Born Tech Mad

Chapter 1

My brain is getting slower, my nerves are getting weaker, and my consciousness is getting fuzzy. I know that my life is coming to an end.

I am not afraid of death. The final destiny of all things is death.

Not only human beings, but the last fate of the planet cannot escape death. After 5 billion years, the sun will also burn out of energy, becoming a red giant star, and finally a white dwarf. By then, everything in the solar system will be destroyed.

Death is the greatest fairness of the Creator. I am not afraid of death. I think I have the ability to overcome it.

I am a scientist and a great genius. But the funny thing is, because of arrogance and prejudice, I was called a lunatic and a lunatic, and no one in the scientific community can understand me.

My destiny is very similar to another genius Tesla two hundred years ago. Although he has unparalleled talent, he can only endure the stigmatization and suppression of Edison in the whole life, and in the end he stayed silent.

I’m leaving this world soon, my wife, my devotion, the starkest genius of the Stark family, Tony’s beloved daughter, Miss Kathrie, how I want to tell you that my favorite is you.

知道 I know that human life is short, but life has a chance to become eternal.

I have been exposed to severe radiation for many years of experiments. I have always wanted to tell you that I am running out of time. That’s why I can’t accompany you for a meal, let alone have a baby with you.

I want to tell you everything, but you who hate me, how can you believe me. Only me can save me. The whole world says I’m crazy, that I’m crazy, yes, I must admit it.

I’m using technology to find a way to live forever. I found it. As long as I master the great technology of consciousness transplantation, I can live forever and I will have time to do anything with you. Every second cannot be wasted until this great technology is completed.

My devotion, I love the woman of my life, my dear Capri.

You think I don’t understand love, you hate me for loving technology, more than loving you, you suppress me in every way, and oppose me everywhere. But I do n’t know. It is because I love you that I love and kill you with technology.

Yes, you have unparalleled talent, you have the financial strength of the Stark family, you have the huge backing of the US government, and you have the support of the mysterious alliance of SHIELD. If it were not for your obstruction, I might have accomplished my feat long ago.

Kasili, my charming | cute kitten, you use all your power to try to destroy me in technology, suppress me, discredit me, just to avenge me for betraying you.

Miss Jia Sisli, I do n’t understand. I ’ve been derailed once. Compared with your passionate Iron Man dad who keeps planting everywhere, I ’m almost pure, so why do n’t you forgive me.

Okay I’m sorry! I didn’t expect that the consequences of getting out of the rails were so serious, I didn’t expect the jealous woman to be so terrible. I thought that Hulk’s Infinite Wrath was the most terrible. Now it seems that women’s anger is the most terrible.

Oh! Dear Kasri, you want me to have nothing, to make me infamous, to make me wantless, and finally to ask you. Then you can use that sexual | feeling little foot, step on my proud head, laugh at me, sneer at me, humiliate me, and perfect revenge on me.

Dear! Unfortunately! I’m more stubborn than you think. I have the strongest tenacity and indomitability in the East.

You can’t imagine that I overcome all kinds of difficulties, and I have developed consciousness transplantation technology, even though it is not perfect.

“Okay! So far in the message, my consciousness will disappear in three minutes. I do n’t have time to leave longer emails. In order to be safe, I have to order the quantum machine and start the” consciousness transmission machine “to bring my consciousness. I do n’t have time to calculate the space-time dimensions and space coordinates. I blame you, and it wastes me too much time. I do n’t know where my consciousness will be transmitted. If I succeed, I will live, fail, it will be farewell .Love your Rose, miss your Rose. “

With a dazzling ray of light rising, Rose felt his consciousness was taken out of the body and merged with the light. Under the action of the speed of light, it is flying towards a singularity in the universe.

Human beings want to travel through time and space. Under the constraints of the physical body, they can hardly do it. Only when consciousness and light are combined can they reach the speed of light and travel at the speed of light.

Ross is experimenting with his own body and is completing the greatest feat in human history.

As soon as his consciousness flew to time and space, the laboratory hidden in the ground automatically annihilated.

The quantum computer under the operation of Rose’s consciousness automatically launched a self-explosion program after the mail was sent. The nuclear fusion reactor in the laboratory blew itself up. Except for the sent mail, Rose did not leave any other scientific research results in the world that hated himself.

“Farewell, my devotion, Kasili.”

