Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

19. The funny thing about planting a tree is dead

“Shinto…. Shinto, Chiyo-sama let you go to Downwind Studio…”

Yesterday, I managed to coax the handsome Sasori’s father to go to school obediently. The next morning, before he got up, he was woken up by Anbu who suddenly appeared in the room and was wrapped tightly with only two eyes exposed. .

“Fuck! This big brother! People are scary and they will scare people to death. Who are you leading and how to teach you? You won’t slam the door before you come in! (▼へ▼メ)”

Shinto jumped up and said angrily.

He opened his sleepy eyes, and at the first glance, he saw a geek who was completely wrapped up in front of him. The distance was still so close, no matter who he was, he would be scared to pee.

A little, a little, and Conqueror’s Haki was terrified.

Fortunately, he has not reached the age of manual operation, otherwise it would be embarrassing if there is any smell in the room…

“Cough cough… Chiyo-sama has an urgent matter for you to go to Fengying Studio…”

I don’t know if I was a little ashamed by what Shinto said or if I remembered that it was really rude not to knock on the door before entering the room, and I was ashamed to stay there. The Anbu brother coughed twice in embarrassment and quickly disappeared from the room after passing the message. Just like when he came, not a single cloud was left…

“……Fuck! That’s how the Third Generation slut taught my younger brother? (⊙_⊙)?”

After little brother Anbu left, Shinto looked at the position of the little brother just now with a confused expression. No wonder he was going to be killed by his eldest nephew. The upper beam was not right and the lower beam was crooked. Being the boss is not so good. It is estimated that the Third Generation girl must have discovered some little secrets of the handsome Sasori in the future, such as whether he used his left hand or his right hand when he was a teenager… and then he will be killed by the handsome Sasori when he discovers it. .

Pooh! Well deserved…!

That’s right, for four years, Sunagakure… not right! It should be said that all the major ninja villages in the ninja world copied Senju Tobirama. After Senju Tobirama established Anbu in Konoha, they all copied it shamelessly. Even the name was too lazy to change the copy and paste… No ! Changed two words, Anbu established by Senju Tobirama is called Konoha Assassination Tactical Special Unit, and then the shadows of the major villages changed two words slightly in order to prevent Senju Tobirama from asking for copyright fees, Sunagakure’s name is Sand Shinobi Assassination Tactics Special Forces, Cloud Shinobi Village is called Cloud Shinobi Assassination Tactics Special Forces, Iwagakure is called Rock Shinobi Assassination Tactics Special Forces…….

Although there is a serious suspicion of following the trend, the full name of the family is different from that of Konoha, which also makes Senju Tobirama a group of psychologically disgusting like eating shit, a group of shameless follower dogs…… .

And this special unit of assassination tactics, referred to as Anbu, has been directly under the village shadow since its establishment. At present, as the “intimate” little brother of Samana, he is also the benchmark for the younger generation of Sand Shinobi. In the future, the Third Generation will naturally become the minister of this Anbu, which can be described as One person is more than ten thousand people. The promotion of Third Generation in the future is also a myth in the Sunagakure workplace. In just a few years, he can climb from the errand runner from the periphery to the position of Minister Anbu. It will take at least ten or twenty years for the body, but it will only take a few years for Third Generation to do it in the future.



“Brother Sunagawa, your Anbu needs to rectify his style. It’s really going downhill! The Anbu team member who sat down in a dignified manner doesn’t even understand the most basic etiquette of entering the house and knocking on the door. It’s okay this time. , I’m just an underage child. If I don’t knock on the door when I enter Aunt Chiyo’s room next time, I’ll have a big problem…Eh? Everyone is here….Today is preparing for the annual meeting What? (⊙_⊙)?”

After brushing his teeth, washing his face and slowly eating breakfast, he came to Fengying Building and smashed the door of Fengying’s office with a punch. Before anyone entered the room, the sound had already entered the office. When he walked into the office, he saw, good guy, Almost all the people above the red stick level in the village have arrived. Fortunately, this Fengying office is big enough, otherwise it really can’t squeeze so many people.


Everyone in the room looked at Shinto who walked in with black lines all over his head. He was almost nine years old and almost ten years old, and his mouth was still so cheap… Mr. Liezhen should have shot this stinky boy against the wall.. …ヽ(ー_ー11)

An annual meeting? Too bad you can figure it out.


“Stinky boy, what are you talking about, I asked you to come for a big deal, be serious, don’t laugh…”

Chiyo patted his dog’s head angrily and said.

“What is such a great event, such a big battle, the aliens attacked?”

Shinto rubbed his head and complained.

In the dark outside the window of Fengying Building, the little brother Anbu who bravely broke into Shinto’s room almost fell off the roof.

Fuck money, isn’t it just to wake you up to sleep, do you need to make a small report in front of so many people…ヽ(‘ー`)?

The surrounding Anbu also looked at this little Anbu sympathetically.

My condolences…..

“…. It’s even more amazing than the alien attack. I received accurate news that Senju Hashirama passed away yesterday evening. Isn’t it amazing?”

Hai Zang rolled his eyes and said.

Originally, Shinto should not have participated in this meeting. Although his strength has grown rapidly in recent years, although he has never played against each other, he has sometimes observed that the kendo alone is very lethal, at least There is also the level of Jōnin, a Jōnin who is nine years old and ten years old?


If this news is released, it will not shock the entire ninja world. Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara are not so fierce…

But even if this kid’s talent is exaggerated, he is not a ninja according to the regular procedures, so it is not his turn to participate in the conference. This kid also came to this meeting.

As a result, everyone arrived, and Anbu, who went to call this kid, came back for more than half an hour. This guy came over very slowly, and the saliva from his mouth smelled a little onion. Haizang was sure that this stinky kid Must have come after breakfast.

“Damn it! The old joker who was planting trees has finally died. Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and start working together! What are you doing here, waiting for the fart here! σ(⊙▽⊙a”

As soon as Shinto heard Haizo say that Senju Hashirama, the old joker, had died, the whole person immediately became energized, rolled up his sleeves and looked at everyone in good spirits and said. *

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