Bow and Arrow

Chapter 107 — Tell Me More!

Tell Me More!




Leaf on Fire: "Hey Tongqiu! Hello~, I wish you good luck in levelling, gearing up and... your life! I and my friends will be supporting you from the darkness, with cheers and thumbs up! 👍👍👍 (we even formed a small little fan club for you! We promise you it's not a perverted one like Little Phoenix Maiden, we respect you <3)."

'Oh boy.' Finding it impossible to contain a smile, Tongqiu gazed at the 'box' to send a message as the AI wrote it for him.

Tongqiu: "Thanks. Maybe I'll give you some of the items I don't need, as a show of uhm, well, just take it as friendliness I guess."

Tongqiu decided to leave it at that and just continue on. But he instantly received another message which prompted him to gaze at the text that the AI jut closed, as it automatically opened once again.

Leaf on Fire: "SURE! We can always meet, right? When you're bored and so on, well, I won't disturb ya anymore, have fun handsome!"

'Hm... I'm sure that she didn't notice that last word(?)' Oh well, might as well.' He sent a polite response with a cheeky, 'beauty' on italic before finally opening Natalia's ID box messages.

A few of previous messages were still there.

"Tongqiuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~ Get out now to have lunch with us or I won't let you eat me up for daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays!!!"

"Tongqiu, Diana has just received the new clothes you bought for her with the help of Miss Yona. 150k on her alone, eh? Now she can seduce you even better?! Naughty Tongqiu!"

After involuntarily snorting in a cheery manner a couple of times, Tongqiu finally 'sent' his message that he so much wanted her to know of...

"Oh, today I had a strange encounter. I, uh... hooked up with a young woman..."

He wrote a little paragraph describing it all. After 2 minutes of having it send and getting somewhat nervous, having an over-feeling of the air touching his body, he finally received a response:

"Tongqiu, I'm at the new LV45 hunting grounds zone at the east of Azure Dragon City below the little forest and little river, I just left my party and am heading towards a very, very deserted place. Coordinates 'xxxx-xxxx', waaah, there's nobody here. Come. And. Tell. Me. More. Please?"

Tongqiu: "..."

It was time to put on use the Great Petal Suit anyway, and as such, he orderly and calmly went out the blacksmith's shop while also paying a rotund 10,000 gold coins for keeping it open and save the time and spot for a day.

Natalia wasn't teasing him or acting revengeful, hell no, she was 'mildly' hinting that she may need help to not get lost at a certain coordinates where no one travels around... or almost no one. After all, she wasn't in danger as she could summon lightning that could kill anything in one single strike. And she wasn't a girl that was stupid nor dirt; or someone like the young woman from before. Unlike Tongqiu who compared to her, is dirt, ugly dirt.

Even then, such an angel is not only devoted but also infatuated with him, and she even encourages his 'dominance' over other female specimen. He never felt some kind of conformism nor despondent unwillingness; she was rather genuine and always pushed him for the side were his desires, longing, yearning and emotions were. What else could he ask for? If she asked, he'd go against the world -something he already knows the feeling of- and destroy it, even if it was 'just in case'. Let alone accept such nature of himself. Of course, he himself wasn't like that as well and had a sudden sensation of 'hunger', which he's still, even until now, trying to figure out. Hence, why he dominated that peculiar young woman from that peculiar couple.

In any case, Tongqiu reached the place for about 1 minute and 50 seconds later. At 1 minute and 52 seconds later, he had already dropped his Mental Power over the surrounding kilometer as they were now engaging on a rough yet gentle and affectionate, lovemaking.

. . .


"Haah, haaah~!" Natalia had her right leg over Tongqiu's body while her head was right below his face to his right. After inhaling and exhaling like crazy a couple times mores, she slightly stood up, positioning her upper body on top of his; looking at him with a determined and even... stubborn (?) gaze as she spoke: "Tongqiu, with what you've told me, I... have decided, that... you're not allowed to bang a girl and just leave!"

Blinking more than a couple of times, Tongqiu remained silent, even motionless as she waited for her to continue.

