Bow and Arrow

Chapter 124 — Does Big Brother Wanna Ride Me?

Does Big Brother Wanna Ride Me?




"Eh, not scared?"

"Puchi... nope, not scared at all, hehehe~."

Tongqiu rolled his eyes as he then asked rather apologetically: "Then, how are we going to move between Regions? I don't have a horse, that'll take a lot of time on foot, no?"

"Eh? Horse? Can one cross between Regions with a horse? I didn't know!" Zyv's innocent eyes looked roundly at Tongqiu, speechless at her, he could only understand that she did not crossed Regions like he thought was possible.

As if gaining understanding on something, Zyv's eyes brightened for an instant before speaking excitedly towards Tongqiu: "AH! Big Bro, look. This place feels really obscure and slightly colder, that's why it's so good to hide in and why I didn't move away from here. Also, it is really strange... it smells of nothing but I have a weird sensation with my Mental Power stat, wuuu."

Tongqiu visibly flinched back, threatening to table even more her chest as he felt some tiny soft somethings on his back.

"Eh? Does Big Bro also has that hidden stat? Eheee, we're so alike. Hm hm." Unknowingly, Zyv rubbed her chest on his back as she felt a tingling sensation and because she was 'doing so' on the back of her Big Brother Wolfy, she felt glad and happy for some reason instead of violated as she kept on 'rubbing' for a while.

"Ehem, Zyv, stop that. Bad girl, bad girl."

"B-but, it... good, ah... okay..." Zyv wanted to protest in indignation when she suddenly felt her legs all wobbly as she continued to speak in a small voice before finally separating from his back.

After a minute or so that Tongqiu gave her to recompose herself, he spoke out again in askance: "Then, how are we gonna move around?"

Becoming bright and shiny once again yet still blushing a little, Zyv responded in a cheery voice: "Mn! It's quite simple, observe and be blown away in amazement!"

Finishing saying that, Zyv went on fours on the ground and before Tongqiu could scold her again, the sound of a wolf howling in the distance were heard.

Whooosh~~ Rustle!!!

Intense sounds from the trees as numerous gush of winds came to be in but an instant as Tongqiu became totally alarmed, not because of Zyv at fist since he has suffered before from being forced into certain place down 'there' before, but he then looked towards Zyv with the intention of getting her out of here when her body was no longer visible.

A fog had instead taken place where her body once stood as an almost indiscernible to the naked eye silhouette could be seen transforming from within.

His pupils constricting, Tongqiu saw how the lithe and delicate figure of a young girl became grotesque and ever increasingly huge by the moment.

Crack-Cnk-Flooh~ Crack!

The sounds of bones moving or even breaking as well as colliding with one another, along with the sound of some kind of 'soft' substance be swayed fervently were heard over and over again. For a full minute, this transformation ensued and once it was over, the fog that was hiding Zyv from the outside words was finally being drawn 'into' her once again.

It had to be said, she was pretty much a table, maybe the heavens forgot to give her astounding mounds here and there due to being captivated and idiotized by her pure beauty alone.

What came to view from Tongqiu's point of view was the immense body of a 9 meters long wolf and 5 meters tall wolf when standing on its four legs. It had a tail that extended for another 4,5 meters and was utterly flexible. Her primary color was of a dark silver color while her feet, paws, neck, snout, tip of its tail and tummy were of a white color instead. Its eyes were exactly those of Zyv, sky-blue with a whitish glow on them!

It looked imposing, beautiful, heroic and even ferocious, even with its expression totally calm and serene!

Its eyes locked on Tongqiu's body before also looking right into Tongqiu's eyes, for a while, this continued to happened as none of them said anything. Tongqiu didn't know why she had a fixation with his eccentric wolf mask, but this made it easier for him to understand her a little more as well as feel her emotions better without even using Mental Power.

"Zyv... waw." Yup, Tongqiu was speechless, he had no fucking clue onto what was going on and as such, he was completely speechless.

Suddenly, a melodic, gracious and ethereal voice reached his mind as he recognized it to be Zyv's.

