Born Tech Mad

Chapter 40

This technology, also known as cold nuclear fusion, can perform nuclear fusion at low temperatures.

自然 In nature, the energy released by the solar spot, the process of black hole, neutron star, gamma-ray explosion, and supernova formation all have cold fusion phenomenon.

Cold fusion is the most cutting-edge technology in the world. The United States held the ‘Cold Fusion Conference’ in Washington in August 2008. The American Physical Society and the Annual Conference of Chemistry have opened cold fusion venues. Scientists have long established that cold fusion is valid.

Cold fusion materials are not difficult to find. Heavy water and other materials can form cold fusion. But to master this technology, scientists need many years of hard work.

1000 grams of heavy water costs 1,000 dollars. If you have cold fusion technology, the energy potential generated by the 1,000 grams of heavy water is equivalent to 2.9 million kilograms of oil. Even 1,000 grams of heavy water costs 1,000 dollars, which is many times cheaper than oil.

冷 Compared with thermonuclear fusion technology, cold fusion technology is very safe. What’s more, the equipment needed is simple and the electrical energy produced is very clean. Once you master the technology of cold fusion, it will have a revolutionary impact on the world.

For all countries in the world today, cold nuclear fusion is just a concept, and global scientists can only study and explore.

However, the real thing in front of the eyes told the four experts that this technology that humans have dreamed of was mastered by the boy in front of him.

With four experts, he looked at Rose blankly, and it took him a long time to return.

“He is only 18 years old! He actually has mastered the technology of cold fusion … Isn’t all human scientists together smart enough?”

“We’re so old for nothing! It’s not as good as an 18-year-old child. This kid … won’t be an alien. How can ordinary people be so smart!”

“If this kid is true, then he will be smarter than Einstein! He will definitely cause a frenzy of science and technology and have a revolutionary impact on the scientific community!”

“If this cold fusion technology is used to generate electricity, China’s electricity gap will be met, and the national electricity price will drop a lot. Electricity costs will fall, and the manufacturing costs of many companies will also drop, which will bring huge economic benefits to our country!”

不得 “Wonderful! A scientific giant will be born! He may be the greatest genius in our country. Perhaps the greatest genius in the world.”

The four experts looked at Rose’s eyes, just like looking at the living god. They were already shaking with excitement.

Rose was very uncomfortable by the four old men, and was a little bit upset at the moment: “Four expert grandpas, now you believe that I have made an” arc reactor “? Believe that I am not using palladium to destroy and harm the country. Harm the people. “

He asked, and the highest-ranking of the several superintendents also asked.

四 “Four experts … Is this really a reactor?”

“Crap, of course it is true. It is truer than gold. Although the four of us are old, we are not blind yet. It can be seen that this reactor is used to generate electricity.”

“It’s too high-end, and we have never seen anything so high-end.”

The four old men were already so excited that they were going crazy, and they circled around the reactor, as if they were assassin. The wolf saw the peerless beauty. If this anti-heap can be eaten, Rose has no doubt that they will take a few sips.

警 The police chief asked carefully again: “Then … can you judge, is this thing harmful?”

The words of the superintendent immediately aroused the fury of the oldest expert who was the most stubborn and least confident of Rose.

“Unfortunately, you still belong to the National Security Bureau, or as a police superintendent. If this thing is dangerous, then the high voltage is split out, and we have long been turned into ashes. This child is a genius, a god-like genius. You do n’t need to doubt him There is danger. You must protect him, and protect him like a national treasure. “

“Yes, the value of this child is more important than any national treasure. If he has a surprise, it is the loss of our country. It is an irreparable loss. Maybe it is the loss of all mankind.”

The four old experts were extremely distrustful of Rose, but in a blink of an eye, they not only believed in Rose, but also treated him as a god.

It made the police officers a little dumbfounded.

我 “I rely! Did this little guy really make the reactor used by Iron Man in the movie. Otherwise, four experts, who value this kid so much.”

Ross grinned: “This superintendent, you are wrong. This thing is ten times more powerful than Tony’s reactor!”

