Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 131:

Chapter 131:


A word commonly used across the cults……

“……we prepared some offerings as you requested.”

But such sayings became commonplace after multiple occurrences hailing from the appearance of the tower.

To be more specific, it was all thanks to David Taylor, who called me a disciple to solidify the existence of gods.

I was amazed once I got on the rooftop of the UK hunters association.

‘They really got every item from the tower…..’

The rooftop was filled with items from the tower, collected by every personnel of the UK hunters association.

At that sight, many hunters gulped down.

“J-just how many skill proficiency potions are there……? Those things don’t come cheap…..”

“Damn, you can’t even get skill books through typical challenge rewards, and they have 4 of those here….?”

“Just how strong of a power is he going to use to require all of these? I’m gonna go insane…..”

As the challenger based hunters were discussing, the items provided to me were of high quality.

From weapon typed items to skill proficiency potions and skill mastering books…..

To be honest, despite requesting offerings for god, I myself did not expect all of these.

However, it was understandable.


I silently raised my head to look at the black orb floating by Big Ben.


The black orb was making a sound akin to a thundercloud.

‘The highest ranking barrier that not even hundreds of magicians can scratch …….’

I could clearly sense it using the Aura Sense that recently ranked up.

That it is a concentration of ominous, uneasy, and thick mana.

And since it’s floating right by the country’s capitol, it was natural for it to cause unrest.

And it was pretty obvious what London would become if that black orb was left alone.

A worse disaster than the massive annihilation at London.

Which is why the UK hunter association is willing to provide such support since I am able to destroy that.

However, I was in a pickle with no more inventory space, but Lee HaYeon managed to help me out with that.

“…….I did not bring it for this situation, but it’s the guilds rental dimensional pocket. I’ll lend it to you so make sure to return it to me later.”

With the meticulous readiness of a competent partner, I was able to take all the sponsored items.

It did poke at my consciousness to receive all of these items and I felt like I truly did become a leader of a cult…..

I suppose, as long as I work as much as I was given.

I placed the dimensional pocket by my waist and looked around the members at the rooftop to assess their abilities.


‘It’s lacking.’

I couldn’t help but feel disappointed after analyzing the challengers’ levels.

To my standard, David Taylor could be quite useful, but the rest were nothing more than an obstacle.

And these challengers most likely were given the proposal after a careful selection…..

‘This is worse than I thought.’

If that black orb is the product of a challenger with a dimensional invasion penalty, then the impact of a challenger with no limits would be unimaginable.

‘I can’t even joke about extinction of earth anymore at this point.’

Perhaps a challenger foster plan should be established as soon as possible….

But that was the task of a government, and not something for me to worry about.

Right now, my task would be to make sure none of these incompetent challengers die.

「Activating the Wind Spirits Boots (A+)’s Exclusive Effect ‘Path of the Wind’.」

After activating the newly acquired boots exclusive effect.

「You possess a small innate spirit magic potential.」

「The wind spirit will assist in your movements.」

I calmly said to everyone on the rooftop while stepping on mid air.

“Since all the offerings are here, I’ll go ahead and break that black orb.”

No one disputed.

I was the only one who could break that after all.

And because i explained everything beforehand, there was no more explanation needed.

“I’ll charge in first after breaking the barrier, so feel free to follow me at your own pace.”

This part too.

I’ve already told the magicians and the challengers that I will be the first to go inside the orb.

And because everyone was told beforehand, no one chimed in.

It’s just that, Lee HaYeon looked towards me anxiously……..

“I’ll see you all in a bit.”

Her anxious demeanor diminished when I looked her way to say it.

At that, I glided across the air to approach the black orb.

I thought about using the Steel Wings to fly there, but that took too much of my mana.

On the other hand, the Wind Spirit’s Boots could be activated with a small amount of mana while displaying a similar effect.

‘If I’m not in a rush, this method is more efficient.’

And I had to consider the battle with the challenger from a different dimension in a moment as well.

Although the Wind Spirit’s Boots were slower than the Steel Wings, my body has surpassed the limits of human beings.

After repeatedly running through the air, I managed to reach the ominous black orb within a blink of an eye.

「Activating skill ‘Sky Break’.」

「The limit on breakable things are dispelled.」

I applied Sky Break on my Blood Demon Sword and sent out a flash towards it.

Although it was a clean textbook example of a sword strike without any tricks of spells…….


Just with that alone, resulted in an excellent outcome.

With a large amount of mana used up, the black orb received a significant crack.

‘Can cut through mana itself…. Now it makes more sense.’

The moment the barrier was hit, it cracked open like a lumber being hit with an axe.

It was not that the hardness of the barrier got broken into, but rather the mana that produces the hardness of the barrier got broken.

If I tried to break this normally, it would need more mana than I used for the Sky Break.

‘I got a good skill.’

Since the effects of the Sky Break had no limits on things that can not break.

