Boss Level Face-Slapping Specialist [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 286 - Ancient Beasts

The most elite group of orcs in the Eagle Clan became Xu Zifan’s personal guard. Xu Zifan chose them because they were so convenient and fast to do the facts. No matter where you want to go, the terrain is not a problem at all. As long as you fly in the air, you can reach it. It is safe and will not be attacked by other tribes or beasts. Therefore, Xu Zifan is traveling more and more with Eagle Orcs. The Eagle Clan quickly integrated into the life of the City of the Wise.

With the convenience of the Eagles and the precise scanning of Shaohua, Xu Zifan began to perfect the map, explore the unknown territory, and find more people and more resources. In the summer of another year, he met the Lion Race in a forest far away. When he was riding a giant eagle hovering in the air, the Lion Race Orcs also spotted him. An orc immediately turned into a human form and shouted at him: “You Who is it? What is coming to our territory for?”

Xu Zifan said loudly, “I am a wise man in the City of the Wise. I come from the far north. Today I just broke into your territory by mistake.”

“Come down and speak! Come down!” The Lion Race Orcs are very strong. With his roar, the nearby Orcs ran over, staring at Xu Zifan with enthusiasm.

Xu Zifan patted the Eagle Orcs, “Kana, let’s go down.”

“Lord Wise, we have never dealt with the Lion Clan. I heard that they think they are the Forest King and never put other tribes in their eyes. We will be in danger when we go down.” Kana stared at the orcs below very carefully. Persuaded Xu Zifan.

Xu Zifan took out the mysterious iron fan from the space and held it in his hand, “Don’t worry, it’s okay, let’s go down.”

“Yes, Sir Wise.” Kana flew a circle in the air, and one dived down, leading Xu Zifan to the open space in front of the Lion Race. After Xu Zifan went down, he transformed into a human form and stood beside Xu Zifan as a guardian.

The Lion Race Orc took a step forward, looked at Xu Zifan, raised his chin, and said, “Where is the City of the Wise? What is the Wise? What are you doing here in the north?”

Xu Zifan rubbed the Xuan Tie Fan with his fingers, without speaking. Kana answered the Lion tribe’s question aloud, “The wise man is sent by the gods in the sky. The tiger tribe and leopard tribe in the north have received instructions from the beast gods, and they can survive better by following the orders of the wise man. With infinite wisdom, it has given us more food, warm houses that can survive the winter, and built a strong city that can defend against enemies, the City of the Wise. Now more than a dozen tribes in our north have joined the City of the Wise to live together , This time Master Wise went south to find more useful things. By the way, see if other tribes have joined the City of Wise.”

“The Beast God instructs?” The Lion Clan orcs sneered. “We, the Lion Clan, never believe in the Beast God. If we pray to the Beast God for usefulness, how can so many people die? It is even more inexplicable to send a wise man from the sky, you teach What are they? You, a weak and weak female, shouldn’t…”

Xu Zifan shook his left hand and held a spiritual stone in his palm. He extracted the spiritual power from the spiritual stone to activate the spell, waved his hand and stuck it on the dozen lion orcs in front of him. Not only were they unable to move, they also lost their voice in an instant, and found to their horror that they couldn’t say anything!

Xu Zifan walked over among them with his hands on his back, looked at them one by one, and walked back to stand in front of the leading Lion Race Orc, with a curved mouth, “I am a wise man, not a weak female. The city of the wise is not now. To survive by hunting, we caught a lot of prey and came back to raise them, and let them breed more offspring, so that we can never finish eating, and we don’t even need to hunt again. We also found edible plants and came back to plant them. When we go out to pick, there are endless fruits and wild vegetables. There are also medical techniques and medicine. We can cure people who are injured by hunting, and we can cure people who have a high fever and coma. We also have our own words, such as this.”

Xu Zifan pretended to take it from his sleeve. In fact, he took the scroll of bamboo slips from the space, and unfolded it to the orcs to read the words recorded on it, “This is written on how to treat a person who is bitten by a beast. If you can understand, they will pass on this method and improve it better. You say you don’t believe in the beast gods, then you must feel that you are the king of the forest by yourself. Can you do better than us?”

Xu Zifan put away the bamboo slips, walked to an orc with a wounded arm, and checked his wound, “Tsk tsk, the wound has festered, do you have a big witch? Did he tell you that this kind of injury can only be waited? Good luck, bad luck, this arm is useless.”