“Genius … Ghost Talent … God Talent.”

最大 The oldest superintendent finally reacted and immediately bowed and apologized to the three of Rose.

“Mr. Tan, Ms. Tan, Mr. Ross, I’m really sorry. The country has recently demanded strict prevention of various security incidents. To prevent violent and terrorist incidents, we ca n’t help it. Our nerves are a little allergic. Misunderstanding! Forgive, be forgiven! “

A group of police officers, aware of Rose’s importance to the country, immediately changed his attitude by 180 degrees, bowed one by one, and apologized to Rose.

Everything didn’t go to the worst, Ross hummed angrily: “Several police officers, you are sure that everything is harmless, then we will not treat us as a terrorist.”

The chief superintendent was a bit anxious: “Oh! Mr. Ross, look at what you said, the four old experts boasted you that there was no one before and no one came after. A genius like you, the country is thirsty. How can we Stupid enough to think of genius as a terrorist. You think too much, really think too much. “

Tan Li watched these people go from being fierce to being like grandchildren, and she was very relieved. “I heard that the National Security Bureau is doing something very mysterious. Superintendents, you will not I will think that Rose is too smart, and I want to get him sliced ​​and studied in the future! “

“Oh! Miss Tan, how do you listen to those idiots on the Internet? Have you heard of any country that uses live scientists to slice them for research? Both closed North Korea and Iran see scientists as saviors. Do you think we will be stupid? To that extent? If so, which scientist will dare to stay in the country in the future? Isn’t this the talent that has been cultivated so hard to drive to other countries. Ignore such remarks and idiots who say such things Peace of mind. Our country attaches importance to scientists. Since the founding of the People ’s Republic, leaders have emphasized the prosperity of the country through science and technology. For scientists, we only have respect. Think about the decades of peace in China without the two eggs and one star. How can we become the second in the world? The economy. Any scientist is respectable. “

Tan Lin was also comfortable when he said: “Since our research is harmless to the country and harmless to the people. Shouldn’t you leave now. Still want to disturb us?”

“Mr. Tan, please rest assured. We will send agents to protect you secretly. In addition, don’t worry about today’s leaks. Your research value is so great that we will be tight-lipped. Everything today will be treated as nothing. But The technology you have is too advanced. We have to report to the National Academy of Science and Technology first. “

Rose was a little upset: “Reporting? Why report? I do n’t invest in the technology I did. You do n’t report. I do n’t give this technology to the country.”

“Mr. Rose, technology can only generate great value through the popularization of technology. If you think about software developed by Microsoft, if you use it yourself and don’t develop it for others, what value is Microsoft to UW reading Ah! If the person who created the computer at that time only wanted to leave the computer to himself. Then there is only one computer in the world, what else is there for you? You have the best technology, you have kept it, and you ca n’t show any value. Please rest assured that our report will only say that your technology is very advanced and will fill international gaps. The country will only pay attention to you, and it is not bad for you! “

In fact, Ross wants to cooperate with the country, but cooperation is subject to conditions, and he agrees to cooperate casually. People think you want to stop him. Sometimes, being proud, others will respect you, too casually, others think you can’t do without him.

Finally Ross understood something, and now proudly hummed, “Even if the country wants to cooperate with me, that is the future. You have bothered me for several hours, shouldn’t we go?”

“Leave now, leave immediately. Student Rose, before we leave, can we take a picture and record a video!”

“This can be, but it can’t be transmitted. In addition, those things on the Internet, please help me solve them, I don’t want to be annoyed by others.”

“Rose, please rest assured, we will take care of everything.”

A group of police officers suddenly became cautious. They began to take photos and video, for fear that Rose would not be happy. After about ten minutes, they were ready to leave, but the other four experts seemed to be in a demon. They ignored them and kept around the reactor, turning around.

In desperation, the group of police officers had to leave on their own, leaving four experts who seemed to be stunned, staying in Rose’s research room, around the reactor, and kept turning around! Excited like a child.

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