"I... I would prefer it if my Tongqiu doesn't become a dog that eats on the streets, you know? The moment that thought crossed my mind I grew enraged! My man is too incredible to be having some street snacks and then be sent back, hmph hmph. Even though she did her role of pleasuring my Tongqiu, it is nothing that I, Diana or... even Itnia can offer! You're not allowed to jump on chicks like it's nothing, under-understood?"

Natalia sure had a lot of sudden gained courage to say those words, it could be as simple that she behaved like this from what she went through when reading Tongqiu's day. It was not because of what damnable foolish Tongqiu did, but because of how it happened and what happened afterwards.

Looking at his eyes twinkle in agreement and appreciation, Natalia added: "You have... many women, that are itching closer to you by the moment, already so close by. You don't need to recur to having a taste outside of your own house, you know?"

Finally, Tongqiu choose to speak now as he behaved somewhat like a scolded little kid: "Yes, whatever my Natalia says, I'll do."

"Mn!" Nodding satisfactorily, Natalia rested her head, this time burying her face on his skin. However, it did not last, as Tongqiu's next words came at her without a warning.

"So you're saying that you, Diana and all little maids will be my wives?"

"Mn, mn." She subconsciously nodded while still having her face plastered on his skin as well as softly muttering some 'mn'. By the time she realized how easily she confirmed Tongqiu's doubts, she had only her upper, naked body stand up again as she exclaimed: "Ah! Aaah! Tongqiu~~! No, how dare you trick me?! Aaaah!"

Feeling her little, weak as fuck fists pump at his chest with the difference on stats increasing that gap, Tongqiu grabbed her wrists, sat up and sincerely spoke to her: "Marry me, Naty."

Natalia: ◉_◉

As she had her pupils dilate like crazy right after hearing such, she then melted into his embrace with her head tackling him down on his neck. Tongqiu could swear being able to hear her smile throughout the entire time as silence befell on them for a good while.

After a sweet time, her voice came to be as she moved her head to the right side of his head, speaking in a gentle tone: "I can't, not unless you marry us all at the same time."

Tongqiu: (°ロ°)☝

"Wait, what? I was about to think of responses to any kind of cliche answer you could've told me, ah, this..." Tongqiu was probably in the most confused state he has ever been in his entire life so far and possibly even ever; but in any case, he understood a little of Natalia's words, they were still full of sweet and honey, as well as being said in her natural voice with a tinge of the deepest forms of affection.

He spoke once again decisively, after remembering her gaze from before when she was 'changing the terms' of his relationship with other women: "So, this means I should direct my claws towards Itnia, Estel... even Little Yao?"

"Ah, isn't Tongqiu thinking quite far ahead already? Hehe, my Tongqiu is a pervert!"

'I give up, Naty is on her cutesy yet teasing mode, can't deal with her.' Tongqiu's face was that of an abandoned man in the middle of war, after an exhaustive battle that was barely won over, yet was being cruelly sent away again into even more battles.

"Sigh, well anyways, what was that of levelling with a party at a LV45 hunting grounds? Eh? Na-Naty?"

Tongqiu was speaking all well and calmly when he suddenly felt a few toes graze at his waist before landing on the ground, then felt her left hand supporting her body while her right hand was picking up his Sleeping Dragon from below, aiming it towards...

"No, no, no! It's only been a couple of hours! We need to do at least a little more rounds, who knows if your big bad boy here will betray your mind? I need to discipline it, he can only eat up the kittens from his own house! A-ah, angh... mhm, gnyaangnh~!"

Amidst her raggedly breathing spoken words, Natalia once again introduced both of their lovemaking tools together, going up and down, left and right, roughly with the objective of feeling it all asleep and inoffensive. There were some content giggles sounding here and there even, she was having a blast with his Sleeping Dragon. They both totally ignored her already drenched of Tongqiu's 'essence' cavity as chaos continued to be ensued. At some point, she gave kittenish, inviting squeals when the Sleeping Dragon woke up, little by little. Giving her a tremendous stimuli as she even felt for a moment there, to be 'double' pierced by it.

