of oppression that made me call my father came to my face. After seeing the kid clearly, I almost didn’t freak out. Isn’t this the Golden Lion of Sand Shinobi, this year’s world ninja Mr. Shio!!

“Draft master! And labor and capital Gonglie!! Puppet art · attack!????”

The boy Sasori, who was ignored once again, his father, at this time, the battle broke out in the small universe!

Dammit’s figure like Konoha’s ninja uncle knows his name as a puppet master, and this gang of Mist Ninja dares to ignore him!,

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