He is just a Rose of consciousness. He can’t see anything, can’t hear any sound. His consciousness is integrated with the void, and he is flying towards the unknown space-time at the speed of light.

I do not know how long, a dazzling light, awakened Rose’s consciousness.

“I succeeded, I am alive.”

The joy of success couldn’t be restrained, and Ross screamed in excitement.

The sound is so clear that consciousness cannot make a sound. Rose is convinced that he has succeeded. One of the most difficult technologies in history has been conquered by himself. There is no doubt that he has been among the greatest scientists in the world.

“It’s ten o’clock in the evening, what’s it called, who is it, come out for me.”

Just as the excitement of Roos had just ended, a flash of light flashed in. A stern sound came from the door.

门 The door of the dormitory was banged, and Ross saw it clearly. He was in a small space with four or five steel wire beds. Many young people slept on the bed. They looked like students.

“What time is this …?”

I was embarrassed by everything in front of him. He was an idiot. He was not familiar with life at the end of the 21st century. He was even poorer than students in this era.

“Ross, you have a problem! What’s your name in the middle of the night, you have brought in the old Lord of the Night, and everyone is miserable.”

After embracing Rose’s upper bunk, She Hao Wang Hao jumped off the bunk, gave Rose a stern glance, and opened the door of the dormitory bitterly.

Outside the dormitory, Yan Jianxin, about 50 years old, carried a searchlight and pushed in. Yan Jianxin was a teacher in East China No.1 Middle School. He was famous for his stubborn and conservative attitude. Student work and rest is an old habit he has formed over the years.

“Oh! Teacher Yan, it’s so late, you still don’t sleep!”

Xi Wanghao accompanied the teacher into the dormitory with a smile.

The students were very scared of Teacher Yan, calling him Yan Yan in person, and calling him Old Yan Wang behind his back.

Teacher Yan Yan wore myopic glasses, frowned, and ignored them for a long time, and walked in with a cold face.

As soon as she entered the dormitory, a pungent scent of wine came on her face, and Lao Yan’s face suddenly turned black.

“You drink, do you disregard the school ban and drink in the dormitory?”

Lao Yan’s voice exploded in the dark night sky like a thunder. All the students’ hairs stood upside down, one by one crying, shook their heads, and got up from the bed. It looked like ‘I was wrong’.

In the dormitory, five or six of his classmates stared at Rose squintingly. The expression of anxiety that they could beat Rose violently was revealed.

晚 Tonight is the 18th birthday of She Hao Wang Hao. In order to celebrate it, classmates in the dormitory went out for a while and hid, one by one drunk. After sneaking back to the dormitory, nothing happened. If it weren’t for Ross’s nervous roar in the middle of the night, everything tonight would be unknowable and unconscious.

Now that everything is over, it’s all blaming Rose.

Hearing everything that happened, he was still in the excitement of consciousness crossing. UU Kanshu

“Gentlemen, may I ask, where is this and what year is it now?”

As soon as Rose said this, the six students, and Mr. Yan, looked at Rose brushed like a fool.

Lao Yan squinted and looked at Rose, feeling that the student was a bit abnormal.

“This classmate, are you okay?”

Ross Binbin smiled politely: “Sir, can you tell me, where is this? What year is it now?”

Lao Yan groaned with excitement: “It’s over, this boy is drinking and drinking something wrong. Quickly send him to the hospital, you **** boy, the school is not allowed to drink alcohol. You don’t listen, now you are OK, drink people In this way, you all have to wait to remember. “

The roar of Xun Laoyan scared the other six students.

Wang Hao was anxious, and pulled Rose over. “It’s September 20, 2015. Here is the earth. Rose, you are fine.”

“In 2015, it was half a century behind …!”

Rose froze, and asked again.

同学 “Classmate, may I ask, have you heard of the Stark family, SHIELD?”

Wang Hao sweated coldly: “Damn, you have watched more anime and movies, Ross, don’t be stupid, don’t scare us!”

“No Stark family, no SHIELD, is this a parallel universe?”

Mutters muttered to himself, in the eyes of others, it was simply a neurological disorder.

“Fight 120! Rose’s brain is really broken, it’s time to take him to the hospital.”

Under the roar of Teacher Yan, several students cried out and pulled up 120.

In the dark, an ambulance drove into the campus. Rose had not been aware of what happened, and was pushed into the ambulance directly.

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