. . .


Time passed, a lot of time.

Tongqiu was now walking with a Natalia who had her face slightly rosy and her body completely given up to the virile-like scent of the man she was landing her body at, even while walking at a normal speed, it was as if glue was far behind from what she had put on herself as she adhered herself at his body.

"Mnnn, Tongqiu, you smell better and better everyday. It's good that you're healthy again, so good." As Natalia spoke those words, she grasped his arm with both her hands. Tongqiu smiled and turned his eyes almost crescent as he felt her every being rested at him; naturally, she wasn't only speaking of his manliness on the bed or 'natural' smell, it was more the fact that his body started operating like... Like that of a normal human being, at the very least. All possible chemicals and possible unknown ones even, went out from inside his body and permeated Natalia's senses. The same has already started happening with Tonkia and Irllytia, but he never truly knew what kind of effect did it had. It seemed that the reason both Natalia and that young woman managed to have a lot of energy was not just because of the fact that their virtual bodies were super enhanced inside Rising Essence...

"Oh, right, I'll tell you about it." Hearing her words, Tongqiu ignored the road ahead as he set his gaze towards her crimson-blood hair in a little ponytail; Natalia and Diana were both humans inside Rising Essence but, Natalia had a little less hair than in real life while Diana had slightly more hair on her forehead, it was nothing to look at but for Tongqiu, it was a paradise for his eyes and emotions. It was a new source of brightness for his being, even if it was silly and seemingly unnecessary.

Natalia was then speaking about her 'hard' time spent trying to find a party. Still with her unique scary-silly bear mask from her GT, she was calmly looking at the parties that were looking for clerics when she suddenly felt they were not that good -with her own, kind words-. So she then just stood on a spot and signed a contract for the system to create a 5 minutes long sign on top of her head for 50 gold, which said: 'FULL WIS CLERIC LF PARTY TO LEVEL UP'.

Twelve seconds later, she found a huge, bulky man dumbly asked her to be their life-saver on their new strategic leveling at a high level hunting grounds. Turns out that she didn't really minded whether they could deal with such a thing or not; their idea was simple, kill one LV45 mob with all seven on them working on it. The leader, the huge, bulky man, was the MT in charge of keeping aggro on the mob while the others were either buffing or dealing damage. Only Natalia was the cleric, and even she admitted that it was hard for her to even do a job like this as every hit from the LV45 mob would take from 2/5 to 1/3 of the MT's full hp. Without counting skills.

Even if they couldn't deal with that, they could go to another lower levelled place to level up at, their party was pretty damn good and she saw how the MT and the assassin had great gear, even 1 or two Magical grade ones, so she wasn't worried for the efficiency of their party. There was only a slight discomfort on her part with the advances of the males on the party here and there, this part incited Tongqiu so badly that not only Rosey but even Naty realized his state, quickly pampering him into obedience, she continued.

"I also think they're trying to form an association... Or it was at least so for the MT. I don't know what's wrong with you men, I have a mask and no body but oh dear, I still got hit on like nothing mattered." Hearing her talk so annoyed and despondent, Tongqiu tugged at her shoulders and arms a little before taking a deep sigh -lest he goes 'red eyed' again- as he spoke to her in a comforting, soothing and tender manner: "It's because my Naty is such a kind, gentle being that even the grass we're stepping on have a crush on you. Mn, maybe you're right, maybe I still have some scent of that young woman on my little Tongqiu, take it out of me, oh dear priestess Naty!"

"Pffft, dummy! I... I'm already full..." Blinking and containing his beast inside the cave, Tongqiu could only do that as he kept on strangely walking forwards.

"Mn, the mobs are some golems that are made of magma and some other heat-durable rocks, like soapstone! It can summon a shower of magma and even some boulder-sized meteorites every now and then. Many of our party members die to either one of those, instantly killed! It's fun because I can revive them afterwards because of some reason that the system gave me. Oh! The system is much better and helpful than before, isn't it? Tongqiu?" Sweating a little bit at Natalia's uncaring for the torment of players, Tongqiu nodded at her before adding: "Yes it is, but don't trust it too much, it can flip out at any moment the fucker."

