Born Tech Mad

Chapter 7

In the reception room of Tong Lihua Company, Rose ignored the other people’s eyes and sat down on the chair, waiting for the arrangement of the personnel department.

About half an hour or so, Tan Li in factory clothes appeared in the reception room.

Tan Li is about 24 years old, young and beautiful. She is about 167 centimeters in size, with a goose egg face and exquisite facial features. She is indeed a rare beauty. Other young people who came to apply for the job saw Tan Li and immediately stood up, watching the goddess excited.

“Hello everyone, I am Tan Li, Manager of the Personnel Department. Welcome to our company. This is our employee handbook. Each of you has a copy. Please take a good look.”

Tan Li sent a booklet to ten people, this booklet records the company’s various rules and regulations.

These systems emulate the management systems of Europe, the United States, and Japan, and are very detailed in every respect.

Frost frowned at the systems written in the employee handbook.

While entering or leaving the factory building, you must wear work clothes, and you must punch in and out on time. Being late and leaving early, various fines. The company adopts 7S management method.

Chinese food and dinner must be lined up. Smoking is not allowed in the factory area. During work, you must follow the orders of the team leader and the director, and you must not leave the job without permission.

“This **** is almost like a prisoner! There is no freedom to go to work. There is no rest time at work. It is four or five hours at a time. This is simply a slave.”

Rose’s heart was upset immediately, and when he looked at the salary, Rose was even more upset.

The salary is divided into basic salary, attendance bonus, overtime pay, accommodation subsidy, catering subsidy, performance bonus … Employees will be graded. According to different grades, the salary is different. The so-called grades are linked to seniority. The longer you work in the company, the higher your level will be.

I put up with it, Rose stood up.

“Director Tan, I would like to ask. Is this employee level too harsh? Can I be promoted to the next level after working in the company for two years? I would like to ask, how much can your monthly income of the highest level employees in your company reach? ? “

Tan Li smiled: “Rose, the salary of each employee is a secret to the company. I am not convenient to disclose that anyway, as long as it contributes to the company, the salary will naturally rise.”

Mr. Rose flashed in front of his eyes: “Oh, Director Tan, if I can increase your company’s output by 1% to 5%, how much can you pay me?”

Tan Li froze and pouted and laughed: “Rose, don’t be kidding. You still have to look carefully at these rules and regulations, and wait, I will take you into the factory. In addition to the five masters, all five others have to Start with an apprentice. Apprentices have a three-day probationary period. After the probationary period expires, the basic monthly salary is 2,000. The overtime pay is temporarily set at 12 yuan per hour, the overtime pay is doubled on Saturdays and Sundays, and it is 24 yuan an hour. ? “

When Tan Li said this, Rose rushed to her feet again.

“Director Tan, when I applied yesterday, I told you and asked you to give me an hour to operate the lathes. I can operate these lathes. I am also a skilled worker. I don’t want to be an apprentice.”

Tan Li smiled again: “Rose, our company’s salary is considered better. As long as you work hard to work overtime, even an apprentice, the salary of more than 4,000 a month is still OK, you don’t have to go far, start with an apprentice Do it, you lied to me, I haven’t even thought about it with you. Our lathes are imported from abroad, and the price of each one has reached millions of RMB. If you are unfamiliar and broke the machine, you will Causing huge losses to the company. “

“Director Tan, please give me a chance.”

“Rose, the company’s system, no one can be an exception. You must start with an apprentice. In addition, I remind everyone, please go to the hospital for an experience before tomorrow. As long as there is no infectious disease or other major diseases, You can sign a contract with the company and go to work. If you have any questions, you can call the personnel department. “

After Tan Li said the word “Physical Examination”, Ross’s forehead was almost sweating, and what he was most afraid of was finally here again.

“Well, everyone, during the three-day trial period, you will become familiar with the company and ask those old employees about production. As for which department each of you is assigned to and what work I will arrange for you. Now, please Follow me to the workshop. “

In addition to the five masters who go to work directly, the other five young people can only follow Tan Li and follow her into the workshop.

Rose was patient, and followed into the workshop.

The production of bearings is divided into many processes. The outer ring of the bearing alone is divided into eight steps: raw material forging, lathe processing, heat treatment, grinding processing, lapping and polishing, final inspection of parts, anti-rust treatment, packaging and storage.

There are also ten steps for the ball inside the bearing, ten steps for the cage inside the bearing, and ten steps for assembling the entire bearing.

A small bearing, starting from the raw material, has to go through more than 40 processes to become a qualified product.

Tan Li knows each process well, she is responsible for explaining each process for Rose and others.

Each process has a production standard, which has written how to operate the machine. In general, except for lathe workers, other tasks are very common, as long as the machine repeatedly operates the machine.

The company judges the quality of an employee. In addition to the output, there is also the scrap rate of the product.

