Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 150: 17th Floor (2) ————-«

Chapter 150: 17th Floor (2) ————-«

「You have entered the 17th floor waiting room.」

「All restrictions on stats are dispelled, stat accumulation and power acquirement can be resumed as normal.」

I could feel the energy flowing through my body as soon as I returned to the waiting room.

The reward I got during the 16th floor of permanent stat increase was applied.

I felt a sense of relief with the restriction of stats being lifted, but that did not last long.

After all……

「Heir of Dragon Lord」

「Rank : S」

「An achievement that can be acquired through learning a technique of dragon category.」

「As a reward, you can learn the power ‘Dragon Transformation’.」

I was interested in the achievement that I got in the 16th floors’ trial.

It was an achievement that even gods would react to, so I made sure to look at the achievement requirements by opening up the achievement window, but……

‘What on earth is this?’

In the achievement requirement description, it would only say dragon category, and no further explanation was given.

I couldn’t comprehend why such achievement existed.

Why did it?

‘……I thought that the tower and the gods had a sort of hostility towards each other.”

I couldn’t understand why the tower created an achievement like this.

Well, it’s not like I can ever guess what the towers’ intent……

But with this incomprehensible Heir of Dragon Lord achievement, I couldn’t think straight.

‘……Perhaps like the god of proof, it could be that the tower is not always hostile towards the gods.’

However, it’s not like my thinking would solve anything, so I chose to be satisfied with the reward, and call it a day.

But I did manage to learn something good.

‘That there are gods that the tower will not oppose, and even create achievements for them.’

It meant that there are more gods that are unlike the god of battle, that showed absolute hostility towards the tower.

At that fact, I was relieved.

After all,

If a divine entity like god of battle can intervene in any trial as they wished, I would not survive.

I don’t know what type of powers the opposing divine entity would have, and if our affinities were on the opposite ends, my life would vanish like a candlelight by the window.

But not every god is like the god of battle, and with a bit of protection from the tower, I managed to maintain my life.

What the Hero of a Fallen World has said flashed in my mind.

─You’re one of the candidates that the tower is watching over, after all.


He spoke as if I had the qualification to be at a certain position.

My assumption was that the candidates that tower is watching over meant that I could reach to become a divine entity.

And it was not a baseless assumption.

‘Acquiring divine powers, meeting gods, and the direction of my growth is leaning more towards it.’

Furthermore, my potential of grim reaper has bloomed, and at this point, I was beyond what could be called a human.

(TL’s notes: the word grim reaper in korean literally means death god (??), so the grim reaper is a type of god.)

……if the tower has chosen me as a candidate, and if that candidate existed for the purpose of the tower, then this was becoming much more interesting.

Growth, rewards, competition.

Seeing all the rites of passages that I’ve gone through, the puzzles in my head started to paint a bigger picture.

The trials of the tower would filter through challengers and select ones that could ascend to divinity.

And ones who can pass that process and build experience are then selected as candidates to be led as divine entities.

It was not impossible.

But it felt a bit lacking.

‘I feel like I’m missing that 1%…….’

This time too, I could not draw the perfect conclusion.

So I gave up on thinking and instead turned to assess all the newly acquired rewards.

‘Trying to figure out the towers’ goals can be done after becoming stronger’

First, I absorbed the soul that I got from the previous trial.

「Permanently increasing your stats using the soul of the Demon Lord ‘Raymond’.」

「Strength increased by 3.」

「Agility increased by 2.」

「Stamina increased by 2.」

「 Mana increased by 6.」

「Tenacity increased by 4.」

Unfortunately, his stills couldn’t be absorbed, but…….

「Divine powers detected in the soul of the Demon Lord ‘Raymond’.」

「Power ‘Divinity’ is activated by meeting the requirements.」

「Attempting divinity extraction.」

At least I could extract divine powers.

「Divinity extraction success.」

However, the divine power rank did not increase this time either.

With a brief moment of disappointment.

I quickly shook off that feeling to observe the newly acquired power.

“Dragon Transformation”

As soon as I spoke out loud the name of the power, an immediate reaction occurred.

「Activating the special power ‘Dragon Transformation’.」

「For 10 minutes, the total mana amount will increase twofold.」

「For 10 minutes, some draconic features will be displayed.」

「For 10 minutes, All abilities and interference related to mana will improve.」

Crack, Crack……!

With my body changing, the amount of mana in the lower region of my body snowballed.

“I didn’t think that it actually meant dragon transformation…….”

Surprise only lasted a moment.

With my reclaimed calmness, I quickly bought a mirror from the store and looked at my appearance.

“What kind of lizard-human hybrid is this…….?”

The pupils turned vertical like those of reptiles and two small horns adorned my head.

Furthermore, my body also changed to increase every sensation that could be felt.

To the point it was almost overwhelming.



The new sensation that allowed me to feel everything clearly showed me a new world.

Even without using Fire Dragon’s Eyes, i could see everything. And most importantly, my ability to control and manipulate mana increased.

In the description it said that my ability to interfere with mana increased, but that couldn’t be confirmed just yet.

‘It can’t be helped since I can’t test it on anyone.’

I could only use it for 10 minutes, but it was a rather decent ability.

And this was not all.


“……this is ridiculous.”

It said that it will display draconic features, and now I could spit fire from my mouth.

