Born Tech Mad

Chapter 15

Tan Li arrived at the parking lot of Xinhua Hotel.

“Sure enough, a man gets worse if he has money! Only after earning 500,000, Ross will come to the four-star hotel to spend a lot of money. If he makes more money, then what?”

丽 Tan Li stopped the car and walked towards the hotel, feeling a little disgusted with Rose in her heart.

In the elegant room on the second floor of the hotel, Tan Li coldly pushed into the door.

“Miss Tan, welcome.”

Niros smiled and passed a bouquet of roses.

“You … what are you doing? Sorry, I can’t accept your roses.”

I looked at the bunch of roses, Tan Li was extremely unsuitable, her face was red. She pushed away the flower that Rose handed over.

I was refused to let Rose get hurt a little: “Miss Tan, in order to show my gratitude to you, I asked you to have a meal. I heard that girls like flowers. I bought them specially, why don’t you take them!”

Tan Li’s face turned redder: “Don’t you know what a rose means?”

Rose’s expression was innocent: “Isn’t it just flowers! Do you need to represent anything?”

“Ha ha … Haven’t eaten pork, have you ever seen a pig run? Ross, I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person!”

Tan Li’s voice is full of irony.

Rose is a little strange, his expression is very innocent: “Miss Tan, I don’t understand a bit, what kind of person I am, your tone … seems to be very dissatisfied with me.”

“Well, just make a little money, you come to the hotel to spend a lot of time, invite girls to eat, give away roses. Let you earn 10 million … Are you planning to pack the entire nightclub, please a group of beautiful women to revel with you! “

Rose was anxious: “Miss Tan, I thank you for asking you to eat! I want to give you a gift. I don’t know what to send. In a hurry, I find a man on the street and ask the girl What he likes, he said he likes flowers, and I bought them! “

“Do n’t pretend to be pure, have you never watched a TV movie? Roses represent love, and only lovers send roses to each other!”

After Tan Li said this, Rose instantly blushed like a pig’s liver: “I was pitted by that guy … Miss Tan, if I said, I really haven’t seen modern TV movies, I don’t know the meaning of roses, you Do you believe it? “

“A fool will believe.”

“Okay … I’m so idiot. I’m blank about life and dealing with people. I always make jokes. It’s a waste of food. Eat it if you want. If you don’t want it, I’ll eat it myself Right. “

Rose just wanted to thank Tan Li, but it turned out to be a show of love. With such a big joke, Rose was a little helpless. Except for eating his head down, he really didn’t know how to alleviate this awkward situation.

谭 In Tan Li’s eyes, Rose is still only an 18-year-old child. In adolescence, he has a good feeling for the opposite sex, and it is not an injustice to want to pursue it.

Tan Li calmed down and persuaded: “Rose, you are very young now, you are so talented that you should focus on your career. Do n’t let eating, drinking, and chasing after girls, waste your youth, ruin For your whole life. “

“Miss Tan, you think too much, I really didn’t think about chasing you. Although you are very beautiful, and you have a lot of money at home. But I have seen girls who are more beautiful and richer than you. It ’s just a pity , I didn’t give her a rose. “

Ross’s muttering words are like rumblings when a confession is rejected.

Tan Li couldn’t help laughing: “Don’t you tell me, that girl is Jiasili.”

Rose was taken aback: “How do you … know Capri?”

“You said you missed it, and I have a good memory.”

Rose smiled and gave a thumbs up: “You are amazing. You are like Tony’s housekeeper Pepper. You can remember it by accident. If you accidentally say it, you can remember it.” Miss Tan, you have such a good memory, Competent and might as well be my Pepper. “

Tan Li thinks that Rose is joking: “Okay, then you have to be an Iron Man.”

“It’s not easy yet. When I have money, I will show you a set of” Anti-Tony Armor “to tell you the truth, this suit of armored iron man is as easy as a dog.”

罗斯 “Ross … you’re not going to be a” Iron Man “movie, so fascinated?”

“I’m not obsessed, it’s Iron Man’s daughter who is too obsessed with me.”

丽 Tan Li suddenly had doubts: “Ross, to be honest, are you mentally … Is there really a problem?”

Ross grinned: “They all say that, but I don’t mind. What’s so bad about neurosis? You don’t need to pay attention to the way you speak, you don’t have to commit a crime if you are killed by a neurosis. Oh!”