"Tongqiu~~, manners! Hehehehe. Ehem, anyways, I'll present you to them. I thought you might have already wanted to meet them, anyways?"

"Yup, sounds good like that, allow me to meet them." Blinking at Tongqiu's non-murderous words at all, Naty once again lazily leaned on him with his right arm captive of her tender, soft hands.

"Oh right, you said you could revive them. For all I know, clerics don't really get the resuscitate skill even at Lv30, what did the system said?"

Natalia spoke without thinking as no matter was a secret between each other: "It was something to do with a hidden stat, I think. But I need to work more on it to develop it. And even more work to, er... 'manipulate' it, I think?!"

Hearing her way of speech made Tongqiu caress her right cheek with his left hand. Of course she wouldn't like a word such as 'manipulate' and the likes; even more so when she was the one doing so. But he felt the need to aid her on that, so he spoke in a teaching manner which she probably has heard of before or so he thought.

"Manipulation of a hidden stat is like controlling them. Except, 'control' is an ugly word to be used. After all, is not like it has a mind of its own and is, in fact, just 'you'. Like your limbs or... Slap! your bum. You feel them and cane have them feel different sensation, and even wriggle them around, ahem. You don't necessarily 'control' your body, once your brain is useless it stops moving altogether. The same can be said to your hidden stat, once your gone over to the New Earth 'side', it doesn't exist inside Rising Essence anymore. Other players may have the same kind of hidden stat, but it is not the same as yours nor is it better or worse. It all depends of how one makes use of it, like me and my Mental Power, I can now do many shit ton of- ehem, sorry. Many ton of things after learning how to use it thanks to Rosey and those Unwilling Souls from before. The reason why there is not another kinder, friendly word is because I think it has already been used for other features and Crestfallen Industry didn't wanted them mingled together, messily. That's why 'manipulation' is the word for mastery, while 'control', is only for the unworthy. Like, when one... cannot control... oneself..." Tongqiu did his very best to teach her lithe-looking, beautiful angelic woman his learning on hidden stat; he had great teachers himself, which had already formed an unexplainable knot on his heart that needed to be dissolved in the future. That was something that one could get into deep thinking, but that was not the case for Tongqiu's suddenly spacing out, rather... He just had a resemblance of the past from when he was also acting as a teacher for... a really beloved person. Natalia right now, was his beloved person, and she was attentively looking at him just as much as she was learning from him at the same time, just like old times.

Natalia was indeed, enchanted by Tongqiu and Tongqiu's words, she felt not only enlightened but also spellbound. When did he ever talked like this? When did he ever talked this much? When was he ever so passionate just by talking, that he lost himself on it rather on silent thoughts and unknown gazes? As of right now, she was so jealous of her Big Sister, sigh, yet she was the only one right now who could enjoy such a Tongqiu. Pity and forlorn invaded the depths of her heart as she decisively took a step forwards and pecked on his lips, with slightly opened lips, she shut him up cutely.

After separating, she remained only a few centimeters away from his face, their noses almost touching as she spoke in her gentle yet excited voice: "Tongqiu, you know, know~ so much! Aiya, I think that you do still have, after all, some little scent on your body. Mmm... I see some tall and mighty trees over there, surrounded by thick and colorful shrubbery, we should take a look a- aaAAAAH!"

Her words were cut off by a now awoken Tongqiu, as she was held by the wrist and forced to move at great speeds, before being carried by some hot, impatient and naughty hands towards the little forest that was slightly near a little river too.


As many more sounds of nature came to be, for another long time, Tongqiu and Natalia were finally exhausted. Well, Natalia, Tongqiu still had some fuel and was recharging to max condition already. Naty's party had taken a break to eat and hang out when she needed to leave, as a result, though they took a lot of time, they didn't made Natalia's party wait for too much. Only a few of hours.




V2: #1 10/10

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