Of course, it did take mana to use, but with double the amount of my normal mana, it was nothing to worry about.

‘If I spit out the fire seriously, it would pack a punch.’

After a few more sessions of figuring out other features, the dragon transformation was dispelled.

「Deactivating the power ‘Dragon Transformation’.」

「The power can be used again in 8 hours.」

However, the cooldown time was too long.

‘I suppose it can only be used once per battle.’

It was not a huge problem since it wasn’t too important.

While I was enjoying the lingering feeling of dragon transformation, the Blood Demon Sword on my waist started to vibrate.

―……Damn it, my head feels like it will split in half.

It was Dam Cheonwoo.

― Are you feeling better now?

I immediately sent out an advanced stealth-communication, and he replied.

―……Yes. This one is unsure of what you did, but this vessel that holds the soul of this great one is stronger now. It seems that the aftereffects of the past battle will not remain.

―Is that so?

―……Wait. That’s not all. It seems that the sword will be able to hold my consciousness properly from now on. I have no idea what you did, but the situation improved by a large margin.

― I’ve imbued the Absolute Indestructibility affinity to the item.

― And how did you……. No, no. you’re one of those lunatics that faced a god one on one. What use will it do to question a crazy person?

I opened my mouth after a momentary silence of hearing Dam Cheonwoo sigh.

“……Do you have things you’d like to ask me?”

― You’re asking an obvious thing. From what I’ve heard from you before, you’re only a challenger of the trials of the tenth floor. Hailing from a very small dimension’s origin.


― But considering your origins, you’re too strong and way too intertwined with divine entities. And so I found out.

“Found out?”

―That you must be one of those crazy candidates that the tower selected. And that’s how you were so involved with divine entities. You thought that the phoenix was a sparrow, now this was this great ones’ mistake.

He spoke as if he knew me very well of beings like me.

At that, I quickly attempted to ask him all the questions, but…….

Before I could open my mouth, the Blood Demon Sword vibrated even faster and Dam Cheonwoo continued to speak.

― You must have a lot of questions right now. What are candidates, what is the goal of the tower, and why do gods continue to intervene? However, this great one can not answer you.

“……Why is that? Weren’t you a challenger that surpassed the 40th floor when you were alive? Then can’t you also answer my questions?

―……This great one did die from failing a trial, however, I do not desire the destruction of my soul.

“Did the tower put a restriction?”

―Correct. Even if I know many things, the information allowed to you are very limited. Unqualified ones can not be told of these.

“Is that so…….?”

It was futile.

I was hoping that Dam Cheonwoo would be able to bypass the restriction of information leaks unlike administrators.

While I was dwelling in disappointment, Dam Cheonwoo spoke as if to not worry.

―But, I can tell you one thing. Thou won’t have to worry about the tower’s intentions nor about being a candidate.

“And why the blind trust?”

―You don’t have to trust the tower, but don’t doubt its intentions and candidacy. After all, the tower only wants one thing from thee.

“What does…….”

―Continue on your path, to end up with no worthy opponents. That’s what the tower wants from thee, and all the other challengers.


I had nothing to say.

Truth be told, at the beginning, I climbed the tower because I was selected. But later on, I continued to climb the tower out of my own will.

Whenever I continued to climb the tower, I got rewards. And I was, in a way, drunk in it.

Even without trying to believe in what Dam Cheonwoo had said, I knew that his words were not wrong.

―You must know too. That being able to climb up to this point was not only from your own capabilities, but that the tower has given opportunities to do so.

“I do indeed. The tower is not harmful to me.”

―……good that you understand fast. Ah, you got selected as a candidate so early on, so you must have good comprehension skills..

“So I won’t ask you now. All my questions can be answered later when I am stronger.”

―……Sigh. How disappointing it is that you’re not a child of East. If you hailed from Murim, you must’ve been able to become the strongest of the time.

The sword shook as if Dam Cheonwoo was very satisfied.

―I’ve been moved.


―What does the origin matter and what does the type of relationship matter?

Dam Cheonwoo spoke with a delighted voice.

―What’s important is that our hearts are aligned.

“……What brought this on suddenly?”

―I’m saying that this great one shall teach you many things.

“And what will you teach me with restricted information……..?”

―Information regarding the tower is restricted, yes. But information regarding the different dimensions, and things that I’ve learned before I was selected into the tower can be taught.

I widened my eyes at that.

It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to learn about the different dimensions.

The information of other dimensions was not a priority on the list, but something that I needed. Not enough to consume my question rights, but enough to keep on my list.

But now, that has changed.

If Dam Cheonwoo could tell me about the other dimensions, then I won’t have to worry over questions that are difficult to let go.

―So let me ask you.

However, Dam Cheonwoo’s offer did not end there.

―This great one has been the leader of the Sect of Heavenly Demon before climbing the tower.

He spoke in a boastful voice and slowly floated up to the air.

―This great one learned the Soul Ascending technique there, and hath plans to teach that to thee.

Because the tower’s restriction is only for things of the tower, the techniques that he learned before the tower had no restrictions.

―Thus, This great one hath decided to make thee my disciple.

The techniques of the challenger who reached the 40th floor would be useful.

I instinctively felt that.

―Would thee be interested in learning Blood Demon Spirit techniques?

From the now mid-air Blood Demon Sword, a crimson energy was coming out.

[To be continued.]

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