Bow and Arrow

Chapter 126 — Regions, Divisions And Sub-Divisions

Regions, Divisions And Sub-Divisions





After clearing her throat, cutely, Zyv began to explain with fervor and with the demeanor of wise teacher: "Bright Sunset Region is located at the far East of Main Kingdom, way beyond the central Regions and on the borders with the endless ocean. From all Regions, it is the one where the Water Core Element is also at its strongest, without counting the Ancient Forest Region of course. From there, its Division is that of the Myriad Beast Division. While its Sub-Divisions are the Azure Dragon Sub-Division in the East, which is also from where the Water Core Element is at its strongest! Then there is the Carmesí Vermilion Bird Sub-Division in the South, holding the strongest Fire Core Element within its Region, there is even a great desert that takes almost 1/3 of the entire Sub-Division's territory which is rumored to hold the secrets of the ancients; I couldn't go in there, that area was way too high-levelled, wuuu. Another one is the Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Division in the North, where the Earth Core Element is the strongest within its Region; though it is mainly a desert-like territory, but this desert is rather habitable and comfy to stay in with only some slight earthquakes occurring every day. Finally, there is the Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division in the West where the Wind Core Element its the strongest in the entire Region, it is a land full of chaos and murder for now, I even had to kill a few NPCs, let alone players."

"There is some mentions in the little books that, there is still a hope for this Region to not fall into depravity, but that is only if their leaders stop being so murky and greedy as well as lustful. They themselves have already had brought endless suffering to their civilians in more than one way, wuuu. What an ugly story, right, Big Brother?"

Tilting his head to his right, Tongqiu gazed attentively at Zyv with her furrowed brows that were formed from obvious disgust and dislike towards his Region's current state and maybe even future. He couldn't help but wholeheartedly agree with her, this shit was more or less accurate. Hmph! They even wanted to bring 'his' Tornyllia away from himself, not only because of that Azure Dragon city' city lord, but also those who 'advised' her in the Bright Sunset 'higher ups'. There was bound to be trouble ahead, small or big matter, it seemed that he had to face a bit of annoyance in one way or another.

But it was worth it, so he thought as he nodded his head cautiously. He then spoke towards Zyv: "Little Zyv, continue, I want to hear more."

Giggling a little and muttering something about being more useful than her own big bro, Zyv then closed her eyes for a moment to recollect her thoughts, probably, as she then opened them with their white glow becoming a little blinding before slowly subsiding.

"Right now, we are at the Eternal Silhouette Region, located at the far North of Main Kingdom. Its Division is called Rainbow Shadow, funny right?! How can a shadow form a rainbow? Aiyo, this game's weird!"

Tongqiu: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"A-ahem." Seeing him be just so silly and silent, Zyv silently thought to herself to put a spell to escape of his own against her so that she wouldn't be charmed instead before continuing: "From its Rainbow Shadow Division, its five Sub-Divisions are; Hidden Black Shadow Sub-Division in the East. Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division in the South. Hidden Crimson Shadow Sub-Division in the North and finally, the Hidden Grey Shadow Sub-Division in the West! Though these do not have any potent nor outstanding Core Element quality so as to speak, it is said that there is a 'black magic' secret all around the entire Region. Its current 'protectors' are known to be practically useless and if they're alive, then they're non-physical and cannot intrude into the Region's contend for power. Its leaders are just as corrupted and self-preserved as those from the Bright Sunset Region, well, with everyone's Region I think... Hm... Yup."

"Where we are currently is the Hidden White Shadow Region, there is tons of funny things to do here as well as to observe. To observe together, hehe."

"Oh, and just like in other Regions, their overlooking lord has also gone completely MIA and has not responded to their callings or bloodshed for countless years already, not even records from tens of thousands of years had any information whatsoever of this. Haaaah, isn't intriguing? Big Bro? Woaah!" Ruffling her head affectionately a couple of times, Tongqiu then pinched her nape as her entire face and upper back reddened at once.

"Oh, sorry." Tongqiu was surprised as he tried to get her to calm down but the warmth of his hand only made her grow unsteady on her horse, almost falling a couple of times even.

