Born Tech Mad

Chapter 19

Tan Li’s work efficiency, Rose is very satisfied.

I only spent five days under the command of Tan Li and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars. The third floor of the Tan House has been successfully transformed.

On the whole floor, the concrete wall in the middle was completely removed. A glass door with a sensor was replaced. All windows were blocked. Only two large vents were left, and two exhaust fans were placed to ensure The quality of the air.

All the wires in the floor are replaced with thick arm cables to ensure that the scientific research room can withstand huge power consumption.

The tap water pipes in the Diaolou have been replaced with huge water pipes with thick buckets, which can provide a huge amount of water for the research room.

Tan Li smiled and asked: “Rose, are you satisfied?”

Rose smiled and said, “Well, yes. I’m starting work.”

Tan Li was a little surprised: “Rose, aren’t you saying that the various technologies of special steel, you are still researching and designing, start to act so soon!”

“Oh, you’ll know in a while.”

Rose started to make a phone call, and an hour later, a group of people brought in the various parts and materials that Rose bought to make the heating rod.

Metal silicon powder, iron powder, aluminum powder, silver ingot, these materials are used to make the heating element of the heating rod.

According to the two nanomaterials sent by Wu Zhenghua, Rose intends to make miniature power cells.

In addition, there is a high-temperature electric furnace, a 3D printer developed by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, a press, a wire drawing machine, and many molds, various copper wires, and rice grain sizes ordered from electronics factories. Micro integrated circuit board. There is even a pile of clay for sculpture, various tools, circuit welding guns … some chemical analysis instruments.

Tan Li watched as the workers kept moving a large number of things into the research room, and suddenly became confused.

罗斯 “Rose, although I don’t understand technology, but I can see that these things are not related to the development of steel. What do you want to do?”

Rose deliberately sold Guanzi: “Sister Li, you’ll know these things in a while, but it cost me 480,000 yuan! That 3D printer is the most expensive. If I make it myself, the estimated cost is only 20,000 yuan. But those guys sold it to me and it cost me 200,000. That’s 10 times the added value brought by technology! If it’s not to save time, I really don’t want to buy it. “

Tan Li was a little dazed: “What the **** are you doing?”

“Hey, you’ll know in a while.”

After Ross commanded the workers to place everything in the required location, and paid the workers for the work, Ross returned to the research room excitedly.

接通 After the electric furnace is connected to the power supply, this high-temperature furnace can generate a high temperature of more than 4000 degrees, and ordinary steel can be melted.

Rose put on work clothes, put on goggles, weighed the bags of metal silicon powder, iron powder, aluminum powder, weighed them, poured them into the furnace proportionally, and put a few more The silver ingot was also thrown in.

Rose started the high-temperature furnace, and the furnace began to turn. The various materials were mixed evenly during the agitation, the temperature was rapidly increasing, and the various metals inside were turning red, turning into molten iron, and mixing with each other.

“Sister Li, can you do me a favor?”

“Rose, I don’t know technology, what do you and me do!”

Rose pointed to the pile of dirt, and he smiled, “Help me and mud.”

“You … aren’t mistaken! Let me play with mud.” Tan Li sulked.

Rose smiled: “Oh! I really don’t play with you, help me and I can’t do so much work by myself. Adding about 40% of water to the soil is as plastic as the clay that comes out. I’m poor now, and my money is tight. I don’t have the money to build a production line, so I can only use mud to make a simple cooling tank. “

Tan Li was a little bit upset: “Why don’t you find a construction worker to help you, let me do this kind of rough work … you are too much.”

“No way, I don’t believe anyone except Sister Li. If you don’t help me, then you can go back to rest and I will take care of myself. Hey! I’m pathetic, little arms and calves, and Heart disease, this heavy work leaves me to do it by myself, can you bear it? “

丽 Tan Li’s soft and kind flaws were stunned by Rose, and she glared at Rose, her heart softened: “Well … for your pity and sickness, I will help you and Mud.”

“Sister Xie Li, the soil is reconciled, call me, I’m busy.”

Rose ran to the side with a smile, started to fiddle with the press, and after the two nanomaterials were decomposed using chemicals, Ross used the mechanical force of the press to press the two materials together.

混合 After mixing the two nanomaterials, Rose couldn’t wait, holding an instrument for analysis and analysis, and wanted to see the performance of these two nanomaterials.

哎 “Ah! The pressure is not enough, the two materials are not pressed tight enough, and the storage and discharge capacity is not sufficient.”

Ross began to adjust the pressure of the press, and continued to experiment.

Rose was busy again and again. On the concrete ground dozens of meters away, Tan Li transformed from a baby boss of a business owner, a senior white-collar worker, and became a female construction worker. After adding the pile of mud to the water, she labored with a shovel, and Dirt and stir well.

“Rose of no conscience, little Ross of the bastard, let me do such heavy work, rough work, too inhuman.”

Only when she turned the shovel a few times, Tan Li was exhausted and tired. Bai Nian’s little hand had blistered, and she almost cried with pain.

Tan Li is kind and stubborn. Although she is tired and painful, since she has agreed to Rose, she must complete the work.

Gritted his teeth and put on his gloves, Tan Li could only turn the soil a few times, rest for a while, and work hard to complete the rough work.

Rose has been devoted to his work. For nearly an hour of research at UU,, the compression and synthesis of two nanomaterials has reached perfection.

He took another job and began to lie on the table, fiddle with those welding guns, and solder various parts on tiny integrated circuit boards. Working hard for the power supply of the heating rod.

In the high-temperature electric melting furnace, all the metal materials have all turned into molten iron. Ross reduced the current and the furnace was kept at a constant temperature. The molten iron swelled in the furnace, and the air bubbles appeared, letting the entire space emit a breath of metal.

After three hours of busy work, it was dark, and Tan Li finally finished her work. She was so tired that she sat on the ground.

丽 Tan Li’s voice was full of anger, and she yelled at Rose: “Rose little bastard, mud and peace.”

Rose then got up from the welding table, glanced at Tan Li, who was almost tired, and laughed.

“Sister Li, go and take a bath. You are now like a mud monkey with mud on your face and body.”

“It’s not all because of you that treats me like a worker. I’m so tired. You still laugh at me and have no conscience.”

丽 Tan Li gritted her teeth and got up from the ground, grieving so much that she wanted to cry.

“I’m sorry, Sister Li, I’m really sorry. I blame me for not being a man. I’m only 18 years old, I weigh more than a hundred pounds, and I’m not as strong as you, so I can’t do this job, I’m wrong with you. Go to rest and leave I do my own work. “

“Hum! Let me do this kind of rough work in the future. I’m not this assistant anymore. I’ll change you to a man, and you’ll just toss.”

The palms of her hands are full of blisters. Tan Li is still a Miss Qianjin in the final analysis. To her strength is a kind of torture. Now she glared at Rose and trembled downstairs.

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