From now on, I should be able to confirm the extent of that description as well.

‘This is fun.’

I smiled and swung the Blood Demon Sword again.


And followed through by going inside the completely destroyed black orb.

「You’ve entered the magic area ‘Futility’.」

It was now time to repay for all the items I got from the UK hunters association.

»————- ★ ————-«

「You’ve entered the magic area ‘Futility’.」

The moment stepping beyond the black orb.

Everything around me turned black and my body got heavier like wet cotton.

「Everyone except for the master of the area will receive a -18 on all stats. 」

「Everyone except for the master of the area will receive a 300% increase in mana consumption rate and have difficulty detecting mana.」

「Everyone except for the master of the area will lose their sense of direction and every skill associated with senses and perception will be sealed.」

「Everyone except for the master of the area will be exposed to terrible illusions which can not be dispelled by skills.」

「Everyone except for the master of the area will receive a critical hit when being attacked by someone else.」

A –18 on all stats, mana consumption rate increase of 300%, perception skills sealed, unbreakable illusion, etc……..

Within a blink of an eye, countles debuffs overtook the body and started to suffocate me.

But that only lasted for a second.

「The penalty of –18 on all stats is dispelled by the skill ‘Forced Breakthrough’.」

「The penalty of mana consumption rate increase of 300% is dispelled by the skill ‘Forced Breakthrough’.」

「The seal on sense of direction and perception is dispelled by the skill ‘Mana Resistance’.」

「The area specific penalty Critical Hit is dispelled by the skill ‘Mana Resistance’.」

The skills ‘forced breakthrough’ and ‘calm’ took effect to revert my body back to its original state.

「Activating the power ‘Calm’.」

「Magic Area’s illusion effect ‘Futility’ is dispelled by the power.」

And even that illusion effect that can not be broken by a skill got dispelled by ‘calm’.

Even so, I couldn’t help but let out a silent groan thinking about the master of this area.

‘……all the other challengers would’ve died immediately without being able to resist.’

The moment I stepped inside the black orb, the exit also disappeared.

And with not many places for feet to rest on, it was not the optimal location for a battle either.

With decreased stats, increased mana consumption rate and other penalties, it was obvious that most would end up panicking.

Furthermore, this magic area’s effects did not end there.

‘Loss of sense of direction, and sealing of perception skills…….’

This person hiding somewhere inside the black orb made sure that no one would be able to find them.

With a basic mana resistance skill, the effects would never be dispelled.

‘I should probably warn other challengers to not come up here.’

I attempted to recommend a retreat to the other challengers, but the phone was not in service.

‘Of course, there’s no way I’d get a signal here.’

If phones actually worked in a magic area, that in itself would be ludicrous.

After letting go of the thought, I stepped on air and sprinted at top speed.

‘If I can’t let them know of the issue, then I just have to get rid of the issue.’

I just had to wrap up this situation before the other challengers got inside the magic area.

Running with that goal in mind, I managed to reach the center of the orb.

It was not certain if it was the center, but a man stood in that location.

“Hm, what an unexpected situation…….”

The man wore a pointy hat on top of ashen hair color.

He wore a youthful appearance of a man in their twenties, but that was not an odd sight.

There was a possibility that they regained their youth through a skill, power or an item since they were also a challenger.

And even if none of the aforementioned were used, the tower had the ability to mature anyone as long as they had the abilities.

Nothing would be perceived as out of the ordinary.

“To think there would be a strong enough challenger to pierce through the magic area.”

The ash haired man spoke while playing with the ends of his hat.

And I calmly asked that man without a hint of emotion in my voice.

“What was your motive behind the massive annihilation in London?”

“……hm, you must be dumber than you look. Do you really think that I’ll answer you?”

“All the other dimensional challengers did.”

“Ha, fucking dumbasses are ruining the reputation of the other dimensions. Unfortunately, I have no intention of….”

“Then forget it.”

I cut him off and activated the divine powers.

The divinity inside my heart started to course through my veins to emit a faint light.

「Activating the Myth <reversal hero="">.」</reversal>

「Effect <indomitable> is applied to Divinity Manipulation.」</indomitable>

「Effect <reversal> is applied to Divinity Manipulation.」</reversal>

「You are currently under a few penalties from being inside of a special area.」

「Activating the Special Buff <area adaptation="">to raise +4 on all stats.」</area>

After activating myths with divine powers, the man’s expression turned grim.

“D-divine powers….! A disciple?! H-how could this be! There shouldn’t be a god in this powerless small dimension!”

Regardless of the nonsense he spouted, I continued to activate all kinds of skills to its max.

“I don’t care whether you answer me or not.”

I spoke calmly looking at the blood-drained expression of the man.

“I’ll make sure you talk even if you don’t want to.”

The lunatic that massacred the citizens of London.

Will not be allowed the luxury of mercy.

[To be continued.]

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