Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 124:

Chapter 124:

Fishmen (魚人).

On earth, it is one of the most common water typed monsters that appeared in C ranked gates.

With a fish like head and sharp scales covering the entire body, it could be considered as one of the second best beings (亞人).

The monster could display the powers of B ranks if near the water.

And if fighting within the water, it was a monster that even A ranked hunters would struggle to defeat.

The 14th floor was a taxing challenge requiring to defeat every single Fishmen. But…

‘They’re all dead.’

I stared at the crimson lake filled with the stench of blood and realized that all the Fishmen were already dead.

And this challenge was an underwater battle, enough to call the monsters an A ranked monster.

But Nam GungHyuk was smiling happily while looking at me with not even a single drop of water on him.

As if this much is not even a challenge.


At that, I stood still watching him, and finally concluded.

「Activating the skill ‘Instant Acceleration’.」

「Activating the skill ‘Battle Concentration’.」

「Activating the skill ‘Wind’s Blessing’. 」

「All speeds increased by 70%. 」

「Number of stacks – 7/7 」

There was no way to let my guard down around this monster.

「Boots of Swiftness(C+) Increased instant acceleration.」

I used the speed coursing through my body to go around the lake and activated a skill.

「Activating the skill ‘Truth-Seeker of Blood’.」

It was the skill that was actively used on the floor before this.

Although it’s a skill that’s unusable without blood, where I’d have to use my own to compensate…..

But with the mass slaughter of the Fishmen and their spilt blood, there was no need to use my blood at all.

‘This entire region is covered with Fishmen’s blood after all.’

It was fortunate amidst the unfortunate.


The blood that painted the lake crimson moved according to the gesture of the hand with the ‘Truth-Seeker of Blood’ skill.

The claws of blood akin to a birdcage closed in towards Nam GungHyuk and swallowed up the center of the lake.


Although it was not as large as the Vampire Counts skill Blood Tsunami, it was quite close to it.

And I thought that it would be useful in turning the tide of the battle in my favor against Nam GungHyuk.


“You’re as impertinent as ever.”

As if crushing the expectations mercilessly, a serene voice came out of the exploding blood cage.


A momentary surprise from the deafening explosion sound.

With the blood shooting up, Nam GungHyuk stood with a blade in hand smiling eerily.

And the blue Sword Flame emitting from his sword.


I activated every skill I was not using as quickly as possible.

「Activating skill ‘Blood of Demon Hole’.」

「Activating the power ‘Iron-blooded Sword’.」

「Activating the power ‘Flaming Sword’.」

A crimson steam released from the entire body with my sight turning red, and a flame surrounded the swords held in both hands.

But that was not the end.

「Activating skill ‘Lighting Sword Ki’.」


To the blade already enforced with lightning from Blood of Demon Hole, the skill ‘Lightning Sword Ki’ was further added.

「Activating skill ‘Triple Laceration’.」

「Your next three attacks are strengthened. 」

With even the unused Triple Laceration, the crimson energy surrounding the blade further glowed.


「Activating the Imprint Skill : Blood Fortify (C+) of Real Heavenly blood Demonic sword.」

The Blood Fortify energy surrounding me flashed brightly reinforcing the blade.

‘This is my best.’

Logically speaking, everything that could be done within my abilities was done.

Nam GungHyuk’s was taken aback from seeing my sword.

“Flaming sword….? How could a rascal like you….?”

As a martial artist, he seemed to be more surprised that I was using flaming sword rather than the combination of the powers….

‘Then this should surprise him even more.’

It’s been a while since I made Flaming Sword my own ever since clearing the 11th floor.

‘Now this should surprise him.’

The reason why Nam GungHyuk has been looking down on me, calling me a fake, has been because I have not learned martial arts yet

With no proper techniques, relying solely on skills and powers was not a good sight in his perspective.

But now, he should not be able to look down on me anymore.

As it is…

「Activating skill ‘Harmonic Soul Demon Sword’」

「Activating Exclusive Skill of ‘Harmonic Soul Demon Sword’, ‘Double Attack’.」

I was about to start using the oh so highly spoken martial arts.

In the form of copying his martial arts that he demonstrated in Tokyo before.

‘Rolling Sword of Blue sky.’

The two blades started to rotate violently and let out a cry.


A cry enough to paralyze the entire area.

»————- ★ ————-«

To say the results, it was a failure to use every last power that I could.

It couldn’t be helped.

Since the Light Saber that was supposed to manifest as the shield of counterattack activated degraded.

Although many skills were activated to upgrade the power output, the lacking power of the single hit couldn’t be helped.

‘To be exact, it is three total hits….. But that doesn’t make too much of a difference.’

And it’s not like Nam GungHyuk could be defeated from a single strong attack.