Xu Zifan shook his head, took out a packet of medicated powder and applied the medicine to him, stuffed the powder into his hand, and said: “I take the medicine every night before going to bed. The scabs will form in ten days and he will soon heal.”

Xu Zifan walked back to Kana, motioned Kana to become a beast, and rode on a giant eagle. “Lion, it’s far away from us. If you sincerely join the City of the Wise, you can migrate over. We have to explore other places, just Not much to stay. Cana, go.”

When Kana flew into the sky, Xu Zifan waved his hand to remove the spell on the lion orc. The Lion Race orcs roared and ran after Xu Zifan and the others, but the eagle in the sky couldn’t catch up. He lost Xu Zifan’s trace in a short while. The lion orcs looked at each other, but the injured orc broke the silence first, “Anyway, he has already put the medicine on it. It’s better to try this medicine. Useful words show that what he said is true, at least the medicine is much better than us. “

“Yes, and he is too powerful. He can control all of us at once. We can’t even speak. This is definitely the ability of gods. Maybe the beast gods didn’t abandon us, and sent wise men to teach us things. ?”

“Try the medicine first, if it works, let’s go and see where the City of the Wise is!” The leading orc made a final conclusion, and they must go and see where it sounds good.

Xu Zifan explored some more places and flew back to the City of the Wise with Kana. Now there is an extra blacksmith workshop in the City of the Wise. Some powerful orcs build iron tools in it. The guards who stand guard and patrol the walls are equipped with bows and spears. There are also iron plows, sickles, hoes and other utensils in the farmland, making work much more convenient. The school and various workshops are lively and lively. Xu Zifan walked back to the Hall of the Wise Men from the gate of the city and felt very satisfied to see such a lively atmosphere. He doubled the map this time, and he does not plan to go out in person in the future. He plans to teach others what he can teach, so that they can get more development.

Mengfang, Sada, and Mowen greeted him at the gate of the Hall of the Wise. They looked at him first and asked him, “Are you okay? Nothing happened on the road?”

Xu Zifan waved his hand, “I’m fine. I met the Lion tribe. I told them the existence of the City of the Wise. I don’t know if they will come, nothing else.”

“Lion clan? They are very savage, I heard what the elders said.” Meng Ya thought for a moment, a little worried.

Xu Zifan laughed and said: “Then strengthen the defense. If they come here badly, let them see our strength in the shortest time and avoid unnecessary damage.”

“Okay.” Mengya immediately arranged it, and he was responsible for the safety of the entire City of the Wise. Now they not only have bows and arrows, but also catapults and eagles. There is nothing to be afraid of, as long as they are ready.

As Mengya said, the Lions are really barbaric. They rushed to the City of the Wise in two months. The first reaction was not to show favor and observe, but to enter the city to see how the city is going. Of course, they became the first enemies to enjoy bows and trebuchets. The gates of the city of the wise did not open. A basket of stones was dropped, and the lion orcs were in a mess. Many of them were injured. Then the soldiers on the city wall drew their bows and shot arrows. The tribe is in trouble!

The lion clan, who had always been called the king, was tragically defeated outside the gate of the wise. In the end, the lion clan chief had to bow his head for mercy for the safety of the clan. Xu Zifan just stood on the city wall and said to them: “Because of your unkindness, if you want to get the same treatment as others, you should go digging first, and build your town in half a year.”

With the surrender of the forest king, it seemed that the button for the orcs to surrender was opened. The tribes with strong offensive powers such as the Lion, Tiger, Leopard, and Wolf tribes have all returned. How can other tribes have other ideas? Even if they did, they would not be able to defeat the increasingly powerful army in the City of Wise.

It can be said that the orcs are making rapid progress, because Xu Zifan’s advancement of knowledge has crossed many stages of development, and everyone’s life style is basically the same as in ancient times. Once the wolf clan punishment period passed, Xu Zifan asked them to build a small city near the mine and sent reliable people to manage it. It was the first town in the City of the Wise. From then on, new tribes will build small towns not far from the City of the Wise. There is no way. The City of the Wise is limited and it is impossible to accept others forever. They can only send people to manage and teach them the same things. , So the City of the Wise has become the same as the capital, and it is also the most defensive city.

As time went by, more and more people came to defect, and more and more large towns and small towns. Xu Zifan recognized the patriarchs of all ethnic groups as officials, and sent people he trusted to important posts, his kingdom It finally took shape within five years. Mengfang, Mowen, and Sada were all entrusted by him to become his humerus minister. After much experience, they have matured, and never showed the meaning of pursuit again, and got along with Xu Zifan. More and more like brothers, gradually let go of the feelings in my heart. After all, life is not only about love. They develop a kingdom together to be more passionate, and their relationship is stronger.