"Big Brother Wolfy... not here, not in public, wuuu..."

Tongqiu: "..."

"Ahem, next story telling from your Little Zyv is... Wonder Region! The Wonder Region is located at the far South of Main Kingdom and its also the Region with a greater amount and quality of harvestable items of all grade, specially minerals! Or those found in the caves, or those high up in the mountains? Aiya. Ehem, its Division is called Precious Stone Division while its five Sub-Divisions are; the Precious Emerald Sub-Division in the East. The Precious Citrine Sub-Division in the South. The Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division in the North and finally, the Precious Sapphire Sub-Division in the West. Besides having lots ore out in the open of low grades, it is said that their protectors are all made from the most precious materials that there can be in Main Kingdom... If only I could kill them, and take their items, woaaah." Eyes shining and mouth becoming agape, only to be closed back in thanks to Tongqiu's hand that wasn't falling into depravity, Zyv then stopped speaking for a while as they have already arrived somewhere close to the lake she's been mentioning so much about.

"Mn, here! Big Brother, let's give these little horseys a goodbye now, okay?"

"Mn." He didn't care, they had many scrolls to return back towards a town and even the Main City. 

Zyv then dismounted with Tongqiu following her right after, while standing in front of them, she waved at them as she caressed the top of their heads as she spoke: "Okay~, bye bye horseys, run or I'll eat you~~."

Instead of becoming frenetic or getting scared, they both looked between Tongqiu and Zyv for a little, their eyes wandering freely and affectionately even. There were a couple of 'neigh, neighs' as they then nuzzled against Zyv and Tongqiu, albeit somewhat scared, before turning around and departing. A few seconds after they began walking away, a light blue beam came right towards them as they were slowly taken back by possible the mount seller at the town where they bought them.

It was the first time Tongqiu was seeing this, Zyv held his wrist tenderly before saying: "Oh, don't worry~. They are taken back like that, otherwise they'll be either eaten by mobs, stolen by NPCs or even 'Journeyers'. So they have this method to recuperate them as soon as possible, it doesn't hurt them besides making them dizzy for a little."

"In fact, is like what I'm capable of achieving once I transform into 'Wild' Zyv, grrr." She then made a gesture with her hand in a reversed 'L' shape as she brought it up and down before adding: "Though in much lower levels than that, hehe."

"It's okay." He was only surprised about it, but maybe Zyv herself did care about them, so he didn't added anything else and began to tug at her to start leading the way.

Being annoyed by his dumb actions, she scrunched her nose and brows together before making her way into the spacious, little dark forest: "Follow me~."

. . .


As they were moving forwards for about 20 minutes after having bid farewell to their horses, Zyv continued to lead the conversation as Tongqiu remained silent, as he listened to Zyv's endless talk about the numerous things he has seen before and compared to this, that look like 'that' but are different because they can do 'something' and so on, and so on.

At tihs moment, Tongqiu spoke out at last towards her: "Eh, I have a bow that I made not too long ago, would you like to see it?"

"Yup! Lemme see it!" Ignoring her probably accidental double meaningful words, he took out his Short Azure Wind Bow before passing it to her.

"What do you think-" Not even allowing him to finish speaking, she took the short bow into his arms as she held it tightly while rubbing it over and over again. She then spoke in fascination: "Waaaah! This smell of Big Brother is craaaaaazy!! How beautiful, ah, if it was of a lighter color, it'll match my eyes~."

Then, she stopped moving altogether before proceeding to look at Tongqiu expectantly as she then said: "Big Brother Wolfy... were you thinking of me while doing this? Eh..."

Tongqiu decided to pat her head before ruffling her hair, she didn't made an annoyed face this time as her innocent, completely open eyes were staring dead-straight at his'. Seeing this, Tongqiu lowered his head, quite a lot; but before their lips could touch, he lifted his head as her little nose was smooched instead before being pinched by his right index finger and thumb instead.

"Blaaargh! Disgusting~, smelly Big Brother Wolfy!"

"Mn, look. These are mine, I recently upgraded them too. Aren't they great?" Tongqiu the took out his two Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladius with each one being held by his hands.