差 Unskilled workers, if they are not careful, the **** processed by the machine tool or the dimensions of the outer ring are unqualified, and the products produced must be scrapped. Waste steel can only be reprocessed again, which wastes manpower and material resources.

While workers with good skills are different, they waste less company materials, produce high-quality products, and are more efficient, so their wages are correspondingly higher.

There are more than 20 large and small workshops in the factory, which are full of the smell of oil, lubricating oil, and the smell of steel. There were rumbling sounds of machines everywhere, as well as noise from cutting and grinding steel. Employees were wearing gloves and masks, wearing work clothes, and busy on the production line like machines.

Tan Li divides their work according to the personal information of several apprentices. Two tall apprentices are assigned to the cutting area to cut steel, which is manual work.

Luo Luo’s body is too thin, Tan Li did not assign him heavy work, took him to the bearing outer ring processing workshop.

“Ross, I think you’re thin and heavy. It’s not suitable for heavy work. This outer ring machining job should be suitable for you. These machines use automatic machining of the outer ring of the bearing. You only need to transfer the program in the computer on the lathe and enter the bearing’s With various size data and specifications, the machine tool can automatically process and grind the outer ring. You must be careful, the cutter of the machine tool is very dangerous. Never put your hand into the machine. I will find a master for you. He learns, as long as you are not stupid, you should be able to learn in three days. “

谢谢 “Thank you, Director Tan, for your care and consideration.”

Luo Rui followed Tan Li and felt good about this kind and beautiful girl. If she assigned herself physical work, Rose could not help but cry.

The work of processing the outer ring is just right. As long as you enter your own program into the CNC lathe, Ross believes that the entire company will be a sensation and his opportunity will come.

“Hello Master Zhao.”

前 In front of Lathe No. 032, Tan Li called out to an uncle in her 40s.

“Hello, Director Tan.”

老师 The master wore a mask, smiled and stood up, and nodded to Tan Li.

Tan Li laughed: “You’re welcome. This is a new apprentice named Rose. Please teach him how to operate these CNC lathes.”

“Yes, Director Tan.”

Master Tong glanced at Rose, nodded with a smile, and said hello to Rose.

“Rose, do your best. If you don’t know anything, ask Master Zhao. If you need anything, come to me.”

Tan Li shook hands with Rose, then left the workshop with a smile.

After Tan Li left, the master Zhao pulled Rose to the lathe with a smile and asked with a smile.

“Boy, what’s your relationship with Director Tan?”

“No … it’s okay.”

“Fuck! It doesn’t matter, you can directly enter the outer ring processing workshop … Do you know that our workshop is the most excellent workshop in the entire company’s environment. Look at other workshops, the oil taste is so heavy and the steel powder taste is so big The noise is so noisy. We have air conditioners here, and the CNC lathes that we operate are fully automatic and do not produce any effort. The salary is also higher than in other workshops. Your kid looks like he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, it doesn’t matter, Director Tan can take you Assigned here? “

“But … Maybe Mr. Tan sees me poor, I’m an orphan!”

“Oh! This is the case. Director Tan is not only beautiful, but also a very kind person. Employees have always liked her. People who want to chase her do not have a thousand or eight hundred. Although she is the daughter of the boss, she does not display at all Ah! If I were a teenager like this, I want to chase! “

“Tan Li is the boss’s daughter?” Rose was a little surprised.

“Yeah! The whole company knows it, but you are new here. I do n’t know. Gossip, I will teach you how to operate this machine. It is very simple. The software inside is imported from the United States. The program Everything is automatically compiled. UU reading Our bearings have 26 types, and there are hundreds of sizes. You just need to call up the corresponding program according to the requirements on the order and put in the steel. Can be automatically processed into the outer ring of the bearing. “

“Thank you Master for your guidance.”

Luo Ruosi did not recognize himself clearly, he followed the master Zhao to study intently.

Within ten minutes, Rose knew the machine. The operating procedures there are indeed the same backward procedures as the ones I studied.

Rose didn’t show up, but he was busy following Master Zhao. The time passed unconsciously for three hours. It’s time for lunch.

“Rose, I’m going to have lunch. I set the time for the machine, and it can automatically process for 10 minutes. You help me look at the machine, I will return in half an hour, and then you will go to dinner.”

Rose overjoyed: “Okay, no problem, leave it to me.”

嗯 “Yeah! Your kid is too clever. I learned to operate this machine in less than ten minutes. It’s a **** genius. I went to eat, watched the machine, and processed it.”

“Master Zhao, rest assured.”

Workers in the workshop went to the cafeteria for dinner.

After Luo Ruosi and others went away, 032 CNC lathes were stopped regardless of the situation.

Open the main box where the main control computer of the lathe is stepped down, and insert a removable hard disk into it.

Rose is taking a risk. If his operating procedures do not increase production, then this initiative will definitely be fired by the company. Maybe he will also be charged with a crime of damaging company property and sent to the police station. Can’t save him.

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