"Big... Brother... Am I... Not... Amazing?!" Her voice was slightly cut and unnatural, she was probably not used to using Mental Power to communicate, Tongqiu did the same for her as he responded in an equally ethereal voice: "Pffwhahahaha, Zyv, you don't know how to properly 'communicate' like this, eh?"

Visibly turning incredulous, Wolf Zyv's eyes became as big as huge wolf's sized saucers as her voice became rather expertly at communication right after: "Oh? Waaaah! Brother is so good at this! How much Mental Power you have, aaaaaaah?!"

Feeling instantly down at being played with, Tongqiu felt downcast but her newfound fanaticism made his day bright again as he began to brag.

"Heh! Last time I checked, it was of 416, how 'bout that lil' girl? Humm?!"

Zyv: "..."

Silence came to visit them both at the same time as Wolf Zyv's eyes became as if locked in space.

Wolf Zyv the spoke once again inside Tongqiu's mind: "I only have 72 Mental Power..."

"Ah..." Feeling slightly troublesome upon making her go this silent, Tongqiu chose to speak rather carefully next: "That is actually nice! It's really a lot, compared to even other great players, you are quite unique Zyv!"

Making a distorted pout with her snout, Wolf Zyv simply brushed it off before speaking once again in his mind: "But I do have another hidden stat! You know which one it is? Do you know how much I have~? Hehehe!"

'Eh? Another one? Fuck, I barely managed to discover mine and she has that one and even another one?!' As it was now his turn to become speechless, Tongqiu slowly became aware of 'there is a higher mountain and sky'...

Having no other choice, Tongqiu could only follow up with her words lest she becomes sad: "W-what is it?"

"Nehehehe! Nature Connection, which is 273! And Ancestral Bloodline, which is 848!"

But she didn't stop ther, no no, as she then kept on speaking of her hidden stats: "Look, look. When I discovered my Ancestral Bloodline stat, I could then transform into this beautiful self! But, it will be somewhat awkward and long of a transformation until I reach LV60. As for my Nature Connection, wuhoooooooooo!! It's really great, I can actually communicate with the elements and make it easier to traverse through any place without obstructions, even underwater!"

"Mhm, yea yea, mhm. That's great, so great."

"Teheee~! I know~!"

As Tongqiu didn't know how to react to the already on the top Wolf Zyv, the wolf in question kept on speaking all excited and joyfully. It wasn't until a long while before she finally stopped wasting time and spoke Tongqiu of their next course of actions.

"Ehem, so Big Brother needs to hop on my back and mount me." She stopped at there, her eyes blinking at him in complete and pure innocence.

Already feeling bullets of sweat form around everywhere on his body, Tongqiu spoke out: "Aha? And... what's next?"

"Next... well, Big Brother has to ride me and he'll see!" With Wolf Zyv's eyes closing into a crescent and in a cheerful manner, she spoke in his mind with her snout moving up in pride.

'Girl, that doesn't help a lot...' Oh what the fuck, Tongqiu gave up on his morals -what was left of them- and jumped onto Wolf Zyv's back while also giving her back a little slap so that she would stop playfully wagging her backside over and over again.

Flinching in response, Wolf Zyv spoke in his mind: "Oh sorry, I'm still not used to it. Ehem... Big Bro, how does it feel to ride me? Mm?"


"Enough! Or I swear as soon as you turn back to human, you'll have red marks of my hand all over your body!" His voice was that of a demanding yet harmless one, it was more than easy for Zyv to understand and stop fooling around as she gave a few 'mn' and 'forgive me big bro!' in succession.

"Okay, hold tight Big Brother! You may even die if you aren't properly holding onto my fur or my neck... DO NOT GRAB MY TAIL." Uh oh, that was a flag, it was too late for her to take it back as Tongqiu's mind had already become full of knowledge from her weaknesses. Her future did not look promising at all.

"Mou, whatever. Here I come!" Once again making a dumb pout in her Wolf form, Zyv then visibly trembled for a long while -merely some seconds-, before their surroundings wrapped ostentatiously and alarmingly fast!