They made an exaggerated, heroic sound as if trying to complement their master as much as they could. Tongqiu thought it to be silly but Zyv's eyes shined ever so admiringly while her nose was fidgeting nonstop.

Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff...

"Mnnnn!! I like~." Her body actually turned somewhat jelly as she then looked at Tongqiu. He caught her before placing her on the ground with her back on a tree which he had already scanned multiple times in less than 2 seconds completely.

Tongqiu then looked at her with his face slightly closer to hers as he said: "Stay here, look at those incoming cats, I'll go and get some meat from their corpses so that you can cook for me, okay?"

"Mn, mn~ go~, grrr." Still 'drunk' on Tongqiu's smell, Zyv remained besotted in pure tenderness as she watched his back slowly distance itself from her view. Yet with her incredible eyesight, she could see his every movement, fist, punch, slap, swish of his gladiuses, hack, slash and thrusts. His muscles were ever so standing out even more thanks to the weird full suit he was wearing.

Zyv subconsciously grabbed tighter and pulled the Short Azure Wind Bow even closer as her eyes turned hypnotized, totally unwilling to let him take this bow back!

'Yup... I'm not ever going to let him use a bow in my presence...'

Zyv: ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

. . .


After a good while, Tongqiu came back with Zyv having levelled up from LV23 to LV24.

Those cats were simple cats that ranged from LV30 to LV33 so it was easy to get many Experience out of those. If the enemies were of this level, then it was no wonder how a player that was focused on sightseeing would be able to kill them, even more so if that player had was the possessor of an Universal hidden class like her.

"Ready?" Tongqiu definitely didn't notice the pair of eyes on him that were definitely not from those of a young girl towards a young male.

"Mhm, eh! Nope!"

As Tongqiu tried to help Zyv up, she obediently stood up on her feet with his help. However, once he indicated for her to give him his bow back, she jolted backwards as she almost fell back on her butt.

Tongqiu was speechless and helpless towards something he still didn't even understood well: "Eh..."

"L-let me keep it? Yes, pleeease~?" Her face threatened to turn teary, no, there was a tear emerging from each eye already with her head lowered as she begged with her gaze alone at him.

Rolling his eyes, he decisively said: "Keep it. But if a bad BOSS comes, I'll take it from you, okay?"

Zyv was being childish and spoiled, bratty. But she understood that dying here and being separated once again was quite the stupid way, so her head obediently nodded in return to his words.

Gazing at her for a good a while, Tongqiu then cunningly spoke 'without noticing': "By the way, if we do get killed here and go back to our respective Regions. Would it take a lot of time for you to come back to me?"

"Ehe-hehehe." Crisply giggling at once from his warm meaningful words, Zyv then went back to her usual self when being with Tongqiu as she brattily spoke out: "Nope~! I can instantly go back towards a place I've already visited, I can do that without cost even! So don't be sad, I can always come back, hehe."

Tongqiu circled her shoulder with his left arm as they once again began walking towards the lake that she was so much enchanted by. Zyv also chose to continue speaking of the following Regions to Tongqiu as they walked.

"Big Brother Wolfy, the Origin Pertaining Region is located at the far west of Main Kingdom, it's the Region where the Core Elements are not only the strongest except for the Water Core Element, but also where they are venerated even more than their own leaders by their inhabitants. This includes mobs and named BOSSes, not only NPCs, you know?"

"Its Division is called as the Worshiping Lands Division, and its five Sub-Divisions are; Land of Water Sub-Division, in the East, with its Water Core Element being second only to the Azure Dragon's Sub-Division. Land of Fire Sub-Division, in the South, where warmth is to never go away. Land of Earth Sub-Division, in the North; unlike the Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Division, this one has a great desert AND incredible lush vegetation, making it truly beautiful and tropical. Lastly, there is the Land of Wind Sub-Division in the West, Lightning Core Element sometimes appears there and it grants whoever is lucky, and strong, enough a great change in destiny!"

"It is said that most NPCs born in the Pertaining Origin Region are naturally gifted to become at least a low-level mage. Their ways of training, of growing stronger, are also much more severe yet much more efficient!"

