Born Tech Mad

Chapter 32

This night is the sweetest night that Rose has slept since crossing.

The design work of the special steel project has been completed. The feasibility of this technology has been proved to be completely feasible through thousands of simulations on the computer. The remaining work of Rose is to manufacture it.

The next day when he got up, Rose couldn’t wait to start working.

打印 Printed the purchase order in the computer and gave it to Tan Li. The order Rose gave her was very simple, and she paid for the hundreds of items on the list.

Tan Li has now become a professional buyer, she began to contact the parts and materials on the purchase list through the phone and the Internet.

All kinds of international calls are constantly dialed out. To purchase everything on the list, Tan Li needs to deal with hundreds of companies, which is a lot of work. But Tan Lile was in it, and she wanted to witness the miracle.

Everything is ready, only due to Dongfeng. After Tan Li purchases the consignment, Rose will be able to develop the “ arc reactor ” and “ electromagnetic device ” by himself, and the special steel project will be officially launched.

Rose is in a very good mood now, while the goods have not yet arrived, for a little free time, Rose ran to the lawn outside the villa, soaked a cup of tea, quietly basking in the sun, feeling a little bit of life.

At noon, Rose was swimming leisurely in the pool, and Tan Lin called again.

At the end of the call, Tan Lin was very excited: “Student Ross, the military ’s first order is here. The Ministry of Defense is very interested in your heater. They have already paid a 5 million deposit and decided to purchase 5 million heaters. Great, the remaining 20 million funds will not be paid until the product is completed and the military passes the inspection. This is a 25 million business! Would you like to come to the production site to see it? “

嗯 “Well! I’ll take a look later.”

I chatted with Tan Lin for a while, and Rose hung up and got up from the pool.

5 million heating rods are worth 25 million, and the cost of heating rods is about 5 to 50 yuan. Even if you pay some taxes, excluding labor costs, machine costs, and profits can reach at least 400%, minus 30% of Lihua’s profits. The light military order can make Ross Pure earn more than 10 million yuan.

“I didn’t expect that a small heating rod can bring so much wealth. Only one order can make so much money. If I sell more and rely on this little thing, I can make a fortune!” Can’t help getting excited.

“I made more than 10 million yuan, which is equivalent to only 1.5 million US dollars! When can my heater go to the world to make US dollars and euros!”

Rose’s heart has gone wild. If the heating rod is exported, the profit will be dozens of times. This return on investment is enough to make those giant companies vomit blood with envy. But how to develop foreign markets, Rose has no plans.

Dressed slowly, Rose’s mind has begun to shift to business models.

“Lihua is just a small company. Its popularity abroad is almost equal to zero. To enter the foreign market, you must invite stars to advertise, and talk about it! The big names in Europe and the United States, the appearance fee is scary, and it is millions. US dollars. Can’t afford it! “

“Please ask the little stars to be not well-known and not to make a name. How does this develop foreign markets?”

Rose’s head started to turn wildly.

“Haha, I thought of it. I want to ask a big-name star to help me endorse a hot rod. And I believe that he won’t ask me for a penny of advertising costs, as long as I give him a gift.”

In the office upstairs, Tan Lizheng was making a terrible cross-country phone call, and Rose’s laughter outside the lawn was heard by her.

丽 Tan Li couldn’t help but poke out her head through the window: “Rose, do you want to ask a star to help you endorse advertising? You don’t want a penny of advertising costs! Do you have a relationship with foreign stars?”

“Hey! No, but I believe this star won’t charge me for advertising.”

Tan Li was curious: “Can you tell me, which star do you want to ask for your help?”

Rose proudly said: “Oh! You can tell Sister Li that what I want to invite is Belgrils, the protagonist of” Survival in the Wild. “Although Pei Ye is not a movie star, but a survival expert, his popularity is no less than European and American big-name celebrities. If you ask him to endorse me a heating rod, it will definitely spread my product popularity in Europe and America. “

Tan Li couldn’t help but be surprised: “Bell is really a cow. As a man at the top of the food chain, his popularity is very wide. But Bell also wants to make money. He has to pay for commercial performances. You don’t know him and want him to give You advertise for free. Student Rose, a little whimsical. “

Ross grinned: “Sister Li, don’t look down on me. I don’t understand business, but I don’t want to spend time studying business. I do not know Bell, but I know he was a special soldier and a keen saber hobby. Let me tell you the truth, I want to send Bell a unique special knife in the world. This knife’s temptation. Just like the beauty’s temptation to pervert. Bell can’t resist it. As long as he promises to carry my A heating rod records the show. I’ll send him a knife of this kind. “

“Rose, are you really sure that Bell will give up advertising fees for a knife?”

“I’m sure, definitely, and certainly. Bell’s saber will be made of my special steel. With this saber, Pye is invincible in survival. He can cut anything and use it as a knife. Fan, he can’t stop the temptation. Confusion. Well, sister Li, I don’t talk much. I’m going to Lihua Company to supervise and guide the production of the first batch of heating rods. I won’t come back for lunch at noon.

“Well then, call me if something happens. Here are my car keys.”

Tan Li smiled, dropped the car key, retracted her head, and continued to focus on purchasing.

To make sure that the order from the military was not wrong, Roosevelt drove to Lihua Company.

Qi Lihua Company has delineated an area of ​​the factory independently to make heating rods. Since other production lines are still under construction, only the production line from Rose is used in the plant. Tan Lin and a group of employees are busy back and forth around that production line.

Ross personally operates the production line and serves as a role model for employees, except that the operating procedures of 3D printers are a bit cumbersome. This production line is not difficult to operate.

罗斯 Under the personal teaching of Rose, the employees quickly learned the process of manufacturing the heating rod. Rose supervised the production work of the employee for a while. Only after the large-scale safe production of the heating rod, Rose said goodbye to Tan Lin. Drive back to the city center.

A single production line can only produce more than 50,000 heating rods a day. If other production lines are assembled next week, the military’s order can be delivered within a week. Rose will also make his first fortune of tens of millions.

Recently, it seems that good fortune and luck. In addition to the military order that can bring tens of millions of profits, Ross just returned to Tan’s villa, and a phone call made Ross extremely excited.

Mr. Wesley, the vice president of Huaxia District of Procter & Gamble, called Rose. He was very interested in Rose’s battery technology and thought it would be worth it to buy this technology for $ 10 million. But he needed Rose to provide him with various patent certificates before he was willing to negotiate a contract.

Those patent certificates have not been a problem for a long time. When Ross came up with a heating rod a month ago, he had already applied for various patents, and the certificates had already been sent.

Now Ross smiled and invited Wesley to meet the villa and talk about the tens of millions of business ~ ~ Welcome book readers to visit, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are in ~ www ~ Please read for mobile users.

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