Weird sounds that resembled the quick movements of an object being blocked by the wind only to keep on moving in different angles and directions without stop came to be as Tongqiu felt the wonder of moving to an unimaginable speed that he could never dream of achieving, at least not currently.

With his hands decisively holding onto her fur, he thought it was not enough so he instead made a risky decision to cling onto her neck with a big leap. When he did so, he didn't notice -or maybe he did- a most beautiful purest white and grey-platinum bright metallic essences follow his every trail as he safely made it onto Wolf Zyv's neck.


The sound of an object made of plastic be rubbed fiercely against a rough substance at great levels was heard before the sounds of 'everything' in their surroundings breaking came to be too! A last, deafening sound was heard that was similar to that of an object hitting one's head ever so harshly invaded once again Tongqiu's head as he then felt Wolf Zyv's body hump a little before stabilizing, this time on real, normal and natural soil.


"Haah, hah! Hah... haah~..." Tongqiu fell flat onto the ground right after a few second of both their bodies remaining still at having possibly traversed an entire Region without them even actually setting their bodies on motion in any way, this was like nothing he has ever experienced before. It wasn't like a teleportation like the one he felt when he first entered Main Kingdom or when he was sent away by that 'young man' in the Somber Tree region, let alone by the 'normal' feeling of his body being sent to a place like the one that Fiornyo was in charge of.

"Uh, Big Brother Wolfy? You alright?" A soothing, caring voice traveled to his ears as the back of his head was then taken in by a pair of soft, boneless and delicate thighs while the sides of his head were being gently held. His awareness was rapidly taking form again, though his Mental Power was capable of directing him either way, he simply did not feel comfortable at the sudden vulnerability from just then. If he didn't had his Mental Power, he would've been as easy to send back into his Region as a LV0 rabbit!

"Fuck... what, wh-where is this place. Where are we-e-e?" His mind still a little chaotic as he finally recuperated, Tongqiu spoke those words slightly brokenly.

A 'rebuking' voice answered to his consciousness rather than to his words this time: "Big Brother Wolfy, no curses! If you're going to swear, swear with me on bed."

Tongqiu: "..."

Alright, he was now sober, what the fuck.

'Does Big Brother need a kiss? I've read it can help someone calm down, let's see.' With that though forming on her little fairy's head; she astoundingly removed Tongqiu's helmet on her own, then, human Zyv lowered her head and pecked him twice; the first peck was normal and cute but it also opened Tongqiu's lips a little while the second one was moist as she even grazed her upper lip with his maxillary teeth.

Now fully calmed down as well as feeling his blood rush into his head, Tongqiu dazedly grabbed Zyv's arms as he forced her down once again, this time for three kisses that extended beyond a full minute.

. . .


"Ah, haah~, Bi-Big Bro... are you feeling better now? Or... need more? Ah..." Zyv was still sitting on the grass with her cheeks pinkish and her neck reddish, her arms were even a little red too from being grabbed and rubbed with his delicate hand yet their grip was too much for someone with such weak-looking hands.

Her lips glistening with both of the perpetrators' saliva on them while also slightly tore open in small bites, she kept on licking those small marks that gave her an uncontrollable tingle and itch from as her tongue licked clean her lips with a few strokes.

"Zyv, I'm sorry." While Tongqiu was apologetically admitting his fault, Zyv raised her head to look at him, her eyes were no longer looking at him innocently as her eyes were still basking on their previous immoral act.

After a good while, she shook her head and with a bright smile she looked once again at him as she responded: "Mm mm, as long as my Big Brother Wolfy is okay with me, then I'm more than happy to be with you."

She stood up and embraced Tongqiu's waist, her little head resting right below and between his ribs as she felt his lungs be filled with her own 'essence', a small grin formed at her lips. This was all seen by Tongqiu, unbeknownst to her.

Finally, Tongqiu had a chance to glance at his surroundings. Behind them was a dark and somber forest with small but impossible to count trees, probably the Region's 'border' as what was right in front of them was an entirely empty grassland of brilliantly gleaming verdant flora all around it.

There seemed to be some buildings in the long distance; far, far, far away from their current position. As Tongqiu began to calculate how much it was from where they were to those buildings in the distance, he unconsciously rubbed Zyv's shoulders, arms and upper back.