Tan Li felt that chatting with Rose was too absurd and boring: “Okay, I won’t talk to you. The genius’ thinking is different from ordinary people. I can’t understand it. This is the key to my home. The address is 521 Nanyin Avenue . Are you going to go by yourself? Or will I send you. “

“It’s too embarrassing today, so don’t bother Miss Tan, I’ll go by myself. I’m really sorry for today’s misunderstanding.”

算 “Forget it, you’re still a child, I can’t care about you, don’t give away roses in the future. This is the key to my house, I’ll go back to the company, take care of yourself.”

“Thank you!”

Rose took the key and watched Tan Li get in the car. She smiled and took a taxi to Nanyin Avenue.

Tongnanyin Avenue is the most prosperous area in East China. Those who can buy a house and build a villa here are definitely rich people.

Luosi took a taxi to Nanyin Avenue, a broad road, surrounded by dozens of meters of sycamore trees. These sycamore trees set off the street with greenery. In urban areas, this elegant environment is naturally expensive.

Rose followed the street number plate and found number 512.

大小 The size of this house is about 500 square meters, with three floors above and below, luxuriously decorated, and a garden pool in the back. Based on the price, the estimated cost of this villa has reached tens of millions.

“The house is nice and stylish, but it’s pitifully small compared to Tony’s guy’s villa.”

He is indeed a weird man. He has seen a lot of luxurious things, but everything in the lives of the people at the bottom is completely strange to him.

Without any restraint, he took out the key, opened the electronic door on the ground floor, and Rose entered the villa.

The entire villa is empty, except for occasional cleaners who come in to clean up and clean up, this luxurious villa has almost no occupants. It seems that the father and daughter of the Tan family are busy with their careers and have no time to enjoy.

“If this villa is remodeled and turned into a research room, it would be a good place.”

Rose has formed a quirk, wherever he goes, he thinks of his own research room.

A person’s life is boring, even in a mansion. Bored with a hot bath, after sitting in the spacious living room and watching TV for a while, he feels that he can’t waste time like this.

Ross intends to start developing the product of that heating rod from now on.

别 Don’t look at this simple thing, it’s just one that has been reduced by dozens of times, and hundreds of times hotter.

But it ’s different from ‘Hot fast’. Faster heat means the water can be heated by turning on the power. The heating rod relies on the electrical energy carried by it to heat the water.

To make a toothpick-sized heating rod to heat one liter of water, the material of the heating rod must be the most easily conductive metal, so that it can be quickly converted into thermal energy by power conversion, and the water is boiled.

The material of the heating rod is silver, which is the best material, but silver, a rare metal, is very expensive, and it will definitely increase the cost of the heating rod.

Small things like this must be cheap and affordable in order to have a market. The price is too high, and no one is willing to buy it.

Thinking over and over again, Ross decided that the main material of the heating rod should be made of metal silicon, with other materials such as aluminum and iron, UU Kanshu www. manufactures heating elements for heating rods.

It took Ross less than an hour. Through computer simulation and calculation, Ross has worked out the metal formula of the heating rod heating element, using 98% metal silicon, 1.5% iron, 0.45% aluminum, plus 0.05%. Silver can make a starting hot rod.

R & D and production of heating elements is not a problem for Ross. The last important part is the heating device for heating rod power.

东西 This thing is the crystallization of the technology of the heating rod, it must be able to quickly release powerful electric energy, and heat the water through the heating rod.

Rose must develop a toothpick-sized miniature battery, and the battery’s power must be able to boil one liter of water.

Future world, the power source of the heating rod is made of nano metal, that super material, the size of a needle tip can hold Baidu electricity. A finger-sized nano-metal battery can drive a car for thousands of kilometers.

After searching online for research and development progress on nanomaterials, Ross finally found that a domestic company has preliminary nanometal technology. This company is called ‘Zhenghua Company’. They have developed the replacement of graphite and tin oxides for lithium batteries with ‘nano-titanium oxide’ and ‘nano-silicon oxide’. If this new battery is successfully developed, it can greatly increase the charge and discharge capabilities of the battery.

“I don’t know to what extent the company’s nano-titanium oxide and nano-silicon oxide technology is used to make heating rods that can accommodate two or three degrees of electricity.”

“Nanomaterials for power supply devices already exist, and research and development and design work are left.”

The enthusiasm of Roses has been fully devoted to his work. He started to write a drawing software on the computer and began to design miniature power devices.

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