‘What’s good is that I still managed to shock him.’

Nam GungHyuk, standing on top of the water, was frowning

“You dare…! You dare…! You’ve been mocking me all this time! YOU!”

A tone of voice outraged as if he was deceived.

“You’ve been able to use martial arts all this time, and yet you’ve been facing me with those fake sword ki!”

It wasn’t difficult to figure out that he has been misunderstanding me.

‘Ah, so he couldn’t figure out that I learned martial arts just now….’

Currently, he seems to have thought that I’ve always been able to use martial arts, but havent been using it.

‘I mean, I’ve fought him with my life on the line at Shinjuku… but he still thought that?’

It was quite an absurd misunderstanding, but I had no intention of clearing that up nor the time to do so.

As Nam GungHyuk was sending a freezing murderous glare towards me.

“You dare steal the sword arts of the Namgoong Family….”

Although his voice was not loud nor angrily shouting like before….

“Your sins are grave. I will cut each of your fingers to have you pay for your sins.”

You could still tell that this was the angriest Nam GungHyuk has been.

But I had no intention to get anywhere near him.

Without a doubt.

‘Considering his attributes, fighting like this will only cause damage.’

Nam GungHyuk’s unique attribute ‘Force Duel’ would force a one on one duel with the opponent.

For the duration of 10 minutes, no one could exit the duel area nor escape.

Thus if anyone were to attack indiscriminately, there was no way to avoid it.

‘If I fight within the duel area, I will be at a disadvantage.’

I had no intention of fighting immediately.

At the very least, I had to change the direction of the battle.

The first assignment would be to create an environment where I would not lose when faced with his ‘Forced Duel’.


“What sin?”

I had to change up my style a bit.

‘He needs to be so agitated that he can’t think logically.’

His entire logic ought to be paralyzed in a sense.

“All I did was to take a sloppy swordsmanship, aren’t you overreacting?”

Based on the information from the previous conversation, I taunted him smirking.

“What value does the swordsmanship a 3 year old can learn have?”

And ….

Nam GungHyuk’s face frowned in wrath hearing that.

“You fucking bastard-!”


I smiled seeing Nam GungHyuk charge at me after losing all elegance.

‘This actually worked.’

The taunt worked.

「Activating the power ‘Steel Wings’.」

I immediately activated the steel wings to fly up in the air.

Because the 14th stage was a forest surrounding the lake, it was already advantageous to me.

Since I could freely fly through the sky, it was even easier.

I quickly worked my brain while increasing the distance between us.

‘I have no time, I need to think of a way to defeat him.’

Even if I am running away, it would do no good to continue to stall for time.

Since winning would be more difficult the less time fortifying potion’s duration was left.

And it was hard to say how much longer Nam GungHyuk would stay without reason.

But thankfully, the answer was quickly attained without thinking too much.

‘Light Saber.’

A technique that combines a shield skill to Nam GungHyuk’s Rolling Sword of Blue Sky.

If it was to be used when he is at his most vulnerable state, he too should be backed into a corner.

Then that meant that he needs to be in the state of insanity until I am ready to use the Light Saber…..

But it was uncertain if he would stay angry until then.

But this too, the solution was easily found.


“Isn’t it because you continue to stick with that lousy martial arts that you can’t even fly?”

It was pretty easy to poke at his ego.

“What would a waste product of lowly dimension know about martial arts!”

It was laughable

Martial arts was merely another form of skill.

Even if it was valuable enough to not be beneath skills or powers, it definitely did not have a value above them.

As the strength of martial arts differs from the user, skills and powers worked the same way.

But to deem them beneath martial arts because it activates from a system?

‘What an idiotic thinking.’

Then would martial arts still have value if it is unable to store ki within the body through breathing techniques, and manifest in the world with internal energy and will?

Skills are skills and powers are powers.

What’s important is the user who uses them. But Nam GungHyuk was still not realizing it.

And like a lunatic, he was giving will to the martial arts itself.

Of course, because he was such an ignorant person that I could continue to taunt him so easily.

‘It’s a rule of thumb to continue to taunt when their sanity is coming back.’

I stopped thinking to look towards Nam GungHyuk’s frowning expression.

This in itself was a satisfactory achievement, but it felt lacking somehow.

And that’s why.


I imitated his swordsmanship and let out the blue sword ki.


Of course, he managed to block the attack by slashing it in half…..

What was important was that I imitated his swordsmanship and the sword ki.

It meant that I completely duplicated his Blue Sky Sword Style.

Then I wore a bitter smile on top of a sardonic expression.

“As sloppy as it is, it was quite useful swordsmanship. Well, it was pretty fun to use.”


“It was beneath me though.”

Using the most disrespectful tone I could.

[To be continued.]

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