Born Tech Mad

Chapter 34

In the villa, Rose lay on the sofa, quietly thinking about the future.

The 8 million US dollars after tax deduction has been converted into RMB, which has reached nearly 50 million. Ross has already counted half a billionaires, but Ross does not intend to enjoy these 8 million US dollars.

Because it’s not time to enjoy it, Rose must race against death to solve the problem of heart disease first. This $ 8 million is just for the development of biotechnology.

Biotechnology covers a wide range of fields and covers a wide range of levels.

Rose intends to use this $ 8 million to purchase advanced equipment and start developing genetic technology to solve physical problems.

Barrows thought of two ways to save himself.

One is to use gene cloning technology to use your own cells to clone a heart that is suitable for you. In the future, you will have a heart transplant to replace the weakening heart.

Organ transplantation technology is now being studied in various countries. It has been used in some kidney and liver operations. Heart transplants can be done in hospitals in some developed countries.

But the heart is different from other organs. It is the heaviest organ in the human body. The heart supplies blood throughout the body. If the human brain is hypoxic for more than three minutes, it will cause irreparable memory damage.

The heart has a close relationship with the human brain. A small problem during the operation may cause memory decline, and intelligence decline, or leave a variety of irritable sequels such as irritability, personality change, and even personality splits. The higher the intelligence, the greater the impact.

钢铁 Iron Man Tony’s heart was damaged that year. With his financial resources and advanced organ transplantation technology in the Marvel universe, he was fully capable of replacing himself with a heart.

It is precisely because of the fear of ‘heart-change surgery’ that it will bring about various unpredictable sequelae. Tony has never exchanged his heart. Anyway, the ‘arc reactor’ can make him live a lifetime.

Ross is not as lucky as Tony. Without changing his heart, he can only live for three to five years. He has no time to consume. Heart-change surgery became a way for Rose to consider healing himself.

Another technology for treating heart disease is nano-biotechnology.

技术 This technology is similar to culturing bacteria, except that the bacteria that scientists have cultivated are calculated in nanometer units. One nanometer is one billionth of a meter.

Future scientists will be able to cultivate 0.001 nanometer microorganisms. This nanometer unit of microorganisms can secrete a variety of different nutrients, freely enter any organ of the human body, and repair human necrotic cells. This operation does not require incision of human tissues and does not cause any harm to the human body. But the technical content is very high. If the microorganisms are not controlled, they are equal to bacteria, and the harm caused by them can instantly kill humans, and humans are extremely complicated, and it is difficult to master this technology.

In the future, human scientists will be able to create 0.1-nm micro-intelligent robots. These tiny robots, which are 10,000 times thinner than hair, can easily crawl around human capillaries, follow instructions, and carry drugs to repair the human body.

In the future world, medicine is highly developed. Iron Man Tony, at 55 years of age, underwent this nano-biological surgery, and the heart was perfectly repaired. He finally no longer needs a reactor to protect the heart.

“For the body, we must develop biological genetic technology. Nanotechnology is complex and takes longer. I have to prepare for both hands. Starting with biological cloning technology and preparing for both hands, I will make myself live longer. “

After making a decision, Roosevelt immediately started to take action, while the raw materials and machine parts of special steel were not yet available, and he had free time, he had begun to prepare a genetic plan.

发展 To develop genetic technology, Rose must have the world’s most advanced biological laboratory and the most advanced scientific research equipment. This is a bit more complex and larger task. What Rose wants to do is still start with design.

In front of the computer, Rose was as busy as a machine again, starting with laboratory design.

The new genetic engineering must use a more advanced laboratory. This laboratory has very strict environmental requirements. It must have sterilization, air filtration, ultraviolet filtration, and microbial filtration systems. The laboratory must be in a dust-free state. Except for the people and organisms entering the laboratory, they must undergo a nine-stage anti-virus sterilization process. Each strand of incoming air must be completely purified before it can flow in.

The Tan family’s villa can no longer meet Rose’s needs. Ross plans to buy a plot of land to build a world’s most advanced biological laboratory.

In addition to the design of the laboratory, the standards are extremely high and costly.

The machines required by the Tritium Gene Project will also be the most advanced biomolecular machines, and these machines will be fully computer controlled. Except that some machines can be imported, most of the more advanced machines, Rose can only develop and manufacture by purchasing parts and raw materials. Just different machines of different models and different sizes, Rose needs thousands. If replaced with parts, at least 100,000 different parts are needed. To know the most advanced spacecraft of mankind, there are only 100,000 parts. The magnitude of this project is unimaginable.

In addition, Rose needs a variety of different chemicals, even radioactive materials, for experiments.

Many radioactive materials are listed as prohibited products, and private individuals and businesses can hardly own them except the state. The plan is more difficult than human imagination. Just announcing this plan can make a big splash in the world.

As the tall buildings rise flat, everything starts with planning.

For the sake of his life, Ross started to sit like a madman in front of a computer, designing and cramming various technical materials and parts drawings.

Twenty-three days later, the design of the laboratory was completed.

Rose printed out the design drawings. There are hundreds of drawings and they are extremely detailed. Even the design of the exhaust pipe, the design of the sewage pipe, the design of various sewage treatment tanks, the design of the chemical filter, and even every door, every window, every vent, Rose took into account.

建造 To build this laboratory, thousands of square meters of space are needed. The construction of the wall alone costs tens of millions of yuan, and the decoration is included ~ ~ 20-30 million yuan to complete the shell.

Purchasing land is also a big problem. Ross has no connections. Currently, he can only provide 5 million US dollars. Under the pretext of founding a company, he has entrusted Tan Lin to help him buy the land. He also hired a construction team to build his own laboratory.

The 8 million U.S. dollars for the construction of the laboratory alone will cost 5 million U.S. dollars and the remaining 3 million U.S. dollars. Even one-tenth of the machinery and parts cannot be purchased, and the funding gap is huge.

However, Ross is not discouraged. After the completion of the special steel project, he will earn tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of dollars are not a problem. All he needed was time.

After another week, Tan Lin pulled through the relationship and helped Ross get a high-quality plot of land in the city. The price is very high, 15,000 yuan per square meter. Just the plot of land costs Ross 2 million dollars. The construction of the laboratory, a public tender, and a construction company won the bid. They will contract the project and plan to complete everything within three months.

Rose signed a contract with this construction company. After paying the deposit, the construction of the laboratory began to enter the construction stage. Rose did not have time to watch the construction site. Because the various raw materials and machine parts purchased by Tan Li have already arrived one after another, Ross must devote all his energy to the special steel project.

Tanjia villa, various domestic machine tools, was transported by crane to the research room.

各种 A variety of advanced materials, machine parts, and electronic circuit board parts purchased from abroad also partially arrived.

Rose was so excited that he put on his work clothes and began to invest in the equipment manufacturing process of ‘arc reactor’ and ‘electromagnetic device’ ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works Mobile users at ~ ~ please read.

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