Boss Level Face-Slapping Specialist [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 291 - Regent (please vote)

“He treats me like this! It is really wolf ambition, what helps the emperor to stabilize the imperial power? It is clear that he is greedy for power, controls the government, and does not put our mother and son in his eyes!” Fu Yuhua gasped and couldn’t help crying out. .

Madam Wen hurriedly helped her sit down and helped her get along, “Master, you should calm down, don’t hurt your body, watch out for ears on the wall!” She lowered her voice, “Master, ask the servants to say, the more arrogant the regent is The more we relax our vigilance, it’s a good thing for us. Don’t you just want him to be like this? Only when the regent gets mad, the civil and military officials will be dissatisfied with him, and then can the people’s grievances rise, so you It’s only with the emperor that he can regain power. Now, now, it’s just that the regent’s speed is a bit faster, which is a good thing.”

Fu Yuhua gritted his teeth with a face full of unwillingness, “I wanted to kill him, yes, but he and he obviously have a deep and righteous affection for me, and now they really don’t put me in the eyes. There really is no man in this world. Can you trust me?”

“Master, what do you want to do now? The emperor must bring down the regent for fame. Even if the regent can delegate power, what does it matter to you? Master, you are already It is the most honorable woman in the world. If the slave and maid said something unacceptable, do you want a man? As long as you hide it well, it does not matter if you have a few pleasing faces. Why bother about whether the regent is true or false? “

Fu Yuhua naturally understands this truth, and she is not sad. She is just sullen and annoyed. It is obvious that Xu Zifan has been holding her on the cusp of her heart and protecting her. Why does it change when she mentions the marriage of her children? Doesn’t this mean that she is inferior to the daughter born to his wife in Xu Zifan’s heart? It was like saying that she had been passionate about herself in recent years, and a sense of shame filled her heart, making her irritable.

But business matters are more important than her emotions. She smoothed the hair in her ears, took a deep breath, and said gently: “When the emperor finishes busy and invites him over for dinner, I will discuss with him. Since Xu Zifan refuses to marry her daughter When we come in, we will choose a suitable force as soon as possible. It is best to oppose Xu Zifan. We have to let the emperor give us a helping hand.”

“Yes, master, slave and maid will make arrangements.”

Fu Yuhua watched Mother Wen leave, and the young Xu Zifan promised to treat her like a jewel and cherish her life, but what happened? She was given a sacred decree to the second prince as the side concubine. He didn’t even say a word, and even when she went to look for him, he refused. This kind of man is unreliable from beginning to end. Fu Yuhua sneered at the corner of his mouth, and walked back to his bedroom.

When Fu Yuhua and her son had a heart-to-heart talk, Xu Zifan had already asked the emperor to have two grandmothers back to the palace. These two mothers were the mothers who could be used by the imperial concubine whom the first emperor loved. At the beginning, Fu Yuhua became the empress dowager, and the first empress was the same as the empress dowager. Fu Yuhua fought each other with all his heart, and did not care about the first imperial concubine. It’s just that the first imperial concubine really admired the first emperor, and soon after the first emperor died, she died of depression, and died earlier than the first queen.

Since then, the two mothers have been transferred to the Shanggong Bureau. Although they are not in any important position, and their lives are not as good as before, but they have not been too hard, and they are often exposed to all aspects of the harem. They are experienced. Xu Zifan chose them not only because of their strong abilities, but also because the original owner did not have any grudges with them. No matter how he helped Fu Yuhua, he never directly or indirectly harmed the imperial concubine Xian, and the death of the emperor Xian had nothing to do with him. You can use it with confidence. And because the concubine Xian Gui and Fu Yuhua also fought for favor, they couldn’t be bought by Fu Yuhua. Naturally, they were the most suitable.

The two grandmothers, one is Mother Yang and the other is Mother Qian, both of them are around 35 years old. Xu Zifan sent the laughing mother Yang to Xu Shiyue’s side. The little girl was still young, and the laughing mother was more likely to accept her, and it was more pleasing to be around her to help with affairs. Yulan was twenty-two years old. She had already experienced the ups and downs of her life, and she valued her character. Xu Zifan gave her a slightly serious mother Qian.

This is better. Yulan’s life experience is too low, and she doesn’t have a suitable status in the palace. It is inevitable that she will be looked down upon. The serious mother Qian can just help her suppress people. Outsiders will think that she stands upright and strict. , Do not appear frivolous, avoid a lot of gossip.

The two girls and the mother felt their extraordinary as soon as they met. They valued them very much and accepted them sincerely. After Xu Zifan allowed them to work together for a few days, he gave Xu Zijun a letter to repair, mentioning that Xu Shiyue should go to her house. He said very clearly in the letter that his purpose was to let his sister teach his daughter the scheming method of the back house. Naive. I also listed the conditions for choosing a son-in-law in the future, and asked Xu Zijun to watch carefully, don’t make any trouble, and don’t just look at others, the most important thing is to avoid the queen mother and the emperor, and never let Xu Shiyue enter the palace. Possible. As for the others, the daughter of his regent cannot be overstated, and she can’t be aggrieved at any banquet.

Xu Zijun has been in the cold war with his brother for almost six years, and was shocked when he received the letter, “How can my brother write to me suddenly?”

