Born Tech Mad

Chapter 17

Tan Lin’s phone call to agree to invest in special steel made Ross very excited.

After drinking a cup of coffee and a cup of strong tea, Rose raised his spirit and began to think about the development of special steel.

Iron Man Tony, once conquered all kinds of metal technology, just need to borrow a little Stark’s mature technology to develop special steel, it is not difficult for Ross.

The embarrassment is that Ross does not have the huge financial and material resources of the Stark Group. On the basis, it is several orders of magnitude worse.

In the future world, in addition to nanotechnology can change the properties of various metals and make super alloys, another technology has almost reached the ability of the creator.

That is the “Atomic Compression Technology”. This technology relies on a powerful atomic reactor. Under super gravity, air pressure, and high temperature, almost all materials will be compressed tighter, and the mass will become larger. More robust.

As we all know, white dwarfs have a density of 1 million tons to 10 million tons per cubic meter, and their hardness is more than one million times that of steel.

The formation of the white dwarf is the result of the star’s continuous compression of the nucleus during the fusion process.

Future scientists, after mastering controlled nuclear fusion technology, used this technology to create an atomic reactor, which simulates the process of white dwarf formation.

Although scientists figure out the environment, which is countless times weaker than the energy when the white dwarf was formed, it can still produce a special environment with atmospheric pressure and gravity reaching 10,000 times that of the earth. Under this super strong pressure and gravity, any metal Will be compressed and shattered, and finally become atomic, the nucleus is constantly compressed, becoming tighter, the mass becomes larger, and of course it will become harder and heavier.

After one ton of steel is sent to the atomic reactor, after melting and compressing it, it may be as thin as a sheet of paper, but it weighs hundreds of kilograms and its hardness is tens of thousands of times that of ordinary steel. Except for high-power lasers, nothing can cut this steel.

The Stark family once mastered this horrible technology, so Iron Man Tony can create a horror mech that is thousands of times harder than steel and tens of thousands times harder.

Crazy scientists are also trying to analyze the process of neutron star formation to create a more powerful atomic reactor, but this is an impossible task. Because there is not so much material on the earth to compress, if the earth is compressed into a neutron star, all the material on the entire earth is compressed together, and it is only the size of a soybean, and its hardness can reach 10 billion times that of Iron Man.

“If there is nuclear material, I can try to make one of the most trashy” atomic reactors “, and it is not a problem to make special steels that have a hardness hundreds of times that of steel. But I can’t get it. Where can I go for nuclear fuel? I’m afraid that before I found it, I was treated as a terrorist, caught by the state, and sent to prison. “

“Nano technology can’t work, atomic reactor can’t work, the technology of this special steel is still a little problem!”

“There is no way out, only the first-generation” arc reaction technology “and” electromagnetic technology “can be used to change the properties of steel.”

Tritium arc reaction technology is a kind of nuclear fusion technology, but it is different from thermonuclear fusion technology. It is a kind of ‘cold fusion’ technology.

During cold fusion, the temperature produced is not high, but the energy of 3 billion joules can be equivalent to more than 800 kilowatt-hours per second.

Iron Man Tony used this technology to build a reactor in a cave in Afghanistan to prevent shrapnel from entering his heart.

Mulhouse intends to make such a large reactor, using the powerful electrical energy it produces, and then pairing it with two special electromagnetic devices. Utilizing the mutual repulsion of the positive and negative electrodes of the electromagnetic field, a terrifying force field is generated. This force field can compress matter even more under the same two types of magnetic repulsion.

“Well, just do it that way. Tony was able to come up with this technology in the cave, and I can do it too. The raw material needed to develop this technology is palladium. Palladium is used for electroplating and should be available for purchase.”

Ms. Rose was already inspired, and started designing again.

All night, Ross has used the computer to draw hundreds of pictures. These pictures are thousands of pieces and are parts of the ‘arc reactor’. What kind of functions do they need or not need to be improved, and what kind of performance can be exerted when combined. All this requires Ross to use his own knowledge to judge, and then use computer simulations to infer.

Although Ross is a genius, he is not a god. It is impossible to complete such technology overnight. It takes time.

Ross still suffered a bruise on his body. Ross planned to work for four hours and sleep for half an hour, so that he could sleep without sleep to save time and use more time to work. But the body didn’t allow it, and after only three hours, Rose felt short of heart and shortness of breath, flustered terribly, and his heart was too weak. In desperation, Rose had no choice but to go out to sleep.

The next morning, Rose had just got up, and the door was knocked in bangs.

I opened the door curiously, and Rose saw Tan Li who had been put on a white one-piece dress.

After taking off her work clothes, changing to a one-piece skirt, and untangling her long hair, Tan Li only showed stunning beauty. UU Reading Books

“Tan … Miss Tan, you are so pretty!” Rose looked a little dull for a moment, and her tongue was a little knotted.

Tan Li smiled: “Student Ross, my dad has ordered me to work with you. From today on, I will be your personal assistant and chief financial officer to cooperate with you in developing special steel projects. The 10 million starting capital has now arrived. It will be 3 million, and in the next three days, all the special funds will be in place. “

Rose was overjoyed: “Awesome, with the help of Miss Tan, my work will certainly be able to do more with less. Once I am put into work, I forget everything, and I need Miss Tan to help me remember something!”

“Rose, don’t call me Miss Tan, I’m about five years older than you, just call me Assistant Tan or Sister Li.”

“Well, Sister Li, I am a bit hungry. What have you prepared for me for breakfast?”

Tan Li was a little upset, and raised her cheeks angrily: “Rose … Are you a little too much? I’m an assistant to you, not a servant or servant. I also want breakfast for me. No matter! “

Ross scratched his head and said seriously: “You have no one in your house, and I will not make breakfast. I will not go to your assistant. Who do I go to? Forget it, if Miss Tan is in trouble, I will go to the street myself Go eat. “

Tan Li’s mouth has always been hard-hearted and soft-hearted. Seeing that Rose did not intentionally drive herself, she calmed down: “Forget it, take care of the children. Eat little food on the street stalls, don’t say no nutrition, not clean. I only You can make fried eggs, porridge, hot milk, and noodles. Would you like to eat them? “

“I just want to make Sister Li, I like to eat.”

“Okay, wait a minute, I’ll do it.”

“Sister Xie Li.”

After Tan Li walked away, Rose lay down in front of the computer and continued her design work.

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