"Mn, that's it for all Regions that are located at the far away sections from the central Regions of Main Kingdom. Now, there is only three Regions left, two of them are closer to the core center of Main Kingdom while the last one is the center of Main Kingdom. Since I've already started with those Regions far away first, I'll continue with the two central ones before the true central Region, okay?"

Nodding at this little beauty whose explanations were that of a passionate historian, Tongqiu then actually proceeded to carry her princess style with his bow still in his arms. This way, if there was an unknown hella stronger BOSS that sneaked upon them, he'll be able to save both of them. Well, with his Mental Power, not even Heavenly BOSS Rosey could sneak attack on him successfully, but it was just never bad to be cautious.

"Fate Meeting Region is located Southwest of 'Central' Main Kingdom with its Division being called Clear Future Division. Its Sub-Divisions are Fortuitous Encounter Sub-Division in the East, Clandestine Vocation Sub-Division in the South, Grasped Potential Sub-Division in the North and Lucky Chance Sub-Division in the West. This was once a Region that had countless geniuses; whether that be for battling, strategy, magic, intelligence, innovation, abilities and strength. But, though the number of incredible people in their ranks was high, they were actually not comparable to those of the rest of the Regions who lacked in such talent a lot, only having 1 or none at all in each generation."

"Haah~, Big Bro, I'm thirsty. Give me?" Rolling his eyes, an act to deprive himself from his own thoughts, Tongqiu then took out an already envisioned-to-be-useful item from his Master's Bag space before calmly watching a thirsty Zyv down it entirely.

"Phew! Better! Oh, look! We're already here, we're here! Ehehehe."

Behaving like a little kid that has found themselves in the middle of a theme park, Zyv then finally showed what she so much wanted to bring Tongqiu here for. And he was left speechless, dazed and spellbound.

The everything outside of this little 'enclosure' that was around 600 meters in diameter big, surrounded by thick bushes; was the denomination of a light blue pure yet dark and somber astronomical body of water in the middle of everything like a gorge, taking up to 4/6 of the entire enclosure. There was a slope with many humps that seemed to be made from durable and water-resistant pale yellow dirt, holding the stick-like long trees that had their trunk be of a grey, light green murky color with pale-dark green leaves.

It was day time right now, but inside this 'enclosure', it was as if night yet light easily reached around everywhere and perfectly.

The water seemed to have stars, actual twinkling stars! Unknown to whether it was on top of the water or if submerged as well as it was clearly too difficult to discern with the naked eye from above. That along the 7 to 8 meters long deep slope, the entire enclosed are seemed to radiate the profoundness of an enigma abandoned by time.

It was at this moment that Tongqiu heard the happily breathing in and out Zyv exclaim out loud without a care of disturbing their surroundings: "Look! Big Brother! There's a water cat!"

With her left index finger pointing at a direction, Tongqiu followed her finger to set his eyes on what seemed to be a 1,30 meters long cat with white fur and dark fur around its eyes, paws and nose as well as the tip of its tail.

[Spirit-Current Water Cat]: Type: Beast, Level: 60, HP: 51,250. A spiritual type of beast whose necessity to develop into a stronger version of itself is that of the Water Core Element. This species is needy of a small amount of nutrition but of an incredible quality and would never remain at a place that does not suit their needs specifically, not happily.

Skills: Water Body, Waterjet, Smooth Claws and Limpid Body.

Well, it was indeed as Zyv have said. It was just that, she didn't said these were LV60!

Nor that they were all of a certain Element, giving them special abilities and properties as well. And she even roasted their meat a lot? Oh boy, her stats must be really good, because her skills were really, really good at self-buffing then the only reasonable explanation that her own equipment and weapon or weapons are really, really good as well. Or at least, that they were focused in STR and DEX, for as there wasn't a close reading of her name in the first two pages of the Equipment Leaderboard.

"Ehehehe, I'm getting hungry again, let's go! I bet I can catch more water cats than Big Brother Wolfy, wohoo!"




V2: #2 9/10

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