As she said, she hurriedly walked into the inner room holding the letter and opened it anxiously, “Is there really something wrong? This person is just a muscle, and sooner or later he will be unloaded and killed!”

Her close-fitting maid shut the doors and windows tightly, and poured her a cup of hot tea to persuade her: “Madam, don’t worry, although Dean came to deliver the letter personally, but I don’t think he looks flustered, and he is smiling. As you think.”

Xu Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and quickly took out the letter to quickly read it. After reading it, she was startled, loosened her brows and looked at it carefully from beginning to end, stroking her palms and laughing, “Happy, my brother finally figured it out. Fortunately, it’s not too late.”

The maid was surprised, “Madam, what’s the matter over there?”

Xu Zijun lit the letter, waved her hand and smiled: “Nothing, my niece will come to live for a while with me and learn from me as a housekeeper. She is just me, a female elder, and my brother entrusts her to me. I must take care of her. She. Willow branches, please take someone to clean up the yard next to you, get more brightly colored flowers in the yard, open my private library, and decorate the house. Remember, Shiyue is the only daughter of the regent , She can’t be overstated, she must not be wronged. Forget it, you take someone to decorate first, and I will see it in person tomorrow morning. By the way, you invite De’an to the Flower Hall, and I will explain him a few words. “

The willow branch responded and turned in a circle, seeing that the owner and the regent are breaking the ice, and the princess is still so loved by the princess, she must order to go down, so that the servants of the house will be respectful to the princess. , The yard must also be carefully arranged.

Xu Zijun met De’an and asked about Xu Zifan’s body and the condition of the palace. She was more relieved to learn that everything was fine in the palace. She rewarded De’an with a purse of gold and silver naked son, and asked him to tell Xu Zifan that she would take care of Xu Shiyue as stated in the letter and teach her niece.

Xu Zifan was very relieved of this sister, but he still sent a female guard who was good at fighting to be beside Xu Shiyue as her maidservant. Xu Shiyue took a maid and four maids to Xu Ziyun’s place. She carried six boxes of clothing and ornaments, and two boxes of gifts for Xu Ziyun’s family, and moved them lively. Xu Ziyun arranged for the missing little maid and the ruthless lady.

But all the officials and officials in Beijing knew about this. The fourteen-year-old girl went to her aunt to study as a housekeeper. This is a good thing to raise her reputation, not to mention that Xu Ziyun’s reputation has been very good over the years, she taught it. The girl is naturally reassuring. Many families with men of school age who can be married to the regent have carefully considered it. A woman with a superb family background and courtesy and sensible, marrying only a great help, is the best choice.

Suddenly, there were a lot more people who tried Xu Zifan’s heart and asked Xu Ziyun to inquire. Xu Zifan and Xu Ziyun all blocked them, vaguely revealing the criteria for choosing a son-in-law, and then they stopped. No matter what they thought, most of them gave up. A few of them waited and watched, but did not dare to promise. After all, if you want to love Xu Shiyue for a lifetime, you can’t take a concubine, which is not something ordinary people can do. Even if their elders are willing to do it for the power of the regent, they can’t ensure that the younger generation in the family can do it. What if she promises to marry and fails Xu Shiyue, how can she be destroyed by the regent?

Because of this incident, the regent’s reputation for pampering his daughter was spread. In the past few years, everyone heard the rumors about how cold-blooded and ruthless the Regent was. Suddenly they learned that he loved his daughter so much. For her daughter’s sake, it was like seeing the tender side of the iron-blooded tough guy. Scared.

Xu Zifan heard Dean talk about these rumors outside, raised his eyebrows and smiled, and touched his chin, “This is also a surprise. No one likes cold-blooded evil stars. It would be nice to change his image.”

De’an laughed like a Maitreya Buddha. “The prince said, maybe in the future outsiders will mention you as a kind father.” He glanced outside and whispered, “Master, Xiangyun is still outside, standing It’s been an hour.”

“Has it been so long?” Xu Zifan looked at the notebook in his hand, turned a page, and said casually, “Which girl is smart, tell her to teach her to make tea. Don’t say, the tea art of the queen mother is still very good.”

“The Fuqin next to the prince is more proficient in tea art, why don’t you let her learn it? Another thing is that Miss Yulan just came to send her newly learned red bean cake, but she didn’t come in when she knew you were busy. But Miss Yulan knows you like to drink. After Xiangyun made the tea, I asked a few more questions and seemed very interested.”

Xu Zifan was stunned, “Yulan is interested? Then tell Xiangyun to teach Yulan, and you send someone to follow. If she doesn’t care to teach or underestimate Yulan, just hit and beat her so that she can recognize who she is. After Yulan finishes studying, call Fuqin to study.”

“Yes, prince. One more thing, the third is back, do you want to see the prince?”

“See, tell her to come in.” Xu Zifan put down his notebook and sat upright, “I have a big business here and ask her to do it.”

The set is the nail he wants to put next to Fu Yuhua. The dark guards are ranked according to their ability. The set of forces is not very high, but they are very good at using the surrounding environment and people’s hearts, using scheming, ambushing assassinations, breaking the enemy’s defense, and sending her. Going to Fu Yuhua’s side, Xu Zifan had a hunch that Fu Yuhua’s power was in danger.

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