"Mmgh, mmnh." Ignoring her little comforted moans, he kept on observing their surroundings.

'Must be between 5,000 to 10,000 km away... how the fuck are we gonna get there... system?' But he received no response, the harsh long distance between them and civilization was too much and he did not know how did Zyv made her 'travels' on her own.

Feeling his own confusion, Zyv decided to speak out at this moment: "I have a few scrolls, don't worry Big Brother, as long as we don't interact with players directly and don't attack any non-aggressive NPC, we'll be fine~."

"You mean, won't be 'detected' by the system?" His words made sense to Zyv, forcing her to unwillingly give up in the immersion of his embrace as she responded: "Mhm, it's like we're just on a vacation. Our honey moon! Hehe."

Tongqiu: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Then, Zyv took out quite the lots stacks of different kind of scrolls as he passed many batches of each to Tongqiu.

"Oh, don't worry about the amount, I already have like thousands for each of them, hehe. Let's crush it, then I'll take Big Brother Wolfy towards our first stop!" Zyv raised her little fist as she glanced at Tongqiu with her face still warm from their little tight embrace.

Unable to hold his horses, or maybe just don't wanted to, Tongqiu cupped her little chin on her left with his right hand's finer before pecking her little lips once again before smooching her nose in affection.

"Eeehk! Stop kisshing me! I'm all wet already! What are you even planning? Mou..." Ignorant of her words, or maybe not as well, Zyv rubbed her cute little immortal fairy-like face a lot before speaking to him as she glared 'furiously' at him.

"Hahaha, alright, see you in town." Right after saying that, devilish Tongqiu escaped onto the nearest town as she left cute little Zyv alone to her needy and bratty expression as she thought to herself: 'Ah? I thought he wouldn't be able to stop kissing me... It must be the situation, ah! I must learn how to conquer my Big Bro!'

After daydreaming, Zyv also used a basic return scroll before disappearing from sight.


Silence and wind took total dominance over the place as they both left, with only a little shadowy hand crawling back into the woods after scanning for a good while and not being able to find anything...

. . .


"So about this place? What is it, where are we?" Tongqiu talked towards Zyv who had gained two burrowed horses at the price of 150 gold coins each which Tongqiu paid for his. He was mounted on the horse at the right side of a road while Zyv was on the left one, she was obviously more refined than Tongqiu even though he also had good training with one, it was also basic-level of training so he had no excuse whatsoever.

"We're right now at the Eternal Silhouette Region! Eh, though there's not a clear guide in the forums nor an actual guide from the Crestfallen workers, you should've know more or less of the other Regions... right, Big Brother?" After saying so, Zyv flinched in excitement at having caught something to hold against Tongqiu as she meaningfully looked back at him with her head tilted towards her back and right.

His eyes darting around nonstop, Tongqiu didn't wanted to know anything no more, but he was obviously not given clemency. Zyv once again sounded out her soothing and gracious voice for his ears to perk up at: "Big Brother-"

But she was then cut off by the smartest man alive, Tongqiu, as he then changed the theme of conversation: "Oh, that's right! How did you managed to send us all the way here? We're no longer in the middle of nowhere or among players, so we can now talk freely!"

However, he did not receive a response and when he noticed that she was not playing around and that her reaction was fully sincere and looked sideways at her, he noticed her befuddlement as well as helplessness.

"Big Brother Wolfy... Big Brother Wolfy hasn't even checked the hidden class leaderboards, have you?"

It was his turn to become befuddled instead.




Author's Note: Tongqiu has good gaming skills and great reaction speed; he just doesn't read what lore items explain and what skills do in terms of how they work properly *cough, cough*, he just goes with the flow~~. Do NOT be like this, I don't recommend it. Also, next chapter will finally reveal a lot of hidden classes that won't become forcefully important nor appear at some point -forcefully-, unless the characters ARE important -to some point-, duh (:p). As well as the explanation of Regions, Divisions and Sub-Divisions, my cute little lore-device Zyv will gladly expose it all for you to read!

V2: #2 7/10

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