After that, Xu Zifan didn’t show up very much. He asked the engineering team to build a large library, collected all the knowledge that can be used in the Shaohua database, transcribed it on bamboo slips, and put it in the library for everyone to learn. He would, he pointed them, and if he didn’t, let them figure it out. The knowledge is there, and it’s up to them to understand it.

During his lifetime in the orc world, the kingdom encountered several wild beast tides and natural disasters, and he led everyone through it. There have been two riots in the kingdom, and they were both suppressed by him with the army. He didn’t use his own means to make everyone no longer rely on him and learn to fight by himself. Although there have been ups and downs in this life, in general, he, the “emperor”, has done a good job. He even unified the mainland at the age of sixty and conquered all known tribes. At that time, the people’s material life was a bit like the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, with exquisite fabrics, clothes, gorgeous accessories, a variety of food, and a lot of entertainment.

This generation of people who have experienced city construction admires Xu Zifan very much. Every time he mentions him, he is grateful. He has really changed their lives and done better than he promised.

By the time Xu Zifan was eighty-eight years old, he felt that his life seemed to be coming to an end. He appointed Sada as king and arranged everything himself before bidding farewell to them. When he left, Sada guarded him by the bed with Mengfang and Mowen, and ordered everyone else to stand in silence outside.

Sada was like joking and holding Xu Zifan’s hand and laughing and said: “Big brother, I always thought we would always be together. I didn’t expect you to leave so soon. I have never called you big brother before, you I know, we all like you, how can we call you big brother? But today I am willing to call you big brother, you are like a big brother, you teach us a lot, shelter us from wind and rain, always care about us, and never give us no There should be an illusion, your big brother is too competent. I can’t think about it anymore, so you are my big brother, big brother, don’t worry, I won’t let you down.”

Xu Zifan smiled weakly, “Whether you call it or not, I will treat you as my own brother.”

Mowen leaned on the head of the bed and looked at Xu Zifan. His voice was low, and there was no cold temperature. “Big brother, have you painted our pictures in these years?”

Xu Zifan nodded, moved his fingers, and Wu Fu painting appeared beside the bed, showing their current appearance and a group photo of the four of them, both in human form. This is a gift he silently drew to give them after he found out that he was in poor health.

Mowen blinked, blinked the tears in his eyes, and said with a smile: “That’s good, we can still see you in the painting. Actually you left when you went back to the sky? You are different from us, so life span is only So short, are you going back to where you came from?”

Xu Zifan nodded again, “Yes, so don’t be sad, I just go where I should go, I won’t die.”

“Then we are at ease, brother, don’t worry about us either. You always said that the process of experience is the most important. It is enough for us to walk through these decades together. In the future, if we separate from each other, don’t worry about it anymore. You start in the sky. In his new life, if you can get married there, you can find someone who is kind to you and live happily.” Mo Wen has never said so much in one breath. He smiled and shook Xu Zifan’s hand and gave him his seat. Meng teeth.

Meng Ya was silent for a moment, and whispered: “Choose to follow you was the most correct decision in my life. Brother, I will guard the kingdom you built until I die.”

Xu Zifan smiled, “I believe you will manage the kingdom well. I just went to another place. Don’t be sad. You will cherish yourself and live a good life. I also hope that your brotherhood will not change. The kingdom, It’s no big deal if you get together for a long time, and if you get together for a long time, you don’t have to blame yourself for anything, just do what you should do.”

Sada patted his hand and smiled: “Okay, don’t worry about it, we should worry about this in the future. We will always be brothers, but we won’t fight because of any mess, don’t worry. “

Xu Zifan looked at them one last time, smiled and closed his eyes and left the world. After he really left, Sada and the others put away their smiles, and tears that had been suppressed for a long time poured out. Decades, it seems to be a long time, but when I recall, it was like the blink of an eye when the person who taught them knowledge and led them to resist countless difficulties left. They didn’t know if Xu Zifan said it was true that he went back to the sky, but they would rather believe that it was true, which at least means that Xu Zifan will continue to live in another place.

When people are gone, they allow themselves to be vulnerable once, and quietly vent their sad emotions in the room. After half a day, they have their emotions sorted out and opened the door, and they are three leaders in high positions. They managed Xu Zifan’s funeral in an orderly manner, and each one became stronger and more serious, and managed the country. Their eldest brother is gone, and the country established by the eldest brother will continue.

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